Tuesday, October 31, 2017

On Doctrines

I'm doing something unique in this commentary. I am psychoanalyzing and moralizing in a spiritual sense. I am reading a book written by my cousin, Dr. Bradford Stanton Summers entitled Honest to God! My dear cousin is deceased now but in his demise he has made a great influence on me. I'm not brilliant; he was. I'm not talented; he was. I'm not a preacher; he was. I'm not a therapist; he was. He was many things I'm not. He had shades of Calvinism; I don't. There are five points to Calvinism. I believe my dear cousin was a three-point Calvinist. His views differ from mine on free will, legalism, and sola gratia - by grace alone. Of course the concept of salvation by grace alone is the opposite of legalism. Hence, we differ on the third point - eternal security.

Brad and I are/were both Baptists but we are very different Baptists. One thing we do agree upon is the lack of importance of denominations. Being brought up under one doctrine creates a bias against scriptural truth. People often believe the way they do because that's all they know. Brad realized that but had a hard time shaking it. They can't let go of what they believe because that means they reject their denomination, and even their parents.

In politics, many people still vote a certain way because their parents did. That is a noble thing to do because honoring one's parents is commanded. However, parents can be wrong, and likely are. Likewise, denominational doctrine can be wrong and likely is.  "Brad" confesses in his book that he had been a product of his Independent and Southern Baptist upbringing. He was endeavoring to escape from his prison but yet even in his writings he clung to Calvinism while attempting to escape it.

In denominations with Calvinistic beginnings, legalism is a damning word. We know from scripture that the sect of the Pharisees were called "vipers" by Jesus because they, in public at least, made a show of obeying every law and regulation. However, they had no love in their hearts. They obeyed because they perceived that they must in order to be saved.

Before I proceed, Brad and I had much in common. We both realized the importance of Christ crucified and the resurrection. Much of Paul's teachings were the necessity in accepting the atoning blood of Jesus and that He still lives. Brad knew that most people have little idea on the subject of the atonement. I submit that neither do they have much of an idea on what being "born-again" means!

In our doctrinal differences, Brad and I had much in common. Because he was more of a biblical scholar, Brad had much more knowledge of scripture and the technical aspects of the original languages, era, and societies. However, being more educated in the seminary, he was more exposed to modern thought. That is not all bad, but professors in seminaries sometimes leave more questions about scripture than answers. Thus many preachers graduate with the four-cornered hat, but remain confused.

Brad's learning made him think. He rejected orthodoxy to some extent even though he called himself orthodox. My own definition of orthodoxy is thinking the way the apostles thought. They knew Jesus first-hand and wrote what he inspired. Liberal thought always distances itself from regulations and past beliefs. Unfortunately, taking the liberty to change inspired word, leads to false teaching. To be like Christ, is to accept him in an orthodox way: he Is who He says He is, and He did what He said He could do. I accept that without question. Therefore, I am orthodox. Part of orthodoxy is accepting canon for what it is. My belief is that the sixty-six books of the Bible are the inspired word of God because God is in charge. He inspired early Christians to select these codex, and they remain as such because of God's will. Why would He desire for us to have Holy Scripture if it wasn't holy?

Brad was desperate for truth. His book is full of despair, but at the time of his book, he had hope. The book was written with the thought that he was enlightened. The Church is not what it should be! Of course, it's not. However, my own thought is that Calvinism is a doctrine of hopelessness and despair. Deep within their minds, Calvinists know they have a choice, and that they must "do" certain things to be saved. Brad seemed to reject free will. He said that free will is not in the Bible but it is: in the Old Testament there was a free will offering mentioned in several places. In the New Testament that free will offering is made more obvious:
Romans 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
Paul didn't use the words free will but look at what he says:  you do something - sacrifice yourself. God doesn't make you - it is your choice. Our own free will sacrifice is to sacrifice ourselves - or not. It takes work to present the sacrifice but because of the mercy of God it is possible.

The notion of free will flies in the face of Calvinism. That doctrine is deterministic. Since salvation is all grace, there is little an individual can do to be saved. They live their lives without hope, and even deny when salvation happens!
1 Thessalonians 5:8 But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation.  
When one is converted, they believe, is when they are "saved". I submit that's when the old creature is made the living sacrifice, and are safe until the day of salvation. Like Job who could have sinned and denied God, as Christians we still have that same choice: we can withhold or make that living sacrifice. When we're born-again, except for Calvinist's view, that is a choice made freely by our own will. When we become Christians that choice is not voided. We are all free agents. To do what? Sin or not to sin.

Calvinism accepts the notion that we are at liberty to sin. That is valid scripture. Sin is always a choice, and if we sin, God does not damn us. Therefore, we are out of bondage, not being a slave to sin nor its restrictions. Rejecting sin is legalism because it's the Law which is rejected.

Brad had a different idea on the Old Covenant which we call the Old Testament. For him, it was a covenant of legalism. My own doctrine is that is was and still is a covenant of grace. What I am saying, except for the patriarchs, the Jews missed the point. Like the Pharisees, they misunderstood the Torah - the book of the Law.  Adam was "saved" by the grace of God with original sin, and we are still saved by grace today. Adam felt shamed and attempted to cover his own shame with fig leaves. We still do that! Our "doing" things to relieve the guilt of disappointing God is the first step to reprieve.  Mankind ever since, has been saved by grace. (I use the common "saved" here although "the hope of salvation" is better. "Saved" denotes the assurance of the salvation which comes at death).

Why the Law? So that we are without excuse. Before the Law, the Jews could plead innocence. With the Law, their rationalization are to no avail. The Law operationalizes love - love of God and love of others. The Ten Commandments, which God meant to endure forever, are written in stone for that reason. Jesus didn't come to abolish the Law but to fulfill it. The Law is as valid today as it was when it was hot off the press!

Before I was born-again, I attempted to "clean up my act" so as to become presentable to the Lord. That's what legalism is. It's an attempt to save oneself. In other words, my own "fig leaves" to cover my shame were works - the same as Adam did. Adam's way was noble but wrong. Not really being God, he didn't have any power to cover his own sins. Likewise, I don't have that power either, but Jesus does! When I came to that enlightenment, just as Jesus taught Nicodemus, I was born-again. The "old person" tried to save himself while the "new person" depended on Jesus to do it.

Legalism is noble because it shows conviction. It is ignoble in that it leaves Jesus out of the birthing process. However, I am a legalist, and am not ashamed of that! Let me explain. The Law is still valid but has been reduced to one. That one Law has a corollary.  We are to love God and love others. Loving others is how we demonstrate our love for God. The Apostle John wrote that Jesus desired that we obey the commandments if we love Him. Therefore, right reasons come into play.

If we merely obey to save our lousy skins, then legalism is futile. However, after our flesh is safe, obedience is a way of saying, I thank you for your grace and love you for it!  Calvinists place little importance on obedience because they see it as legalism. They deny the will but the will is what must be sacrificed. Just as Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son, he didn't have to do it! Just as I don't have to not sin, I must be willing to life righteously.  Free will is important and necessary doctrine, but Calvinism deny it!

Calvinists then operate in one of two ways. They are happy with their new birth experience and obey the Law which they call legalism and disdain. There are many righteous Calvinists in spite of Calvinistic doctrines. On the other hand, since they are "saved from all sins", they have no responsibility to not sin. One Calvinist replied when I questioned him, "That sin was forgiven two thousand years ago." Indeed, it was but where was his respect for Jesus who died because of that sin?

Paul tells us in Romans 3:25 that his blood was shed for "past sins". Of course, "all sins" were on his shoulders, but when we accept that propitiation, it is for our own past sins. Therefore, continual refrain from sinning and repentance is necessary. Once we're born again, Jesus's desire for the Christian is that we sin no more. We are to be legalists in the sense that we are willing to obey God, albeit we may fail often. (Abraham's obedience was credited to him as faith; hence, obedience is faith as Brad proposed).
1 John 3:9 Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.
With these words, we must put them in context. Sin can't mean one time. Paul expounded upon that in many places. The English Standard Version says it a little differently using the phrase makes a practice of sinning.  Since walking with Christ is following his Way, we are to obey Him. Sure, we may slip and fall but we must be willing to follow Him.

For Brad and other Calvinists, I believe that the inability to obey God's will is depressing. It is for me, because when I sin often, my hope dwindles. Brad equated faith with obedience. That is not Calvinism! Somehow, in spite of his upbringing, Brad realized that obedience is important; it being a measure of faith. Sin produces guilt, and a Christian who is depressed with guilt has no joy. We all know that even one sin makes a Christian ashamed. On the other hand if a Christian sins without remorse, he or she may be reprobate; what analysts call psychopaths because they feel no guilt.

To relieve guilt, Christians repent. Jesus forgives seventy times seven - without end actually. Calvinists believe in eternal security. For them, there is no need to repent because without regard to sinning they are "saved" anyway. Conditional security depends on us. Things we must do to be saved. Those works are not of the hands but the heart. We must be willing to remain pure.  Will is so important to salvation yet Calvinists reject it!  Since free will is a gift of God when He designed man in His own image, using our will is still grace. For instance, our faith is a gift of God, but continuing in faith is a work which is our responsibility.

Somehow Christians know that they must obey. When we fail, guilt sets in. Unless that guilt is dealt with by repentance and a willingness to obey, our hope is dismal. Why would God want us if we serve two masters? He is a jea1ous God. He was jealous of Adam when he did his will, and not God's will. Even today, we pray that God's will be done, but yet Christians do their own will! That's our futile attempt to be as God. We fail God, and communion is gone. Sinning Christians isolate themselves from God, and hope is lost.

This two verses scare and depress those Calvinists who live a life of sin:
Hebrews 10:26 (ESV)  For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, 27 but a fearful expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries.
They deny that it was meant for them and rationalize by saying, "It was meant for the Jews!" Then after saying that, they use other Hebrews verses for Gentiles. God is not a respecter of persons and what is true for one is true for all. God doesn't have different standards of salvation - there is one Jesus and one Gospel.

When Christians continue to practice sin, life becomes difficult. By serving two masters they will eventually choose one over the other. That is scriptural! (Matthew 6:24). Sure, Christians continue to believe in God but serve themselves. They are the master of themselves; not God their Master.  The Christian's belief may be sincere, but their heart remains uncircumcised. The desire to sin must be hung on the cross by Jesus.

This is not to say that the Calvinist is not a born-again Christian but "know not what they do," as the Jews didn't at the crucifixion. I believe God's mercy extends to those with confused doctrine because of His grace! Christians cannot just keep on being the "old person" after they are born-again and still have hope. Their joy is diminished because obedience is a measure of faith. If I realize that I am a man of little faith, I am disappointed in myself. Thank God that even a "little faith" is saving or I would be reprobate!

However, it is important to do the legal things to show God that love and appreciation for redemption. When I reject cursing, boozing, smoking, doping, immodesty, gluttony, lustfulness, and lack of seriousness in worship, and the messing with the Lord's Day, I am a legalist. Not doing those things are not "saving" but they are demonstrating love for God. Christians who continue to break those regulations and Laws know they disappoint God. I know that I can't live with that because I hated to disappoint my own dad, let alone my Father in heaven. That is not to say that I am "sin free" but I am willing to refrain from sin. Again, it's not the doing but the willingness to do right. In the kingdom of God, trying is succeeding!

Brad's knowledge helped me understand him. He battled with sin by his own admission. Just with that confession, he showed that his heart was right. He was willing to please God but his flesh was weak. We all battle with sin. Continual study of the word, confession, and repentance is the solution. No one said that life would be easy, but in death there is hope.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Robin Hood, Humanism, and Marxism

I grew up with Robin Hood, not the 12th Century one, but the television version. I was taught at an early age, even without having our own television much of the time, that Robin Hood was the epitome of "goodness". He is well known for stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. As an adult, it gradually soaked in that Karl Marx was the 19th Century version of Robin Hood although he never stole by force, he was the motivation for others to do so. Howard Pyle may have converted more to Marxism than Marx himself by propagating the notion of "fairness".

Marxism is attractive for many because of the unfairness of extant systems. For Robin Hood, the system was feudalism which consisted of societal classes: Lords, vassals, and fiefs. Lords were the nobility. Supporting them and the king were vassals who owned the land and supported the causes of the king and lords. The lowest class were the fiefs who worked the vassals' land and paid them a fee in support of the knights. In turn, the knights fought for the king. With the class division, the feudal system was by nature unfair. Many republics were formed in Europe as a result of repudiation of the feudal system. Unfair taxation caused animosity from the fiefs, and rightfully so!

The perception of unfairness drives rebellion. Today we have socialism as the remedy for unfairness. We must place the blame where blame is due - the institutional corroboration toward an unfair economic system. The Church corroborated in this unfair system. Religion -  Christianity and Judaism became part of the rebellion because they were part of the institution.

Robin Hood came to the rescue, in legend, to the poor. King Richard the Lionhearted openly persecuted the Jews as has been the case throughout history. Why? Firstly, it was because Christians blamed them for Christ's crucifixion. However, like Judas, they were merely the tools ordained for this dastardly deed. Jews and Gentiles were why Jesus died. Like Adam and Eve, Christians forsook their own guiltiness by blaming the Jews! The other reason Jews were persecuted is because of their prosperity. Although usury is a sin, Jews did well with their finances. Usury originally was making interest off any financial transaction. As such, Christians pictured Jews as sinners who made great wealth on the backs of the poor.

King Richard fought the French, and led the Crusades. While he was gone, his brother - later King John, financed the war with France and the Crusades with taxation. The fiefs suffered most. Much of the money was raised by taxing the knights to "buy out" of military service by paying a scutage - a tax only those with money could afford. Naturally, the money for the scutage came from the poor!

The system was rotten. The class structure of England and most European Countries had vestiges of feudalism even at the time of Marx. With industry, the capitalists were the vassals. The Lords got rich from their fiances. Crony capitalism became the feudal system of the 1800s. With the Industrial Revolution commencing about 1760, the agrarian feudal system was gradually replaced with feudal capitalism. The rich became richer, and the poor poorer.

In King Richard's day, vast sums of money were spent on one lavish castle. Although castle-building had declined since King Henry II this one castle at Château Gaillard in France was extravagant. The pecuniary left England for a foreign country since Richard ruled Normandy at the time. As such, nationalism was one of the motivators for Robin Hood, and later Marx. In the Third Reich, Hitler's brand of socialism was nationalistic much as in the time of Robin Hood.

An unfair system caused dissension. Feudalism, and its perceived offspring capitalism, was the designated evils. Judaism and Christianity, as part of the system, were dual evils. This was especially true because the church became wealthy at the expense of the poor. Even the Crusades were a military adventure of the Popish Church. Thus, Christianity was part of the evil system, and were accomplices to class division.

Socialism, as did Robin Hood, used class warfare as a way to level the playing field. As a child, when I saw Robin Hood stealing from the rich and giving to the poor, I was enthralled at this sense of fairness. I never considered that even honest Christians were defrauded, along with those with ill-gotten gain. Pyle was just too smooth with his writings for me to even notice the inequity of stealing! Today, most people are too enthralled with the sense of fairness to recognize the unfairness in socialism; that system which is essentially the manifesto of Robin Hood!

Pyle was not a Marxist. Robin Hood and socialism are a result of humanism. People "work out their own salvation" by doing good things for mankind - not to magnify and obey God but to feel good about themselves. I recently wrote about the rich young man who confronted Jesus. (http://kentuckyherrin.blogspot.com/2017/10/secular-humanism.html). He did good things for mankind but nothing for God. Humanism is doing good for the fellow man without serving Jesus; it's stealing his actions without crediting Him.

It is a noble thing to want to better others. However, stealing is wrong for whatever reason. Jesus could have taught socialism. Instead he taught charity. There is a big difference. Christians must be charitable to be righteous but it must be of their own conviction and sacrifice. Forced "charity" deprives the Christian of being charitable!

Robin Hood took from the rich and gave to the poor. That seemed to be a noble deed for us kids but it was entirely wrong! Robin Hood was not charitable; he was a thief! Likewise, socialism is not charitable, it is legalized theft!

Jesus could have ended poverty with one thought. However, he said this:
Mark 14:7 For ye have the poor with you always, and whensoever ye will ye may do them good: but me ye have not always.
Rather than end poverty which he could have easily done, Jesus called on his disciples to be charitable. He told them to be charitable, and never even suggested that the government institute it. Charity is a function of the church. If the Roman Church had given, rather than taken, Robin Hood would have been out of a job. Likewise, if Christians are charitable, Marx would had been little more than a common thief! Charity is not giving - it is love (1 Corinthians 13:3). Giving is a means of showing love.

As is tithing, if giving is for wrong reasons, it is lacking in love.  Giving because it is required by taxation has nothing to do with charity. In fact, it creates animosity, and provokes people to be uncharitable. As in the days of Robin Hood, the church and the government are competing for the same tithe. It is the church's job to be charitable, and the king's to protect us. We're all familiar with the command - do not steal. However, if we do, restitution must be made:
Ezekiel 33:15 (ESV) If the wicked restores the pledge, gives back what he has taken by robbery, and walks in the statutes of life, not doing injustice, he shall surely live; he shall not die.
Anti-poverty programs are stealing from one class to provide for the other without regard to ability and need. Socialism is driven by that initiative: From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs. ("Critique of the Gotha Program "; Karl Marx). Those who are able to work hard are to provide for those who are "needy" without regard for their motivation or lack thereof! Progressives claim to be for the middle class, but it's from us "vassals" who take the hit. Because we are not fiefs, surfs, or in housing projects, the money must come from us. Robin Hood in disguise of the government doesn't have enough Lords from which to steal, so us middle class vassals are the ones robbed.

We are to respect authority and support the government. Jesus paid his taxes, and the money was provided by a miracle. The Pharisees asked Jesus if taxes are to be paid. (Matthew 22). He admonished them to give to Caesar what is his, and to God what belongs to Him. With that said, God provided the tax money by from the mouth of a fish. Note that Jesus never asked the disciples to pay his due but depended on himself by a miracle. With the same faith, we can pay Uncle Sam!

Caesar abused his tax collection. Even his tax collectors were  thieves. Caesar not only built up he infrastructure but constructed statues of himself. The latter was abuse of taxation. Jesus didn't say that the government must be fair but respected.
Romans 13:1 (ESV) Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.
God allowed Rome to be created for his purposes. That was to grow the Church. God allowed Caesar to be Caesar; that was to tend to His "Garden". He didn't expect Caesar to tend it well but allowed him to be in charge. Robin Hood not only was a thief but he lacked respect for authority! Marxism is the same. It propagates the violent overthrow of the government which God has authorized.

You might say, "If the government is overthrown, that must be God's will!" Not so. God allows unrighteous things to happen so that his people are tested or learn from it. The lesson of King Richard is that King John was worse. The lesson of socialism is that "charity" is enforced. Thus, those who prefer charity on their own are victimized. We know from autocratic communistic systems where Robin Hood gradually turns into King Richard. The best example is when the socialists took Russia and became the worst autocratic "Romanovs" that Russia ever had!

Replacing an evil system with a higher evil is foolishness but in the disguise of Robin Hood, socialists continue to steal from us vassals.

Jesus was not a socialist. He was no Robin Hood.

Jesus taught charity but it was love which he commanded. He even gave instructions on to whom to give: (1) orphans, (2) old widows who could not provide for themselves, and the poor Christians. Out of laziness, I'll ask the reader to find the biblical sources for this charity.

However, those who receive must be good stewards of what is given:
Matthew 25:20 (ESV) And he who had received the five talents came forward, bringing five talents more, saying, ‘Master, you delivered to me five talents; here I have made five talents more.’ His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’
And it is the wage earner who is to provide. The king does not have that responsibility:
1 Timothy 5:8 (ESV) But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.  
As such, no one has the "right" to prosperity. It comes from hard work - by the sweat of the brow.  Toiling to have it taken is legalized theft. Charity is giving out of love.  They are not the same!

My thoughts on Robin Hood are much different than when I was a child. I was unwittingly being remolded by deception. Humanistic thought did the remolding until I caught on.  Committing a sin to correct another sin is wrong! Paying through false "charity" is not sufficient for salvation. We must give out of love, and not by force. We must never expect Caesar to do our loving for us. Neither should we allow do-gooder humanists to steal from the able to give to the unmotivated. Marx hated the idea of Christianity. Why should we heed him? Even Robin Hood was playing God.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

The Natural Man

1 Corinthians 2:4 And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: 5 That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. 6 Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, that come to nought: But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory: 14 ... The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. 15  But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. 16  For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? but we have the mind of Christ.
The "natural man" is the person who is of the sensual world. I submit, that this is either a "babe in Christ" (1 Corinthians 3:1), who has yet to spiritually discern, or a person who has only experienced natural birth. The knowledge of the natural man is what he has learned from the world. As such, that person is in the flesh, and essentially, has yet to discern between God's will and their own!

Discernment is the ability to separate ideas. In the context of knowledge, it is making a distinction between right and wrong, good and bad, or truth from deception. I could have said truth from lies, but few outright lie; they add it to truth - thus deception.

Wise people have spiritual discernment. Wisdom is comparing knowledge to scripture:
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
Science can never "prove" anything. By its own methods, it can only fail to disprove the nulls of the hypotheses. Neither can Christianity prove anything by natural means. Those who demand testable ideas are natural men. Part of faith is accepting that God is the source of all truth.
John 17:17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.
Do you remember from John Chapter 1 who the Word is? He was made flesh. The Word is Jesus Christ.
John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life...
 Thus, the discerning man knows truth and who He is! The last part of this last passage is: "no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." The natural man fails to realize that heaven is only obtainable by the grace of Jesus Christ, and that all He says is truthful. Hence, the natural man seeks to obtain eternal life by his own actions. The self is not the way to salvation - the truth is that Jesus is the Way and only Way.

Hence, the natural man seeks to do things on his own. Obviously, the only thing which the natural man has going for him is knowledge. Constructive application of knowledge is wisdom. For instance, knowing that drugs may kill you is knowledge. Wisdom is refraining from their use. Foolishness is using drugs knowing they will kill.

Likewise, believing Jesus is the Way to salvation is knowledge. Seeking salvation by trusting Jesus for salvation is wisdom. Knowing Jesus as savior without trusting him to save is foolishness. This last idea is the condition of the natural man. Many believe in Christ but few trust him. Many claim to be Christians but are never born-again. The natural man may never even understand the new birth.

The constructive application of knowledge is wisdom. Although many men constructively apply their knowledge, even for the benefit of mankind, it is for wrong reasons. For instance, discovering a cure for cancer is a noble idea. Being cancer free increases the longevity of mankind. Finding a cure for cancer, then is the constructive use of knowledge. However, it is spiritually for the wrong reasons!

Death is the consequence of original sin back in the Garden. Hence, death is from God. He doesn't mean for us to be immortal in a physical state. Endeavoring to provide eternal natural life is noble but not God's will. Jesus could have wiped out natural death with one thought. He didn't do that because only eternal life in the Kingdom of God is God's will. The natural man will not exist in heaven, albeit Christians there will have glorified bodies. That is truth because Jesus's purpose in existing is to provide eternal life - not immortality in a natural sense.

Natural man desires to live forever in natural bodies. Spiritual man desires to live eternally but realizes it's in glorified bodies. That possibility is not scientifically provable but can be tested by scripture. By faith we can prove truth. The truth is, even historically, that Jesus died on the cross and was resurrected. We know that as fact because many credible men left depositions. Since that is truthful, we know that Jesus still lives because he said he would. You see, Jesus left a legacy of truth which validates what remains untestable.  Because Jesus has a history of truth, we accept his further claims as truthful. The acceptance of what we cannot verify is called "faith".

The natural man has little or no faith. For the natural man, he must have physical proof. That is foolishness. Wisdom is understanding that mankind does not know it all, and realizing man has not discovered everything. Because we can't detect the supernatural doesn't mean it's not there. Wisdom is accepting as possible what cannot be proven by physical means. The spiritual man accepts spiritual truth, and that is wisdom.

Discernment is using the "table of proofs". Jesus spoke all truth, and it is written so as to easily be found. Man added an index to the words of Jesus. The index is by book and verse. Wisdom is examining scriptural truth, and applying it to a given thought. If the thought is not in line with God's truth, distinguishing that difference is discernment. Wise men realize that truth is often uncomfortable because it convicts. The natural man seems to never accept conviction. The man with spiritual wisdom does even though it humbles them.

As an example, "all men have sinned" should convict anyone but foolish men rationalize their sin. I struggle with rationalizing myself although I'm beyond the natural person.  Like Lot's wife, the "safe" person still looks back to the time they were "unsafe". Lot's wife lusted after what she once had, and deserved death. Likewise, when I look back at when I was the natural man, I too deserve death. Grace is that I don't get the punishment that I deserve! Wisdom is being contrite and confessing those sins.

Adam and Eve attempted to cover their sin with fig leaves. They were natural man and woman. The person without spiritual wisdom still endeavors to cover their own sin with various fig leaves. Pride makes even the Christian man protective of his righteousness. I don't want to admit that I am a sinner safe by grace. However, that is what I am! It hurts my esteem to face my weaknesses but the concept of self-esteem is not from God. It is the false wisdom of man. The natural man worries about self-esteem while the spiritual man focuses on Christ-esteem. The truth is that self-aggrandizement is not saving but meekness is!
Matthew 5:5 Blessed are the meek...
Being blessed is Jesus providing a reward. He says that it is "inheriting the earth", but even more so -  the heavens!

The natural man not only is not spiritually wise and neither is he meek. Many seek knowledge and accomplishment for a legacy. It is themselves which they project. Honestly, I write books and this blog to leave a legacy for future generations. I want them to know that I am here, and to be honest,  I want to be known as intelligent. I know that weakness. However, My motive is that if I want the future to remember me, it's as a spiritual man. That is why I write spiritual truth, and even delve into natural truths. My hope is that God will overlook my pride as well as my fleshly desires, and reward me in spite of myself.  Grace is from God's Book of Truth. I trust that Jesus will overlook my "coming short" of his will, and glorify me anyway!

We all seek glorification. That is eternal life but in the presence of God. Since God's Kingdom does not have sub-standard things, we will be remade in the image of God. We will be like Jesus with perfect sinless bodies. Being glorified is being perfect in mind, spirit, and body in the presence of God - forever! Wisdom is seeking that. We don't have to do anything for it but to trust God for it! The natural man doesn't have that trust. The spiritually wise do have it!

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Mother Earth & Mary Worship

For many "New Agers", "Mother Earth" is an earth goddess. The earth goddess is usually associated with the subterranean world. As a mother, this goddess of course is female. In a sense, the earth was the mother of Adam and Eve as we can see in the following passages:
Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. 2:7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
Here we can see that God is the Father of mankind, and certainly the "virgin" dust was the mother of Adam. In a sense, the earth is the mother of humankind.  After the first sin, God spoke these words:
Genesis 3:19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return
At least two points are made regarding "Mother Earth": (1) The womb in which mankind was born was the dust, and (2) all mankind will return to their "mother".

The problem with mankind is that we tend to worship other gods besides God. The First Commandment tells us that is forbidden! Most Judeo-Christian people have some type of belief in God. However, mankind's problem is that we bow down to ourselves. What becomes important are what we want, and who we are. Most of us profess God. Isn't that reverent of us? However, because we are so important, we must also add to that "our mother". Hence, people honor "Mother Earth", and some to the extent she becomes an earth goddess.

I don't often but will use the NIV Version for it says it best:
Romans 1:25 (NIV) They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator--who is forever praised.
Most of the other versions say "worshiped the creature". The creature was created, as was the dust. Hence, "creature worship" is worshiping the things made by God. On the first day, God made the heavens and the earth. Mankind has foremost worshiped the stars with astrology, and the earth with mother worship.

"The created things" are the material. They are the things which can be detected with our five physical senses. The pleasure received from the created things is called "the flesh" in scripture:
Romans 8:13 For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.
Our flesh was created.  It's material is the elements of the dust. We feel an instinctual kinship to the earth because that is from whence we came. What does "Mother Earth" provide?
Galatians 5:19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, 20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, 21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like..."
All these maladies, sins if you prefer, are products of physical things. Mother Earth provides pleasure in those things of the flesh. Father God despises those pleasures. Hence, by sinning, people obey their instincts - original sin, and appease the flesh rather than the Spirit. The flesh is mankind's idol, and it belongs to Mother Earth. Of course, mankind's god is really each of the many "selves", but what they have in common is "the flesh" - "Mother Earth".

The "earth religion" is Neopaganism. It is any religion which worships the earth, fertility,  or nature. This pagan worship, since it is anti-Christian, in this "Age of Aquarius" is "The New Age".  Witchcraft and Wicca is closely associated with fertility and earth worship. In fact, all pagan religions are humankind doing what they want to do rather than follow the rigid structure of God's will. The Satanist Bible by Anton LaVey ascribes the main doctrine as "Do what thou wilt."  That was Adam's and Eve's first sin, and by no coincidence it was the "mother of all" who sinned first! (Genesis 3:20). In addition to worshiping the earth, mother worship is also heresy!
Luke 1:27 To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary.28 And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women. 35 And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.
It is no accident that Adam was born of "virgin dust" since the dust had never produced a man before, and Jesus was born of "virgin flesh" by the name of Mary!  In a sense, Adam and Jesus were full brothers - both Sons of God and Sons of Man.

We know from Scripture that Jesus was Creator in that he is God in the flesh. Just as people worship Mother Earth in the form of the soil, others worship her in the form of Mary. In "Mary Worship" - Marianism, essentially it is Mother Earth which is being worshiped - the created rather than the Creator.  Rituals in Marianism are  prayer, pious acts, visual arts, poetry, and music devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary; the same type of worship as Mother Earth!

It's easy for Roman Catholics to worship Mother Earth because in Marianism that's what they already do! It's not that they fail to worship God but worship "other gods" as well whether Mother Earth or Mary for there is no difference. At the gut level, if one fails to worship God, they are effectually worshiping themselves.

Do not be misled: those extreme environmentalists are worshiping Mother Earth, and it is an offense to God! It is what God created, rather than the Creator, and the penalty for that is death!

Mother Earth and Mary Worship kills!

Friday, October 27, 2017

My Head... My Head

"My head... My head!"

As in any computer room, the environment must be controlled because heat builds up, and heat is destructive to electronic circuity. The main processor is particularly vulnerable to overheating and what is called "crashing". With the loss of the processor, the "mind" of the machine is absent. There are no memories of what was before, nor any future thereafter. Of course, the technician can merely replace the processors, and the machine is as good as new.

This is a comparison for our own system: We live in a worldly environment. The "heat" is sin. When it builds up to a peak level, it is destructive to our own circuitry, so to speak. With over-sinning, our "main processor" crashes. The person comes to the conclusion that they just can't take the stress of all the sin inside, and decides to capitulate. God calls the expired person to renew. He Is the Repairman! 

The mind is housed in the cranium for protection. It is the cabinet that keeps mischief from damaging such a delicate unit. But inside the head, much is happening. All the systems in the human body take orders from the brain. Its busy even as we sleep. 

As a computer processor communicates with the world, it is our brain which communicates as well; not only with the physical world but the spiritual as well. Computers use a network, either hard-wired or Wi-Fi. Our brain is "wired" with the flesh. The flesh is the interceptor of signals from the world. Usually, it is beauty, pleasure, or wisdom which is transformed from the outside to the mind.  The flesh is the hard-wiring of our processor, and it's the antenna which captures everything.

Our "flesh" is more than our dermal layers. It includes all the senses, the imagination - a construct of the mind, and what scripture calls the "heart". Our heart signals to the world how the mind is reacting to the stimuli - the signals from the world. Temptation is broadcast from some remote tower, and is converted into sin as the flesh intercepts, and the mind processes it.

All temptation doesn't make it into the flesh. After an old machine tires of the world, and seeks better things, the old processor malfunctions. All the circuits are stressed as it realizes things inside are going wrong. The processor - the mind cannot do physical things. It has the power to think but not to create. As the processor feels disaster forthcoming, it begs for reprieve. It sends a signal to the Technician: "I am on my last leg. I need help!" The Technician is generous. He loves this old machine. He grabs a new processor - a renewed mind, and puts it into the old cabinet. The new processor is programmed only with good and useful things, and all the old memory is wiped clean. The computer still has the old cabinet but inside its brand-spanking new. The Technician throws the old processor in the trash where it is soon forgotten.

The happy new computer is thankful. The Technician re-programs it, and discards the old useless memories. The new machine can't look back because the Technician deleted that algorithm. 

The Technician keeps the environment clean and protected from exposure to the outside. However, the new processor still has its ability to explore the world because the network is still there. In fact, the network spams the computer with decadence all the time. However, with a new purpose programmed, the processor merely deletes all such contact with the world. The processor, feeling clean and renewed with a fresh program delights in the new environment, and cherishes its new opportunity. It "knows' that iniquity, if it enters its software, is the virus which will shut it down forever. Hence, the Technician, in his wisdom, installs viral protection. In God's terms, the Holy Spirit is the virus program. He is essentially the Technician inside the "processor" protecting him from harming himself!

There is much going on in the human system. Theoretically, except for nourishment and relief, we could function with just our heads, providing that it can be powered somehow. Our hearts are the power source for our minds. The heart needs the mind to function, and the brain needs the heart to power it. We aren't truly dead until that relationship is separated. 

We don't know where the soul resides. It sees likely that it is the spiritual faculty of the mind. Hence, I suppose, the container for the soul resides in the brain somewhere. The largest part of the brain - the cerebellum has two hemispheres. Those twins perform higher functions. One of those is reasoning. Interpretation of the senses lies in the cerebellum. It makes sense that the cerebellum is man's mediator with the outside. I propose that inside the cerebellum somewhere is the soul - the part of man which communes with either God or evil forces.

Free will would seem to be part of the reasoning part of the brain. Will, reasoning, and the soul seem likely to be part of one half the cerebellum or the other.  Man is three parts - mind, body, and soul. The brain is the body, the mind is the location of the soul, and the soul is the "antenna" for receiving spiritual inputs and storing them. The contents of the soul would be sort of like voltage, having the potential to either destroy or protect.

As the new processor is installed by the Technician, a new mind is created. That's the way the mind works. When God makes us "safe",  He installs within the soul a new potential. His Own Holy Spirit resides there, replacing the corruption from former days. Just as a hard-drive is corrupted with use, the soul is corrupted by misuse. It is intended to serve one purpose - tend to God, but as it experiences things, the mind begins to serve itself! The Technician re-programs the processor to again serve His purposes. Without the clutter of old memories, the new processor serves Him well!

If one murders a person who is not re-born, the murder of him or her kills the soul. The ultimate form of murder is hatred, and vice-versa.  (1 John 3:5). We also know from that verse that the hater's soul doesn't have God in it. That is processor gone bad. It needs replacement terribly. Essentially, those not given a new mind are haters because they deny their Creator and Protector. It would be like the old processor zapping the good Technician who is lovingly trying to install a new processor to save the entire machine!

If we're beheaded, our destiny is determined. When the head is removed, nothing can function afterward. The heart and the mind are torn asunder forever. Before death, the mind must make a choice. It was created with pure data, but mankind allowed it to be programmed with a Trojan virus. We call that Trojan "sin". Our own processors are called to do right but a flaw by the  less talented programmer - Satan, causes the mind to malfunction. If it "forgets" its original purpose, then the virus eventually causes the mind to destroy itself.

On the other hand, if the mind communes with the Great Technician, receiving and using His energy, then all is well. Beheading separates the mind from the heart, but both go to a better environment. Herod killed John's body, but he could not touch his soul. Right now, he is alive and well, although his flesh lies in a grave. 
Matthew 14:10 And he sent, and beheaded John in the prison.
Ironically, John was beheaded in prison, but in prison he was set free. Silly Herod merely freed John's body from his flesh, and put his mind and body at liberty. The joke is on Herod. The sting of death hurt John for a second but he is elated forever!

After the rapture of the dead and living, Christians go to heaven. God will give the Jews a second chance. 144,000 will turn to Jesus, and refuse to obey the Lord of this world - the Antichrist. Like, John, this modern-day Herod will try to separate those Christians from their souls:
Revelation 20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
Like John, they will be liberated although this false god will think they are dead forever. Ironically, he tries to kill them but sends them to eternal life and prosperity!

On the other hand, if the head of a non-Christian is severed, the person dies physically, and at the same time, dies forever. John and the Christians feel pain for a second but non-Christians die for eternity in torment.

Your destiny forever is in the head. We can cut off our hands and whatever offends us, but the removal of the head is final. As the container for our processor, which I believe houses the soul, the mind is either rewarded or punished. If we have the hope of reward, then our soul is safe!  God puts it in a clean and temperate environment to preserve it until the whole machine's time is up. If we reject the new program, then we continue to live in a hostile environment. Sooner or later, it will destroy the processor, and the soul goes with it.

"Me head... My head! What shall I do?" Welcome in Great Technician. Service me now and always!

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Wisdom and Prudence

1 Corinthians 1:19  For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.
Ask yourself, firstly, where is it written? We know Paul is not referring to the wisdom of the philosophers, but to the wisdom of God. It is written in Holy Scripture:
Isaiah 29:14 Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvellous work among this people, even a marvellous work and a wonder: for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid.
We know that Paul could argue convincingly with the philosophers: he did so in Athens with the Stoics and Epicureans. Like he did in Greece, Paul wrote the same to the Corinthians:
1 Corinthians 1:23 But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness...
Paul's argument was single-pointed: Christ died for the sins of mankind!  How can anyone argue with the facts? Prophecy said that Jesus would die for the sins of mankind, Jesus said he would, and then he did. What more can be said?

One of the temptations of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was wisdom. By eating the fruits thereof, mankind gained the ability to consider things rather than accept them in innocence as from God. Ever since, mankind is confounded by logic. Of course, wisdom is of God, as all things are, but without sin, spiritual wisdom was of no use. After man sinned, then each temptation must be considered: Shall I, or shall I not? Is it truth, or is it not? Is it wise, or is it not?

If one considers Christ crucified,  innocence is sort of regained. Spiritual wisdom is that the gospel is truth. If one asks, "How did God die and be resurrected?" The conclusion one must come to is because Jesus Is God! Wise men would never accept that because it is circular reasoning. An example of that is: I exist because I am. Anyone can accept that premise because we experience it. It is circular, though, because existence and being (am-ness) are the same thing.

Christ is God because only God can die and relive. To Paul that is God's existence, because Jesus just Is. Whereas, without God, no man can live again, with God Jesus lived again. The logic of it all was illogical. They knew that Jesus was dead yet alive because he was crucified, yet lived! We would say, "The proof is in the pudding," because it actually happened.

Wise men would say, the dead are dead. However, their wisdom is defied because Jesus died yet lives. Those with wisdom could not explain Jesus's death and that he lives on, because it was an unreasonable idea: mankind never dies to live again.

Paul spoke of prudence. He knew and understood shrewd people. They really know how to argue, and their arguments are convincing! Shrewd people - highly intelligent and full of wisdom, have yet to explain Jesus's death and resurrection. We know it happened because the evidence is there. The most wise people reject the notion because they need tangible proof. They didn't see him die, see the empty tomb, nor touch the nail prints in his hands; so therefore even shrewd people deny the obvious - Jesus lived on after he died.

At least hundreds saw the living dead man after he arose - maybe more! Men with nothing to lose wrote about Jesus's death and resurrection. Their writings are valid legal depositions. Lawyers would examine the credibility of the witnesses. All the apostles died for Jesus's Name, except John who was boiled in oil. The testimony of men who died for truth is admissible.

We know that the non-Christian Jewish General Josephus wrote of Jesus, his miracles, and his death. It was Caesar who authorized Josephus to write the "History of the Jews". Josephus validated Jesus's death. He was an impartial, even hostile witness, but he validated the existence of Jesus and his death. There are further writings between Herod, Pilate, and Caesar which attest to the healer - Jesus. (For further reading refer to http://www.sacred-texts.com/bib/lbob/lbob29.htm).

As such, Christians scorn the logic that dead men can live again even though Jesus did. That he did, was to the wise, foolishness, and still is. Skeptics today still doubt that Jesus died and was resurrected. Why so? Because of their foolishness, they want Jesus dead! With our God dead, mankind is free to do as he pleases. The motto of evil is: "Do what thou wilt!" God's command is: "Do my will!"

My oldest son would smoke. Although my wife saw him smoking, he was shrewd enough to convince her otherwise. This is what science, philosophy, psychology, the government, the educational system, and even heretical preachers have done. We know that Jesus died and was resurrected, but some still claim that he never even existed, let alone die!

The Jews know of Jesus's death. They know that he was resurrected. However, they still don't accept him as God and Savior. They still await Jesus. Yes, they believe in him but are waiting on a king who will revive Israel to it's royal Davidic Kingdom. They don't want the meek Jesus who came. They desire a worldly king. Therefore, a humble Jesus who died for mankind is nothing more than a "stumbling block" to their preconceived notion. Jesus doesn't fit the role of even David; how can he be ruler of the Kingdom of God?

From "Judaism 101" (http://www.jewfaq.org/olamhaba.htm), from a doctrinal standpoint, Jews do not propagate an afterlife. Their rewards are here on this earth - the betterment of the righteous. It is little more than Adam-kind being returned from the wilderness to paradise on earth. Of course, the Pharisees believed in the Resurrection of mankind but had no distinct vision of what that even entailed. The Sadducees denied the Resurrection, as do most Jews today. Their only hope, even with a Messiah, is a Davidic-type kingdom.

You can see why Jesus and his death were a stumbling block to the Jews. He didn't fit their idea of the Messiah. They still wait on one who does!

Ironically, their own Torah and prophecy books are all the evidence they need. If they consider the writings of their prophet Isaiah, they would know Jesus Christ!

Why is it so difficult to accept the idea that there is more than this life? We are complicated, intricately made human beings in a harmonious world. We are so complex that the probability that we just "happened" is effectively zilch! Scripture tells us is that all we need to do is look at the Creation, and God is validated.

Only a fool, an intelligent one, would suggest that we came from non-existent to this higher order of existence because of a Higg's Boson - an elemental particle which suddenly released all existence! "Into what? you may ask. Into vacant dark space. "And where did that come from?" you respond. "I don't know." admits the wise scientist.

Scripture says that we believe by faith. Actually, there is much more than faith! God gives Christians the ability to discern truth. There are things "out there" we can't see. That is the Kingdom of God. We accept the Unseen God by faith. Because the philosophers could not see God, he was an "Unknown God" to them. Paul proclaimed a Known God -  Jesus Christ, and him crucified. In the foolishness of the wise, my guess is that they still did not believe.

Jesus's death and resurrection is evidence, and validates faith. I believe in Jesus, and that he died in my place. Why? He did what he said that he would do. I accept that because I am alive today living in the hope of eternal life. "The proof is in the pudding!"

Wednesday, October 25, 2017


The Apostle Paul often wrote of the "mystery of Christ" or the "mystery of God". Since Jesus is God, then voila - the two are the same. That mystery is perfectly revealed in one particular verse, not by Paul, but by John the Beloved. When everyone has heard that verse, everyone will have had their chance. At that time, the purpose of human existence will have been fulfilled. Mankind exists for one decision. By their own free will, without coercion, each person must make a choice; to be one of the "whosoever"!
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
What is the mystery of God? It has several aspects. God is capable of profound love. Of course, He is capable of anything but love is His forte.  He can use that power of love to bestow gifts. In fact the recipients' purposes in life are to either accept or reject God's gift.

If we look further, God has the power over life and death. Of course this life is inconsequential to Him except for one thing; the decision everyone must make - to believe in the power of Jesus' blood. Scripture says that salvation must be by the shedding of blood.
Hebrews 9:22 And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.
For anyone to have eternal life, blood must be shed. God killed an animal, shed its blood, and covered Adam's sin. That blood was saving, and was indicative of God shedding his own blood thousands of years later.  Adam's sin went into remission when by grace God covered his shame. Now Adam ben Jehovah has an address and room number in Paradise, situated on the River of God and under the Tree of Life, and fed by God's living waters. Adam was the first "whosoever".

There was power in shedding the blood of animals but it was only a shadow of what power the blood of God has. When Jesus healed, he felt divine power flow from his being (Luke 8:46). The blood of animals had the power to save a few, but the blood of God was sufficient to cover all the sins of mankind of all time!  Have you ever thought: Adam was not Jewish, white-ish, or blackish. He was all-ish! Thus he was the father of "Whosoever".  Because Adam was God's first son, we all have the same opportunity as Adam - to be saved or not to be. I like to say: that is the question!

That all is the identity of "whosoever" is one of the great "mysteries of God". God remitted the sins of the first "Whosoever", and now as the seed of Whosoever, everyone in the world is a candidate for salvation.

Everyone is the world. The world is occupied by billions of "Whosoevers".  However, the Jewish people, favored by God to bring the Messiah into the world, believed that salvation was for themselves only. They were just a small portion of the world which God so loves. Because of a few righteous Jews who tended to the Garden - God, I am now born-again - just like Adam was! This "Whosoever" pondered on Jesus's blood, and accepted it as a propitiation for my own sins - ala Adam.
Romans 3:25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God...
I drank of the cup of Jesus; not the Kool-Aid as some say, but of the very blood of God. Whereas, being deceived and drinking poison kills, the ingestion of living waters revives. That living water is the Spirit presenting me water from Jesus's well. I stand there with the sinful woman by the well, listened to Jesus, and accepted his drink. I am not Jewish. I'm Gentile. The mystery of God is that grace was always for me. In the beginning Gentile/Jew/black/red/yellow Adam received the same grace that I did! And I thought that I was special since my blood is from Japheth!

"Whosoever" is loved by God.  He shed his own blood for those. The reward is eternal life. "Whosoever" is for equal opportunity, not equal outcome. The idea of equal outcome still confounds people. "Whosoever" isn't rewarded with eternal life. There is an exclusion clause! "Whoseover believeth in him". Let's look to see who "him" is. Him is God's "only begotten Son". Therefore, Jesus is the Way to salvation:
Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
"Whosoever" of the world is narrowed down to Christians by one word: Jesus. Jews are part of "whosoever". Most have rejected Jesus. Like the Jews, most of "the world" has rejected Jesus. Those saved will be few for the Way is just too narrow, and the Gate too straight. (Matthew 7:14).

I'm white-ish and my world is Christianity. I had a more than equal opportunity for a better outcome because I'm not Jewish, and not a citizen of the third world - those nations without God. As a Christian, I am indeed a "peculiar person" (1 Peter 2:9). I "shall be saved" by the blood. However, beyond being a follower of Jesus, I'm merely part of the "whosoever' in the world. Indeed, as a sinner, I was not of the chosen Jewish race, nor was I special at all.

Christians must remember: although we are "peculiar", we are not special. We are merely one of many "whosoevers".

Now for a bit of honesty: When I look at Orientals, Arabs, Indians, and many Africans; I have sinful thoughts. The thoughts are prideful because I see myself as special. I look at them, and think: they are peculiar (strange) people, but not in the sense of Christianity. To me, they are "peculiar" because most of the world is pagan. Although that much is truthful, all the world has the same opportunity!

Spiritually speaking, God is an equal-opportunity giver. His grace was and is for all the world. The mystery is solved - grace was always for everybody, and the covenant was always one of grace, and not of works!
Acts 10:34 Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:
Peter perceived rightly! No race is special! I don't like to admit it, but homosexuals have the same spiritual opportunity which I have.  They too are part of the "whosoever". There is a "however": though: all sinners are to become peculiar - we are to change from a life of sin to righteousness. Those who truly "believe" will do that. All the world must come to God on His terms, not ours, because no one is special above another. The outcome of choice is far from equal; thus us "peculiar people". Ironically, homosexuals can go from queer  (their word) to peculiar if they place their trust in Jesus and become new creatures - no longer queer but peculiar!

My thoughts are that those different from me have more difficulty in believing than I do. That's pride, and is sinful. Indeed, I have wicked thoughts sometimes: my sins are not great. There are in fact degrees of sin but all the unpardoned sin has the same penalty - death. Again, I am not as special as I think! In fact, the worst sinners love him the most:
Luke 7:47  Wherefore I say unto thee, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little.
"Peculiar people" love God a lot. The more the sins in remission, the greater the love. All those "unspecial" people out there in the world live in tremendous sin, whereas I, just like the rich young ruler, have obeyed all my life. When really evil people, in a lawful sense, are forgiven their sins, they have the most love. I fit the lesser category. I was always a "good" child and a well-behaved adult for the most part, but never considered that I was forgiven of much. I now proclaim to you now - I am not special;  I stand as guilty as the worst sinner. Like Paul, I too am a chief sinner.

Christians must rid themselves of the notion that we are special. God has the power to save anyone regardless of race, religion, creed, or lifestyle. They are all part of "whosoever", and when they do come to believe, they will be spiritual equals with me, as God will live in them as well!

Tuesday, October 24, 2017


I asked  a Mennonite recently which sect was he part. His answer was pure and humble: "I like to think of myself as just a Christian." That is admirable. However, our own ideas to what it takes to be a Christian is widely varied - hence denominations and lower divisions. Ironically, it is said that there are over one-thousand branches of Mennonites. Any minor disagreement divides them further. Although they are humble people, even they have pride. They can't worship together even over trivialities.

Have you ever heard of Black Bumper Mennonites? Some of the more liberal Mennonites drive cars. Some object because of bright bumpers. The solution to that was to withdraw fellowship from each other, and paint the bumpers black! Having to divide to remain humble is prideful, as oxymoronic as that sounds!

In the beginning there was one universal Church. The Latin for "universal" is catholicus. In English that with respect to the whole church is "catholic". Over time, with division, came the Roman Catholic Church. It may have been what we call the first 'denomination" although they certainly would not call themselves that.

Early on, division separated the Catholics: Roman and Orthodox. The latter was the eastern division of the extant Church. They endeavored to remain apostolic in worship , hence "orthodox". At the same time, there existed other unaffiliated churches which cooperated with the Roman church. For instance, Coptic Christians are the Egyptian church. They are not and never have been popish. They have existed since circa 68 A.D. They lack the many heresy's of the Roman church.

I point out the differences between Roman Catholicism and the others because there are many doctrinal differences. It is not being mean-spirited nor intolerant but face it, we believe differently, and each denomination clings to their own belief. However, within Catholicism are many fine Christians in spite of bad doctrine (in my humble view).

In Britannica, there is evidence of the early church totally outside the influence of Catholicism. Those early and now defunct churches could hardly be called "protestant". Indeed, the Anglican Church of Henry VIII was not protestant and not part of the Reformation. They merely disagreed with the Pope's decision on the sanctity of marriage, and rebelled. The ninety-five thesis of Luther was not their motivation, and as such they are not part of the reformed protestant movement.  Baptists, Quakers, Congregationalists and others were not part of the reformation, all derived from the Anglican Church.

As people disagreed, the Church kept dividing further. Some withdrew from the larger denominations because of heresy. It took only a short time before heresies of all types invaded the Church. Certainly, we must give Catholics credit because in the beginning they were defenders of the faith. The Creeds were written to take a stand on Christian doctrine. They were an attempt to keep heresy out of Christianity. There were many early heresies which are out of the scope of this commentary.

Creeds are not bad. They state an interpretation of Holy Scripture because mankind is prone to misunderstand. Philip explained salvation to the eunuch. He pronounced Christian doctrine. His teaching was a creed - his understanding of Holy Scripture because the eunuch admitted that he didn't understand! Creeds are to expound essential doctrine. They are not bad unless they are unscriptural. However, there is a mystery to God. He says so. God doesn't want us to understand Him entirely or we would be as gods. Our nature is to contain God. Denominations put God into their box, and like Simon Magus, denominations expect God to do it their way!

Individuals put God in their box which they design from their interpretation of scripture. God must feel imprisoned with the chaotic constraints we try to put on Him. We all fail, and as a matter of fact, dissension disappoints God. Paul elaborated on that as an inspired apostle:
1 Corinthians 1:10  Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment. 11 For it hath been declared unto me of you, my brethren, by them which are of the house of Chloe, that there are contentions among you. 12  Now this I say, that every one of you saith, I am of Paul; and I of Apollos; and I of Cephas;  and I of Christ. 13  Is Christ divided?
Essentially, Paul was pointing out that there is one truth, and thus one gospel. Why? Because there is one Christ. He cannot divide Himself. Any contentions are merely because we fail to understand God. There is essential doctrine, and today Christians cannot even agree on those!

What is being "born-again"? According to Jesus, that is essential doctrine. He related that to Nicodemus. Catholicism asserts that is "born from above" and is the sacrament of baptism. (Catholic Bible 101). As such, the activity of being immersed in water is what saves. The new birth is not circumcision of the heart but getting washed.  There is a difference between Catholic doctrine and non-Catholic. For them, baptism is the act of being born again, and requires them to do something - "works",  to be "saved". Thus, it is not by the grace of God but the works of men!

They use scripture for their position too. They sincerely believe they are right, and others sincerely believe they are wrong! Someone is! Hence, there are "contentions" among the brethren, but being born-again for non-catholics is essential doctrine. We ask the questions: Are Catholics really saved, and as such is the Catholic Church a truly Christian Church?

Even non-Catholics have contentions. Calvinists will argue that people are either saved or damned at the creation. As such, our fate is decided before we were ever born. People, then, only fulfill God's plan for them, and are programmed. None of those pre-destined  know which group they are in, but seem to react by assuming every Calvinist is one of the elect. Then, merely existing is essential doctrine to them in becoming "born-again". Calvinists merely play the role which God assigned to them. Conviction, sorrow, repentance, and justification are merely rituals doing their pre-ordained duty. Hence, effectually, Calvinism is ritualistic - fulfilling our pre-assigned roles. If one is not the elect of God, his life is merely farcical! God played a bad joke on them. They lose out on all the pleasure, and still get damned!

Calvinism, in my view, is an impedance to Christianity. Even fulfilling The Great Commission is a farce because it has no value in changing God's pre-determined plan.

Calvinism is deterministic - without hope, and makes people mere automatons in God's graceful plan for some, and cruel plan for others. Choice is not available in their doctrine. People merely react to God's expectations. Being born-again is merely an ordinance and not a sacrament.  On the one hand, Catholics believe the work of being baptized is saving, and Calvinists believe that Christians are just fulfilling their assignment. One is as wrong as the other!  Calvinism is the basis for one branch of the "reformed church". The other is Lutherism which believe similarly.

In the early 1800s, a Christian "restoration" came about. Campbellites and Bartonians wanted to worship as did the early church. That is a noble idea but even the apostolic church had contentions! Campbellites shunned creeds and doctrines, and the New Testament became their methods and doctrines. As such, even petty things like music in the church became of issue, and yet they attack others for being denominational. Many fundamental Churches of Christ believe that only they are the true church. Others are more generous. Of the Christian Church denomination, they have similar beliefs but are less dogmatic.

The doctrine of the "restoration movement" is that salvation is a process -  starting with conviction and culminating in baptism. They are similar to Catholics. However, the difference being that with Catholics, it is one saving act to be born-again, but with Churches of Christ, it is a process. Usually their "process" is done in one step - baptism. In practice, Churches of Christ and the Christian Church denominations believe much the same as Catholics?

I call restored churches "denominations". They don't.  They consider themselves non-denominational - at least the Churches of Christ do. A rose is still a rose by any other name. In fact, their dogmatism has made them supra-denominational!

You can see that all churches and denominations are Christians in contention with each other. Paul explains the wrong in that!  Paul taught the pure inspired doctrine of Jesus Christ. The ironic part of that is there is contention on what even Paul says. Calvinism comes from Paul. So does Arminian doctrine. What are we to believe?

My own background - in order with approximate ages:
  1. Christian Church: birth to about ten years old.
  2. Pentecostal: off and as a pre-teen.
  3. Methodist: ten to fourteen.
  4. Nazarene: fifteen through mid-thirties.
  5. Bible Church (non-denominational): mid-thirties to mid-forties.
  6. Southern Baptist: 45-47years old.
  7. Nazarene:  48-53 or so.
  8. Christian Church: 54 for one year.
  9. Independent Baptist: 55-60 years old.
  10. Freewill Baptist: 61-62 years old.
  11. General Baptist: 63 to present.
You can see the range of denominational thinking which has influenced my belief system. However, for the most part, my beliefs changed little because of these denominations. What did change me was Holy Scripture. Over the years my faith went from one of fear to one of love. I went from obeying God because it was required to obedience out of respect, empathy for God, and love for Him. I went from being a Christian for my sake to being one for Christ's sake!

I often wondered why God led me from church to church. I learned something from each, and coincidentally, learned to worship without being contentious. I believe that true Christians are in each of those churches, even the Catholic Church, in spite of doctrinal differences. Each one of those churches are about Jesus and His Way. The differences are in what Jesus's Way is!

From the Bible Church I learned to study the Word more thoroughly. From the Nazarenes, I learned to love God. From the Pentecostals I learned about the Holy Ghost, and that Christ still is with us in Spirit. From the Southern Baptists I learned about grace. From the Independent Baptists, great faith and the Old Testament stories as "pictures" of Christ.

From the Freewill Baptists, I reinforced my non-Calvinistic doctrines. From the Methodists, I learned friendship. I remain at the General Baptist because of doctrine, hymns, and style of worship. 

Of all these, none are my entire doctrine, although all of them fit some of it. That's because my belief system comes from scripture, not from church covenants and doctrines. I believe God sent me out into the wilderness to build a firm foundation, not built by men but by God.

With my experience, I have built my own "denomination". You can't go there. It is mine! It is the Independent Herrinite Church because it is what God inspired me to believe from the Word. In my "Daily Thoughts" I teach it but sometimes I deny my own doctrine as God leads me. Truth is constant in my church but my church is alive. God reveals things to me each day. I don't depend on preachers because Jesus is my only Priest. I am a deacon in my church but only God ordained me.

My advise to you, is to get your own personal church. Read the word and let God teach you. Don't be influenced with the biasness of denominations. Get God out of the box in which denominations have sought to imprison Him.  God has free will too! He can do whatever he wants, and for different folks, different things. I believe that Paul was predestined. He was part of God's plan from the beginning. Subsequently, God had irresistible grace for him  a very Calvinistic idea!

On the other hand, the rich young ruler denied God by his own volition. Nicodemus was surely born again because he finally understood, and made a decision. The Jews became Christians because of miracles. God's Holy Language convinced them. The Gentiles needed logic. God has many tools and he uses them all! Many of these tools cause contention. Christians believe that their own pet event is God's Way. God has one Way, but his methods are different! The lady with a blood disorder touched the hem of Jesus' garment and was made safe. On the other hand, Paul was struck blind. Although the "how" was different, the outcome was the same. Let God out of your box!

Pauls' message in the passages above, are his admonishment to let God out of your box, and allow Jesus do things His way. Simon Magus tried the formulae and became lost. Rather than living as if we have no will, live for God's will. What God wants for Christians is that our will match His. He pulls that way, and our part is not to resist. Each sin is a choice. Each decision not to sin is a wise choice. Making right choices is aligning our will with God's. That's what the new person is to do!

Monday, October 23, 2017

Secular Humanism

Secular humanism posits that human beings are capable of being ethical and moral without religion or a god.  In 1933 the group published the declaration The Humanist Manifesto. (Wikipedia; "Secular Humanism")  In America, the elite gradually drifted from Christianity, to Deism, to humanism, to secular humanism.

Secularism is the substitution of the power of the state for religion. Whereas, humanism is the "goodness" of the individual, the secular adds to that, sort of a national 'irreligion' with an "unknown god". In fact, with judicial decrees over time, America's official religion has become secular humanism. The left are its priests, and the code of "political correctness" is its bible. Today, even Christians tremble at the "unknown god" who the humanists profess because the government is its unholy spirit!

Humanism is similar to Christianity but with the god of "self" replacing Jesus Christ. Their religion is not of faith but of reason, and their hope is improvement of mankind - thus humanists.

In 1808 Bavarian educational commissioner Friedrich Immanuel Niethammer coined the term Humanismus to describe the new classical curriculum he planned to offer in German secondary schools, (Der Streit des Philanthropinismus und des Humanismus in der Theorie des Erziehungs-Unterrichts unsrer Zeit, Niethammer, Frederick). The word "humanism" came into the English language and the beginnings of an organized irreligion was formed.

I use the term "irreligion" for a purpose. Humanism is not non-religious as it professes. It is much more deceptive than that. As you can see, this religion entered German schools through government endorsement. Civil law seems to always accept human reason, and reject the supernatural. On the other hand, many who practice humanism may still believe in parapsychology -  telepathy, precognition, clairvoyance, psychokinesis, near-death experiences, reincarnation, etc. (Wikipedia; "Parapsychology").

The year 1808, however, was not the beginning of humanism. Let's look at the first case on record:
Matthew 19:16  And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life? 17 And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. 18 He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, 19 Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 20 The young man saith unto him, All these things have I kept from my youth up: what lack I yet? 21 Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me. 22 But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions.
When one reads any scripture there are two questions always to be asked: (1) "Why?" and (2) "What's the point?"  The story of the rich young man has so much hidden meaning, and pertinence to everyday life. Mankind is no different today than yesteryear.

The young man desired eternal life. We all do! Life itself is all about living eternally. Ironically, even sincere Christians seek to save themselves - their own helpless god, from perishing. In spite of that, God so loved us that he desired than none perish! (John 3:16). He then allowed for a new birth - hanging our "gods of self" on crosses for Jesus, thus making ourselves a living sacrifice. The new birth entails the enlightenment that, We are no gods!, but Jesus Is, and the Way to salvation. This Light is imperative to the new birth, and we must sacrifice ourselves. Failure to do so, is play-acting Christianity or at most giving it lip-service.

Honestly, because I still sin, dark angels suggest to me that I am not born-again. That thought is so that I will relinquish my faith. However, if I am still in the word, and seeking righteousness, my new birth is genuine. That "new person" is sanctified - set apart from the world for Christ, and that is a growth experience. If the crop fails to grow, it was not planted from the start. The fertilizer, so to speak, is Holy Scripture, and the sun which aids its growth is the Holy Ghost! Obedience is the lifestyle of the new creature.

However, I can obey for wrong reasons! It can be to magnify myself - to obtain a peak experience in the process of self-actualization, for the praise of men, or just to accept "goodness" as a human trait. Today's scripture expounds on that. Right reasons for obedience is simple:
John 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.
The young rich man kept the commandments all is life... or did he? Take a look at the commandments in the above passages - they are the last six of the Ten Commandments! The young man did "good" at loving his neighbors. "Goodness" does not, however, impress God! Loving others and God is a package deal!
Isaiah 64:6 But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags...
The young man was what we call today a "do-gooder". They do good things for wrong reasons. The purpose for obedience is to demonstrate our love for God!  If God is not honored and magnified, then the "good" works are of no divine merit. The do-gooder gets his reward in this world, but punishment in the next.

The man called Jesus "good".  At first,  I thought that he was recognizing Jesus as God because only God is good! (Jesus told him that for a reason.) I do believe that Jesus was coyly making an attempt to identify himself to the young man as God but the time had not yet come.

In the scope of divine punishment, failing in one commandment is as if all the commands are broken. (James 2:10). God does not give partial credit. Life is not a school but a forward-looking condition. Life is all about living forever, not just a learning experience! There were four commands which the young man omitted; the reason we soon find is because his heart was not in the right place - it was on him. He said, "I" several times, and failed to mention God!

The omissions were those God-focused - the first four. The young man failed at the "Greatest Commandment":
Matthew 22:37 Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment.
Of course, the first four of the Ten Commandments operationalizes the Greatest Commandment as can be seen by:
Matthew 22: 40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
The young man was amiss. He knew not God because he failed to love him. His works which he had done was to no avail in the eternal scheme of things. He was "imperfect", and God seeks Christian perfection. He failed at the Greatest Commandment. His heart, soul, and mind were not on God but himself. He did "good" things but without God. He was the first identified "humanist" from which "secular humanism" developed.

Even with all it's evil, Rome and the Caesars did "good" things. They had a republic where the citizens had a say. They had a good lifestyle for the time, and great comforts, all supplied by the imperial government. Rome was even extremely tolerant of all religions with the exceptions of Judaism and Christianity. Their "goodness" was as filthy rags to Jesus but he recognized their authority when he said, "Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's!" (Matthew 22:21). If it wasn't for their "other gods" Rome's state religion would have been secular humanism as Caesar proclaimed himself a god!  That is in effect humanism, and when the government abides by each of the individual "selves" being gods, that is secular humanism.

As in Rome, secular humanists have no problem with pagan religions just so it's not Judeo-Christianity!

In the Jewish world, there was a shadow government sub-servient to the Roman republic. The Sadducees and Pharisees were the "parliament" of the day - the Sanhedrin, who paid homage to King Herod. It was much like Great Britain's modern monarchy with the exception of tribute to a higher level. The Sanhedrin did "good" things. In fact, they went around as spies making sure everyone obeyed religious laws. They all were required to do "good", even in the name of Jehovah. However, what they did was "filthy rags" and Jesus called them snakes! This government, and many thereafter, had their true gods, and their religion was "secular humanism"!

In all the west, especially America and most formerly Christian nations, Christ has been lost. Churches got more liberal, and became proponents of "social justice", and their doctrine of "liberation theology" - rather than liberate Christians from sin, that is to free from poverty and injustice, i.e., Marxism! The modern church has moved away from God and toward their perception of "good". Modern churches have become dens of thieves as they peddle their filthy human works!

They recognize Jesus as a "good" man just as the rich young man did. However, they miss the entire point of all Holy Scripture - It is Holy, and it is all about Jesus. As such, "goodness" is loving Christ, and desiring that none should perish! The young man missed that point and walked sullenly away. His humanism was not impressive to God, and neither are the humanistic works of the modern church nor the official secular humanist religion of the western democracies!

Love of God is the doctrine of Christianity, and is the focus of all Holy Scripture - the entire Bible.  Love of mankind - or "the other gods besides God", is the doctrine of the humanist religion. Scripture was given to the patriarchs by divine inspiration from God Himself.

On the other hand, humanism has it's own code of conduct - political correctness. Like all deception, it is a product of Satan and his law of sin. Those laws are based on truth but are tainted with deception. For instance, tolerance seems so loving but in the end, condoning sin sends loved-ones to Hell. Humanists peg Christians who are intolerant of sin as "haters". In practice, rebuking sin is the purpose of Holy Scripture and is a method of saving disobedient people from eternal destruction! As Christian doctrine comes from God, humanist doctrine comes from their "unknown god" - Satan himself! Read that again! Humanism, although containing some "good", is from the law of sin, and its author is Satan.

We are expected to be tolerant of other religions even while they are intolerant of ours. Indeed, ironically, those who claim the most tolerance, are the most intolerant toward Christians. I've had a humanist tell me with sincerity, "Christianity has to die because it is so intolerant." Modern churches have joined the humanists in their quest to destroy the church which they claim is God's!

The humanists, with the governments aid, is waging spiritual warfare on Christians:
Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
The worldly powers with whom we war are progressives - independents, Democrats, Republicans, and Bernie kooks. They are the secular humanists, and guess what? In God's plan, Christians for awhile go down in defeat. Until the rapture, it will be a gradual erosion of the churches and governments, but after us defenders of the faith meet Christ in the air, the principalities take charge. Those who see the Light afterward will be beheaded for Jesus as secular humanists of all sorts attempt to kill Christianity! However, God is in charge! Christianity will never die because the Kingdom of God is eternal. That rich young man won't be there, and neither will be the humanists.

Now for the to questions to be answered for the scripture topic:
  1. Why? It's there to say that Jesus is not just a "good" man but Is God.
  2. What's the point? That doing "good" for wrong reasons has no divine merit at all. The wrong reason is that we are not gods and cannot save ourselves by good works. Everything is by God's grace and our salvation is entirely dependent on the mercy God has for us - sola gratia, "by grace alone". 
The leader of the alleged universal church pontifies the doctrines of this rich young man. Even the elect shall be deceived.