Wednesday, April 12, 2023


 The wall between the separation of Church does not exist. It is not part of the U.S. Constitution, and if it was, then it would be prejudicial against those who believe in a divine Providence. It would be like saying that a Christian’s voice must remain silent, and it would be a form of censorship.

Of course, the Law of God should not have precedence in civil matters but be weighed along with everything else. If its tenants are good, and they are, then they should be as applicable as scientific or philosophical ideas.

Who can argue that the teachings of Christ are bad? If anyone does, then it is for selfish interests. Democracies only work if the citizens are unselfish and care about the well-being of the people.

For instance, drugs are ripping apart the fabric of America, and to say it is not, is sheer ignorance. Drug-use is as deadly as pulling the trigger of a gun if not more so and the biggest difference is that death is so slow that it goes unnoticed.

Baptists particularly wanted that wall there, but it never got there, fortunately. In that the mother country had a theocratic monarchy that caused turmoil; it was wise to allow people to choose their own beliefs.

England was sort of a dictatorship because the religion of some, if different than the State’s, resulted in their persecution. The Constitution prohibits persecution with the First Amendment. Because those who govern now think the Constitution is antiquated, makes it possible for religious intolerance. Thus, anything goes in society except what Christians consider as good things.

As scripture says, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephes 6:12).

It is not President Biden that is the root cause of our problems but spiritual wickedness. He has a kind of religion but not the religion of Christ in him. As such, America is ruled by principalities — the “origin” or “active cause” (Strong 1890). Nowadays, that is called the “root cause.”

“The love of money (Greek; philargyria) is the root of all evil” (1 Tim 6:10). So, one need only to follow the money trail and the root cause is found.

Philargyria is not just coined or printed money, but avarice (ibid). Avarice in archaic English is “covetousness” (Merriam-Webster 1982). So, where is covetousness found in the Bible? Lucifer’s ambition: 

13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. (Isa 14:13-14)

 Thus, the root cause of disorder in the world is genetic from original sin; mankind desires to be like the most High God themselves. That “first cause” in mankind is the desire to exalt themselves. Hence, the countenance, or nature, of Lucifer is in everyone.

Biden, without Christ, is doing what is in his genome. Without a new genome (born again), then he remains a principality; the very reason that we should pray for our leaders. Our government uses the Big Lie because it has always worked! Who thinks that we still live in a democratically elected constitutional republic? Almost everyone because of the Big Lie.

Generally, each day commences with a huge lie; not the Big One, but the many lies that when accumulated, become the Big Lie.

Today’s lie popped up immediately on my computer. The modern term for that is “narrative.”

A narrative is “a way of presenting or understanding a situation or series of events that reflects and promotes a particular point of view or set of values” (ibid). Today’s narrative, compounding the Big Lie is the headline, “America Is Starting to Really Hate Donald Trump” (Weichert 2023). However, Trump’s favorability/unfavourability has remained constant for the last year.

They are not really starting to hate Donald Trump, but some hated him before, and they still do now. On the other hand, people are really beginning to hate Joe Biden — a year ago he had 36% unfavorable and now 53% unfavorable (ABC News 2023). Whereas Trumps “hatred” has remained constant, even in the face of bad narratives, Biden is hated even more with good narratives.

Why the headline that makes Trump seem hated? To multiply the hatred for him. Why not headline Biden’s poor poll numbers? So that people will be happy with mediocrity!

You are being programmed. That in psychology is conditioning the people to accept misinformation.

Everybody wonders how Nazis persuaded the majority to accept cruelty. They were conditioned by repetition, or as George Orwell said, “'If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” In other words, many repetition of lies make one truth.

When millions of people read that Trump is a hated man, that makes it truth. To not suffer criticism, you accept the lie that Trump is hated. That is exactly why he has unfavorable polling despite America was greater when he was president than it is now.

Orwell continued, “Intellectual honesty is a crime in any totalitarian country; but even in England it is not exactly profitable to speak and write the truth.” Even in the once “United States” it is not profitable to speak and write the truth. Why? Because, as we have seen under Biden, the truth-tellers are “canceled” as if they no longer exist (“cancel culture”)!

Pontius Pilate asked the very Platonian question, “What is truth?” Truth is factual information, or reality. Jesus, as Pilate soon realized, was who He said He was. “They” said He was a lunatic, but the fact is that “they” were all either ignorant or in pursuit of avarice — they all had political ambitions either in government or religious affairs.

At the apex of the pandemic, the use of propaganda resulted in people standing in lines to get insulted. First, the government offered rewards for obedience, then when that failed, they mandated vaccinations that failed to do what vaccines should do — prevent the spread of viruses.

People, trusting the science, were trusting low-life greedy people seeking avarice. Most of you fell for the Big Lie during the pandemic; that you were killing people by not trusting the science!

The government, liars that they are, became your “god” for so many people. Just as Jesus said, “They know not what they do,” and fortunately for Christians, God understands that you were deceived by the Wicked Ones. That is because of grace; like when Eve sinned, God knew that she had been deceived.

There are many “Big Lies:” 

·         Love yourselves.

·         Follow your hearts.

·         Believe the science.

·         Do what you want.

·         Forgive yourselves.

·         Have pride in all things. (Such as in homosexuality.)

·         God is so loving that He will not punish.

·         Positive thoughts yield good results. (Try that in Vegas.)

·         Marijuana is entirely beneficial; neither is it a gateway drug. (So, they say.)

·         I can do as I wish and be forgiven before I die.

·         I am saved, so I need not worry about principalities.

·         Christians should refrain from political expression.

·         Christians should respect their leaders. (How about Hitler or Hitler-types?)

·         Unborn babies are not human.

·         The climate did not change until humans interfered.

·         Ad Infineum.

 You, hopefully, get the point. About everybody is gullible. Satan (aka Lucifer, the Devil) conditions you to accept about anything.

Just whose pawn is Biden? Whose pawn is Putin? Lucifer’s. They do what he wills for them to do because the truth escapes them.

Why is drug usage so high? People want to escape the truth. Why is socialism in vogue? Because people prefer to live the lie… that things are free with no work required for the getting.

That sounds good, does it not? But “From those with ability; to those with needs” (Karl Marx) sounds appealing to those with needs but not so much to those who use their abilities and work for things. As such, the communist/socialist mantra fails because it divides the nation, and now even the globe.

The world proffers the Big Lie. For me, the lie was that GMC was too big to fail, then it failed. No longer could I depend on GMC.

For so many, the United States has been too successful to fail, all the while it is failing. Although people cover their eyes to the government’s failures, does not change the fact that they are failing.

For instance, the Big Lie in 2019 was that there were no rioters when anyone could see the rioting. The media communicated that so frequently that for half the population, there was no rioting, although the truth was that cities were burning.

Now, there is no inflation just because those in charge say that everything is good. Because they say that does not mean there is no inflation.

Right now, America is in recession and people still act as if everything is good. They deny inflation even when car costs are out of sight and grocery bills are outlandish. Many of those suffering the socialist illusion will vote for those who promise the most and deliver the least. Democrats, as Jonathan Gruber admitted, “Depend on the stupidity of the American voter.”

Eve did that! God never told her anything. She was ignorant of the Law of God. Adam told her, but she preferred to believe the lie rather than Adam. People still prefer the lie to truth because they still expect good things from God just for the taking!

Eve was under a spell… “The serpent (Lucifer) beguiled me” (Gen 3:13). The “Serpent” is still beguiling about everybody. Most people are under his spell. He is the “principality” — the first order of things; the very being that brought chaos to the world is the principle to whom people turn for direction.

Because Eve is the “mother of all living” (Gen 3:20) everyone alive has guile (duplicity) in them… “The Spirit is indeed willing, but the flesh is weak.” (Mat 26:41). As such, we do so many things that God does not want us to do.

Because Eve was deceived by the cunning serpent, everyone alive are easily conned with the Big Lie. It is genetic.

Adam and Eve had never seen death before. That they would die was absurd, even if they had understood the concept of death. That they would die was so unlikely, or unbelievable, that they ignored the Word of God. Still, to this day, most people believe they will never die despite their unrighteousness and defection from God. God is no fool; and He cannot be conned with the doctrines of men.

The Biggest “Big Lie” is in the Church, ironically; that a Christian is always a Christian just because of barely enough faith to pray one time.

Paul wrote about a fellow Christian that he loved that he himself is “always labouring fervently for you in prayers, that ye may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God” (Col 4:12). Why would Paul pray fervently for someone to “stand perfect” if that person (Epaphras) was already standing tall? Standing tall is not “falling away” (Heb 6:6), or defection from God.

That sums up this commentary. The point is that deception is commonplace in the world, and even Christians fall prey to the wiles of the Devil; probably more so than the atheist who already belongs to Satan.

Lies are everywhere and all things must be tested by scripture. Ask yourselves, “What would Jesus do?” or even “What should I do, knowing the Will of God?”

(picture credit; Shutterstock)

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