Thursday, September 7, 2023


 Jesus was warning the twelve apostles, one of whom was like a lamb in sheep’s clothing, to beware. He was warning the eleven apostles about the twelfth, but they had no idea of whom He was speaking when He said to them, “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be you therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.” (Mat 10:16).

Jesus was designating the kinds that are referred to in the beginning. He was not talking literally about sheep, wolves, snakes, or even doves; He was referring to the nature of people.

He commenced by saying “behold” (in the English), meaning to look at or observe the danger that lies ahead. That warning was never withdrawn. Anytime anyone goes forth for Jesus, amidst them are malevolent people. They would not be paranoid but vigilant… Behold!

Satan works by deception, by lessening the vigilance of the person. Compared to the vigilance of wolves, seeking their prey, sheep are innocent because their food is vegetation.

Now vigilant people are called ‘conspiracy theorists’ but there is one conspiracy that is the mother of all conspiracies, the ‘Luciferin Conspiracy,’ to wit: 

13 I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. (Isa 14:13-14)

 According to Jesus, “On these two commandments,” loving God and others, “hang all the law and the prophets” (Mat 22:40). In like manner, on that one conspiracy, hang all the lawlessness and misinformation.

Just as truth is fruit of the ‘Tree of Life,’ conspiracies are the fruit of the ‘Tree of Death.’ On that one conspiracy hang all the other conspiracies.

“Behold” them, Jesus said! For some reason, the New International Version of the Bible omits the English word “behold” that was in the Greek. It is like saying, what follows is insignificant although it is most significant!

One thing that is misunderstood is that Lucifer aspires to sit “in the sides of the North.” He will, literally speaking, reside in the extremities of hidden places (Strong 2006).

Why did Jesus say to “behold”? Because Lucifer is so well hidden from view. He is like the creature in the Swarzenegger movie, Predator; he is there stalking all the time but invisibly so. He can only be seen by the movement of his surroundings. Jesus was saying, Behold of the things you see, because they may be invisible, but are powerful beings!

Demons may not be in most of mankind, but they certainly are in the minds of men in their thoughts. How would invisible creatures get to you? In your mind?

Behold, they might be messaging you with you even unaware of it. That’s what angels do, even demon angels; they message and a person with ‘demons’ just may have demonic thoughts that are characters from their archetype, Lucifer.

When Jesus warned to “behold,” He was warning of things that you would not normally see; you must look for them.

Jesus went on to tell the apostles, “I send you,” or in the Greek, “Ego apostello hymas” Jesus literally set them apart as apostles (ibid). ‘Hymas’ indicates “for your sakes” (ibid). They would be like sheep, not other walking, stalking creatures because Jesus is the ‘Good Shepherd” (John 10:11) who would protect them.

Next comes a surprise; those sheep would cavort, not literally with wolves, but more so demons. The base of the Greek word translated “wolves” is “leukos” It pertains not to four-legged carnivores but to brilliant, or light-bringing, entities (ibid).

It is not wolves that we should fear but creatures who reside in extremely hidden places, ala Lucifer from Isaiah’s vision.

 The apostles were represented as ‘sheep’ because they are the most domesticated of all God’s creatures. They have no guile in them at all. Just as the apostles were not literally sheep, but that was their nature, the wolves are not literally wolves but the demonic spirits that seek to devour our minds one thought at a time! Like buzzards, those creatures of darkness are invisible to the dead, so people must remain alive in Spirit to see the vultures from another realm pecking away at them bit by bit, or one thought at a time!

It begins this way; one filthy word in a book or movie can be overlooked; even one sex scene. Ignore that if you choose!

Next comes two events in movies or books that cannot harm you because that first one did not seem to.

Next it is how about three or four? How about ten or even numerous? Before long you have been ravaged, but you have enjoyed being pecked apart — your righteousness — one moral at a time. Real demons did not attack you, but unawares, the thoughts of demons gradually possessed your own thoughts. Gradually, you have become addicted to sin and often fail to recognize sin as sin!

Jesus continued, “Therefore, be as wise (phronimos) as serpents (ophis).”

Serpents are not wise, but they are perceptive. Snakes cannot hear. They perceive danger by vibrations carried through the ground. In like manner. The apostles, and even us, should perceive dangerous beings. Ironically, thoughts nor demons can be seen, but they can be detected if the Word is perceived.

This immediate commentary is about perception. Jesus was telling the apostles not to depend on their “own lying eyes,” as the saying goes, but on what or on whom lies behind their thoughts. That is sobriety and vigilance (1 Pet 5:8). Question everything and hang onto what is good!

For instance, viewers might say, “That movie was good.” On the other hand, it was probably quite entertaining, but it was far from good. Movies, poetry, songs, and such always present  a message. All entertainment has either an obvious or hidden message.

How many get the hidden messages that wicked writers write? They see the light on the screen but fail to receive the hidden messages. Jesus was asking them to examine everything closely because they might encounter dark angels unawares in the same manner good angels might be entertained unawares (Heb 13:2).

Sin is basically angels entertaining you, not angels of light, but dark angels who transmit sinister messages to your mind as you are entertained! That was the first and original sin and like all other sins!

Now consider the “serpents” (ophis) of which Jesus warned. Ophis literally means something that allows itself to be seen (Strong 2006).

The original ‘Serpent’ was not a crawling creature but a cunning invisible one who showed Eve its image (nahas) that differed from the Image (Selem) of God.

Lucifer’s inner, or revealed image, was cunningness (Gen 3:1). On the other hand, the Image of God was His ‘phantom,’ or Ghost. Adam was made like the Ghost of God — the Holy Ghost — whereas after sin, both he and his wife were reimaged in the likeness of Lucifer. (I believe those two very different ‘images’ were the genetic code, or DNA, encoded from God and from Lucifer, two very different extremes of the kinds of the unseen domain.

As such, the ‘serpent’ of which Jesus warned is another being that reveals itself in much the same manner that a snake might be encountered when gardening. There is no fear if the snake remains hidden, but once it shows itself, danger is imminent. A rattlesnake will even give an audible warning and a copperhead a distinct odor. Christians, all apostles of Christ, must beware of those sounds and aromas to stay safe.

When scripture refers to a ‘serpent,’ it is most often not a snake, but some other being that is encountered in the manner of a serpent.

Jesus was telling the apostles, although they are more like sheep, to use the same tactics as the ‘serpents’ that they would encounter; to strike first before they are stricken, but to be “harmless as doves.”

Serpents strike for protection, not because they are mean-spirited. So should the apostles strike; not to harm but for preservation. Serpents emit venom; on the other hand, Christians should have the nature of “doves” (peristera), or in Greek mythology, like a nymph — like nature itself.

For protection, many animals conceal themselves in camouflage to blend in with nature so as not to be seen. They do so to avoid adversarial creatures. Jesus was not suggesting that they be doves, or even nymphs, but humble creatures who avoid confrontation and physical engagement.

An example is that the Holy Ghost entered Jesus in “bodily shape” with the motion of a “dove” (Luke 3:22). That does not mean that when Jesus was baptized that they saw the Holy Ghost enter Jesus but that the Spirit just appeared as if from nowhere, even though that Spirit was a phantom that looked like Jesus in form! The others perceived that the Holy Ghost had entered Jesus.

With that said, because the Holy Spirit would be in the apostles, and in Christians, the ‘dove’ characteristic would be to encounter the serpents as they would encounter you when in the Garden. They would conceal themselves and the Spirit within them would reveal itself — as the inner person in the soul of the Christian.

The Greek-speaking world knew exactly what Jesus was saying, but here we are in English, so misinformed because of the language barrier, so unwise that the translators have to use figures to describe invisible characteristics. We are as bad as the psychologist, Carl Jung, who did that exact same thing!

If what I write is correct insight, then we must beware of unseen forces and resort to their tactics while we are on their ground. When fighting Trojans, we must act as Greeks!

(picture credit; Fredrik Posse; "The Trojan Horse Statue in Turkey)


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