Tuesday, November 3, 2020


   I am writing as I read the Bible in chronological order. I cannot just skip over God’s Word as it is there for a reason. I will never passover biblical truth to avoid offense. If the Word of God does not offend, then how could we ever be convicted of sin? Today, because I must, I tackle the divisive issue of gender roles. Remember, I am only a messenger, so do not shoot me! However, I do believe that women do have a role in the Church, but that is for another day. 

  Feminism is based on the idea that women are no longer to be silent. Initially, it was only limited to two goals: (1) The right to vote, and (2) job equity, or equal pay for equal work. Few could argue against those two things, and ironically, men saw the light, and women gained the right to vote, and men provided the opportunities for equal pay.

  The right to vote was fair. Negroes, in the Constitution, had been counted as 3/5th citizens, but women non-citizens. America is not Paradise, and this was for citizenship in a country, not a spiritual realm. Countries have different laws than the Kingdom of God, and hence the concept of “fairness” differs between Church and State.

  In the Kingdom of God, women and men are equal, but their roles differ. Examine the evidence: (1) Only Adam was given the Law, and (2) only Adam was given an assignment; “And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, ‘Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it’” (Gen 2:16-17), and “The Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it” (Gen 2:15). Eve was given no such command nor authority but took it upon herself to tell the Serpent the Law, wrongly, and it was she who stood under the wrong tree.

  The two trees in the middle of the Garden were metaphorical trees as well as real trees. The Tree of Life was the Way to eternal life (Gen 3:24). Cherubim were placed to the east of the Garden to keep the Way to life. That had been Adam’s role, but Eve assumed that position, but she “guarded” the Tree of Death, or the Wisdom Tree. Hence, cherubim were assigned to do Adam’s job.

  God gave the Law to Adam before Eve was even created. It was Adam’s Law to keep, not Eve’s. Eve’s sin was like the Centurions who killed Jesus; they knew not what they doing, according to Jesus (Luke 23:34). Eve had no idea what death was nor the Law. When she ate the fruit, she showed her ignorance of the Law by misstating it and did not fear death as she knew only life!

  Sin was accounted to Adam (Rom 5:12). Adam committed “presumptuous sin.” That means that he knew the Law, understood it, and broke it anyway. He had “hearkened unto the voice of thy wife” rather than God. She had become his “goddess” (Gen 3:17). She, rather than hearkening unto Adam who had revealed the Law to her, she listened to the Serpent.

  Adam sinned because Eve did not remain silent. Also, her voice did not discount the Serpent’s but perhaps Adam’s would have. Adam should have been there, standing under the Tree of Life, not the Wisdom Tree, and rebuking the Serpent from afar.

  The canopy of the Tree of Life was their “Church.” The canopy of the Wisdom Tree was the “false church” which I call the “Philosophy Tree.” Paul warned, “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy” (Col 2:8) and when he wrote his first letter to the younger man, Timothy, he was warning about philosophy and its influence in the church in Colosse: 

11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. 12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. 13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. (1 Tim 2:11-14) 

  Paul was telling Timothy that women are to be silent in the church. The reason he gave was the case of Eve assuming the role of spokesman over Adam in the beginning. Although Adam broke the Law, it was Eve’s fault. He listened to his wife who should have been under the Tree of Life, and standing there silently. Adam was God’s “priest,” but Eve was not a priestess. It was Adam who was to serve and preserve future men and women (dress and keep them, as it is translated).

  All that Paul was doing was explaining the Will of God, which is that a woman is not to teach nor have authority over men. They were to be a “help meet for Adam” (Gen 2:18). A “help-meet” is “one who helps” (Strong’s Dictionary). Women can be deaconesses and administer to young girls and women. Like men, whose body belongs firstly to God, the body of women belong also to men: “The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife” (1 Cor 7:4). Husband and wife have authority over each other. That is referencing conjugation in that passage.

  Feminists soon added another demand; that they have power over their own bodies. They demanded sexual freedom and independence from men. Rather than “one flesh” under God (Mat 9:16), feminists demanded that authority be put asunder. The feminist movement had cracked open the “door” that God made. Their demand was to be “Eves” and do whatever suits them.

  Then the “door” opened more as women stretched the limits. “My body, my choice!” became their slogan. They referred to bodies of another human being. God ordained women to bear children: “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it” (Gen 1:28). Adam and Eve were to be one, and the two together were charged with replenishing the Earth. Feminists make themselves out to be goddesses as Eve did things as if she is God (Gen 3:5).

  Paul pointed out that neither men’s nor women’s bodies are their own; the body of both genders belong to God and to each other. Feminism defiles God, and shamefully, woos men still hearken unto deceived women!

  And then feminism opened the door even more! They supported homosexuality. Their bodies no longer belong to Adam, but to other “Eves.” After all, it is their body to do with as they please! Why did Adam and Eve make “aprons of fig leaves” (Gen 3:7)? Because they were their own “law” and they had to cover their shame.

  Somehow their genitalia had become their masters. Rather than procreate, Eves were to deviate with Eves and Adams with Adams. The feminists movement is all about sexual freedom, and that is why Paul taught that they should remain silent in the Church.

  Eve finally submitted to God and the Word (Jesus; John 1) covered her with His “flesh” as he supplied the lamb. Eve suffered the consequences of her sin and was humbled. That would not work for Satan. Satan had surely lusted after the flesh of Eve. She surely felt his eyes on her.

  Why would that be? Both of them covered their flesh? From the eyes of whom? God had already seen the flesh. After all he made it very good! They covered their flesh from the leering eyes of Satan.

  Because Eve would no longer be his help-meet, Satan created another one. He supplied Adam with a fictitious wife. He her name was “Liyliyth” (Lilith), the “screech owl,” “night creature,”  and female demon from Isaiah 34:14. She was not in the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil but early creation mythology placed her there as the “night owl.” Then they made Lilith Adam’s first wife as if there had been two creations!

  Perhaps Eve was ashamed because she saw a demoness in the Tree of Knowledge with the Serpent. Perhaps lesbianism introduced itself to mankind when Eve lusted the fruits of that tree! Of course, that is speculation, but they covered their genitals for a reason, and soon we learn that the Sons of God had carnal knowledge with the daughters of men. Perhaps, as sacred literature states, that angels and humans had intercourse. Carnal activity with spiritual knowledge was only for human men and women, not for angels or beasts!

  What do “beasts” do? They fornicate at will without hindrance. Their bodies belong neither to God nor each other. With original sin, Adam’s seed and Eve’s offspring became as the beasts, not as gods!

  Lilith was handy and feminists quickly adapted the myth of her to their cause. As the story goes, Lilith left Adam because she demanded independence. As such, Lilith was the first presumptuous feminist if she had been real. Lilith is the sex goddess of myth-based pagan religions. Lilith is also the mentor of feminists who admire her independence and sexual prowess. She was even said to have eaten her babies, and that the eggs of the night owl were not even safe under her! That is why she is the abortion goddess!

  God did not create Lilith. Satan did! He needed Lilith to diminish God. Screech owls are noted for one thing; they are not silent! Now can you understand why women must be silent in the Church and why they are under the authority of men?

  Why were vocal women seen to be a problem in the Church? Just look at the modern churches; the most liberal are churches that allow women preachers, ministers, bishops, and deacons. From an anecdotal, but obvious, standpoint, women preachers preach feminism and are defiant of the authority of men in the Church.

  Preachers fail to preach the truth about gender-role assignments to not offend liberal-minded women. Women are to help men reach the lost, but their role is much different. Obedient Christian women understand because they listen to God in their silence. They say more with their silence than vocal women do with their clamor!

  Why is same-sex marriage allowed in mainstream churches? Because their bishops listen to the philosophy of men. Psychology created their own “truth”” that they “are born this way.” Women spread that deception. Lady Gaga sings “Born This Way.” The Church listens to the false doctrines of the world.

  Why do mainstream churches remain silent about abortion or even condone it? So as not to offend independent-minded women! Why is the Church becoming the “harlot” in God’s viewpoint? Because they have not even shame to even conceal their doctrine of sexual independence. The “fig leaves” have fallen as the bricks fall from the Church (Isa 9:10).

  Now for my own apologetic: I write this because it is the truth! I am not a Meninist nor do I want to diminish women. However, when feminists exalt themselves, they diminish God. I am angry because most preachers would rather keep silent to not offend women even though they offend God. Adam even had the courage to credit the woman for alluring him to sin, but preachers remain silent on a huge problem. Is it not ironic that it is the women who are to remain silent, but instead woos men do? Yes, indeed, men are the Adams!

(picture credit; National Audubon Society; Screech Owl)

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