Sunday, May 22, 2016

Dear Ann Slanders

Dear Ann:

I'm sick and tired of people judging me. Since I was born with the desire to do sinful things, I don't understand why it's the business of puritanical Christians to try to make me feel bad for just being "me".  I don't see anything wrong with what I do and after all, isn't right and wrong subjective? Who are these judgmental people to tell me what to do with my life?

What do these narrow-minded bigoted right-wing Christians have against same-sex marriage, transsexualism, pedophilia, drug use, promiscuity, divorce, abortion, and things like living together? I hate intolerant people with a passion and for them to disagree with what I want to do is despicable. They are despicable unloving people!

Fed up with Religious Nuts
San Francisco

Dear Fed-up:

I'm not doctor, not a theologian and not even a psychologist, but have many opinions. I don't understand the Christian mind because I'm Jewish, yet I am self-certified to advise you because there is no consequences to bad advice. I'm an important person who writes for many daily newspapers and my opinion has more merit than common people's. I am flattered that you would seek me out, a total stranger, to offer you advise rather than ordinary people. Of course an in-person interview would help, but I can tell from even your typing mistakes that you are flustered. It would be silly for me to let you continue to feel guilty because narrow-minded people disagree with your lifestyle. It is nobody's business!

How dare any of my readers disagree with my opinions because what I say goes. I have selected the best team of advisors who were all from Ivey League schools and of the most progressive thought to validate what I believe. I know that they would never disagree or counter what I say because that hurt my self-esteem and in progressive-land that can't be done!

It is your right to do whatever you want to do. Nobody has any  business to tell you how to live your life. I agree that those people are hateful for disagreeing with that in which you believe. In fact there ought to be a law against unqualified people giving advise, with me as the exception.

Let me advise you that you need more reinforcement. Please contact a qualified certified psychotherapist to validate your beliefs. Please be assured that if any therapist advises you to change your thoughts, that you should report them to the APA for evaluation. We can never ever allow counselors to advise any patient that they need to change for any reason. That would certainly be contrary to sound counseling practices.

My motto is "Do whatever turns you on. It's nobody's business!"  Thank you for valuing my advise and helping to provide for my huge salary with your fun lifestyle.

Ann Slanders

On the other hand we need to look at nouthetic counseling. It's those counselors who use truth and scripture as an only resort to changing twisted lives. It's those who refuse to use the so-called "wisdom of the world" to fix either spiritual, emotional or practical problems. It's using God's word to fix what God created!

First off, we need to examine the concept of guilt. Of course "guilt" is the human response to realizing that a person has done something wrong. Whereas psychology's role is to eliminate the guilt by changing moral and religious standards, God relieves guilt by bringing behaviors in line with his will. Whereas psychologists free a person from guilt by toleration of actions and beliefs, God frees people from guilt by calling for obedience to his standards. Whereas psychologists change moral standards to harmonize the person's actions with the rules, God's will is that the person change behaviors to harmonize with his commands.

Why should Christian counselors use the standards of the American Psychiatric Association (APA) when Holy Scripture are the standards to be used, not only by Christians, but by all who seek truth? Why not use truth to free a person from stress when deception is what causes the stress?
John 8:32  "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free... 34 Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin...36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed."

"Freedom" is freedom from sin. As long as one sins they are in bondage to Satan. He is the one who controls sinful people. The reward for sin is pleasure, but the wages or consequences of sin is death!
Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
"Freedom" then, is hope. It's the comfort of knowing that the individual will live forever. "Fed-up" in her letter to Ann Slanders, is a spiritually sick person. She's in a latter stage of her illness. Here are the stages:
  • temptation
  • deception
  • acceptance of the falsehood
  • rationalizing the dilemma
  • failure to condemn wrongs
  • doing a few wrong things
  • becoming s strong supporter of wrong things
  • doing many and grievous wrongs
  • wrong thoughts and behaviors becoming a lifestyle
  • becoming reprobate
When one becomes "reprobate" the heart is calloused to such a degree that change is out of reach. In essence, God allows the person to travel the path to destruction because Satan becomes the person's entire slave-master. The terminally ill "patient" has tried to serve two masters, but now hates one. The object of their rebellion is God!
Matthew 6:24 "No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon (the things of the world)."
"Fed-up" appears to be "reprobate". As such she damns herself to eternal hell because of total rebellion to God. Ann Slanders tells her what she wants to hear. This is called in scripture "tickling the ears". It's falsehoods compared to truth. It further enslaves. If it's not too late, only truth will set her free and restore her to health. It may be too late, but the object of Christian counseling is to put the slavery of a sinful lifestyle into remission before the cancer destroys the patient. Truth is the antidote for sin and the Son, Jesus Christ, is the One who sets the person free from wrong lifestyles. Jesus is the cure for all sin and "Fed-up" must take the cure!

"Truth" is what God says. That's what the counselor must tell her for her to be free. Scripture says that same-sex behavior, fornication, abortion, euthanasia, divorce and all these symptoms are the cause of her reprobation. These thoughts and behaviors are the "old person" who owes allegiance to the slave-master Satan. In order to be "fixed" of her situation, she must be set free of her wrong thinking and beliefs. Jesus is the freedom-giver and when he has the grace to give, the old person gives way to a new person. That is "change". To be fixed Jesus changes the person. They don't do it by themselves nor is it done by a counselor. It is a gift of God!

If there does not evolve a new person from the mire, the person probably is still "sick". It's like any patient, if the cure doesn't create change, there was likely no cure. If the cancerous person still has skin cancer after the radiation treatment, she hasn't been cured. The old person will still be there, burned a little, but still dying! That's the same when the "cured" sinner still lives the life of an uncured person. The fix didn't take because of doubt, rebellion or pleasure.

Ann Slanders has no credentials for fixing any problem. She is not held accountable because there is no system of accountability for her. Only a fool would seek the advise of a fool.

On the other hand a Christian counselor is accountable to God. The cure must be truth, and if it's not they damn themselves. You may want the advice of Ann Slanders, but for me, I'll take the truth anytime!

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