Thursday, December 10, 2020

THE MENORAH Part 1 of 3

 The number “7” represents God. The first thing that comes to mind with that number is the Jewish Menorah, a lampstand with seven lamps. Seven is the first number that God revealed to John the Revelator with the identification of the seven churches of Asia (Rev 1:4). As usual, the Book of Revelation is apocalyptic, meaning that it reveals hidden information.

  The first number hidden is from Whom the revelation came — the One Person of God, Jesus the Christ (John 1:1). With that, “One” is the holiest number, but seven represents the One through the Light of the Menorah. There is One Light, and One Lampstand. Although one lampstand, there are seven lamps on one stand, each of different intensities.

  What information could the Revelation reveal? Information about the happenings of the Roman Empire (preterist), things that would occur until the second coming of Jesus (historicist), events at Christ’s second coming (futurist), or symbolic things (idealist). God cannot be classified; He reveals knowledge that applies to all ages, and symbolism is used often to amplify His message. For instance, the resistance of Israel to God is the same resistance the world had for Jesus. Likewise, the resistance that the world had at the advent of Jesus first coming is the same resistance the world will have at the advent of His second coming.

  Revelation is a complex revealing of what shall come about, likely for the Israelites, the Roman Empire, the Holy Roman Empire, the Napoleonic Unholy Roman Empire, the Nazi Unholy Roman Empire, and the Islamic/Communistic (Sharia Law) Unholy World Empire in the end of days, or the Apocalypse (this prophetic revelation of magnanimous destruction, or the inferno). In other words, the vision that John saw is what happened to the Kingdom of David, what happened to Judea, what happened to the Roman Empire, and what happened through all the ages, ending with what will happen to the world in like manner. Isaiah said it rightly, “The bricks are fallen down, but we will build with hewn stone” (Isa 9:10a). What God tears down because of defiance, in defiance peoples of all ages think their “hewn stones” are better than the “fallen bricks.”

  Does the Revelation of Jesus to John still apply? You bet it does. It always has! The two campaign slogans are the same symbolism: “Make America Great Again” using the same bricks (The Constitution) on which the United States was founded, and “Build Back Better” — using “stones” that defiant people have hewn. [1] With that “reset,” the world is ready for a trip back to the future, and at the same time, a revisit to the Unholy Roman Empire!

  Many others have addressed the symbolism in the Book of Revelation. In the next few commentaries, I will not attempt to outdo those before me with my own enlightened theories, but I have wondered about the significance of the Menorah for quite some time. I will not look at Wikipedia or Google for what others say but examine the Menorah with my own eyes which I pray will be guided by God.

  Let us begin with “heavenly circles” — celestial bodies that rotate around a point in space. The orbit of a planet, such as Earth, around the Sun is the best example of a heavenly orbit.  All the planets were unknown to man in ancient times. The heavenly circles were, according to Enoch are:

  On the first upper most circle is Kruno (Saturn). On the second is Aphrodit (Venus), on the third Aris (Ares), on the fifth Zoues (Jupiter), and on the sixth Ermis (Mercury). The seventh circle is the lesser (or lower) circle, where the moon is. (2 Enoch 30:3-4) from “The Books of Enoch” (; parentheses mine)

  In other words, the Menorah may represent the solar system known at that time, but with planet Earth the apparent reference point.

  That makes sense as the “star” of Jesus is said to be an alignment of Jupiter, Saturn, the moon, and the sun (Jonathan Cahn). Cahn’s information came from the astronomer, Michael R. Molnar, who wrote:

  The Magi’s star is proposed to have been a pair of auspicious lunar occultations [hidings] of Jupiter that signified to ancient astrologers the birth of a king. These events occurred in the zodiacal sign of Aries that symbolized Herod’s kingdom during this era. The birth of Christ probably corresponded to the first lunar occultation on 6 BC March 20, that exhibited astrological attributes found in imperial [royal] horoscopes (emphasis and brackets added).

  Note that Molnar’s “occlusion” was Jupiter hidden in Aries, and that was in 6 BC, and specifically identified as March 20. Hence, the Menorah perhaps represents the coming of Jesus, and that is from a Messianic Jew, Jonathan Cahn, and Molnar’s hypotheses agrees with Enoch’s heavenly circles.

  If God is “Light” and indeed He is, then from a standpoint of heavenly circles, each heavenly body is elliptical and each further from the source of Light, and are distinct from each other. Thus, not only are heavenly circles indicative of the planetary systems but the “Star of Bethlehem” as well.

  The Menorah surely represents the advent of Jesus’s first coming, but the second advent as well. John saw the second advent of Jesus when God revealed it to him. John saw things “which must shortly take place” (Rev 1:1). At the time of his writing, Jerusalem had already fallen; its bricks had fallen down.

  “Shortly” is ambiguous. It could be the Roman Empire that fell down in 395 AD. That was “shortly” but not so crucial in eschatology because the Roman Church remains extant to this day. John surely saw the end of days, and the church types at that time. Why? The churches of Asia were contemporary to him. When did they fall? They fell with the advent of Islam, but a remnant of them still survive in Eastern Orthodoxy. John surely was looking at the Apocalypse when he saw the events that were revealed to him. 

  Tomorrow, we shall continue with the seven churches of Asia and their role as antitypes of the Menorah.

[1] The author has an online video that details how America’s bricks have fallen and some want to rebuild while others want to reset with socialism – “The Great Reset” ( and a video at Herrin Daily Thoughts: GOD'S PLAN FOR OUR FUTURE (

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