Thursday, December 16, 2021



  One of the bleakest days in history was when men were judged to be property in the United States of America in the US Supreme Court’s “Dred Scott Decision.” Before that, Democrats would have the founders to accept that Negroes are only 3/5ths human. That was because of the influence of the slave holders, mainly in the South, but in Delaware and Maryland as well.

  Thousands of years before, Moses was the only judge during the exodus from Egypt. The “Finger” of God wrote the Ten Words, most often known as the “Ten Commandments.” Soon after God pulled Moses aside and counseled with him on good judgements (Exodus chapter 21). The Law was not fully enumerated with the Ten Commandments, so God expanded on them in detail. They are Mosaic Law, but not really. They too are God’s Laws to be honored.

  The first thing God addressed with Moses was slavery because the Hebrews had been slaves to the Egyptians. Jewish servants (slaves) could be kept in bondage for six years but go free on the seventh year. [i] Hence, indentured servanthood was fair, but outright slavery was not! God meant for His creatures to be free from dominion and man was to only have dominion over the beasts. [ii] For people to have dominion over other people is treating them as no more than animals.

  Roger Taney’s Supreme Court officially made Negroes “as beasts” in that it ruled that they were property to be bought and sold, and as such would be no more than “beasts” for life. Taney’s court as much spit on the Will of God as enumerated in Exodus chapter 21. Democrats were elated with that decision, for it validated their false premise that Negroes were no more than “beasts of burden” and so long as they treated them like their beloved animals, God was with them.

  The Civil War, which was not so “civil,” set Negroes free from the sin of Democrat usury. No longer could Democrats prosper on the backs of Negroes, but then they began to treat their “animals” meanly. No longer could they enslave them but there was nothing in the law about diminishing them. With that, Ku Klux Klan justice was instituted among men, and to this day, Democrat justice is by the mob.

  Democrats still use Negroes to accomplish their tasks. Democrats were defeated in the Civil War, but they have always kept their “Invisible Empire” alive by using Negroes as “beasts of burden” to keep their “plantations” alive. [1]

  In the summer of 2020, it could not have been more obvious: The “Klan” was at the national insurrection, wearing black and posing as just another black face in the crowd. Those gowns are not white for justice, but black as a pretense. Essentially, they were Democrats in “black-face” with their black masks. They were as much the “Negro Foremen” directing the less fortunate “field hands.”

  Their task was to destroy the nation that defeated them in the Civil War. As the saying goes, “Forget, Hell!” and Democrats will never forget their heyday. Their invisible governor, perhaps George Soros or another crony capitalist, is said to have financed the 2020 insurrection. The initiative was the overthrow of the duly elected officials of the United States and replace them with confederates.

  They won that “not so Civil War!” Now the nation has their Democrat “gentleman” who admires Delaware as a slave state, and that man uses Negroes for his own prosperity. He enlisted the blacks of the nation for his cause; to again attempt to overthrow the union of States. As such, Mr. Biden is the confederate president of the United States, and you live on his “plantation” where he is the master. Like any gentleman of the manor, Biden appears before his slaves often to issue new directives (mandates) to grow and control his plantation.

  Not much has changed; the elite crony capitalist usurers still live in the fancy manors, and those under his dominion still live in shabby shacks within the gates of their “plantations;” to wit: New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, and even Portland, Oregon.

  Finally, the former slaveholding race has won the battle of the states and “slavery” is nationwide.  Not that the South has won the Civil War, but the Democrats have! It went unnoticed, but 2021 inaugurated the “Divided Socialist States of America” with Biden as their “soviet” president.

  A soviet is a district of the nation wherein they have their own “slaves” and “gentlemen” to rule over them. Soviets are no more than socialist plantations which were the model for Marxism.

  Always before this time, Democrats sought to retain power by controlling or diminishing the black race of people. They were treated as animals, and honestly, Democrats did a great job of having dominion over them. However, in the 1960s, their dominance was threatened, and they sought a new approach.

  God foresaw that as well provided a law to Moses for the people:

22 If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. 23 And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life. (Exod 21: 22-23)

  The law of abortion is of two parts: (1) If a human life is accidentally terminated, there is no punishment, or (2) if there is intent for whatever reason, then the person who performs the abortion must give up his or her life. In other words, the punishment for the death of the most innocent is death for the guilty.

  In the case of God v. Herod, justice was rendered rightly. Because Herod could not get into the womb of Mary because of the government census, ironically, Herod sought another way. He would murder the Most Innocent, and by the Law of God, Herod would be sentenced to death.

  One of Herod’s last acts before giving up his evil “ghost” was the Massacre of the Innocents to get to Jesus. Herod would not only stoop to killing a pretender to his throne but made the attempt to kill God!

  If Jesus was indeed born in 6 BC, then Herod died the same year that Jesus was two years old in 4 BC. Herod died of natural causes, it is said, but “it is known that he was in both mental and physical disorder in his final years and that he suffered from arteriosclerosis” (Encyclopedia Britannica). God took care that His own Law was followed.

  King Herod was killed by no one other than the LORD GOD. He had to give his life for the life of the  innocent ones that he killed, but regrettable he had but one life to give for his many sins. However, when the time came, Jesus had one life to give for the guilty. As such, Herod was a negative antitype of Jesus.

  Women have always miscarried, and accidents have always happened. However, the US Supreme Court ruled (Roe v. Wade) that God is wrong; that people can kill their own offspring for whatever reason, and it is usually because the unborn will be just a little inconvenient.

  Democrats, foremost, propagate abortion and now infanticide for any reason. One honest Democrat revealed why. He asked, “How else would we control the undesirables?” That promoted Democrats from KKK-ism to Nazism.

  The major policy of the National Socialist Party was to control the “undesirables” by any means. Hence, the KKK is too tame to rule the new socialist confederacy, and the Nazis must do the dirty deed. Scripture says something about that as well:

24 And it came to pass by the way in the inn, that the Lord met him, and sought to kill him. 25 Then Zipporah took a sharp stone, and cut off the foreskin of her son, and cast it at his feet, and said, “Surely a bloody husband art thou to me.” 26 So he let him go: then she said, “A bloody husband thou art, because of the circumcision.” (Exod 4:24-26)

  Moses was to circumcise the foreskin of infants eight days and older. He would not do that himself so his wife, Zipporah, did the bloody deed on his behalf. That was an act of feminism; she became the dominant gender despite God assigning Adam and Moses that honor.

  Moses would not even circumcise an innocent child, but Zipporah would be the “bloody wife” who would. It turns out that extreme feminist women to this day do what most men cannot do, and that is to cut off all the flesh of their children.

  Ancient feminism caught on. By the time of Jesus, those who still followed Moses would do what even Moses would not do; they cut off the Flesh of God and became the “bloody husbands.”  They circumcised the flesh so easily that by then cutting off the Flesh of God was just another “circumcision” of the Most Innocent. They had all become “Herods.” The crucifixion was the ultimate “Slaughter of the Innocent.”

  Nowadays, it has become the new norm to cut off the lives of the most innocent among the guilty. Daily, there is a Slaughter of the Innocents, and it is done with impunity and legally. The Law of God was discarded for the Law of Sin of the Prince of the Power of the Air.

  What has that to do with Democrats? They have finally figured it out: If they profess equity and fairness for their people, it is their right to determine how many will be born. They depend on the stupidity of the American people!

  The slaughter of the most innocent is for the common good. Everything nowadays is for the common good and for the children! Democrats say that it is unfair for the unborn to grow up unwanted and in poverty, so what do they do? They keep them in poverty, and to control the number that their “plantations” support, they decide how many are worthy of their cause.

  Democrats see others as no more than a “basket of deplorables” (Hillary Clinton). So why would it not be acceptable to take just some of the deplorables out of their safe “baskets” and break the fetuses from their “shells,” so to speak.

  The strategy of Democrats appears to be to replace the most deplorable (blacks) and replace them with the less deplorable, Latinos.

  All the while Latinos enter the country to serve the purpose of Joe Biden and his squad, the Democrat “Zipporahs” act the bloody wives and circumcise their offspring, first in the womb, and now in a very Herodian manner, with infanticide. Democrats are doing what Herod did to get to the Most Deplorable. They are after Christians because their votes do matter, and they get to Him through Christians.  

  The centurions took a knee to God in mockery at the crucifixion of Jesus. They would legally kill Jesus. In this age, they take a “mocking knee” to God as they kill the most innocent and do so legally.

  Just as Jesus was not God, for them, Negroes are not God’s children, so it is okay to end their poverty by terminating them as soon as possible. That is Nazi “equity.” They do that for the common good!

  Statistically, a huge majority of abortions are those of the black race. Democrats, through abortion, put them in “their place.” They take them out of the basket of deplorables and break their “eggs” before they can do any harm. If that fails, then they convince blacks that if they are want out of the plantation culture, then they are no more than “Uncle Toms.”

  The true “Uncle Toms” are those who do things the way of Democrats and serve their causes. Just like naïve Eve, they, without the full body of knowledge, are easily deceived. That knowledge is and always has been that You are deplorable to Democrats and your worth is your vote! They have demonstrated that so many times and at every serous crisis to this day!

  God saw the wickedness of evil men and established rules for the treatment of servants and mean people. He knew that Jews looked like Christ on the outside, but inwardly they were like their father, the Devil. They still have the persona of Jesus to this day but have the Shadow of Lucifer in them!

  So, not much has changed since the exodus. People still need laws but defy laws to suit their purposes.









[1] For more on that, refer to my book, A Day on the Democrat Plantation.

[i] Exod 21:2

[ii] Gen 1:26

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