Monday, July 28, 2014

Political: Dr. Tim Husley on Grimes and her Socialist Friends in Power

A group of Kentucky Democrats (Alison Grimes wasn't among them) recently met
with the Democrat in Chief's staff about his war on the coal industry which has
cost thousands of jobs in the Commonwealth and other states. They described
their discussion as "heated."

I doubt that the self-appointed Protector in Chief of the environment even knew
they were there.

It is incredible that a president or any other single individual can cause the
collapse of an entire industry, destroy tens of thousands of jobs, and make
American citizens pay more for energy all to secure a voting block.

Obama doesn't believe in anything other than himself and his socialist agenda.
The global warming controversy is a left wing agenda that invokes increased
federal control and begs for the authority of a dictator to achieve their ends.
That meshes with desires of the Socialist in Chief perfectly.

The fact that cheap power was the single largest factor in world development and
is due to the existence of fossil fuels are facts not recognized in Obama's
sphere. If Africa were allowed to use their coal reserves to make electricity
widely available, the lives of millions would be dramatically improved.

The ecoimperialism of Obama and the environmental movement, however, wants to
de-develop the western world and to prevent any further development of other
parts of the world. If de-development doesn't make sense to you, you're not
alone. It isn't going to happen without a global apocalypse. They are succeeding
in imprisoning Africa shamefully.

Obama conned the nation with lies and rhetoric and has usurped dictatorial,
unconstitutional power, yet Congress won't won't impeach him for the worst abuse
of the office of the president in history.

Obama's incompetence is not due to his race, but the absence of impeachment is.

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