Wednesday, August 7, 2019

The Riddle Solved

Another mystery solved by studying:
Verse: God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant (Gen 9:27).
Known: the Shemites are both Arabs and Jews, but in this context, it is obvious that scripture refers to "Jews" because tabernacles (tents) were where they worshiped in the wilderness.Thus, "tents of Shem" refers to Judaism.

Japtheth shall be enlarged and dwell (worship) in Shem's tabernacles of Judaism. Western Gentiles are from Japheth's line. This promise was fulfilled when Paul turned to the Gentiles to grow (enlarge) Christianity.
Now for "Canaan" who "shall be his servant." The implication therein is they would be Shem's servant. Well, it turns out that all the occupants of Canaanland were descendents of Canaan, son of Ham: Hitties, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites. Since all those tribes were descended from Canaan, as a people they are all Canaanites. Hence, the people who occupied the land of Canaan before the Shemites (Jews) came were Canaan's line. (I believe they are the seven "hills" mentioned in Revelation and are the "Harlot Babylon." - not  Rome as most think.)
The meaning of the key verse obviously meant that Canaanites would serve Shemites. They did that. They built Jerusalem, all the cities of Canaan, and were rural growers in the land of milk and honey. Their service to Shem was building the country of Israel into a prosperous nation. "Prosperity," in the Abrahamic Covenant is both the land and the religion whose God is Jesus.
Ironically, Canaanites still "serve" Shem. Since the diaspora Canaan has kept Canaanland alive. Even Saludin (a Moslem king) rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem. Moslem Canaanites have kept Israel from being destroyed until it became a nation in 1948. By that, Canaan has always served Shem!
They will continue to do so until New Jerusalem comes down. Thank you, Canaan, for your service. Now the riddle is solved!

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