Monday, July 28, 2014

Convert, Be taxed or Die! A Peaceful Religion?

Since 9/11 the world has been inundated with the phrase "Islam is a peaceful religion!" Even my two evangelical pastors said that at different times. Of course I confronted them with Mohammed's and his cousin Ali's own words! ISLAM IS NOT AND NEVER HAS BEEN A RELIGION OR PEACE! Yes, I'm shouting that for all to hear. The entire world is endangered by this cancer called Islam. I'm not indicting the people, but the religion. However, I will put Muslims into several categories: 1) Innocents who feign belief for self-preservation, 2) Victims who are required to be Muslim because of their time and geography, 3) Nominal Muslims, 4) Faithful Muslims and 5) Extremists who put their violent faith in action, or 6) The non-religious who use their alleged faith as a means of control and power.

Innocents, victims and nominal Muslims are exempt from this critique. They are very much like Americans who are what they are because of their heritage and societal pressures. However, faithful Muslims, extremists and power-grabbers are either terrorists or cheerleaders for terrorism. Where is the public display of indignation of the Islamic people; those in this peaceful (sic) religion? They either fear for their lives and remain silent, silently agree with terrorism, or propagate terrorism! Muslims are cowards! They fear themselves! I would too, and even being remote to their centrality, I fear them for our future! Of all the demeaning epitaphs hurled at conservatives by the "thought police" there is one that is truly accurate: I am Islamaphobic and readily admit it! If you're not you'd better get there. Just as all of Europe feared the terrorist armies of the caliphate in the mid-1400s, fear does not protect. Charles Martel feared Islam to the extent that he had the courage to defeat them and stop the spread of cancer to Europe. Yes, fear makes strong men courageous!

Islam is a pagan religion. Christians consider anyone non-Christian as pagans although the secular world doesn't consider anyone in the four main religions as pagan. Muslims consider Christians and Jews "People of the Book" since all three of the four major religions are monotheistic and use the Old Testament.

There is much said in their own writings about violence, but first let's look at a vintage history book. It's necessary to look backward in time before the thought police were in existence to find truth. They are so afraid of offending (excepting Christians) that truth is subordinate to emotion. Revisionist history is in vogue, but I try to find accurate history. To do so means turning back the pages of time to reveal a little more truth. Hence, Let's go back to 1886 before 9/11 changed truth:

From "What the World Believes" Gay Brothers, New York, 1886):
"From the time Mohammed entered Medina he found himself in reality , a monarch, at the head of an army devoted to his person, obedient to is will, and strong believers in his holy office. Finding himself in a condition not only to defend himself against the insults of his enemies, but even to attack them, he began to send out parties to make reprisals on the Koreish... The Moslems furiously assailed their opponents, who after a short battle, were totally defeated and dispersed, leaving a rich spoil to the conquerors. (page 190).
His throne firmly established; and an impulse given to the Arabian nations, which induced them to invade, and enabled them to conquer a large portion of the globe. India, Persia, the Greek empire, the whole of Asia Minor, Egypt, Barbary, and Spain were eventually reduced by their victorious arms... (Mohammed) before his death , had established his religion over the whole of Arabia, and some parts of Asia. (page 194).
"... the prophet (Mohammed)  arose and addressed them as follows: "I know no man in the whole peninsula of the Arabs who can propose anything more excellent to his relations than what I now do to you; I offer you happiness both in this life and in that which is to come; God Almighty hath commanded me to call you unto him; who therefore among you will be my vizier and will become my brother and vicegerent?" The fiery Ali burst forth, and declared that he would be the brother and assistant of the prophet. "I," said he, "0 prophet of God, will be thy vizier; I myself will beat out the teeth, pull out the eyes, rip open the bellies, and cut off the legs of all those who shall dare to oppose thee." The prophet caught the young proselyte in his arms, exclaiming, "This is my brother, my deputy, my successor; show yourselves obedient unto him." (page 187).
You can see very clearly how "peaceful" Islam was from its start. Islam exists because of violence! It's a hate-filled terrorist religion and those who can read the Koran know that it is! How can a sane person ignore such atrocity? By the devil himself! However, modern Islam is more threatening. It seems that Ali never even thought about beheadings, but that's the murder of choice for Islam. Let's take a look at the life of Mohammed (my comments are in italic parentheses):

From "The Religion of Peace" (The Life of Mohammed-An Inconvenient Truth):

Timeline of Muhammad's Life (A.D)

570 - Born in Mecca
576 - Orphaned upon death of mother
595 - Marries Kadijah - older, wealthy widow
610 - Reports first revelations from angel at age of 40
619 - Protector uncle dies (more wealth)
622 - Emigrates from Mecca to Medina (the Hijra)
623 - Orders raids on Meccan caravans (camel pirate)
624 - Battle of Badr (victory)
624 - Evicts Qaynuqa Jews from Medina
624 - Orders the assassination of Abu Afak
624 - Orders the assassination of Asma bint Marwan
624 - Orders the assassination of Ka'b al-Ashraf
625 - Battle of Uhud (defeat)
625 - Evicts Nadir Jews
627 - Battle of the Trench (victory)
627 - Massacre of the Qurayza Jews
628 - Signing of the Treaty of Hudaibiya with Mecca
628 - Destruction and subjugation of the Khaybar Jews
629 - Orders first raid into Christian lands at Muta (defeat)
630 - Conquers Mecca by surprise (along with other tribes)
631 - Leads second raid into Christian territory at Tabuk (no battle)
632 - Dies

Not noted here is his marriage to three young women, one very minor in age, all daughters of wealthy men. That's the actions of a pedophile. His riches and power grew with each marriage! .
From the Hadith:Sahih Muslim (1:33) "The Messenger of Allah said: "I have been commanded to fight against people till they testify that there is no god but Allah, that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, and they establish prayer and pay zakat."
Qur'an (3:83) - "Are they seeking a religion other than Allah's, when every soul in the heavens and the earth has submitted to Him, willingly or by compulsion?"
Qur'an (9:5) "But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans (us infidels) wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practice regular charity, then open the way for them..."

Qur'an (9:11) "But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then are they your brethren in religion"
Islam dealt gently with people of the book (Jews and Christians). If they repented and became Muslims they were accepted into worship. If they neglected to convert they were taxed at 50% of what they had. However, pagans (not people of the book) could convert, but if they failed to, Islam wasn't quite as gentle. They were murdered! So here we have it! In Mohammed's time they converted, were taxed heavily or died.

Recently ISIS (Fanatics in Syria and Iraq) has said that those they subjugate will either convert, pay or die! Sound familiar? That's what Mohammed intended for his religion and that's what he did in his time. Never ever was Islam peaceful! Satan deceives even God's own people at times:
Matthew 24:24 "For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect."
Mohammed was indeed a false prophet, but many thought him to be a messiah. Mohammed is the greatest antichrist thus far and is a cancer on the face of the earth. Christians, being "the elect" are among those deceived! I mentioned that even my evangelical preachers called Islam "a peaceful religion". They were astounded when I read them Mohammed's own words! 

Many modern churches advance this false gospel. In Bowling Green recently the pastor was well-pleased when a couple from his Unitarian-Universalist Church converted to Islam. His "church" doesn't even fit the definition of a cult! It's beyond that. It defies scripture and God! Likewise, protestant denominations who are even less in apostasy than this welcome Islam into this country. If even our allies accept the false doctrine of Islam how are we to survive? Truly the world is in trouble. Cancer kills and only solutions such as radiation can wipe it out. Big powerful bombs will melt even the armor of their war machines in a great battle someday. Islam will lie defeated and their dream of becoming the One World Religion with a caliphate (global government) headed by an Emir (antichrist ) will go up in smoke. Rather than seventy-two virgins awaiting the arrival in heaven, millions of diseased whores await them in hell!

So I'm not very politically correct and am insensitive? I'm just the messenger. Don't blame me! God inspired John to write of the outcome we're headed toward. I choose to be apart from sure destruction. Convert, pay or die? I regret that I have but one life to give for Christ whom I worship!

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