Thursday, June 4, 2020



  In the beginning there was one command from God regarding obedience. Sure, the pair were commanded to become one in marriage, to multiply, and for Adam to dress and keep the Garden, but there was one basic “thou shalt not.”

But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. (Gen 2:17)
And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life. (Gen 3:17)

  The first occasion is the command to “not eat” of the forbidden tree, and the second occasion is the curse for eating of the forbidden tree. In between those two occasions, Adam and Eve both died as the Holy Spirit was exhumed from them. They were without protection, as the Preserver, the Holy Spirit, was removed. As such the two were vulnerable to the elements of the world, and rather a Utopia, the world outside Paradise would be tribulation. The first “Big Lie” was that rebellion to civil authority has no consequences. God didn’t say “Love Me” outright, He said “obey My civil command.”
  To withstand the world, God discarded their self-made coverlets and provided a coat from a living being that He had made. God covered their flesh with His flesh, so to speak. That would have to do until the time came for eternal protection.
  Sin began with that disobedience. In fact, disobedience is sin, and ultimately as the Serpent said in truth, they would be gods (‘elohiym). Not “as gods” or “as God” but they would be their own gods. “And you shall be” is not in the original scripture. The sin was that Adam and Eve would be gods. Thus, sin is the attitude “to be” and that is the origin of the word, “sin” from the Danish. Sin is “to be” gods.
  God’s do their Will. Hence, mankind does their will rather than God’s Will. They do what they want to do, because in their eyes, they are the gods. Again, not as God but themselves the gods.
God’s (little “g”) are gods because they create, nourish, protect, judge, reward, and punish. Rather than be pleased with God’s nourishment, Adam and Eve sought nourishment elsewhere. They turned from God and to the Serpent.
  The fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was for God alone. Note that the Serpent did not hand them the fruit or even shake the tree. Eve stole God’s fruit and shared it with Adam who partook of stolen fruit. They not only gained the knowledge of evil, but it was by experience. The experienced sin, and once sin is experienced there are four possibilities: sorrow with regret, sorrow but with no regrets, exhilaration with regret, or exhilaration with no regrets. It seems that Adam and Eve had sorrow along with regrets, and for that reason, God had grace on the two. However, the nature of man is to be exhilarated with no regrets, but the usual for Christians is exhilaration with regrets. So long as there is guilt, God will take care of the sin.
  What are commandments for? To identify what is important to authorities. In the case of God, commandments are to delineate what is important and what is not. Marriage and child-baring are important because they are ordained by God. He told them to marry and bear children. He also said that they could eat of all the trees, including the Tree of Life, without dismaying Him. Like little children, what did they do? They ate what was forbidden and were not satisfied with what was provided.
  Hence, the nature of man is to want what they do not have, and not satisfied with what they have. That nature is the driving force behind socialism. All “isms” say the same thing in different words (1) Utopian socialism’s, “From each according to His capacity and to each according to his services” (Claude Henri de Saint-Simon), (2) Marxist socialism’s, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” (Karl Marx), and (3) Nazism’s “It is thus necessary that the individual should finally come to realize that his own ego is of no importance in comparison with the existence of the nation, that the position of the individual is conditioned solely by the interests of the nation as a whole” (Adolph Hitler) which can be summarized, From the individuals; to the nation. Italian fascism is also based on “fascio” — “bundling” of the individuals for strength.
  Ism’s are taking from one class and redistributing it to another class. Ism’s are the catalyst that accentuate classism that results in class warfare. “To those” is charity when it is voluntary. It is sinful when it is “from those.” Charity is, From God who has the capacity and ability; to those on who He has grace. “Adamism” (iniquity) is From God who forbids; to those who trespass. That is socialism as well.  It seems that Adam was the first socialist and died for his “ism.”
  Breaking one commandment is as breaking them all (Jas 2:10). Somehow by breaking that one commandment, Adam and Eve broke all ten. The easiest one is “Thou shalt have no other gods before me” because as the Serpent said, “Ye shall be gods.” They broke the Sabbath because God had rested from His endeavors. They coveted by wanting what was not theirs, and so forth. Adamism was based on breaking all the commandments. “Thou shalt not covet… anything that is thy neighbors” is the bases of all brands of socialism as well as Adamism.
  Once coveting, the obvious actions are stealing (Eve did that for Adam), lascivious behavior (covering their loins indicates some type of indubitably forbidden sexual behavior, and the like. With sexual freedom, feminism (the freedom to misbehave as men), and abortion (murder) as tenets of socialism, it seems that socialism is breaking all the commandments!
How about honoring father and mother? Socialism denigrates marriage and trivializes the family in favor of the “common good” — the bundles of individuals (fascimos) or the “masses.” The worst sin was like Adam’s and Eve’s most obvious; in socialism, the individuals who decide who gets what and when become the “gods.”
  The initiative is for socialists of all branches to make their own “Paradise” (Utopia) without God in it or having authority over it. Saint-Simon had his version, Marx his, Lenin his, Hitler his, and Mussolini his. Saint-Simons was Utopian where the benevolent leaders would divvy things out based on classes. Marx had his communal leaders which would do the same. Lenin his soviet bureaucracy, and Hitler his glorious Fourth Reich who would be the benevolent ones.
  What problem did Adam have. The redistribution system (the Serpent) had noting to give but took from God’s tree and said it was theirs for the having. God said it was not theirs to have. Hence, there was a revolution of man against God, and every ism since is a continuation of that revolution. Socialism was not created at that time; it was full-blown communism because God’s fruit was confiscated and redistributed through chicanery. As such, the Serpent broke another commandment; “Thou shalt not lie.” But he only “deceived” did he not? That is also the M.O. of “isms” that are contrary to and against God.
  Can you not see that Adam and Eve, by breaking one law, broke them all? Can you not see that socialism’s doctrine is breaking all the commandments and is foremost forsaking God and dependence on sinful men?
  Many Calvinistic Christians will say that the Ten Commandments no longer have utility. They were not written on stone by Jesus (God’s “Finger”) for nothing. They are for perpetuity. Mankind must still depend on God and do God’s Will. The Greatest Commandment is “love.” How can men demonstrate love? “He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me” (John 14:21). The Ten Commandments are the metrics of love. How could Adam and Eve have shown their love for God? By doing what God commanded. How can mankind now demonstrate that same love? By doing what God commands. Those who love God depend on Him. Those who love the world depend on others or themselves. Thusly, socialism is dependence on individuals to supply the “needs” of the people.
  Adam and Eve “needed” the fruit of the forbidden tree so intensely that they risked death. God had already provided their needs in the Garden, but they wanted more, even what belonged to God. Socialism depends on that same innate desire to have things that belongs to others. The Forbidden Tree was God’s Creation and God’s property. Then Satan, cleverly disguised as a Serpent, took what belonged to God and redistributed it. For whose benefit? Did he truly care about the needs of Adam and Eve but was it for power? It was Satan who wanted to be God; he just tantalized Adam and Eve that they would be something that they were not and were never be.
  Man was made a little lower than the angels (Psalm 8:7). Angels are certainly not gods, and neither were the human beings. The angel, Lucifer, was not even a god, but he pretended to God’s throne. (Isa 14:13). Satan accused mankind of wanting to have the power but all the while, it was him. Why do billionaires — those whom the common people are a little lower — want socialism? For power; so they can be kings, presidents, party chairman, tsars, and even fuhrers!
  An intelligent millennial did not like my political comments. Why would I comment on politics? Because there was no wall between Church and State in the Garden and there is none in the world. In the end, Satan again will seek to be God and global socialist leader. What will he do to the masses? Use communistic force. What will happen to God’s faithful when they do not obey that government of Satan, by Satan, and for Satan? They will be beheaded if they stay true to Christ. Just who is Satan? He is no longer the angel, Lucifer, but is the Antichrist, and those who join his government are antichrists. My politics are a warning to Christians what is to come, and like Jesus, I am hated for nothing but sharing the truth to deceived people.
  The political American “Deep State” in the end, will be the world’s spiritual “Deep State.” Be forewarned. Isms always divide and conquer, and they all separate people into classes. Class warfare is their tool and how the masses are deceived. God’s children have no color; they are all transparent to Him. Satan wants people to see color! I will not.

(picture credit: Almost Heretical)

03: Why is there a snake in the garden? — Almost Heretical

1 comment:

  1. Shared!! This is something everyone needs to see and UNDERSTAND!
