Tuesday, April 11, 2023


Recent commentary has been about the Book of Matthew. Today, because of current events, a time-out for truth will be taken; not that Matthew is not truth, but that everywhere truth is being stretched and even history reversed.

In the era of the “Great Reset” (with the installation of Joe Biden as president of the United States), everybody but them are racists, sexists, xenophobes, transphobes, and homophobes. Add to that, the Democrats claim to be the champions of democracy to the extent that they want to spread their “democracy” to the third-world countries.

Adolph Hitler is the author one of the greatest lies ever told. He found it to be quite useful as the little corporal found himself to the dictator of a large Reich bent on taking over the world. The “Bid Lie” was effective, if not for truth and truthful people who resisted him and the lies, Americans would be saluting our leader and saying “sieg heil” — German for the sure win.

Winners, it is implied, win because of the “Big Lie” — “a gross distortion or misrepresentation of the truth”  (Wikipedia 2001). It is a distortion so obvious and convincing that it must be the truth, or “to describe the use of a lie so colossal that no one would believe that someone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously” (ibid).

What was Hitler’s Big Lie? The first Big Lie that Hitler used was to turn sentiment against the Jews. Germans, specifically the Nazis, despite history, believed themselves to be the innocent ones and the civil ones the instigators.

I have used Wikipedia as my source of information. Just as scripture is the Word of God, Wikipedia is the word of those who see themselves as gods.

Without shame, and without evidence, Wikipedians (one of the 120,000 elitists who write their version of the truth), wrote the current Big Lie, to wit: 

In the 21st century, the term has been applied to attempts to overturn the result of the 2020 U.S. presidential election by Donald Trump and his allies, specifically the false claim that the election was stolen through massive voter and electoral fraud. (ibid)

 Then, the lie continues… that those same people were the January 6th insurrectionists.

The truth, as statistics and video evidence reveal, is that there was massive voter fraud on the part of Democrats in the 2019 election. It was the liberal Democrats that usurped democracy; rather than the great president with a series of successes surely the real victor, but a nearly senile stooge that did little campaigning was said to have won the election — without verifying the results, which for some reason, even the Supreme Court would not allow.

That it was a fair and democratic election remains to this day the Big Lie. If I am wrong, FBI, prove me wrong. However, they have done little more than silence those who ask for election integrity. The Democrat slogan as well be “sieg heil”the sure win is by election fraud. Who can argue with dead men voting if their vital functions are not verified?

“Wikipedians” wrote about the election as “the false claim” without providing a reliable source, or any source at all. Who has the evidence that Trump’s claim was a false claim? Show us the evidence of that; that is all we are asking.

There is no way that unpopular Biden could have won the presidency by more voters than ever before. Prove that to be wrong… they all refuse!

So, the “false claim” of Trump is not settled but could be if Trump is elected again. My bet is that he would show the public the real truth that the Big Lie has so successfully covered.

The election is just an example of the successful application of the Big Lie. Almost everybody believes that Joe Biden won the election fair and square even though so many questions loom unanswered.

This week, my friend and I argued about the nature of the Democrat Party. He contended that they were Marxist Communists; not a good thing, whereas I argued that they may call themselves democrats, socialists, progressives, or even communists; but that the ruling arm of the Democrat Party are Nazis inwardly, the vile application of their Marxist modus operandi.

Just last night, I heard California governor Gavin Newsom describe the Republican Party and the “red states” which they run. Without listing his many accusations, it was nothing more than asserting that Republicans have the character that Democrats deny they have now and have had historically. You would have thought by listening to his series of Big Lies, that they are the innocent ones and the civil ones the instigators just as Nazis portrayed themselves.

The truth is that slavery was a Democrat institution that Democrats founded and nurtured. It was the worst of the many experiments in Nazism that ever occurred.

The Big Lie in that era was that the Negro race was not fully human, and that the plantation system was beneficial to those incapable sub-humans, to which they were the beneficial father-figure to black “children” who could not make it in the world without the help of Democrats. That is the truth about slavery!

It had worked well with the Indians who lost their identity and homeland because Democrats thought of them as “savages” who would not fit it.

Nazism is based on eugenics… that there are good genes that have the right to survive over those with poorer genes. Democrats have always used genetics in the same fashion, not as communists, but as Nazis!

Nazis measured the features of suspected Jews to separate them from the “superior” Germanic race. They were required to prove that they were of primarily Germanic genetics which proof was genealogical family trees back, for most four generations.  With that done, the “unfit” Jews were forced to wear the star of David on their garments so that the Germans could avoid commerce with them. Later it was used to make it easy to isolate them in internment camps and holocausted in ovens.

Who does such things here and now? So soon, because the Big Lie is so effective, you forget!

Biden and his “brown” and “black shirts” mandated that your DNA be marked to prove that you were loyal citizens. Biden made Christians, Jews, and MAGA Republicans the “insurrectionists” who would not obey, and many innocent ones remain in prison without a speedy trial, even after two years of incarceration.

Now look at the success of the Big Lie. The citizenry of this nation is still under attack by those trained in the effecgtive use propaganda (narratives). Gavin Newsom did a fantastic performance in demonstrating that California is the Utopian paradise that the nation should want, although it is quickly becoming a rat-hole due to his policies!

Not only that, but after listening to him, many will think that California IS a Utopian society wherein glory reigns and that he is their beneficial regent.

They will again look the truth in the eye and go with his Nazi-like fantasy.

You would think it was the Republicans who were the slaveholders, and that loving Democrats freed the slaves. You would think that Abraham Lincoln, rather than Democrat Andrew Jackson caused the Trail of Tears. You would think that it was not Democrats who were the Klan but Republicans. You would think that “Jim Crow” was a MAGA Republican.

Newsom knows the Big Lie works, and as the younger version of Joe Biden, in 2024 Newsom, if elected, a mindless young liberal will rule the nation in the same faulty way as he has ruled California and Biden the nation.

The nation will get another fool if they buy into his Big Lies, only a younger version of Biden.

Adolph Hitler was not the author of the Big Lie. He used it without crediting its source; the Big Lie was the first lie ever — “And the serpent said unto the woman, ‘Ye shall not surely die’” (Gen 3:4) contrary to the truth; God had said, “Of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die” (Gen 2:17).

For some time, Adam believed the Big Lie — that they would not die. Eve ate of the forbidden fruit, and nothing seemed to change, so Adam ate as well. Adam ate of the Big Lie. That was the forbidden fruit. Before, they had been immortal, but they both began to die right then with Adam withering to death in 930 years and Eve sometime before that.

American is suffering death and like Adam and Eve, they cannot see it. The “Great Reset” is the death of America and republicanism, the representative form of government. Biden, in his speeches, is making the world safe for democracy, he says. The world is responding well!

A democracy is a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections. : a political unit that has a democratic government. (Merriam-Webster 1982)

 That is not a “democracy;” that is a “democratic- republic.” Merriam-Webster revised the truth. Plato knew the truth:

(Plato) claims that democracy is a danger due to excessive freedom. He also argues that, in a system in which everyone has a right to rule, all sorts of selfish people who care nothing for the people but are only motivated by their own personal desires are able to attain power. He concludes that democracy risks bringing dictators, tyrants, and demagogues to power. He also claims that democracies have leaders without proper skills or morals and that it is quite unlikely that the best equipped to rule will come to power. (“Plato Political Philosophy;” The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

 A simple definition of a “democracy” is a governing system wherein the majority rules. Each person becomes the ruling authority, and the government serves the majority.

That brings into mind scripture, “In those days there was no king in Israel, but every man did that which was right in his own eyes” (Jud 17:6).

“Anarchy” is each doing what is right in their own eyes. But that is also a democracy. True to Plato’s fears that “democracy risks bringing dictators, tyrants, and demagogues to power." He also claims that “democracies have leaders without proper skills or morals and that it is quite unlikely that the best equipped to rule will come to power.”

True to Plato’s prediction, the world is ruled by dictators, tyrants and demagogues in this age, and America is the epitome of “leaders without proper skills and morals.”

Democrats are the party of immorality. Their quest is for each to do what is right in their own eyes. The evidence of that accusation is the propagation of abortion, homosexuality, transsexuality, gender fluidity, and such.

The riots of the summer of 2019 were mere “picnics” in the eyes of Democrats, who even while the cities were burning down, alleged that they were “peaceful protests,” but for the real peaceful protests in the capitol building, the Democrats called it an “insurrection.” They flipped the truth in both cases and generally do so to their advantage in all cases.

A great example is that while ideologues, the insane, and drug users kill people, Democrats claim that guns kill people and insist that even perfect law-abiding citizens turn in their guns to save lives; all that while gun-free zones are easy-pickings for criminals.

They even deny the criminal element. Because the incarcerated are of the dark races, rather than admit that violent crimes are primarily committed by dark races, their objective is to jail white people to pay the sacrifice for systemic racism propagated historically by ruling Democrats. All the while, they blame civil Republicans, mostly conservatives, for the racism.

Keeping people of color on Democrat plantations remains the objective of elitist democrats. Big city black mayors are the true “Uncle Toms” still doing the chores of their Democrat white masters. [1]

Slavery was a cruel system, but slavery still exists. Blacks have been lied to; all the while they believe the government is supporting them comfortably, Democrats are burning the black race on their “crosses.” You cannot see them, but the Invisible Empire built by Democrats still burn invisible crosses. Those are the cities and homes of the dark races, and as usual, many Negroes assist the KKK Democrats in burning their own “plantations” (the urban areas).

Next, we shall address the Big Lie believed by most; that there is a wall of separation of Church and State. It may be there in the eyes of the Invisible Empire, but the truth is that there is no wall at all. It is a wall placed around the Church, not to keep the Church safe, but for the government to be free from the interference of God in civil affairs.

Not only is the wall not in the Constitution, neither is it there in practice. Totalitarians want you to believe in that invisible wall all the while tearing down walls between the U.S. and Mexico.

(To be continued.)


 (Picture credit; WHYY)







[1] For more on the plantation system, see my book, A Day on the Democrat Plantation.

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