Tuesday, March 19, 2024


Jesus, in the ‘parable of the sheep and goats,’ ended it with a great and terrible promise: “And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal” (Mat 25:46).

Now we must take a closer look at what He meant: Who did He mean by “these?” They are those who failed to help others (v. 42).

Now, we must examine help. To their credit, Marxists mean well; they have just failed to operationalize their ideology or to be clear from whom all things come.

Kark Marx wrote, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.”

‘Ability’ is more capability because some have ability but are not capable. By that, I mean that their own needs exceed their capabilities. For instance, you would not starve your own children to nourish the children of others. Some pragmatism is required!

Then the concept of ‘need’ must be examined. Needs are “a lack of the means of subsistence” (Merriam-Webster 2023). Indeed, if a person or family have no means of providing for their own livelihood — the right to life — then those who are capable should provide some help to those with needs with their excess.

(It should be obvious that the innocents are those that have the greatest needs. Those who are able should provide for and protect those who are not capable of doing so themselves. With that said, Marxists should be pro-life, but unfortunately, they are in denial; the unborn are not things but humans in great need who depend on others for their livelihoods.) Marxists do not live up to their own standards.

Or perhaps Marx selected his own definition of needs, “a lack of something requisite, desirable, or useful” (ibid). It is useful to spend the money that others made. As such, one person is taxed because another finds their money useful, without regard that it just might be useful to the person who earned it!

Requisites are things required. The most obvious is taxation. Marxism taxes one person for the obligation of another. They call it ‘leveling the playing field’ but mandates are not a game but are dictatorial.

The worst idea of ‘needs’ are the desirables. Nobody has a right to whatever they desire unless they can pay for those things themselves.

Desirables are things that come at a cost that are beyond needs. In this age, people desire recognition. For instance, for men who desire to be women, they expect those around them to recognize them as women. Those of us with the ability to see men and men only, are expected to protect and nourish those who desire to be what they are not. That is where the modern ideology of ‘wokeness’ comes. Marx would have those with abilities to accept as truthful the desires of others; even to cater to those with costly fantasies. For instance, If I desired to be called a ‘star,’ Marxism would promote me as a star even though this star has no talent!

Surely Marx meant well, but failed to think how far the door would be opened after it was unlocked. Maybe he failed to realize that so many would have so many insane needs that the sane would have to provide for their delusions of grandeur. (Galina Vishnevskaya called it “their insane ideology.”)

 As a result, force is required to induce those with abilities to provide for those with desires; hence, the ideology of Marx — communism. It is not a fraternal nor communal organization at all, but an ‘Utopia’ for some and a ‘Hell’ for others, making the dictator the ‘Devil’ himself. Unfortunately, the Utopian Paradise of Marx has no God and each with many desires, they have become their own gods with those with abilities required to appease those false ‘gods.’

Communism requires no God in their ‘Paradise’ because those with excessive desires become the ‘gods.’

Existence always comes in pairs… for every particle their must be an antiparticle and for every god there must be an ‘antigod.’ The devil, Satan, is the Antigod of Marx, but to have that, the true God is eliminated from Marxism as if He never existed!

That well-meaning ideology, in practice, turned out to be abused so intensely that mankind has created his own prison. It has no walls but the angry ‘cherubim’ that guard freedom (Gen 3:27) are government bureaucrats.

Any ideology without God within it turns sour. It takes a real God for righteous things to be done for the good of mankind.

Communists think they are doing good and that others are evil. That notion does agree with the Word of Jesus who said: 

For I was hungry, and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’ (Mat 25:42:43)

 That applies to the needy of the King in the parable, but as I wrote in the previous commentary, that is how we are to feed, house, welcome, clothe, and provide for the needs of Jesus. What we do for others is vicariously doing those same things for Jesus, and failure to do those things for others, is omitting doing anything for Jesus. Failure to provide for the needs of others are sins of omission… perhaps the greater sins.

Marx wanted to do those things, but not to satisfy any God, let alone Jesus! He wanted to do those things to his credit, not to represent God, and indeed he made a name for himself. Now, people are expected to glorify Marxism as if he was really the God. To be truthful, when God is removed from charity, it makes the dictators the gods. That has been the case since Roman times and even before. (Everybody should spit on the ground every time the word ‘Marx’ or ‘socialism’ are said.)

By now, you may have forgotten the key verse. Now it is repeated because it is so often forgotten, “And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.”

Those who fail to provide necessities for others shall “go away” somewhere. When is not mentioned but the place implies the time: into everlasting punishment.

Punishment will not be in this life nor in this world. Jesus explained going away when He shared the parable, “Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels” (v. 41). That is the “punishment” in the key verse. Hell is the place of eternal fire. If you fail to help others to serve Jesus, then by omission of righteousness, Hell is the place for you for eternity.

Eternity begins when time becomes meaningless, and that is at death. You will not get your hands slapped this instant; you may even live a long life, but the ‘Big Slap’ occurs when the soul leaves the body, to wit: 

He (Jesus) will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on His right and the goats on His left. (v. 32)

 Ironically, or perhaps it is providential, the “sheep” (Christians) will be at the right hand of Jesus, and the “goats” (Non-Christians) will be placed to the right. Socialism came from the left and republicanism to the right in the Estates General during the French Revolution.

The rich ruler of scripture (Luke 18) had done all things that were good to his fellow men but had done nothing for God. Doing things for good is merely humanitarian, but doing so as if it was doing it for the sake of Jesus is Christianity. The rich ruler had the ability and those to whom good deeds were done were the needy. He was humanitarian, but not for Christ; he was a Marxist and his government was socialist.

Socialism, in a manner, cleans up the concept of Communism. Communism is meant to be communal and for the good of each other. However, because all men are sinners, each have their own desires and will use whoever to obtain them That is communism in practice; it causes each to turn against the other.

Marx may be laughing at our gullibility from the grave if he was not in Hell, wherein nobody there knows your name and nobody cares to! Jesus judged Marx to the left and there is a place for him there — a place of severe punishment. Ironically, Marx’s “Utopia’ is in Hell where there is no water, no satisfaction, and no needs met. That is the true Utopia of Marx!

Those who go to the right with Jesus go the other direction; “the righteous into life eternal.”

To be factual, there is an eternity without regard to which way they go. Those who go to the left, go into eternal punishment and those who go to the right with Jesus, into life eternal.

Eternity is the sum of all existence. It is divided into two parts just as all things in existence are divided. Eternity is divided into Hell and Paradise, both in heaven, but with a “great gulf’ (or chasm) in between (Luke 16:26). There is no communication between the two. Therein is no empathy because no longer will there be any with needs in Paradise, but everyone with needs in Hell, never to be satisfied.

Many give to be seen and to make a name for themselves. Those are Marxist socialists. Others give to reveal the Name of God who provides all things; that Name is Jesus.

We can all do the same things, but for whom it glorifies makes the difference in our eternal homes.

We cannot allow the government to be charitable for us because taxation is repressive; we must give to glorify God and that is expressive of in whom we trust.

Communism and Christianity are doing much the same things for different reason. Don't be fooled by political deception.

 (picture credit; state.com)







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