Thursday, July 31, 2014

Political: Dt. Tim Hulsey - Let's Get Serious Mr. President

In light of all the crises domestically and internationally, all the legislation that the House of Representatives has passed that is tabled at the Democrat Senate, and Obama’s unwillingness to engage with Congress to solve problems, he’s fundraising on our dime and making jokes about it. “The House is suin’ me for tryin’ to help people! They’re suin’ me for doin’ my job!”

No, sir! They’re suing you for doing their job while failing to do yours!

There are ten items the Constitution clearly outlines for the job of the president. Nowhere is “tryin’ to help people” listed.

Enforcing the laws that Congress is constitutionally tasked to pass is listed as his job. Changing the wording of laws passed by Congress and signed into law by him is not part of his job. Ignoring the Constitution and arrogating powers by re-writing his job description is not part of his job.

Partisan fundraising is an extracurricular activity which he should pursue on his own or the DNC’s dime. He may be in contact appropriately and able to do conduct our business when traveling, but when he’s schmoozing with BeyoncĂ©, he’s not likely solving domestic and international problems subconsciously.

Golfing and vacationing while crises are occurring on our soil certainly gives the appearance of disinterest. Darn those sand traps!

Obama may joke to his admirers about events, but his comments are at variance with the truth. In his world, his job description is what he wills it to be. I would be surprised if his mentor, Valerie Jarrett, doesn’t reinforce that every day.

If one of his minions revealed to him how many times he is the butt of jokes around the country and the world, he might not be so jocular. Of course, Valerie Jarrett won’t allow that!

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