Saturday, August 3, 2019

The Real Pollutant: Carbon or Blood?

     Life has value; enough that God forbade the taking of innocent life. Life is when dormant souls have the Spirit of God breathed into them (Gen 2:7), not that the soul breathes, but life. What characteristic has life? It grows! The fastest growing time of life is between conception and birth. Gestation (from the Latin; gerere) means "carrry." Gestation, then, is the period of time when both the mother-to-be and God carry the unborn person. Person? Yes, God had plans for the child's soul and flesh before the foundation of the world (Ephes 1:4). God wants that no living so shall perish (John 3:16). Since God had plans for the living souls, and that was not to die, God's will is circumvented when they die by wrong-doing hands. 
     "Personhood" implies "personality" and that is a system like all the others. All systems within the pre-born develop together to complement each other. The infant child has a personality, and it was there all along. Personalities are not magical, as they do not develop merely along the four-inch birth canal crawl.  Gestating little humans are persons with personalities. To kill them as God and mothers carry them, thwart the plans of God for them, and is murder. The mother may not have a plan for them but God does (Jer 29:11) - to give an expected end. And that is not to die in the womb as He carries them! Now examine Holy Scripture:
The first man Adam was made a living soul (1 Cor 15:45). And if he (anyone) smite him (a living soul) with an instrument of iron, so that he die, he is a murderer: the murderer shall surely be put to death (Num 35:16). So ye shall not pollute the land wherein ye are: for blood it defileth the land: and the land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein, but by the blood of him that shed it. Defile not therefore the land which ye shall inhabit, wherein I dwell. (Num 35:33-34).
     Abortions are done mostly how? By striking with steel (iron and carbon) forceps as their little skulls are crushed and their body parts extracted. That is after severing them with scalpels of iron! Would you not say that Holy Scripture applies to killing an unborn child?
     But wait! The unborn are not persons, according the those who believe the deception of Satan.  Satan lies! Only a fool would deny that the unborn are not stages of growth of life! If not living, what are they, then, since they are growing? False teachers would have you believe that they have no souls, and are no more than an egg or animal. Strangely though, those same people will protect eagle's eggs and eagles! How ignorant can foolish people get?
    The one who kills "is a murderer" and "shall surely be put to death." Death, according to Christ, is eternal damnation and isolation from God. No, we don't kill the mothers and "doctors" who abort, but their soul is no more valuable than the one they have killed. Their penalty is Hell if they die without repentance. If either the mother or doctor repent, God is gracious. Hence, pro-life Christians have mercy on the unborn and his murderers because God does.
     "Blood (i.e., murder) defiles the land." Rather than living carbon being the pollutant as population-controllers believe, it is blood flowing from innocent lives which "pollute the land." Therein lies the war between truth and deception; one believes that life pollutes and the other that death is the polluter. God is Truth, so Christians must always believe God.
     The problem in the United States is not fossil fuels which will destroy life, but the shedding of innocent blood which pollutes the land. America's problem, then, are not carbon footprints but that "footprints" of little humans are destroyed as they gestate. The destruction of those little footprints is inhumane. Strangely, the Democrats take Satan's deception in lieu of God's truth. According to scripture, those murderers who believe that way shall perish.
      The blood lost from innocent lives flows throughout the nation. We can't see it because Satan keeps the spillage concealed as blood goes down the drain and into garbage dumps all over the land. Blood is precious. It carries the oxygen required for life. Greater than that, though, is that God's own blood carries the potential for life itself!  How can America and the world by cleansed of its pollutant? "The land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein, but by the blood of him that shed it." Abortion does not clean any carbon footprint, but the blood of Jesus cleanses the innocent blood shed all over the land.
     The land belongs to God, and is for the use of his creatures. The land belongs to the unborn as well as those who actually experience life outside the womb. Life is experiential. Those "carried" experience life, but it is cut short by those who know not what they do.
     The death of innocents, and likewise of the unborn, has a consequence which God addresses: "Defile not therefore the land which ye shall inhabit, wherein I dwell." The penalty for death is death. America is dying as innocent blood is shed. It dies more quickly as blood is shed without remorse more intensely each day. As the blood gets deeper, the sooner Jesus comes to reward and punish. He said it himself, "Surely, I come quickly." (Rev 22:20). Ironically, the more innocent blood that the world sheds, the quicker Jesus comes. For those who are pro-life Christians, that is for the reward, and for those pro-death, it is for eternal death. That is God's type of justice - a great (for a few) and a terrible day (for most)! (Joel 2:31).

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