Tuesday, March 26, 2024


This thought is somewhat lengthy, but it may save your lives or at least allow you to hang onto a good quality of life.

I have several friends that have a positive disposition. One, I’ll call ‘Dorothy’ always without exception sees the good in everything and seems blind to any misuse. Dorothy is known for her congenial nature. I admire her as much as anyone else! Dorothy is indeed a good person, and I doubt that she would ever even think of doing harm to anyone. She is the epitome of loving thy neighbor, and even trusting them. Unfortunately, some who are that good-natured, even Christians, are the most gullible. Let’s call her religion, ‘Positive Christianity.’

Firstly, let us examine what is the meaning of ‘good.’ We’ll check with Mr. Webster: Good is defined all the way from “conforming to a standard” to “having beneficial intentions.” Mr. Webster implies that good things may not conform, so it is the thought that counts. Indeed, Christianity is based on willingness to conform whether the standard is met or not. The Jews knew that it was impossible to conform to the tight standards of God, but Christians understood, that although the standards are set high, their willingness to conform is the measure of God.

Because of their misunderstanding what is good, the Hebrew people often failed God. The leaders of the Jewish race crucified their Savior because they thought they were doing good by killing an imposter. If they had examined their own scripture, they would have understood that what they were doing was not good.

So, what does God say about good? Jesus said, “There is none good but one, that is, God” (Mat 19:17). Hence, goodness is defined by the goodwill of God. Whatever it is that God wills is good. So, what does God will?

‘Agathos’ — beneficial things (Strong 2006). That raises the question, To whose benefit? John 3:16 supplies the answer to that, “That whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). Destructive things can cause anyone to perish. God’s Will is that His creatures never die! The metric, therefore, is that good things should never be destructive, or if they are, they contain both good and evil (more on that shortly).

Is medicine good? It has good intentions, meeting one of Webster’s criteria. For hundreds or thousands of years, doctors with good intentions bled their patients with bloodletting. It was good for the leeches but not so good for the patients; many of whom would perish because of the loss of blood.

What is the lack of goodness? Anything that is not beneficial, and that has the propensity to destroy. All medicines, for instance, have side effects. Ms. Dorothy would be the type that ignored side effects. My bet is that she takes anything that the doctor prescribes because the doctor has good intentions for her. However, even the best things have unwanted side effects. The only known ingredient that has no disastrous side effects is God for only God is good.

As a youth, I did not get many sweets because we were a poor family. Candy, cakes, and ice cream were extremely good because they were tasty. As a grownup, my diet consists mostly of things that I perceive with my sense of taste to be good. I have been deceived… sweets are not good in a beneficial sense, and the evidence of that is my blood sugar level and weight. If someone had told me that as a child, I would have limited my sugar intake, but all that I was interested in was goodness as I perceived it. My bet is that Ms. Dorothy likes sweet things as well because she is that type.

Mr. Webster defines evil as ‘anything that causes harm.’ Good and evil are not opposing concepts. Goodness is beneficial all the time, so that explains why only God is good. What we consider good things with our limited knowledge contains evil because things all have the propensity to cause harm if overused or misused.

Often, the Judeo-Christian concept of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is overlooked. It was not because the tree was all evil; it was because the tree could be beneficial or harmful. It required great consideration before eating.

The test was what God would say. Paul wrote His inspired words, “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good; abstain from all appearance of evil” (1 Thes 20:21-22). If that is rewritten, then we are to test everything and if there is any semblance or even the appearance of evil, we are to abstain.

Adam’s woman failed that test. Eve did not ask the right questions; perhaps what is death? since death had not ever occurred before, and just when will the deleterious side effects ensue? To her, the fruit looked good, but inherently they would harm her.

In the First Book of Adam and Eve, God provided for them a fig the size of a watermelon, surely to make a point — that too much of any good thing is harmful; so, Adam and Eve chose not to eat of the huge fig because they had learned their lesson.

“The weight of each fig was that of a watermelon; for the fruit of the garden was much larger than the fruit of this land, but Adam and Eve remained standing and fasting the whole of that night, until the morning dawned” (XLI: 2-3). To them, they had new knowledge and recognized what is good in their eyes could cause their death. They tested the fig and abstained, just as Paul wrote.

The point is that since only God is good, everything else must be tested; either to overcome your ignorance or for protection against those who would deceive you, just as the Beast was cunning and deceptive; the creature used the good fruit for evil purposes! Everything has a purpose, and naïve people must be protected from wrong purposes. Hence, the warnings on medicine instructions.

If only God is good, then we can trust in God; for anybody else, it is wise to closely examine their intentions or the thoroughness of their knowledge.

In secular terms, that is ethics… who has principles and who does not.

For instance, Americans believe that the quality of our medicines are good because the FDA attests to that. What if the FDA ignores unwanted side effects or perhaps fail to mention them; would you trust the Federal Drug Administration? What if the Administration had reasons to deceive the users? It is the government in whom we trust.

The developers and manufacturers have reasons to deceive; their economic livelihood depends on you trusting them, the FDA, and the government. Their desire is that in them you trust beyond even yourselves.  In their own eyes, they are reliable and trustworthy, and the user should just take whatever they think is right for you. Their goodness is for profits for themselves and for even some, a great economy without regard to how many lives are lost.

Evil is not the total lack of goodness, but goodness with residual side effects. That is why the name of the tree. Even Satan is not totally evil; he uses what is good for evil as he demonstrated to Adam and Eve.

Don’t let this upset you, but after eating forbidden fruit, Satan made for the Garden a new kind of being — one that Adam named ‘Eve.’ She died immediately in the sense is that she was no longer glorious but depraved like Satan.

Since Eve was the mother of all living, our depravity is inherited from Eve. The point is that mankind died because of her new genetics, coming short of the glory of God and no longer good like God.

They were not totally depraved but degenerated. Everyone has some good in them, and people like Ms. Dorothy are blind to evil and see only good. Like Adam and Eve who lost their bright nature and bright eyes, those who think of only good things are seldom sober and vigilant in their thinking. The pandemic proved that when the majority in the Americas trusted Dr. Fauci and Big Pharma, as well as government bureaucrats and their foolish leader.

Vaccines are indeed good, but they can be used for nefarious purposes. As it turned out, what was the result of the good vaccines that were mandated? If nothing else, the nation, even the world, became divided. (I had people despise me because I did not follow the mandates of their leader.)

So, who considers the goodness of things? Judeo-Christians were once the authority on goodness in the West because the Bible was the ‘dictionary’ of good. Then ‘isms’ of all sorts distorted goodness, and God as well.

Marx considered legalized theft as ‘good’ for the most when he wrote, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs." How to enforce that? Dictators! Why” People want to keep what is theirs, but Marx redefined goodness as taking by deception, or force, what belongs to one and give to others.

That seems good; does it not? It is even much like the Christian ‘Golden Rule.’

Marx meant well, but what happened? Millions in the Ukraine suffered by starving to death because they thought that not so good. The USSR were Marxists who would starve millions of their citizens for the good of communism and Stalin. They distorted the concept of good; it was not God and charity that was good, but taxation and slavery to the government that was good in their eyes. Still, after millions of lives lost due to Marx, much of the world remains Marxist to this day and think communism is a good thing, even communal.

Next consider Nazism. It is National Socialism and how Marx changed traditional Germans into maniacs that would kill millions for the good of Hitler and the Germanic idea. In the beginning it was okay to abort the unwanted and infirmed, and that was ‘good.’ The next to be ‘rewarded’ were the insane and elderly for that was good for the masses. Then the Jews were excised from the masses, and they became superlative; no longer was their capabilities required and death camps became good to so many of the Germans!

Nazism even made the German church ‘good,’ at least in their version of good. They created “Positive Christianity,” and circumcised all the Jews from the Bible and anything Jewish. They even ‘circumcised’ Jesus by making Him Gentile. For the Nazis, that was good.

The Nazis invented super-soldiers for their good; they would kill the enemy with impunity and even with enthusiasm. Their blitz against civilized countries were by half-crazy ‘zombies’ made fearless by crystal-meth. That was good… for the Germans. But soon, what was good, based on government values, became destructive and evil. Those ‘super-soldiers’ soon turned into dead men; they were alive but barely so. Crystal-meth was not so good after all; the Nazis had deceived them. It was released without testing the long-term side effects. That ‘good’ drug still kills millions today and those who use it still think it is good.

Nazism escaped to America. It still lingers here, even among churchmen. Abortion exists because people think it is good!

Like Webster’s other definition, it is not beneficial to the ‘thing’ but to those who think that it is. It is their perception that matters. Just to whom is abortion beneficial? Perhaps not so much for the baby but for the mother. Because abortion can save the lives of mothers, although in this age, that is a rare situation, most often it is for the good of the parents. Worse yet, the extremist Democrats see the horror of abortion as an acceptable sacrifice for the good of democracy.

The New Age, presented to the world as the World Economic Forum (WEF), now considers genetic engineering as good. Yuval Noah Harari of that organization sees the deterioration of the human race to be replaced by genetic engineered non-human beings, and that is ‘good.’ The “superlative humans,” his words, will be engineered by biogenetics out of existence, and that is for the good of the world. Humans are the enemies in the eyes of rabid environmentalists and the Nazis of the world.

People hardly flinched when they were jabbed time after time for the good of the masses, not withstanding that many who were deceived by taking an untested drug. That vaccine was not even a ‘vaccine,’ but it did have the capacity to command their genetics to do things they could not naturally do. But that was for our good, we were told, not withstanding that was good for the manufacturers and for Democrats to exercise their narratives for their electoral good.

Last night, we discussed the future of genetics. Ostensibly, even Bill Gates in Forbes Magazine revealed that gene-editing technology was for our good, that life can possibly be increased by upwards of twenty years. For Bill Gates and his investors that was good. For manufacturers, that is good. Nobody accuses them of not wanting good things, but by doing what is perceived as good, cracks the door for abuse to enter the world.

The first things that I read after learning of CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing technology was that China was using CRISPR for making a new brand of humans — Chinese supers-soldiers. That would be their animated Terra-cotta army that was excavated from centuries past; it is in effect bringing Qin Shi Huang’s ancient soldiers back to life. That would be good for the Chinese, but not so good for the rest of the world.

Bill Gates, as well as many ill-informed Americans, think that gene-editing tools are just wonderful, but never consider that they have the capacity of ending mankind.

Those who hold the title to such inhumane, but ‘good’ genetic tools, have the capacity of becoming the ‘gods’ for it is them that people will turn for extended life, as if they are God.

In the New World, without God, who decides what is good.

King Hezekiah was not ready to die, so God gave him fifteen more years to live. Hezekiah wanted to live longer:

In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death. And the prophet Isaiah the son of Amoz came to him, and said unto him, “Thus says the Lord, ‘Set your house in order; for you shall die, and not live.’” (2 Kings 20:1)

God said, “I will add unto your days fifteen years” 2 Kings 2:6). Hezekiah’s sons ended up eunuchs. The genetics of the House of Hezekiah, who had been good, resulted in evil. Messing with genetics is not good, as Hezekiah’s request proved.

Likewise, the end of the world ended as many more good things were invented by Genun (The Books of Adam and Eve) when God flooded the world because of all the so-called “good things” that Genun had made, and among them were apparently the further mutation of human genes (Gen 6:4).

The world is not good! Anything that is produced by the world, or its citizens, have the propensity for great evil. We are to examine all things and hang onto what is truly good; if it contains any evil at all, it must be discarded for inhumane people will find a very evil use for it.

World War II resulted in the loss of millions of lives. For the good of the world, scientists at the request of our government, invented nuclear bombs. The ‘good’ that they did was destroy millions of lives in Japan for the benefit of the world. Was that good? It was for us! Was it good for the Japanese? Not quite so good.

Good did come from it as Japan gave up their man-god and became civilized, but at what expense? To this day, the Doomsday Clock measures the time that nuclear energy destroys the entire world. Would it not have been better if nuclear energy had not been released?

Our government thought it was good, but now much of the world lives in fear that what is good may destroy us all. Nuclear bombs were an inhumane way of doing good things for those who think of themselves as soldiers of goodness.

The Nazi leader, Heinrich Himmler sought the most humane way of killing the Jews:

First, victims should remain totally unaware that they are about to die. Second, perpetrators need not touch, see, or hear their victims as they die. Third, the death blow should avoid leaving any visual indications of harm on the victims’ bodies. And finally, the death blow should be instantaneous. (Russell 2018)

Abortion meets some of Himmler’s criteria, does it not with the silent scream of the unborn infant, knowing not what is coming or who did it? Neither can we hear the victims as they die because their fear is silent. However, it lacks one facet; there is much evidence left that indicates the harm done.

Himmler failed on that account with the Jews as well when the evidence was revealed after the war when it was too late for the victims.

The one way for humane killing is by the editing of genetics. Eve died because her genetics were changed. The concept of ‘original sin’ is that it is genetic. Satan essentially killed all of mankind, us all after sin, who now come short of the glory of God.

A friend mentioned the good that can come from genetic editing, and that is true. However, Yuval Noah Harari mentioned that the elimination of humans is paramount; that so many of us serve no purpose. To whom? Them — those who despise human lives, excepting their own.

Remembering that we must hang onto what is good, that requires that we consider what is bad and discard that part. Since there is no finite distinction about where good ends and evil commences, wise people will discard what they see as ‘good’ to avoid the ‘evil.’

Those who bought into the lie of the vaccine proves how gullible they are. Those who thought intense masking allowed themselves to breath sufficiently, bought into the lie. Our Democrat government has said the truth, “We depended on the stupidity of the American voter” (Jonathan Gruber).

Now be sober and vigilant because evil is out to get you and the easiest way to kill is by deception!

Picture credit; Alamy







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