Wednesday, March 27, 2024


Each morning, my routine is to rise from my bed and read scripture on my computer before commenting in this forum. Each morning, before the Bible APP is clicked, the nation’s news blare before my eyes. I generally try to ignore the headlines because the text is usually blasé. It seems that the writers want the reader to read no further because their entire message is in the headline. For instance, this morning, Newsweek had as a headline, “Will Donald Trump Be America’s First Dictator?” Going almost unnoticed is the word, “opinion.”

When the text of the ‘opinion’ is read, it is just full of opinion; there is no substance to even lead to that opinion. It would be like me having a headline above this commentary, “JESUS HIDING IN THE CHURCHES,” to describe the Holy Spirit. Headlines are the pretty ‘wrapper’ but within the news is stale. The news media uses a well-known technique — bait and switch — just as any scammer does with their worthless products.

Donald Trump will not be a dictator and has said nothing to that effect. Dictator’s reign until they die, but Donald Trump indicated he would be a ‘dictator’ only on the first day to sign things back into law that Biden dictated to be removed on his first day.

However, this commentary is not about politics but about deception. The ‘news’ is supposed to be news! Newsweek and the others are no more than gossip columns to fuel socialist propaganda. In this age, ‘propaganda’ is called ‘narratives,’ and each day, the U.S. version of Marxist Pravda issues their version of the news that they wish was true. The commentators wish Trump had that desire all the while Biden was the ‘Mandator-In-Chief’ — the Little Dictator that Charlie Chaplin would mimic in days gone by!

Each day, the press comes up with some narrative. This morning, Newsweek stoked the fire that Trump plans on being a dictator. In the next few days, you will be overwhelmed with that and other dreamed up narratives. That Trump will be dictator will be repeated thousands of times, and it has already started. Newsweek was not the first to say that after all, but it has already followed the narrative.

My point in writing today is to say that the ‘Serpent’ was not a snake but a ‘narrative.’

Rest assured; Trump will not be a dictator, but will put a stronghold on those who would be with their one-party Democrat oligarchy!

A ‘narrative’ is, according to Merriam-Webster, “a way of presenting or understanding a situation or series of events that reflects and promotes a particular point of view or set of values.” The values of the Democrat Party are not moral values at all, but instruments for power. In biblical terms, their version of democracy is like ancient Israel’s during the priestly era; “In those days there was no king in Israel, but every man did that which was right in his own eyes” (Jud 17:5). Democracy in a nutshell, is as if everybody is a priest, each doing what is right in their eyes with turpitude, and neither moral nor spiritual.  

Democracies portend to be a government of the people, but unfortunately when they vote, they put their government in the hands of one person. Democracy is the avenue for dictatorship because the minority has little say in a majority led government. When the Democrats rally against MAGA, their purpose is to make the nation a one-party state. So far, as hard as they try, they have not done so, but a common technique is to propagate the notion that your opponents are doing what you are doing!

Narratives are subtilty since they promote a particular set of values. Narratives are cunning ways to twist the truth to suit the purposes of the speaker. As a Christian, I think of “the Serpent (who) was more subtill than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made” (Gen 3:1). The Serpent was not a talking viper, but a messenger (angel) of evil. The purpose of the Serpent was to present a narrative that was contrary to truth.

The Serpent is not an animal, but a demon spirit whose values it projected onto Adam and Eve. Because both of them lacked the knowledge of evil, knowing only good; the newsy Serpent preyed on their ignorance and innocence because to them all things were good. So, think of the Serpent, not as a “Beast” per se but a string of narratives.

Aldous Huxley admitted in the book, Brave New World, that “62,400 repetitions make one truth.”  He was implying that thousands of narratives become the truth. Marxists of all flavors depend on that, so when you read the ‘news,’ the veracity of what you read or hear must be considered. Trump will not be a dictator for even one day, he was being sarcastic because of the narrative. Marxists have no sense of humor but are great at stretching the lie until it becomes the truth.

Since Adam and Eve were ignorant, the Serpent said so only one time, and what he said became the truth. No repetition was required because the two were so gullible that they would swallow anything. It was likely not apples nor even figs that they swallowed, but the ‘Big Lie.’

The Big Lie was the tool of the German Nazi Marxist, Adolph Hitler — “a gross distortion or misrepresentation of the truth primarily used as a political propaganda technique.” In other words, a gross narrative!

Every day, most people hear gross distortions from the mainstream news media which so many never question. Generally, people lack knowledge of anything. They have been told day after day by the progressives that all things are good, even ‘the economy stupid’ in the worlds of Bill Clinton. Many constant repetitions have become the truth to them. People, like in the fall of Rome, are entertained so much that anything negative has become anathema to them. Keep people entertained and the truth will be obscured.

Things are not so swell and dandy right now but that is what we hear in the news. Those riots that we saw in the streets are not insurrections; they are not what your lying eyes see!

The Satanic narrative was “You shall not surely die” (Gen 3:4) but God fears that you will become the gods (Gen 3:5). You will be the master of your own domain, so to speak; you will be the ‘dictator,’ you stupid humans! The two bought into that narrative, even after one exaggeration.

Narratives are untruths — misinformation. There is some truth to them, but they are presented in a way to persuade differently. Trump did use the word ‘dictator;’ that is the truth; however, the news media failed to add, “for one day” and for what two causes. Trump was reinforcing the idea that he would not seek revenge and would not mandate like Biden. But now, it has been planted in the brainless minds of unquestioning people that Trump is an existential threat to democracy.

Narratives are much the same as gossip. The biggest difference is that it is massed produced and broadcast, not just to good friends, but to the world. Gossip is the spread of rumors; things that may be true but probably are not. Each day the news media gossips, and you listen and many of you believe it!

Gossip is the Serpent. It is not the physical form of the ‘Satan,’ Lucifer, but his cunningness. Nahas is mostly translated as ‘Serpent’ because “snakes in the Bible always represent some kind of mental process, usually intuitive and usually impure or otherwise detrimental” (Abarim Publications 2023). Hence, the form of the Serpent was not as a snake but a narrative.

The Devil — the Serpent — has a nature, to wit: “He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it” (John 8:44). “Father,” in that sense, is genetic. Lies originated from the Devil, Lucifer, and liars are of the genetics of the Serpent. People lie instinctively because it is genetic from original sin. The narratives we hear from day to day are the same old lies that the Serpent used. Human DNA is the ‘Serpent’ and its movement is with narratives. No wonder Jesus called the Pharisees vipers; their narratives were genetic from the Serpent.

God made a Law: “Do not spread false reports. Do not help a guilty person by being a malicious witness” (Exod 23:1). That is the news media’s narrative; they spread false reports to help the guilty person (Biden) and that makes the media a “malicious witness.”

God also said, “Do not go about spreading slander among your people” (Lev 19:6). Slander, it says harms people. Jesus was crucified because of slander. The chief priests repeated their accusations so much that it became the truth. Jesus never claimed to be either King of the Jews nor even a Roman Dictator; the media — the gossiping Pharisees of that day — repeated the slander so often that the unwitting Jews knew not what they were doing (Luke 23:34).

You that listen and vote without testing the veracity, are unwittingly out of ignorance, voting according to gossip.  Jonathan Gruber, the Democrat operative said that “They depended on the stupidity of the American voter” to pass their initiatives. The Serpent depended on that and so did the chief priests who killed Jesus with slander. They did not drive the nails nor piece His side, but their lying serpentine tongues caused Jesus’s death!

What upsets me is that people believe the narratives before the truth. Lying is instinctive and to be honest, believing a lie is less work than seeking the truth. The truth is painful! Many will still not believe their government all this time has been so corrupt! It hurts to admit that all our lives we have thought our leaders to be faithful all the while so many have chased the money and let America go down the drain.

Just as lying is genetic, accepting lies as truth is as well. When Jesus called the Pharisees ‘vipers’ it was because lying is in their genetic makeup, and since Eve is the “mother of all living,” all those that are living believe the lies because of their genetics.

It is so much easier to accept the lies — the narratives — than search for the truth.

Credit Dreamstime














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