Wednesday, April 21, 2021


  Preachers today seldom teach on the sanctity of life. That notion is paramount, to wit: “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). All lives (the entire world of them) is precious to God. He loves all His creatures and wants that none should die!

  But why do not preachers preach what they quote so regularly? Because some in the congregation have “perished” their own children. The preachers fear that truth may offend the sinners. Indeed, it does, and should, because sin is offensive. It is not okay that any who sin can sin and continue to live without guilt.

  Just what is the purpose of preaching? Not just for hope, but for “doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” (2 Tim 3:16). How to be “right” with God? Do not perish the “whosoevers” that He loves!

  Up until the days of Noah only two men had killed — Cain and blind Lamech, his “seed” planted on the plain by Mt. Hermon, or Mount Tabor. The English word “Tabor” means “to purify” (Abarim Publications). Cain’s line had migrated from the land of Nob to Tabor to be purified. God required His people to purify by water. They did not, so He did it for them. The seed of Cain was deluged and then God disposed of them into the center of the Earth, along with the giants who were the result of fornication with Gregori angels.

  In modern terms, they had become unclean and God sent them down the “garbage disposal.” Not that they were “garbage,” but they would become even more despoiled if left on dry land.

  They were the violent ones: “The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth” (Gen 6:11-12). In the days of Noah, all Cain’s seed had become as Cain, and having the blood of demons in them did not help the situation. “Filled with violence” implies that they were a mob who did what they willed to each other. Rather than justice, the mob had taken over the plain of Tabor. They most certainly killed each other without guilt and with impunity!

  Then what happened? The seed of righteous Seth came down from the Holy Mountain and joined the fray and became violent. The righteous ones not only failed to reject violence but joined in the violence. The so-called “righteous” were treated as garbage as well and perished down the great disposal. As Ross Perot would say, “There was a giant sucking sound” as the water abated, and all but eight perished. Why? Because they did violence to one another!

KEY VERSES: Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made He man. And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein. (Gen 9:6-7)

  Cain was “of the Wicked One.” He was the loop offspring of Lucifer and Eve, if the claim is taken literally, and it seems wild, but is, perhaps, the truth. Still, to this day, human beings are of the Wicked One. That is known from Jesus in the “parable of the tares.” [i] Original sin not only instilled sin but a genetic inclination for lust and violence. Cain was the second “Beast,” the Serpent being the first Beast. By the time of Noah all but eight had become of the Wicked One. Mankind had become as beasts. They devolved, Mr. Darwin!

  The violence that was done on the plain of Tabor was men as beasts. Before the flood, God’s Covenant with Adam was that he would have dominion over the beasts. In the Garden, that would be easy because all the beasts, but one, were domesticated. Domesticated animals even came aboard the Ark. They were more compliant than the hybrid human/Gregori beasts.

  Mankind, at the behest of Satan, had created a new ugly inglorious world full of violence and hatred. Still, after the flood, the new generation continued the Adamic Covenant: “The fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered” (Gen 9:2). Now, dominion would be a struggle rather than cooperation!

  Man had become “king of the jungle” so to speak. Indeed, it would be “survival of the fittest” — who would maintain dominance by multiplication… and by the numbers. Today, people have come to realize that animated creatures that are the smallest with the most numbers are the “fittest” in Darwinian theory. Because humans have the higher intelligence now makes them the fittest to survive. However, wisdom must be applied with that knowledge. Mostly, humans are still violent enough to destroy their own.

  In a very Darwinian manner, the most powerful and intelligent are the ones that destroy their own and even select the weakest. Mostly, human beings are the kind that kills their own in the womb.

  If survival of the fittest is in numbers, then foolish men and women weaken the human race. For that reason, God will destroy the violent ones again, the next time by fire. So much for saline abortion! God will “abort” the violent ones by fire and brimstone: “The fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death” (Rev 21:8).

  Strangely, in an environmental “mother earth” fashion, those with the knowledge of evil were willing t sacrfice themselves (humanity) to save the world. Those of the Wicked One would have little trouble fitting in to the world today — where the Earth is more important than people!

  In the days of Noah, Satan successfully escaped the great sucking sound. He sneaked aboard the Ark in Noah’s or Ham’s wife. Because Ham sinned and Canaan cursed, Canaanites to this day are cursed. The cursed religion is theirs. Next time, that will not be the case; Satan will be sucked down the drain into Hell [ii] then the Earth will be entirely good again as in the beginning!

  What was God’s first directive to Adam? “Be fruitful and multiply.” [iii] What was God’s first directive in the new world? “Be ye fruitful, and multiply” (from the key verses). Nothing had changed! Eve had not multiplied with Adam but with Lucifer, and now God commanded that all creatures multiply only with their own kind!

  He had said that before! “God blessed them, saying, ‘Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth’” (Gen 1:22). Ironically, they multiplied and filled the waters of the seas. (God would know what they would do!) But regardless, God blessed mankind with the capacity to replicate – to create duplicates of their own kind — and the first thing God did is to renew that same blessing, or covenant.

  “Blessed?” What is that? In the Hebrew it is barak, or “kneeled.” (Strong’s Dictionary). What had God done? He bowed to Adam and Eve and let them be as Him. They were thereafter the “creators.” And just what, as creators, did they do? They were violent ones. The animals became “creators” as well. How did the animals behave? Civilly. They walked the Way to safety without domination. Only mankind balked at the Way to the new Paradise!

  The subject of this commentary is “the sanctity of life.” God breathed life unto the nostrils of Adam, [iv] then Adam breathed life unto Eve. [v] “Life” is imbuing inanimate objects with animation. It is taking immortal souls and implanting them into nonliving substances. God did that by breathing unto His creatures. Man does that by planting a seed into a receptacle and voila, nine months later, out comes a living soul. The womb is a sanctuary much like the Garden was the sanctuary for Adam’s and Eve’s “births.” The Garden was a paradise, and the woman’s womb is as well. The Garden was like a uterus in that they both were to be sanctuaries from the outside world — the place of violence and the home of death.

  The uterus is temporary and on loan from God to be a sanctuary for life. The umbilical cord is the “silver cord” [vi] between God and man. God’s DNA flows through that cord. Only God breaths life; mankind merely dresses and keeps, [vii] or better said, serves and preserves. Only God is the Authority to “loose” the silver cord to “return the dust to the earth.” [viii] Mankind has no authority to loosen the cord of life. If he or she does, then they are exalting themselves “as God” [ix]

  That brings this commentary to the subject of abortion. That “bloody deed” is circumcision of the flesh. Moses’s wife, Zipporah, saw the circumcision of her son’s flesh as a bloody work by her hands. [x] Zipporah was only cutting off the foreskin, not all the flesh. The “bloody work’ of abortionists cut off the entire flesh while it is in utero — in the sanctuary that God provides.

  God breathed life unto man. Lucifer sucked the life from man. God warned that sin would kill. Lucifer cared not that sin kills. That is the same with the Wicked Ones today — they think like the Wicked One rather than God.

  Lucifer thought that all the lives in the world were worth perishing so that he never perishes. Women who abort think like Lucifer; they think that one life will improve their milieu all the while they are guilty of violence against their own flesh! It is not “her body” as they say, but her body with a sanctuary for a child inside! Childbirth, as God said, is a “blessing.” God kneels to the woman for bearing the child in pain and sorrow, according to the curse: “In sorrow thou shalt bring forth children” [xi]

  Childbirth should be joyous… if it was not for the world. Certainly, children are an inconvenience. Adam and Eve even became an inconvenience for God, and He cursed the woman the same way! Because children are brought into the world, for the righteous, it should be a day of sorrow. “A child who gets his own way brings shame to his mother” (Prov 29:15).

  It is known before they are ever born that children will bring sorrow to their parents as they have themselves! But children do not belong to others and fathers but are blessings from God. Those who strive to have children and cannot, if they do, understand what a blessing a child is. Why would some women be sorrowful carrying a child when many would trade places any day?

  Well, part of the curse is because her “desire shall be to her husband.” [xii] She would rather engage in pleasure and that is worth the sorrow. In other words, the man is to blame as well! It is not only the woman’s choice, but the man’s own choice as well!

  The man chooses pleasure, and the woman blindly obeys. In essence, women who abort trade their child for a moment of pleasure and reject God’s blessing as they pleasure in Satan’s curse! That is like the deal that Faust made with the Devil. That is much like the deal that Adam made with the Beast, and what happened? The beasts turned on Adam’s kin after the flood. Now, they seem to have dominion over mankind.

  Abortion is a choice. All sin is a choice. When anyone sins, they trade off their souls for a moment of pleasure.

  When women irresponsibly pleasure themselves, they may be trading pleasure for sorrow, or even their very eternal lives for that moment of pleasure.

  God reinforced it with Noah — because mankind had become violent, they lost their lives. They traded their blood for the blood that they had shed. That justice would continue after the flood: “Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made He man” (from the key verses). Implied therein is that murderers who abort the living at any stage will be required to trade their own blood for the blood that they had shed. The violent ones were sucked down into Hell, and most certainly those who are violent against their own will be cast into the bottomless pit of Hell in the end. That is not only losing their biological lives but their souls as well. Only God can prevent soul fires!

  God saved eight people from perishing. “Noah found grace in the sight of the Lord” (Gen 6:5). Just as Adam passed along the grace given to him by God breathing life unto his nostrils, Noah passed the grace onto his children and their wives. They did not deserve the Ark, but Noah passed along the grace that he had found! They all had the opportunity to be a new creation, but Ham had little respect for either his father or Father God. He failed to honor Noah for having the grace to “rebirth” him.

  That same attitude will cause any murderer to perish, or anyone who disrespects the Father. Noah worked hard for 120 years to save his children, and God has worked hard for six-thousand years to save His! Ham failed to appreciate Noah’s sacrifice by works, and God by His.

  What work did God do on behalf of Noah’s family? He sacrificed all his disobedient sons although He wanted that none of them should perish! [xiii] What work did God do much later? He sacrificed His only Son for Adam’s kind. He had already cast away the seed of Lucifer and Adam — both his “sons” — and now he would sacrifice His only Son.

  What must a violent one do? Take the grace that God breaths on them and they shall live forever. They become reborn [xiv] and trust God for deliverance. Then God will give them grace as He had Noah and like Noah, they will be delivered from sin. Then they pass along grace by the Great Commission, sharing God’s grace with all who will hear. Apparently, the world was too busy having pleasure to hear God’s calling through the voice of Noah.

  It was a hard lesson when God destroyed mankind, but it was by grace that mankind was not totally wiped out. It is a hard lesson to condemn abortion and sin, and that is a hard-teaching as well. Why write this warning? Because neither do I want that any should perish. No one should perish! It is a choice.

  It is often said, “My body; my choice.” Not so! Your body belongs to God and He will do with it as He sees fit. If anyone is violent, then justice is God’s violence against them!

  Many scream out, “Justice for _____!” when there is an apparent injustice. Well, that is what God does with those who take away blessed lives; regardless of color, nationality, stage of development, or gender. God destroyed the human race for divine justice, and He can either elect to save or perish any who shed blood!

  But you did not know that when you scream at pro-life people who want that none should perish… not even one? Paul wondered about the ignorance of the former pagans as well: “What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?” (1 Cor 6:19). Not your body… not your choice!

  Well, go ahead… get angry with me! But when you hear the roar of a raging fire coming from above, do not blame me.

(picture credit: Medicine Net; "Baby in Womb at 20 Weeks")

[i] Mat 13

[ii] Rev 20:10

[iii] Gen 1:28

[iv] Gen 2:7

[v] Gen 2:21

[vi] Ecc 12:6

[vii] Gen 2:15

[viii] Ecc 12:7

[ix] Gen 3:5

[x] Exod 4:26

[xi] Gen 3:16

[xii] Gen 3:16

[xiii] John 3:16

[xiv] John 3:7

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