Wednesday, September 13, 2023



He that finds his life shall lose it: and he that loses his life for My sake shall find it. (Mat 10:39)

 Ironically the root word in the Greek of life is ‘psycho,’ meaning simply breath. Now for comparison’s sake, what is life in the Hebrew? The most applicable passage is this, “The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul” (Gen 2:7). Therefore, life has two components: (1) organic and mineral substances, and (2) the Image of God.

“God created man in His own Image, in the image of God created He him” (Gen 1:27). What is that specific Image? Selem in the Hebrew whose root verb is “to shade” (phantom) (Strong 2006). It may be sort of a “Shadow” of God. Any shadow is revealed by light and without the Light of God there is no Shadow.

This goes into Platonism. “What is truth?” Plato used the Allegory of the Cave.

In that allegory, men were chained against a wall in a dark cave. There was light behind them, and in that fixed position, the men could see only the shadows of things that were behind them. For those who were chained, existence was a shadow, or as Plato called it, a ‘fragment’ of reality. If that is truth, then man, both the male and female genders, were a fragment of God. Their Image, or Shadow, was like God but of a different Substance in the same manner as the shadows on the wall were non-material but represented the material objects.

Leaving the first Adam behind, consider the ‘Last Adam’ — Jesus.

Pilate had asked the question, “What is truth?” Jesus did not answer Him but revealed to him the truth.

Firstly, God created a ‘cave’ when he brought darkness upon the Earth for three hours. In the darkness, God shined His Light upon Jesus — the objective ‘Substance’ of God.

Soon, the Holy Ghost went out of Jesus. That was the ‘Shadow’ of Jesus, and as the ‘Last Adam,’ God revealed the phantom of Jesus, called the Holy Ghost.

The objective God (Jesus) is real, but the Holy Ghost is a ‘fragment’ of God that looked just like Jesus but was of a different immaterial substance. Luke recorded both Jesus and His ‘Shadow’ when John baptized Him, “The Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon Him, and a voice came from heaven, which said, ‘You are My beloved Son; in you, I am well pleased.” (Luke 3:22).

The Shadow of Jesus was just as alive as Jesus. (Let us also refer to ‘it’ as He.) He moved with motion — like a dove; the Shadow of Jesus was a walking man of a different substance than Jesus. Life is motile but objects of wood and stone are not. The Holy Ghost is alive, of the same substance as a phantom, and is cast from God who manifested Himself as Jesus.

In that God the Father is the Light behind the Object (Jesus), then the Shadow that the Light behind the object casts is a ‘fragment’ of the Light and the Object. The three together are the Holy Trinity — one God of three Substances: Light, Matter, and Spirit (the Phantom). Each one are “fragments,’ making up the Whole, or the One True God.

As the ‘Son of God,’ Jesus was not the actual ‘son’ as is most often thought but the gens (genetics) of JHWH.

So, in the beginning mankind was not the made in the three Substances of God but only one. Adam (the male) was the ‘phantom’ of God as his Shadow. On the other hand, the objective Adam was organic and mineral. Adam was clay, indicating that he was all water and minerals since clay is inorganic.

Now, it gets scientific. To be objective, we must!

Carbon is not from fossils but fossils of once living animals are mostly carbon. “Formation of the carbon atomic nucleus occurs within a giant or supergiant star through the triple-alpha process” (Wikipedia 2023). The triple-alpha process is when “helium accumulates in the cores of stars as a result of the proton–proton chain reaction and the carbon–nitrogen–oxygen cycle” (ibid). The reader need not understand that process, but that it must have happened in the Genesis of the Cosmos because life is carbon-based and is basically star dust!

The triple alpha process had to be in the second process of Creation, “God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so” (Gen 1:7).

That verse covers a lot of territory. The ‘firmament’ is material substance. All material substances make up the cosmos. The firmament is real objects, or particles. The firmament was made by God who cast Light into space in the first process, “God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness” (Gen 1:4).

What is truth? That God used His own ‘Allegory of the Cave’ in the making of the Cosmos. In darkness, He cast Light, and substances were divided into objects (particles, or matter) and the invisible which is immaterial. In other words, the Truth is that God is Light, He cast His Light into darkness and reality appeared.

There is another realm out there that is the Shadow of what you see! Paul spoke of that: “For the invisible things of Him from the Creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead” (Rom 1:20).

Paul first validates the Allegory of the Cave creation. Like the men who looked at shadows and perceive real objects, Christians look at real objects and understand that there is an existence in the shadows as well, one that cannot be seen by the naked eye but only when God shines His Light into the minds of Christians — the Truth. When they saw Jesus, they saw the Father. When we sense the Holy Ghost of Jesus, we sense Jesus.

Not only that, but Paul said the same thing about the Godhead. Christians who see the Light, know that the Father is for real (Jesus) and so is the ‘Shadow’ that is left behind.

Now back to the subject at hand. Life is any organism and that is carbon based and absorbs oxygen to exist. In that case, God again cast His Light and there was carbon with just the right amount of oxygen to keep life alive. Carbon represents the organism (the object) and oxygen the invisible substance. (I am beginning to think that Plato understood the machinations of God!)

What did God breathe unto mankind? Life. Life is defined by DNA. It is encoded carbon and oxygen within organisms. DNA is basically carbon chains nourished by oxygen, bonded by nitrogen, and regulated by phosphorus (to oversimplify the science).

DNA is the hidden identity in organisms, including homo sapiens. Our code is higher than the animals, thus mankind has dominion over the other kinds (Gen 1:28).

Life is God breathing unto mankind, and it appears that He endowed mankind with a unique genetic code. Some say that JHVG is in that code; not JHVH, but G (gimel) replacing the redundant hei.

The hieroglyph for hei is a man praising. The hieroglyph for gimel is a man walking (ג).

Perhaps glorious man was the man praising, and the sinful man the image of God walking, obviously his way rather than praising God. The Hebrew alphabet is unique. It is very objective. In fact, the Hebrew letters are ‘shadows’ of hieroglyphs from long before.

Figure 1: Hebrew object for He


The point here is that the identity of God is JHWH. That is His Image in the Hebrew letters for ‘I AM THAT I AM.’ The redundant H is missing for the sinful man and has been replaced by G (gimel), or walking man.

Cain (Qayin), means ‘wanderer’ and his hieroglyph is a spear (Strong 2006). Think of what the spear may represent… the fiery darts of the wicked one (Ephes 6:16), but also the sperm from the wicked one, “Cain, who was of that wicked one” (1 John 3:12).

The sperm gamete is nothing more than an animated spear that penetrates the egg gamete; thus the walking man may represent the man Cain, and his modus operandi of an animated spear, or multiplication by carnal knowledge.

You might think all this symbolism to be nothing more than a series of coincidences, but a series that is long enough is evidence of the truth.

Life in the original passage (Mat 10:39) is breath and Satan is the ‘Prince of the Power of the Air’ (Ephes 2:2). Life on Earth is the breath of Lucifer, the Devil. Since all Cain’s gens are of the Wicked One, then life in the world is of Cain, the walking, not praising man, as is learned from Genesis chapter four.

Life in that passage meant ‘wandering man’ represented by the gimel in our DNA. It is in our image that was altered, from selem to nahas, the former from God and the latter from Lucifer. I am inferring that the G in the DNA of humans is from Lucifer. It is the ‘shadow’ of that dark angel that is in mankind to this time.

It is the wandering life that Jesus was speaking of, doing what is right in our own eyes (as we will as the whole law) (Deut 12:8).

The reader may think that I put too much emphasis on the Hebrew letters, but the ‘nickname’ of God is ‘H.’ (Silent letter; only guttural - unspeakable that we are not to speak in vain). God added an H to both Abram and Sara to endow their names with righteousness. He put a praising man hieroglyphic into their given names.

Jesus says to find true life is to lose what is considered life: “…loses his life for My sake shall find it.” That is losing the walking man — the gimel in our DNA. Our DNA must be engendered from above — the literal meaning of ‘born again” (John 3:7). Jesus will remove the gimel in us and a return the hei, the praising man (in the figure preceding).

All that is complicated, but oftentimes the truth is complicated. Paul referred to the ‘Mystery of God,’ and to learn the mystery, the pieces of the puzzles must be found and arranged perfectly to make a true picture.

The easy part is that you need not know the whole mystery but the promise of eternal life. The life that Jesus was speaking about was in another realm. This world is complicated because it is made of thousands of elemental components whereas Heaven is only of a Divine Substance.

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