Tuesday, November 1, 2022



The “Great Reset” has all the hallmarks of Nazism… you know, the evil empire that must never happen again?

In socialist ideology, the people are referred to as the “masses.” On Earth, mass is measured by weight. The use of the world “masses” by political ideologues implies weightiness and gravity. The Nazi Party (National Socialists) preferred the use of the word “volks” for people. Rather than be masses without personality, they were folks just like each other.

Nazism was the people’s party and Hitler was a populist. A good hunch is that the Jews and Christians who were persecuted did not see things that way!

Jews and Christians were indeed treated as “masses.” They were, to the Nazis, a burden to their special society. Indeed, the Nazis were the most progressive party that ever existed, and their accomplishments were tremendous. They turned an archaic Teutonic array of diverse burgs into an empire with power not seen since the days of the Roman Empire. Along with that, they built the most technological society in the world for their own style of the “Great Reset” when their weak republic for the people became a realm of the elite — The Third Reich.

The war effort made cars for the masses available with the introduction of the Volkswagon, the Autoban to progress at any speed, advanced airplanes for war, rockets for mass killing, and crystal methadone to kill with impunity and bloodless. They developed modes of killing never seen before.

The folks could be turned into “masses” just with the turn of a valve. Heinrich Himmler even desired to murder in a “humane” way; in the same manner a loving master would put away his dog! Nazis desired to put away “inferior” people that way:

…When these and other Nazis spoke of such matters, what they seemed to desire was a method of killing that rated highly on four main conditions. First, victims should remain totally unaware that they are about to die. Second, perpetrators need not touch, see, or hear their victims as they die. Third, the death blow should avoid leaving any visual indications of harm on the victims’ bodies. And finally, the death blow should be instantaneous…

Most Nazis strongly preferred that their many civilian victims not experience the stress of knowing they were about to die. To secure such a condition, the Nazis relied most often on elaborate props of deception. These included, for example, promises of water, food, and work after taking a quick shower, fake railway stations, pleasantly painted gas chambers with flowers and a carefully placed Star of David —all to trick victims into thinking they had not arrived at a place of death. So why was it so important to the perpetrators that the victims not anticipate their own deaths? One explanation is that such props encouraged victim docility , which helped to secure a smooth and efficient flow of victims through the killing process.

…the Führer often informed those like Himmler tasked with implementing the Holocaust that extermination should be implemented as “humanely” as possible. And what it seems he meant by this was that killing should be “done impersonally.” (Russell 2018)

 The “Fourth Reich” has now developed a humane way of killing that meets all those four criteria: unawareness, without the killer sensing death, no visual indications of harm, and that death should be instantaneous. But before looking at that modern method, consider the ancient method that met those same conditions: 

1)      “When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.” (Gen 3:6). Although God had warned her, Eve was unaware that all those pleasantries would cause her death. The “Serpent” was very Nazi-like in the same manner as, “the Nazis relied most often on elaborate props of deception,” using all sorts of pleasant attractions to make their victims unaware of what was about to happen.

2)      God asked Adam, What is the problem? after he had “died.” Adam responded, “I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself” (Gen 3:10).  Adam, much like the Jews of the Holocaust, sensed only that he was naked. He was humiliated as any man would should be. The nature of Adam had changed but he failed to understand that he was dead! “Death” in that sense was twofold: spiritual and the natural. Adam ceased to exist as a humane person but was as the “Beast,” taking on a new genome. No longer did Adam exist with the Genome of God but the genome of Lucifer. He went from glorious to depraved and only noticed that his flesh was different inside. Mankind had died and a trans-being replaced them through Adam and his newly acquired genome. In point three next, the murderer (Lucifer) did not recognize that the man had “died” and became alien to God. In fact, the “Serpent,” at least, pretended to think that he had endowed the two victims with godhood (Gen 3:5).

3)      God asked Adam, “Who told thee that thou wast naked?” (Gen 3:11). Apparently, there was no visible evidence that Adam had died, and God pointed out that there was no difference in Adam’s appearance. He had changed inside, felt differently, but nothing that others could sense was different. With Adam, there were “no visual indications of harm.” Adam knew he had changed, God knew it, but there was no biological evidence (at that time) that Adam had changed. Adam merely went from man to beast as his genetic identity changed. Ironically, the “wolf” Adam would be appareled with sheep’s clothing when God made for him a coat of skin (Gen 3:21).

4)      Adam and Eve ate “And the eyes of them both were opened.” There was no agony nor time involved. They simply ate and they died, still unaware of their new state. They ate in one domain and became aware in another realm much like the Jews lived in a progressive nation, and at the moment of death, woke up in another realm. The “Serpent” killed them humanely. Himmler would have liked that method over the cyanide pesticide, Zyklon-B gas. As far as the “Serpent” was concerned, Adam had died of intestinal gas by eating fruit that humans should not have eaten.

 During the “First Reich” in the Garden of Eden, Lucifer had perfected the most humane way of dying and Himmler incorporated it for the “Final Solution.”

The “Jewish Problem” was bad genes in the infirm, insane, the genetic Jews, and any who would find fault with Nazism. Even those who would not pretend that they were evil, were regarded as evil, and must have had Jewish genes in them from some generation before.

The folks had to prove themselves racially pure back to a minimum of two generations. Therefore, Himmler would give them credit for being part human, although the “sub-human parasite” was still part of their genome.

There are at least three primary reasons that National Socialism is different from Bolshevik Soviet Socialism (Communism): 1) The communists confiscated the property of everyone, whereas the Nazis only curtailed commerce with the Jews. 2) The communist bureaucracy, a bunch of compliant ideologues, replaced the industrialists with themselves, whereas Nazis invited the industrialists to participate as they built back better than the previous republicanism. 3) In Bolshevism, the Jews led the revolt but soon became revolting to the socialists, whereas under National Socialism, eugenics separated the revolting people from the good German volks.

All this background to point out something obvious: Progressive Nazis ended up sending German folks back to the stone age wherein barbarians killed with impunity and for the survival of the fittest. The one common thing between communism and Nazism is that the “fittest” must survive at all costs, and in both realms the inglorious bastard children of fools thought they were the fittest!

Charles Darwin catalogued the animal domain and as such, in evolution theory, the gens of Adam is only a species of gorillas. Both communists and Nazis see the masses as no more than heavy non-erect gorillas to be sent back to the jungle where they would die. Germany used the Ukraine famine that Stalin created for “Holodomor” and Hitler used human sacrifice with the “Holocaust.”

Unknown to many, the sacrifice of animals in Hebrew worship was known as “holocaust.” The Jews were the human sacrifice in the theosophic-pagan version of the German Church, called of all things, “Positive Christianity.” That type of Christianity was the way to send Christians to Hell in a humane manner, very quickly, undetectably, and without the preacher even realizing it! The same type of Christianity is in vogue in the United States even today! Positive Christianity seems pleasant but murders the soul without the victim even knowing it. (The “Serpent” so successful always, has no reason to change his ways!)

The New Age — this “Fourth Reich” — has a people problem. The members of the World Economic Forum even hint at that and have a method of saving the world from our carbon footprint. It is our kind that is the problem, and mainly Christ’s kind! If only we would quit replicating ourselves, the pollution problem would go away. Plastic straws are not the enemy, but those who dare suck on plastic straws. The “gravity” of the world, to those fanatics, is not the world sucking to keep the masses in their places, but the people who suck on things such as plastic straws. That is “gravity” to the World Economic Forum! How dare you scatter your genome all over the world! as Great Thunburg would say.

The “Great Reset” is not only the dawning of a new economy created by the WEF, but the dawning of a New Age as Pisces, the Christian Era, gives way to Aquarius, the Luciferin Era. This “Reich” will be much different than the republic for which we stand.

As Jonathan Cahn pointed out the harbinger of the New Age, “The bricks are fallen down, but we will build with hewn stones…” (Isa 9:10a), the “bricks” are the Constitution of the once United States, now the Divided States of America, thanks to the new dictator. The Constitution of the U.S. has already been replaced by the United Nations Charter which is legal and binding law to its members: 

To practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours, and to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, and to ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest, and to employ international machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples… (United Nations 1946)

 The Bible teaches unity through love. The United Nations teaches tolerance by forceful means. The intention was good, but the practice is coercive — comply or else; tolerate our culture and religion, or else. The United Nations is based on mandates and its members must comply with the will of the members, even members that are part of the invisible evil empire of totalitarianism. Has the U.N. brought peace on Earth and goodwill toward men, nay, but a sword! There have been wars and rumor of war as never seen before their “constitution” was signed. It would be very easy and probable that the Antichrist could use the Charter of the U.N. against the people of the entire globe. Right now the globe is engulfed with a sea of hatred by those who worship at the altar of the Popper’s “Paradox of Tolerance” — that it is okay to hate intolerant people to eliminate hatred. The easy way is by gene-editing, and the best bet is that when propaganda fails, CRISPR will come to the rescue.

Since the pandemic, the constitutions of the many nations have become secondary to the U.N. mandates, and you never noticed that your rights have fallen and are being rebuilt, not by tolerance as the U.N. was chartered to do, but intolerance. Have you ever seen such intolerance, even by our own government, prior to the dictates of the World Health Organization?

The W.H.O. is more concerned about the health of the planet than it is the health of mankind. To them, people are nothing more than a breathing genome that wastes precious air; people that must be regenned for the “common good.” (Read that the good of the world’s elite)

Have you not noticed that you have died? Have you not noticed that you are no longer a person, but an unwanted species whose footprints are obnoxious to those who hug trees before men?

Your “carbon footprint” is who you are. It is your specific carbon chain that exists in what tree huggers want to be Utopia. That footprint is more than the fossil fuels that a human uses, but humankind itself because no other species uses fuel for existence. They all have coats of skin of some sort and have no need for the Garment of Adam, nor the fuel from dead single-cell creatures with only one thread of DNA to burn.

Therefore, just as Nazi Germany had a people problem, for them a “parasite” problem; according to people like George Soros and Klaus Schwab, the world also has a people problem, and it is not them! They are so deluded that they fail to understand that their own egos are the problem and their jets to Davos the hugest carbon-footprint. Just as Nimrod was a giant in those days, the WEF are the “Bigfoots” with the gigantic carbon-footprint. They are the modern era “Cain’s” who, like Canaan, are marked in the purple robes of royalty.

Is it coincidence, that the people problem crested with the death of Queen Elizabeth and the anointing of King Charles — the most active man in the WEF who just now happens to be king?

People have always been a problem to demons, and they still are. Lucifer, as the Serpent; sought to kill the people by transforming their DNA. In the end, he will do the same with some mark to the flesh that can identify the creature as one of “them.”

Now is the age of biotechnology with its capability of gene-editing. That next “booster” that you take may be CRISPR-Cas9 and you will not even know it, see the change, and the person jabbing you will be unaware of what he or she is doing. What’s more CRISPR is immediate! It immediately changes who you are genetically. Your flesh remains the same, you may still be naked, but inside you will not be the rational creature that you once were. You will be compliant man, cunning man, killing man, or whatever robotic person the government needs to enforce the U.N. Charter.

CRISPR biogenetic technology can fulfill the wildest dreams of Hitler and Himmler to kill in the most humane way. If they could have done it then, they would have made Jews into Aryans; perhaps even German “super-soldiers,” as they did with crystal-meth in the same manner that China is using now!

Germans had a problem with Jewish genes and gave them the mark of David. The Antichrist will have a people problem and identify Christians with the mark of the Beast. Ironically, that is who we are naturally since original sin. Just as Pilate marked Jesus as “King Of the Jews”, the Antichrist will mark Christians with the identification of “A Christian is a Jew Inwardly” (Rom 2:29).

Jews murdered the Christ. The Antichrist knows who people are inside. We are like our father the Devil and will be marked as such if we fall away (defect from affection for Christ; apostasia; Heb 6:6).

You may still not get it, but you are dead right now as you are “asleep” in Christ (1 Cor 15:18). If there is such a thing as “soul sleep,” then it is merely being unaware that you are not in Christ, but a child of the Devil with Lucifer in your genome.

Not only do dictators have a people problem with the masses, but Lucifer sees mankind as a “people-problem” and as such, his goal is to reduce people to beasts. He will use any trans-method to alter the genetics of people be it homosexuality, same-sex marriage, transgenderism, trans-fluidity, or even transhumanism of which abortion is the most obvious; not that the unborn are any more so than the rest of us, but are considered masses of fetal tissue; and that is a very socialist idea!

Indeed, people are a problem because sinners are like “those” who would change us to whatever “they” please. Only Jesus can change our ways and regen us differently than those of the world. Those who follow the mandates are as bad as the dictators because the former merely commands, but the masses follow and perform. The lines standing to be vaccinated attests to that because people are as the swine who jumped over the cliff at the whim of the demons inside them (Mat 8:32).

Christians are to be sober and vigilant (1 Tim 5:8). Why would they do that if they were not vulnerable to the Wicked One? Sinners belong to the Devil, but the “Lucifer Problem” are “Christ’s People.”

He will still kill using the four criteria of Nazism. The worst of the four is that we may die unaware that we are dying. Just as Adam looked healthy but was withering inside, so are Christians who fail to put on the “Whole Armor of God” (Ephes 6:11).

Why armor? if there is no danger? The neo-Nazi Dictator, the Antichrist, wants you to die humanely; so humanely that it is quick, not so obvious, reveals no evidence, and is biologically indeterminate. Like Lucifer long before, the Antichrist, whoever he or she is, will want to change who you are inside, and the best bet is through biogenetics!

(picture credit: Fine Art America; "Missouri Gas Chamber")

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