Monday, October 23, 2017

Secular Humanism

Secular humanism posits that human beings are capable of being ethical and moral without religion or a god.  In 1933 the group published the declaration The Humanist Manifesto. (Wikipedia; "Secular Humanism")  In America, the elite gradually drifted from Christianity, to Deism, to humanism, to secular humanism.

Secularism is the substitution of the power of the state for religion. Whereas, humanism is the "goodness" of the individual, the secular adds to that, sort of a national 'irreligion' with an "unknown god". In fact, with judicial decrees over time, America's official religion has become secular humanism. The left are its priests, and the code of "political correctness" is its bible. Today, even Christians tremble at the "unknown god" who the humanists profess because the government is its unholy spirit!

Humanism is similar to Christianity but with the god of "self" replacing Jesus Christ. Their religion is not of faith but of reason, and their hope is improvement of mankind - thus humanists.

In 1808 Bavarian educational commissioner Friedrich Immanuel Niethammer coined the term Humanismus to describe the new classical curriculum he planned to offer in German secondary schools, (Der Streit des Philanthropinismus und des Humanismus in der Theorie des Erziehungs-Unterrichts unsrer Zeit, Niethammer, Frederick). The word "humanism" came into the English language and the beginnings of an organized irreligion was formed.

I use the term "irreligion" for a purpose. Humanism is not non-religious as it professes. It is much more deceptive than that. As you can see, this religion entered German schools through government endorsement. Civil law seems to always accept human reason, and reject the supernatural. On the other hand, many who practice humanism may still believe in parapsychology -  telepathy, precognition, clairvoyance, psychokinesis, near-death experiences, reincarnation, etc. (Wikipedia; "Parapsychology").

The year 1808, however, was not the beginning of humanism. Let's look at the first case on record:
Matthew 19:16  And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life? 17 And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. 18 He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, 19 Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 20 The young man saith unto him, All these things have I kept from my youth up: what lack I yet? 21 Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me. 22 But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions.
When one reads any scripture there are two questions always to be asked: (1) "Why?" and (2) "What's the point?"  The story of the rich young man has so much hidden meaning, and pertinence to everyday life. Mankind is no different today than yesteryear.

The young man desired eternal life. We all do! Life itself is all about living eternally. Ironically, even sincere Christians seek to save themselves - their own helpless god, from perishing. In spite of that, God so loved us that he desired than none perish! (John 3:16). He then allowed for a new birth - hanging our "gods of self" on crosses for Jesus, thus making ourselves a living sacrifice. The new birth entails the enlightenment that, We are no gods!, but Jesus Is, and the Way to salvation. This Light is imperative to the new birth, and we must sacrifice ourselves. Failure to do so, is play-acting Christianity or at most giving it lip-service.

Honestly, because I still sin, dark angels suggest to me that I am not born-again. That thought is so that I will relinquish my faith. However, if I am still in the word, and seeking righteousness, my new birth is genuine. That "new person" is sanctified - set apart from the world for Christ, and that is a growth experience. If the crop fails to grow, it was not planted from the start. The fertilizer, so to speak, is Holy Scripture, and the sun which aids its growth is the Holy Ghost! Obedience is the lifestyle of the new creature.

However, I can obey for wrong reasons! It can be to magnify myself - to obtain a peak experience in the process of self-actualization, for the praise of men, or just to accept "goodness" as a human trait. Today's scripture expounds on that. Right reasons for obedience is simple:
John 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.
The young rich man kept the commandments all is life... or did he? Take a look at the commandments in the above passages - they are the last six of the Ten Commandments! The young man did "good" at loving his neighbors. "Goodness" does not, however, impress God! Loving others and God is a package deal!
Isaiah 64:6 But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags...
The young man was what we call today a "do-gooder". They do good things for wrong reasons. The purpose for obedience is to demonstrate our love for God!  If God is not honored and magnified, then the "good" works are of no divine merit. The do-gooder gets his reward in this world, but punishment in the next.

The man called Jesus "good".  At first,  I thought that he was recognizing Jesus as God because only God is good! (Jesus told him that for a reason.) I do believe that Jesus was coyly making an attempt to identify himself to the young man as God but the time had not yet come.

In the scope of divine punishment, failing in one commandment is as if all the commands are broken. (James 2:10). God does not give partial credit. Life is not a school but a forward-looking condition. Life is all about living forever, not just a learning experience! There were four commands which the young man omitted; the reason we soon find is because his heart was not in the right place - it was on him. He said, "I" several times, and failed to mention God!

The omissions were those God-focused - the first four. The young man failed at the "Greatest Commandment":
Matthew 22:37 Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment.
Of course, the first four of the Ten Commandments operationalizes the Greatest Commandment as can be seen by:
Matthew 22: 40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
The young man was amiss. He knew not God because he failed to love him. His works which he had done was to no avail in the eternal scheme of things. He was "imperfect", and God seeks Christian perfection. He failed at the Greatest Commandment. His heart, soul, and mind were not on God but himself. He did "good" things but without God. He was the first identified "humanist" from which "secular humanism" developed.

Even with all it's evil, Rome and the Caesars did "good" things. They had a republic where the citizens had a say. They had a good lifestyle for the time, and great comforts, all supplied by the imperial government. Rome was even extremely tolerant of all religions with the exceptions of Judaism and Christianity. Their "goodness" was as filthy rags to Jesus but he recognized their authority when he said, "Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's!" (Matthew 22:21). If it wasn't for their "other gods" Rome's state religion would have been secular humanism as Caesar proclaimed himself a god!  That is in effect humanism, and when the government abides by each of the individual "selves" being gods, that is secular humanism.

As in Rome, secular humanists have no problem with pagan religions just so it's not Judeo-Christianity!

In the Jewish world, there was a shadow government sub-servient to the Roman republic. The Sadducees and Pharisees were the "parliament" of the day - the Sanhedrin, who paid homage to King Herod. It was much like Great Britain's modern monarchy with the exception of tribute to a higher level. The Sanhedrin did "good" things. In fact, they went around as spies making sure everyone obeyed religious laws. They all were required to do "good", even in the name of Jehovah. However, what they did was "filthy rags" and Jesus called them snakes! This government, and many thereafter, had their true gods, and their religion was "secular humanism"!

In all the west, especially America and most formerly Christian nations, Christ has been lost. Churches got more liberal, and became proponents of "social justice", and their doctrine of "liberation theology" - rather than liberate Christians from sin, that is to free from poverty and injustice, i.e., Marxism! The modern church has moved away from God and toward their perception of "good". Modern churches have become dens of thieves as they peddle their filthy human works!

They recognize Jesus as a "good" man just as the rich young man did. However, they miss the entire point of all Holy Scripture - It is Holy, and it is all about Jesus. As such, "goodness" is loving Christ, and desiring that none should perish! The young man missed that point and walked sullenly away. His humanism was not impressive to God, and neither are the humanistic works of the modern church nor the official secular humanist religion of the western democracies!

Love of God is the doctrine of Christianity, and is the focus of all Holy Scripture - the entire Bible.  Love of mankind - or "the other gods besides God", is the doctrine of the humanist religion. Scripture was given to the patriarchs by divine inspiration from God Himself.

On the other hand, humanism has it's own code of conduct - political correctness. Like all deception, it is a product of Satan and his law of sin. Those laws are based on truth but are tainted with deception. For instance, tolerance seems so loving but in the end, condoning sin sends loved-ones to Hell. Humanists peg Christians who are intolerant of sin as "haters". In practice, rebuking sin is the purpose of Holy Scripture and is a method of saving disobedient people from eternal destruction! As Christian doctrine comes from God, humanist doctrine comes from their "unknown god" - Satan himself! Read that again! Humanism, although containing some "good", is from the law of sin, and its author is Satan.

We are expected to be tolerant of other religions even while they are intolerant of ours. Indeed, ironically, those who claim the most tolerance, are the most intolerant toward Christians. I've had a humanist tell me with sincerity, "Christianity has to die because it is so intolerant." Modern churches have joined the humanists in their quest to destroy the church which they claim is God's!

The humanists, with the governments aid, is waging spiritual warfare on Christians:
Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
The worldly powers with whom we war are progressives - independents, Democrats, Republicans, and Bernie kooks. They are the secular humanists, and guess what? In God's plan, Christians for awhile go down in defeat. Until the rapture, it will be a gradual erosion of the churches and governments, but after us defenders of the faith meet Christ in the air, the principalities take charge. Those who see the Light afterward will be beheaded for Jesus as secular humanists of all sorts attempt to kill Christianity! However, God is in charge! Christianity will never die because the Kingdom of God is eternal. That rich young man won't be there, and neither will be the humanists.

Now for the to questions to be answered for the scripture topic:
  1. Why? It's there to say that Jesus is not just a "good" man but Is God.
  2. What's the point? That doing "good" for wrong reasons has no divine merit at all. The wrong reason is that we are not gods and cannot save ourselves by good works. Everything is by God's grace and our salvation is entirely dependent on the mercy God has for us - sola gratia, "by grace alone". 
The leader of the alleged universal church pontifies the doctrines of this rich young man. Even the elect shall be deceived. 

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