Friday, October 27, 2017

My Head... My Head

"My head... My head!"

As in any computer room, the environment must be controlled because heat builds up, and heat is destructive to electronic circuity. The main processor is particularly vulnerable to overheating and what is called "crashing". With the loss of the processor, the "mind" of the machine is absent. There are no memories of what was before, nor any future thereafter. Of course, the technician can merely replace the processors, and the machine is as good as new.

This is a comparison for our own system: We live in a worldly environment. The "heat" is sin. When it builds up to a peak level, it is destructive to our own circuitry, so to speak. With over-sinning, our "main processor" crashes. The person comes to the conclusion that they just can't take the stress of all the sin inside, and decides to capitulate. God calls the expired person to renew. He Is the Repairman! 

The mind is housed in the cranium for protection. It is the cabinet that keeps mischief from damaging such a delicate unit. But inside the head, much is happening. All the systems in the human body take orders from the brain. Its busy even as we sleep. 

As a computer processor communicates with the world, it is our brain which communicates as well; not only with the physical world but the spiritual as well. Computers use a network, either hard-wired or Wi-Fi. Our brain is "wired" with the flesh. The flesh is the interceptor of signals from the world. Usually, it is beauty, pleasure, or wisdom which is transformed from the outside to the mind.  The flesh is the hard-wiring of our processor, and it's the antenna which captures everything.

Our "flesh" is more than our dermal layers. It includes all the senses, the imagination - a construct of the mind, and what scripture calls the "heart". Our heart signals to the world how the mind is reacting to the stimuli - the signals from the world. Temptation is broadcast from some remote tower, and is converted into sin as the flesh intercepts, and the mind processes it.

All temptation doesn't make it into the flesh. After an old machine tires of the world, and seeks better things, the old processor malfunctions. All the circuits are stressed as it realizes things inside are going wrong. The processor - the mind cannot do physical things. It has the power to think but not to create. As the processor feels disaster forthcoming, it begs for reprieve. It sends a signal to the Technician: "I am on my last leg. I need help!" The Technician is generous. He loves this old machine. He grabs a new processor - a renewed mind, and puts it into the old cabinet. The new processor is programmed only with good and useful things, and all the old memory is wiped clean. The computer still has the old cabinet but inside its brand-spanking new. The Technician throws the old processor in the trash where it is soon forgotten.

The happy new computer is thankful. The Technician re-programs it, and discards the old useless memories. The new machine can't look back because the Technician deleted that algorithm. 

The Technician keeps the environment clean and protected from exposure to the outside. However, the new processor still has its ability to explore the world because the network is still there. In fact, the network spams the computer with decadence all the time. However, with a new purpose programmed, the processor merely deletes all such contact with the world. The processor, feeling clean and renewed with a fresh program delights in the new environment, and cherishes its new opportunity. It "knows' that iniquity, if it enters its software, is the virus which will shut it down forever. Hence, the Technician, in his wisdom, installs viral protection. In God's terms, the Holy Spirit is the virus program. He is essentially the Technician inside the "processor" protecting him from harming himself!

There is much going on in the human system. Theoretically, except for nourishment and relief, we could function with just our heads, providing that it can be powered somehow. Our hearts are the power source for our minds. The heart needs the mind to function, and the brain needs the heart to power it. We aren't truly dead until that relationship is separated. 

We don't know where the soul resides. It sees likely that it is the spiritual faculty of the mind. Hence, I suppose, the container for the soul resides in the brain somewhere. The largest part of the brain - the cerebellum has two hemispheres. Those twins perform higher functions. One of those is reasoning. Interpretation of the senses lies in the cerebellum. It makes sense that the cerebellum is man's mediator with the outside. I propose that inside the cerebellum somewhere is the soul - the part of man which communes with either God or evil forces.

Free will would seem to be part of the reasoning part of the brain. Will, reasoning, and the soul seem likely to be part of one half the cerebellum or the other.  Man is three parts - mind, body, and soul. The brain is the body, the mind is the location of the soul, and the soul is the "antenna" for receiving spiritual inputs and storing them. The contents of the soul would be sort of like voltage, having the potential to either destroy or protect.

As the new processor is installed by the Technician, a new mind is created. That's the way the mind works. When God makes us "safe",  He installs within the soul a new potential. His Own Holy Spirit resides there, replacing the corruption from former days. Just as a hard-drive is corrupted with use, the soul is corrupted by misuse. It is intended to serve one purpose - tend to God, but as it experiences things, the mind begins to serve itself! The Technician re-programs the processor to again serve His purposes. Without the clutter of old memories, the new processor serves Him well!

If one murders a person who is not re-born, the murder of him or her kills the soul. The ultimate form of murder is hatred, and vice-versa.  (1 John 3:5). We also know from that verse that the hater's soul doesn't have God in it. That is processor gone bad. It needs replacement terribly. Essentially, those not given a new mind are haters because they deny their Creator and Protector. It would be like the old processor zapping the good Technician who is lovingly trying to install a new processor to save the entire machine!

If we're beheaded, our destiny is determined. When the head is removed, nothing can function afterward. The heart and the mind are torn asunder forever. Before death, the mind must make a choice. It was created with pure data, but mankind allowed it to be programmed with a Trojan virus. We call that Trojan "sin". Our own processors are called to do right but a flaw by the  less talented programmer - Satan, causes the mind to malfunction. If it "forgets" its original purpose, then the virus eventually causes the mind to destroy itself.

On the other hand, if the mind communes with the Great Technician, receiving and using His energy, then all is well. Beheading separates the mind from the heart, but both go to a better environment. Herod killed John's body, but he could not touch his soul. Right now, he is alive and well, although his flesh lies in a grave. 
Matthew 14:10 And he sent, and beheaded John in the prison.
Ironically, John was beheaded in prison, but in prison he was set free. Silly Herod merely freed John's body from his flesh, and put his mind and body at liberty. The joke is on Herod. The sting of death hurt John for a second but he is elated forever!

After the rapture of the dead and living, Christians go to heaven. God will give the Jews a second chance. 144,000 will turn to Jesus, and refuse to obey the Lord of this world - the Antichrist. Like, John, this modern-day Herod will try to separate those Christians from their souls:
Revelation 20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
Like John, they will be liberated although this false god will think they are dead forever. Ironically, he tries to kill them but sends them to eternal life and prosperity!

On the other hand, if the head of a non-Christian is severed, the person dies physically, and at the same time, dies forever. John and the Christians feel pain for a second but non-Christians die for eternity in torment.

Your destiny forever is in the head. We can cut off our hands and whatever offends us, but the removal of the head is final. As the container for our processor, which I believe houses the soul, the mind is either rewarded or punished. If we have the hope of reward, then our soul is safe!  God puts it in a clean and temperate environment to preserve it until the whole machine's time is up. If we reject the new program, then we continue to live in a hostile environment. Sooner or later, it will destroy the processor, and the soul goes with it.

"Me head... My head! What shall I do?" Welcome in Great Technician. Service me now and always!

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