Sunday, April 18, 2021


  Slavery is not evil, but because of evil people. Moderns look back and see slavery as evil, and indeed it resulted from evil. Like it or not, by antebellum times, slavery was institutionalized. Just as the evil of abortion is accepted today as passe’ and inevitable, slavery was as well. Just as today, only a minority fight the evil of abortion, as the Civil War approached, only a few radicals fought the evil of slavery.

  Radicals insist on change and are never satisfied with a slow pace. On the other hand, radicalism causes death because of their haste. Jesus was not a hasty man. He gave everyone fair warnings all his life, but radicals crucified Him; not for change but to preserve the status quo. The multitude was comfortable under the Law. They had become comfortable being slaves to the High Priests, to Herod, and to Caesar. They were even slaves to their “congress,” the Sanhedrin. They had been acclimated to slavery.

  Jesus promised them liberty. He said, “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32). Soon after, when Jesus identified Himself as God, Pontius Pilate asked, “What is truth?”  (John 18:38)? The multitude refused to know the truth, and ultimately, they were killing their Messiah.

  Pilate had no Messiah, and he washed his hands of responsibility. They were not killing his Messiah but their own. The multitude preferred slavery to many other groups rather than voluntary servitude to God.

  Because the “servitude” was voluntary, Christians’ “work” was a privilege for them. They were free agents to come and go so long as they honored their Master. Jesus made their work easier because of the blessings He declared (Mat 5).

  Today, the masses still prefer slavery to freedom. Today, rather than Judaism, it is called “socialism.” Like Judaism in apostolic times, the Law was not what God said, but what the autocrats declared. The priests were worse than Caesar; they invented laws and regulations to control the people. There would be no Paradise in Israel, but an oligarchy of politicians who regulated literally their every move, especially on the Sabbath. The day they were to rest was the most burdensome. They had to work hard to circumvent the foolish decrees of their many governors. Even their fellow citizens condemned them for breaking the ancient Law of Moses.

  It is much the same with modern socialism. Silly and unproductive regulations and hideous irrational presidential directives are slowly destroying what God made. Patient for a few minutes, the new oligarchy is now openly after Christ. The multitude of today prefer slavery to freedom and Marx to Christ.

  Marxism corresponds quite well with the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, to wit: “The works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like” (Gal 5:19-21).

  Recently, the Constitution of the United States, the lead nation of the world, was disregarded as Democrats committed sedition against their own government. The “Build Back Better” slogan of the Democrats quickly became “Tear Down What is Great.” A key motivator for socialism is jealousy. Their slogan is, “From those with ability; to those with need” (Karl Marx). “Needs” were quickly changed to wants that were not voluntary but demanded. Demands require an autocrat to enforce.

  The “pretend President” quickly became dictatorial, tearing down America one decree at a time in the first two weeks. America is no longer great. Slavery ended in 1865, but in 2020, the multitude chose slavery over freedom. Those who fail to comply are  quickly whipped with a donkey-of-nine-tails until they bow to the wishes of the oligarchs, to wit: Biden, numerous crony capitalists (George Soros, Bill Gates et al), Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, renegade Republicans, the media, and even the heretical mainstream “Church.”

  The Church is the greatest embarrassment; even though socialism is against the institution of the Church, that institution still favors socialism. Ironically, Democrats who have always favored slavery, the KKK, and elitism are now against those things to gain power and votes. Minorities, the LBGT, and such groups are slaves to Marx and Biden and fail to even know it. As Jesus said when He was about to die, “They know not what they do” (Luke 23:34).

  Christian Americans know what they do! Just as the movie title, “I Saw What You Did Last Summer,” patriotic Americans, “Saw What You Democrats Did Last November.” As the author, F.A. Hayak, wrote in “The Road to Serfdom,” building back better is on the road to serfdom, and a return to the dark ages and to the troubled days of Russian Tsarism.

  What’s worse, it is a road back to Judaism to a time when even the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob was created a tyrant from whom Jesus came to free the world. But, alas, they murdered their own Liberator, and that is much the same today!

  The continual impeachment trials of Donald Trump, the “liberator” from Deep State tyranny, will be in the end, crucified. Although he may not be murdered, the modern way is for truth-revealers to be “suicided.” Any ordinary person would already have been deep in depression, but perhaps someone like Hillary will help Trump “suicide” himself.

  The world is tribulation. The key verses which imposed slavery follow:

17 Cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; 18 Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; 19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. (Gen 3:17-19)

  “The wages of sin is death” (Rom 6:23) but death is gradually withering. God, because of grace, was in no hurry for His prototypical man to die! Work is wearisome and wears about the body. As far as scripture reveals, Adam made it most of the way to the flood and did the sweating and hard work himself. In the Garden, God was the Husbandman, and all Adam need to do was tend the Garden. God did all the energetic things, and Adam watched and was assigned to keep it that way.

  The consequence of sin was that there would be no Garden for him, Eve, and his progeny. He would be a slave to them, and a slave to his own servantry. Adam would be a slave to slaves, so to speak.

  The flood washed away slavery. All real evil was destroyed, and the Earth would be righteous again. Even the vegetation would wither and die in the water. God in time would generate a new world like the Garden Paradise. The eight people that God saved by grace would end up on God’s Holy mountain.  A new Garden would be sewn there, and Noah was its new “Adam.” His seed would populate the regenerated world, on top of a Holy Mountain. God chose the Ararat mountains. There they flourished, growing great new crops. Noah became the husbandman with his grape crop. Rather than serving God for His grace, Noah served himself the wine and became drunken. That commences the time of the re-institution of slavery:

24 Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him. 25 And he said, “Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.” 26 And he said, “Blessed be the Lord God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.” 27 God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant. (Gen 9:2427)

  The Hebrew word, ‘ebed, is often transliterated “servant,” but it has a harsher meaning —“slave.” Canaan, the son of Ham, became a slave of slaves. He was the new sinful Adam. He would be the one to work in the thistle by the sweat of his face as punishment for sin — disrespect of his own father — just as Adam.

  In modern times, disrespect of the Father and even fathers is commonplace. Sinners keep sinning the same sin all over again, and endlessly. Honoring fathers and mothers is commanded with no contingencies. Yet rebellious sons and daughters still dishonor those who birthed them, dressed and kept them throughout their youth. Parents are servants to servants. The children should serve the father, but fathers serve their children. Modern-day socialism is the dogma of millennials. Rather than serving their elders, their doctrine is for the elders to serve them.

  Because the father sinned, the son, Canaan would be relegated, not to servanthood, but slavery. Canaan is the father of the dark races, and thenceforth, the dark races have been the greatest source of slaves. They were to serve Shem, but Shemites were to serve God.

  During the days of the judges and kings, Canaanites served the Hebrews. But when the kingdom failed, Shemites (Hebrews) served dark Egyptians, middle-eastern Canaanites, and even Greek and Roman Japhethites. They became the disobedient because they drank the spoiled wine, so to speak, as they drank the “wine of sin.”

  Modern terminology for drinking the wine is “drinking the Kool-aid,” because Jim Jones made slaves of his followers. They drank the poisoned Kool-aid to their death out of either obedience or coercion. They all died of a false doctrine.

  Jefferson Davis said, “the Confederacy died of a theory.” Slavery —people owning people — is slavery. The plantation owners were slaves to their love of money and their slaves, then, were “slaves to slaves” in correlation to Canaan’s seed.

  The millennials of this age have either (1) drank the Kool-aid of their mentors around them, or (2) have been forced through propaganda to drink the Kool-aid. After so drinking, they are owned by their malefactors. They are as slow to learn as the disciples of Jim Jones!

  Socialism is based on drinking the Kool-aid because only fools would choose slavery over freedom! But slaves said, “We were provided for!” in gratitude to their owners. Indeed, they were dressed and kept from cradle to the grave. They lived in a socialist “paradise” (sic) on the plantation, but rather than man serving them, they served their fellow men. That in a nutshell, is socialism.

  Under socialism, the “slaves” are kept at a meager subsistence, but their crony capitalist masters live on the estates. “Crony capitalism” is the sin of usury (Exod 22:25). “Usury” is making gain off the misfortune of others. When Jews enslaved Canaanites, they used them for gain. When plantation owners used slaves, it was usury. When crony capitalists use the masses for gain, that too is the sin of usury.

  Why was there slavery? Because of sin. Why does socialism exist? Because of sin.

  Socialism is wrong because people are beguiled. Those with the knowledge of evil (crony capitalists) for the love of money and power, feed off those who they beguile. The fruit that Adam and Eve consumed looked great, but immediately after they ate, they about puked with guilt. Then they tried to fix things themselves with aprons of fig leaves. They did evil freely, but to leave the evil, required they die.

  Socialism is the same. One can vote themselves in, but to leave means death.

  The sinner, Eve, was beguiled. She looked at the fruit, and thought it good, but found out just how poisonous it was.

  Adam, however, understood the poison in it because God had warned him. But he ate poisoned fruit intentionally even though he knew what it was all about.

  Adam was the first “crony capitalist” and Eve, the first “millennial feminist;” she in the first millennium and feminists in the last millennium. This is indeed the sixth “day” before God rests again on the seventh “day,” or His Millennial Reign.

  Why was Eve a feminist? Because Adam was priest and had dominion over all things. Eve was a help-mate only. When she spoke on behalf of God to the Serpent Satan, she assumed the role of priest and king.

  Why does socialism abound? Because of beguiled women. Millennial women are the liberals who with little regard for men, do things their way. They are to help man (‘adam) not put him down. They are to be one under God, not feminist and meninist with God subservient to them, or even non-Existence.

  Slavery is punishment from God for being dishonored. The two rebellious people were thrown out into tribulation in the world. There they were divided — one to work and the other to replenish and nourish. Division exists to this day amid tribulation because neither relished their job assignments.

  Men got slaves to do their work, and women abort their roles as women. Some destroy their own and others fail to nourish. Socialism is men not wanting to work and women not wanting to bear and nourish their children. Men expect the government to make others do their work and women expect the government to abort their children, or of they are born, do most of the nourishing.

  Rather than women as help-mates to men, socialism has made women the adversaries of men. Only if women and men work together as one, can the irreligion of Marxism be destroyed. Socialism is a futile attempt to destroy what God has made on the last “day” before His expected return. Perhaps the “Great Reset” is the beginning of the “Great Tribulation” right before the seventh “day” when Jesus returns to restore His Kingdom. Never fear the last day, because the seventh day will come quicky (Rev 22:20).

  At the end, the government will be like a paradise in mockery of the real Paradise. It will seem that the promised Owenite Utopia has arrived, but in the end, the last three-and-one-half years, it will be a Marxist autocracy ruled by the Antichrist.

  Its religion will surely be an amalgam of mainstream Christianity, eastern religions, and Islam. The communist government will likely be Sharia Law because there is little difference between communism and Sharia. Marxism and Islam are friends because “The enemy of the enemy is my friend,” or as scripture says, “The same day (that Jesus was “impeached, convicted, sentenced and died) Pilate and Herod were made friends together: for before they were at enmity between themselves” (Luke 23:12).

  Why are Muslims and Democrats friends? (1) The true God, Jesus, is the enemy of both, and (2) the true President, Trump, is the enemy of both Democrats and Muslims.

  The end is coming soon, as the prophets saw that in the past. Beware the dawning of a new “day” — the age of Aquarius — the age of the Antichrist. It began December 21, 2020, and now the New Age has begun.

(picture credit: Worthtpoint)

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