Wednesday, November 9, 2022


 Many have heard of thermodynamics, but how about "Theodynamics"?

Look for a moment at the scientific word, “thermodynamics.” The suffix “ics” implies science, and “thermo” means heat. Dynamics is “the moving physical or moral force in anything” (Etymology Online), so “thermodynamics” is the scientific representation of the physical or moral force in anything. Most scientists exclude the moral force that acts on things and think only of the physical forces.

When God created the heaven and the earth, “day” therein is literally a time of warming, and evening is literally, a “twisting from the warming” (Strong’s Dictionary). Therefore each “day” of the creation was a “process in time” (Gen 4:3). Hence, days are not so much twenty-four-hour periods but each “day” a different period in time, of which “day” could be the duration of the processes, but not necessarily.

Of course, God, because He is God, could have created all things in six days, but did He? The evidence of existence is that He did not: “For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made…” (Rom 1:20).

God made all things, thusly all things point to God. The process of creation was one of the invisible things! Processes can be measured, and the results seen, but the transfer of energy to mass can only be measured. We assume that because nothing was there in the beginning, and now it exists, then it was not magic but a very great process in which God provided the seven steps.

The first six processes were making real things; the heaven and the earth are both real things. Heaven cannot be seen but earth can be. Earth is not the world per se but matter and the heaven is not the sky per se but the unseen.

When God created the heaven and the earth — space and matter — literally he “cut” the elements that is figuratively “wood.” God cut wood, so to speak. He shaped the matter into different things. Of course, Jesus is said to be a “carpenter” (Mark 6:3), but the Greek word is “tekton” (ibid). The man may have been a carpenter but the God in Him was a Great Technician. Therefore, God was the first and greatest, “Almighy Dynamo,” who did things that others so far failed to do, except in the laboratory.

Now for the moral dynamics of thermodynamics. I have already shown that God was the “Energy” in Existence (I AM THAT I AM; Exod 3:14) that provided the heat in the form of Energy to make all things, even old things anew (Rev 21:5).

Making old things new is a thermodynamic impossibility except for God. The concept of aging is based on entropy; that what has deteriorated is lost forever. Entropy is the losses due to gravity, friction, heat due to changes in state and so forth. Degeneration, up until the present age, was non-isentropic in that the losses were irrecoverable because in the world there is both spiritual and physical gravity. “Non-isentropic” means that the losses due to energy are not negligible.

In biogenetics, scientists do things to alter the genes. They rewrite the code and edit the DNA. Once altered, the DNA of any individual is lost. They are who they are forever… unless — unless God intervenes and makes things anew which He will do in the end to those who endure the “gravity” of the world (Mat 10:22).

When Jesus healed those who reached out to Him, especially the woman with the blood issue, “Straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague. And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of Him… (Mark 5:29-30). To modify the woman’s blood, even perhaps the inheritable chromosomes within her, Jesus gave up virtue to heal what plagued her.

The Greek word, translated “plagued” is mastix (ibid), inferring that she had an inherited disease of cancer. In today’s jargon, she had stage four cancer and there would be no recourse for it, but Jesus gave up virtue to heal her genetics. In a short process in time (“immediately”) the goodness in Jesus overecame the world and her genetics encoded in her blood! “Virtue” therein is the Greek word, “Dynamis.”

Jesus used dynamics, in a moral sense, to change the woman’s genes and He did so in the process of time. That “moral” force is called Theo by Latins. (Latin is used for the suffix of many scientific words.)

Because the Virtue from Jesus changed the woman, and reversed her genetics, Jesus used “Theodynamics;” He used God’s moral force to change an otherwise irreversible state of equilibrium. God masked-over her genetic identity, that being the genetic propensity to have cancer in her blood.

Cancer is metastasizing of the organism.  Her white blood cells had the cancer removed from her genome. The woman became a new woman! Jesus reversed the process of death and gave her more time. It is assumed that she died at a ripe old age because Jesus reversed the process of dying!

Yes, even death is a process, of course, of different durations for different people. Adam died in 930 years but now we all are destined to die at around eighty years. Death is a warming, generally with either a fever or at least a thermodynamic change from warm to cold. The state of equilibrium is death wherein the warmth that comes from nourishment twists to a coldness without nourishment.

So, just as death is a process, so is life!

Up until now, only Jesus could reverse time and the death process. Doctors could operate and treat, but God did the healing. When given many people, “The whole multitude sought to touch Him: for there went virtue out of him, and healed them all” (Luke 6:19). Jesus has the power to heal one, many, or whosoever believes in Him (John 3:16). He is the Great Technician that can cut and paste genes to heal or destroy. He is the one who has the power to kill the body and the soul — the visible and the invisible (Mat 10:28) or to preserve either of them (1 Thes 5:23). He has the power to heal the nations (Rev 22:2) and all by losing goodness from Himself to others; so much that He is weakened to the state of death. He had to die to preserve the nations!

Given that, as an engineer I understand thermodynamics, but all things are of God. Therefore, rather than the unknown god of heat, my God is “Theo” and He alone is the Great Technician with the Dyamis to alter all things; even our awful genetic code of depravity — a real irreversible blood issue unless performed by Him!

The First Law of Thermodynamics — the Law of Conservation of Energy — is “the total energy of an isolated system is constant; energy can be transformed from one form to another but can be neither created nor destroyed” (Wikipedia 2001). That physical Law negates the notion that all things just happened without a cause; that the generation of heaven and earth had no energy to form it. Science calls that exception a “discontinuity” in physical laws but it is alchemy — that something came from nothing.

It recalls the ancient “science” of making gold from lead, but in the case the universe, everything came from nothing, not even energy.

Of course, you may ask, “What about Higg’s Boson?” It may have been the energy that started it all but from where did the energy in the boson come? That is as silly as suggesting that ancient aliens came from elsewhere to make all things! Where did the aliens get their start?

The Law of Conservation of God is that God always existed. He said so to Moses. He is the “Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending… which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” (Rev 1:8).

Only God could make something from nothing because otherwise “science” would be only alchemy. God is the totality of Energy that pre-existed all other things. He is the “E” in the equation E=mc2 and the Almighty Existence to generate all things. He must have generated, or else all hope is lost because without generation there could never be a regeneration!

God is the “Creator” in the Law of Conservation of Energy. Science ostensibly recognizes the “Creation” but does not identify the Creator. As such, science has stolen the valor of Almighty God and has given that Valor to the Unknown God of Chance. 

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