Saturday, November 14, 2020


  Back in the early 1980s is when it all started. “Something” got into so many Christians at the same time. What caused that change? The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-II) in 1973 changed the diagnosis of homosexuality from and abnormality to normality. What caused that change in diagnosis? Homosexuality, up until that time, had been a “disturbance” or deviation from normal behavior.

  Because of the great number of vocal homosexuals that protested that diagnosis, it was changed from “abnormal” to “normal” and a new abnormality (sic) took its place — homophobia. Statistics and mob mentality had shifted the opinion of psychologists! Presently, homosexuality is not only accepted by the world, but by the defiant Church – those that practice social justice and liberation theology. Note that they not only changed the Word of God but natural law as well. What had been unnatural became the new natural (sic).

  The corrupt nature of men had become acceptable in society and the church. Peter saw that and was very vocal about it. He himself protested defiant and deviate behavior! Natural man — those corrupted by the world — were by the grace of God to become incorruptible, “Ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust” (1 Pet 1:4).

  Those with a divine natural put away sexual lusts. “Sexuality” was what Peter was writing about, not the lust of money, but perhaps that too. Everything is about money. Corruption can be found at the end of the “money trail.” Some in the Church were homosexuals, and because Peter mentioned the sins of Balaam, someone was making money from aberrant sexual behavior!

  Remembering that “the love of money is the root of all evil” (1 Tim 6:10), acceptance is not out of love but for gain. In modern times, many accept homosexuality because their household incomes are greater than the normative. Advertisers cater to homosexuals because they have greater wealth.

  Acceptance of corrupt behavior is mostly about money. Even the acceptance of the sexual sin of abortion, is about profits from killing the product of sexual intimacy. Planned Parenthood has demonstrated that they are unloving with their selling of body parts of human beings. It is most always about monetary gain for sin to be acceptable.

  Why does the church accept homosexuality? It is the Doctrine of Balaam — homosexuals have money. When accepting homosexuality, the church is prostituting itself for money. To accept abortion is again, the church prostituting itself for money!

  The “divine nature” is not the normative to the criteria of the world, but the peculiarity of God’s chosen people (1 Pet 2:9). Not only are Christians to be righteous, but to not gather with the unrighteous, accept of course, to carry on the Great Commission.

  In the Old Testament, Lot had chosen to live where sin was the normative: “Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the plain of Jordan, that it was well watered every where, before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, even as the garden of the Lord” (Gen 13:10). Lot followed the money trail. He went to live in sin because that was like Paradise in his eyes. He failed to see the sin for the beautiful Garden. Is that not the sin of Eve?

  Apparently, sin had entered the churches of apostolic times. Peter wrote the letter “To those who have obtained like precious faith with by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Pet 1:1). He was writing to Christians — those with divine natures — who had accepted sinful behaviors as a normal behavior for new Christians. The inference is that not only is homosexuality a sinful nature, but those who tolerate sinful behavior as well. Peter demonstrated the problem with that using Lot as an example:

KEY VERSES: 6 And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly; 7 And delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked: 8 (For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds;) (2 Pet 2:6-8)

  Peter wrote that God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah as an example to those who live ungodly. What was ungodly about Sodom and Gomorrah?

4 But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter: 5 And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them. (Gen 19:4-5)

  To “know” is sexual intercourse. To that request, Lot offered his daughters instead of the men angels. “Both old and young men” preferred the male angels. Homosexuality was the “norm” in Sodom and Gomorrah. Apparently, the SPA (Sodom Psychiatric Association) had ruled that before 1900 BC! — that is was okay to be homosexual.

  The reference was to “the men of the city… young and old…all the people” were homosexuals.  Surely homosexuals were the “old normal” in Sodom. Why “old normal?” It was the same sins as in Noah’s time where the men desired to have abnormal sex with angels. The “old norm” had soon become the “new norm” and that is the same “norm” espoused by the world today.

  Homosexuality was and is a “harbinger” to bring about the destruction of the world, just as in the days of Noah, Lot, and today. The world was destroyed by water as a warning, two cities by fire as a warning, and now the warning is destruction of the entire world by fire! Churches that condone homosexuality as normal will go up in flames with the world and those in the church who tolerate it will go to Hell with them.

  According to the key verse, Lot was just. Although he should not have lived in Sodom he was there. Noah should have lived on the Holy Mountain, but instead he was on the unholy plain with Cain’s seed who were sexually immoral – the “new norm” of that day. When righteous people live with, associate with, and accept unrighteous behavior as okay, they challenge God. God had mercy on Lot and his wife, but still, she turned back and looked longingly at Sodom and Gomorrah. She had accepted their behavior and God struck her dead and made her as dead as the Dead Sea where her pillar dissolved.

  Peter was warning against that. Like Lot who was, “vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked,” the Churches of Asia were vexed in like manner. Apparently, the Churches had been infiltrated by those who claimed to be righteous but were wicked: Peter wrote that homosexuality had, “vexed his (Lot’s) righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds.” “Vexed” was that homosexuality had been “problematic” for him.

  Even psychologists admit that most influence the thoughts and behaviors of others and that good therapy is withdrawing from those who influence. Christians withdrawing from the influence of the world is “sanctification.” It is righteousness living outside the influence of unrighteous people.

  Homosexuality is accepted today because the world is now the image of Sodom and Gomorrah. Because so many men and women engage in homosexual behavior, that behavior is the return of the “old norm.”

  I write, “behavior” because sexual activity is a response to lusts. Lusts are operant conditioning from the world to the people. Americans have become conditioned to sin and see it with clouded vision. Because the world defines it as “normal” does not make it normal! “Normality” is using biological tools for their intended purpose. It is as unnatural to engage in coitus with like tools as it is to remove a Phillips screw with another Phillips screw. Anyone who differs on that are fools, or as naïve as Eve, and a useful tool to beguile righteous people.

  Satan’s M.O. is not to bring down sinners, but Christians. Whenever Christians accept the philosophies of the world, Satan has been successful. His way is not to test the unrighteous, but the righteous. Homosexuals know that they are abnormal because they suffer depression out of conviction and guilt. The way of psychology is to remove the guilt; the Way of Jesus is to remove the sin!

  The mainstream Churches in apostolic times were being lured away from the faith by righteous people tolerating sin and living normal (sic) lives with sinners. The Church included homosexuals and the members of the Church tolerated their Sodom-like behavior. Like Lot’s wife, in the apocalypse, they too will be turned to “salt” and be engulfed in the “Dead Sea” of Hell.

  The mainstream churches of today are advised to read and consider Peter’s letter to the apostolic Church and directed to today’s mainstream churches. If your church denomination tolerates homosexuality, then your faith is as weak as a grain of salt, and rather than being part of the solution of saving souls, you are part of the problem with souls perishing.

  Why correct and reprove Christians who are sinful? Because God wants that “none should perish” (John 3:16). Christians should teach that homosexuality is a sin against God so that they would desire a new divine nature just as those peculiar Christians that differ from the world!

  Saving homosexuals from perishing is not hatred, but what love is all about. I have those who I love who choose homosexual lifestyles. I want that they never perish. With that, neither do I tolerate homosexual behavior, just as I do not tolerate any type of fornication. Of course, any toleration of sin on my part does not damn anyone, but me. It matters little what I judge but how God judges sinners. My opinion must rest on the Will of God, not on the philosophy or preferences of men.

(picture credit: Getty Images; "Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah")

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