Wednesday, November 11, 2020



KEY VERSES: Let thy lovingkindness and thy truth continually preserve me.” (Psalm 40:11). “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. (John 8:32)

Preservation until death is salvation. Truth saves sinners. Sinning is desiring something TO BE that is not. Sinners want TO BE what is impossible. “TO BE” is the archaic and precise meaning of sin. The Serpent truthfully pointed out that the first sinners desired TO BE as God (Gen 3:5). That is what they desire TO BE, but desire is not reality. People will never BE God. Only God IS.

The Serpent told the truth! Furthermore, the truth is that thinking fallacious thoughts are damning. When Jesus was condemned to die, Pilate asked the philosophical question, “What is truth” (John 18:38). The truth was that there was no fault in Jesus; and that everyone who hears His Voice is in truth. Of course, the Voice of Jesus are the written Words of Jesus and the silent wisdom from the Holy Ghost.

Truth frees! From what does it free? Deception. It frees from death and damnation! Why would anyone want to believe a lie? Why would anyone fall for big lies? Perhaps because of two things: (1) They do not understand truth or (2) they reject the truth.

Pilate accepted the truth about Jesus. The crowd preferred to believe the Big Lie — that Jesus was guilty of something or anything, and deserved death. They had taken Jesus to the judgment seat. Regardless of the truth, by then they could not turn back! Some knew the truth, but yelled, “Crucify Him” anyway, but many others thought Jesus TO BE the criminal when it was themselves.

The nature of Adam was innocence and Eve too because she followed Adam who followed God. Before sin, only knowledge of good existed in the Garden, but afterwards, the knowledge of evil was imbued. Evil is of many kinds but can be summarized by “untruth.” Hence all men are prone to believe untruths, and when they hear the truth; they can either believe or disbelieve. People disbelieve because it is much easier! Truth is difficult to accept. Why is that? Because of human pride. People want TO BE right all the time, and when they are not, their self-concept must be preserved at all costs.

Nobody likes to be wrong! Neither do I because I am human. Scripture is to set me straight. It is to set you straight. All things are to be tested by the Word (1 John 4:1).

 People act wrongly when they fail to test their thoughts and deeds by self-examination to God’s standard — truth. Most of the time, their quick self-examination, is what they perceive as truth. Truth does not come easily. Satan blinds from the truth! Those with fidelity to God must seek truth (Mat 7:7).

 People prefer to discard truth because they must protect their fantasies at all costs! That is human nature. Adam and Eve protected their fantasy that they would never believe a lie by covering their nakedness. Most people ae more shameful. They fall for bald-faced lies and have no shame. They put a “hedge” around their minds to protect it from truth.

So long as people accept lies over truth, there will be sin. Therefore, there will always be sin because people accept lies over truth. They prefer bondage to freedom because when they are free, they must reject much of what the world says. They also must reject themselves!

Those people know that they will be outcasts on their own planet. God knows that too! That is why we are to be “set apart” (sanctified) and peculiar people. “Peculiar” is unlike the world. Christians today strive to be like the world, and that is an easy, natural task. They even bring the world to Church, not for conversion of the world, but for the reversion of the Christians.

The truth is that people prefer lies; that way they can live in the privacy of their own little worlds and never go out unto it in truth.

What did Eve want the Serpent to say? Eat… you will not die! He told her exactly what she wanted to hear. She knew it was deception but diminished God anyway. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow; nothing has changed nor will change, for it is written:

3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. (2 Tim 4:3-4) 

People still choose the fruit that will kill. Just because death cannot be seen, does not make it living. “Fables” are mythology, unproven scientific hypotheses, philosophy, psychology, and other deceptions.  Now even life itself is a fable! People live the lie.

The “Big Lie” is something so absurd that it could not be false.  The philosophy of men is the Big Lie. Think on the absurdity that the universe just happened. Think of the absurdity that life sprang from nothing. That is alchemy. Think of the absurdity that men who cannot fix themselves can fix you!

Think on the absurdity that sin will not kill when people have always died because of it. Think on the absurdity that the Doctrine of Satan can repair the Truth of God.

Philosophy misunderstands truth as repression, when the truth is that it frees from the wrongly thoughts of sinful people (John 8:32). In the eyes of psychologists, the Doctrine of Christ is repressive, and the doctrine of sin is expressive. Just what is sin? TO BE master of your own domain; each person to do, “whatsoever is right in his own eyes” (Deut 12:8).

Freedom from righteous living kills, not righteous living which preserves life. Righteousness is doing what is right, not what people perceive as right.  Evil makes people perceive wrong as right. That wrong perception is inborn. It is Satan’s way of controlling his automatons who naturally choose deception over truth.

Psychology is to free people who are under conviction from their guilt coming from disobedience to the Will of God. Is that not absurd? To relieve guilt, does it not make more sense to not be guilty? If one is in jail, which makes more sense; to continue in criminal activities in jail, or be released from jail? Sane people obey because they value freedom more than lusts. Which makes more sense to Christians; obeying God and remaining free, or allowing Satan to deceive and continuing in bondage?

The choice is a matter of faith. Which “god” do you want to relieve wrath? The True God or yourself? People get angry when they do not get their way. People even cry when they cannot do what they wish to do. People are anxious when they do wrong because God convicts them of their wrongdoing. They seek reprieve from others to relieve them from guilt, to wit: It is okay if you sin; we understand! That is not God speaking; that is the voice of the Devil in the cunning Serpent. It is not okay, but God understands; He understands sin because sin is from His adversary, Satan.

People are manipulated. Herein, I write the truth, but even those who are Christians will cling to their fable like a fly stuck on sticky paper, or as Peter wrote, “After their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth.” Lusts are not only desires but pride in them. Pride keeps people from the truth. They just cannot stand being wrong, but before the Great White Throne Judgment, they shall be shown their list of wrongs!

Heaping on teachers are pursuing the philosophies of the world — any doctrine but God’s Doctrine. People do have “itching ears.” They need reinforcement for their false perceptions. (In psychology, that is “reinforcement error.”)

Others tell them what they want to hear, and that satisfies their nature. When others tell them the truth, they become angry and bitter.

Human beings are so easy to manipulate; not by those who love them, but by those who use them for their own purposes. Just what is their purpose? To propagate a world view for the “common good” — another Big Lie because it is for their own good!

How long is the counsel of those who love you? Without end! How long is the council of those who use you? Until the money runs out! People still trust in those in the pursuit of money over those in pursuit of truth because they love you. Silly human beings; even the beasts know who really loves them! It is not the vet but the one who cares enough to take them to the vet.

And that is the truth! The gospel truth.

(picture credit: gettyimages; "Goebbles making a speech)





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