Saturday, February 13, 2021



“Lying” is being untruthful with the intention of deceiving. Albeit it most often is using some truth to create false impressions (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). “Propaganda” is using truthful things in a manner, so as to create false impressions for the purpose of deception. For instance, children, to deceive their parents when asked, “Where have you been?” may reply, “I went to Johnny’s house.”  Of course, to not lie, they did go to Johnny’s house, then went down the street to Sally’s. Obviously, there was no lie involved but the boy created a false impression. He withheld pertinent information. The point is that deception is commonplace, and it is nearly impossible to be prosecuted for telling even big lies. Hence, lies must be invented by clever individuals by revealing only partial truths.

  Children invent what parents call, “unlikely stories.” They can be totally false or partially true. Totally false statements are often absurd. “Absurdities” are lies so ridiculous that they cannot be made up. Therefore, those “Big Lies” are accepted as truth. Hitler’s “Big Lie” was that Germans were superior people to the Jews, notwithstanding that Jews were of higher intelligence and most often more successful. The Big Lie against President Trump is that he is a Russian operative. Is that not absurd? It took three years and millions of dollars to reveal the absurdity of that lie. By then, voters had been so acclimated by the Big Lie that it became truth (sic) in their malleable minds. “Propaganda” is used to remold people’s minds in such manner that they live the Big Lie. Modern vernacular for propaganda is “narrative.”

  Big Lies kill people. Millions of Jews and Christians died because of Hitler’s propaganda machine, peddled by the master of deception, Herman Goebbels, who convinced the German people that Jews were not only responsible for their miserable lives, but went even bigger — that Jews are sub-human parasites whose extinction would improve the entire world. Even adjacent countries bought into the Big Lie and killed Jews with impunity.

  The Serpent used the Biggest Lie of all to deceive Eve. God had emphatically told Adam, “Of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die” (Gen 2:17). Afterward, “The Serpent said unto the woman, ‘Ye shall not surely die’” (Gen 3:4) then added that God feared if they ate, they would be as Himself (Gen 3:5).

  The Hebrew word where “serpent” appears is seraph (Isa 6:26; 14;29; 30:6). The “Serpent” of Genesis is not necessarily a “snake” but “image.” Serpents were not created in the image of God, but Adam was. Adam is one image of God and angels are other images. Serpents are not of the same image as angels. Henceforth, when the word “Serpent” is used to identify the image of Lucifer, the angel-type, “Seraph,” should be envisioned.

  Scripture says, “The serpent (nachash) was more subtil than any beast” (Gen 3:1). The image of Satan was said to be cunning. Why suppose a serpent? Because its curse was crawling (Gen 3:14). Regardless of the physical form, Lucifer, not the “image,” was the cunning one. Scripture says that not a serpent, but the Devil is the father of lies: “When he (the Devil) speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it” (John 8:44).The Devil (Satan) is the “Biggest Liar” and “Big Liars” are “devils.” It is implied that Big Liars have demons within them. It is demons who speak from the mouths of demonic people whose “images” are propagandists. Usually, demons spew hatred. Big Liars distort the truth for hateful purposes.

  Since love is wanting that “none should perish,” it follows that hatred is wanting that any person should perish. As an example, the evidence the real President’s lawyers presented yesterday in the impeachment trial was absolute truth because the evidence came right out of the mouths of the “snakes” themselves. What did the Serpent say? Paraphrasing it, “God fears that you might take His place.” What did Hillary’s propagandists fear? That she deserved to be President of the United States.

  Why did Lucifer become God’s Adversary? The same reason, substituting Clinton’s name, to wit: “Hillary’s  pomp is brought down to the grave, and the noise of thy viols (singing): the worm (swarm of maggots) is spread under her, and the worms (maggots) cover her. How art you fallen from heaven, O Hillary, daughter of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in your heart, ‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north’” (Isa 14:11-14).

  Lucifer wants to be King of the heaven and the earth. Hillary Clinton wanted to be Queen of Earth, so to speak, but when Biden ran rather than her, she went deep; she aspired to be “Queen of Heaven,” or being plain, “Mother of Jesus.”

  In 1 Kings 2:20, rather than Mary, it is implied that Bathsheba was queen of heaven. Mary was a virgin whereas Bathsheba was adulterous. That speaks volumes about what Hillary may be! Bathsheba paid with her own body and thought that she deserved to be queen. Hillary, perhaps, paid with the love of money and she thought, deserved to be “Queen Hillary.” Rather, she became a mere “puppeteer!”

  Herein, I have freely mixed politics and religion. “Politics” is “the art or science concerned with winning and holding control over a government” (ibid).

  It is concealed, but in my book, Trump and Triumph, I reveal that the impeachment, conviction, and execution of Jesus Christ was politically motivated. Jesus was to be “King of the Jews.” The sign said that! Those who crucified Jesus could not condone Him as King because they controlled the governments, both the civil government and the ecclesia.

  The chief priests, one from the Jewish version of the “Deep State” and the official one, colluded much as Hillary and Biden have colluded to oust the President. One chief priest was the official “Chief” but was merely a puppet to the former chief priest. Caiaphas (their version of Biden) organized the plot to kill Jesus, but behind the scenes it was his predecessor. Caiaphas was called “The Monkey” by many, surely because he was on the leash of the former chieftain, Annas, who held the “monkey’s” leash.

  Then there were the Herodians who supported Herod Agrippa as king of Judea, and the Zealots who supported the Hasmonean Dynasty. Pilate himself was procounsel and Herod was appointed by the Roman emperor. If Jesus was to be king, then Caesar would be undermined! And so it goes. The multitude, it turns out, would follow anyone but the Legitimate King, Jesus. Does that not sound familiar?

  The “Big Lie” in apostolic times was the absurdity that Jesus could not be God, despite the fact that they had witnessed miracles that only God could do. Jesus, the rightful King, was crucified in a power struggle — who would truly control the multitude.

  Jesus relented, and the Jewish “Deep State” could call “king” whoever they wanted. Caiaphas, the man who claimed to be “Chieftain,” because the former procounsel had appointed him that, but was soon dismissed by the new one who made another one chief.

  “The Monkey’s” leash was loosed. He thought that he deserved control, but his “power cord” was cut as he was deposed soon after he led the insurrection. Hillary seems to be an antitype of Annas and Biden, Caiaphas, “The Monkey.”

  When Jesus was crucified, the wall was torn down between Church and State. However, the many “governors” all crossed the wall between Christ and the Government, but Jesus gave to the rightful “governor,” Caesar, what was his. Jesus stayed on His side of that invisible wall.

  Only Jesus and a few friends were the “Church” on that day. One week before, the multitude had been faithful to Jesus, even waving palm leaves in admiration. As such, Trump, as the legitimate president, is the antitype of Jesus. Not that he is God, but he assumed the image to serve God. Likewise, Mrs. Clinton and Joe Biden assumed their “images” because God has a purpose. Indubitably that purpose is to incite remorse and repentance for believing the Big Lie that Trump was not really a legitimate president.

  The “Big Lie” in America, is that there is an invisible wall between the separation of Church and State. Just as between the Christ and the State when Jesus was crucified, adversaries tear down walls. When it became convenient to kill Jesus, politicians tore down that wall and crucified Him. As soon as Biden became “The Monkey” president, someone, perhaps Hillary, jerked his leash, and prepares to tear down the wall that Trump was building.

  The wall between the US and Mexico must come down because that is the issue of the day. That “Big Lie” is that walls represent hatred, but ironically, when Biden was inaugurated, the National Guard erected a barbed-wire wall to protect “The Monkey” from the “zoo’s” spectators.

  Why did Baptists propose a wall between Church and State to Thomas Jefferson? Not to keep the Christians out of government but to keep the government out of Church business. What has happened because of that? Christians are discouraged and sometimes forbidden to govern, but the State, just as Caesar, who appointed the church leadership, regulates church business. Annas was appointed by Caesar’s proconsul, Lucius Vitellius the Elder. In that part of the Roman Empire, the “church” could not cross the wall of the “state” but with ease, the state could cross the wall to the church with extreme ease!

  How has the Church in America crossed the wall between itself and the State. It has not! However, the State continually sneaks over the wall to interfere with the Church.

  Abortion is a religious issue; indeed, it is paramount for Christians who desire that none should perish (John 3:16), and that no infants should burn in the idol, Molech’s, belly.

  Prayer in schools is a religious right. Christians are to turn to God in all things. Students should be taught truth, not theories. Nowadays theories are accepted as truth and divinely inspired knowledge as mythology. Ishtar can be taught in schools, but never Jesus. The government stepped on Jesus with their “jackboots” and Christians remained silent in the same manner as when Jesus was scourged.

  The government welcomed the  gift of the goddess Libertas, and even built for her a foundation in New York Harbor. Only a few years before Libertas had been a prostitute in the Cult of Reason. Lady Liberty is an image of Ishtar, but the government welcomes her. That statue is of the false “Light Bearer,” Lucifer, but that is okay for Christians. They have been remolded to exalt civil liberty over Christian freedom. Libertas crossed the Atlantic and was gently placed over the wall of separation of Church and State.

  Libertas is Lucifer’s present image which was brought to America with ease much like the Trojan horse that the Greeks sneaked through the wall to defeat Troy. Just as the seraph was the image of Satan and was called a “Serpent,” so too Lucifer sneaked into our government in the guise of an innocent statue.

  However, the Statue of Liberty is not the problem. The real problem is that even Christians value civil liberty and social justice above Christian liberty to worship freely and above divine justice. Likewise, in the Garden, the “image” was not the real problem; it was Lucifer and his schemes.

  Recently, the program sponsored by Brad Meltzer, “Decoded,” revealed that the Statue of Liberty does indeed represent the light-bearing angel, Lucifer. That would startle most Christians, so Meltzer brought in a priest who said a Big Lie — that Lucifer is not Satan, and therefore the Statue of Liberty could not represent Satan.

  Christians do not fear statues, unlike the recent mob that abhors them. Just as the mob cannot rid the world of hatred by hatefully tearing down images of people, Christians know that tearing down a statue of Satan would not rid the world of Satan. Jesus will do that in his time, but not the Flesh Image of Jesus, but Jesus in all His Glory!

  The Living God will tumble Lucifer, just as God tumbled the god, Dagon. When Lucifer is thrown out of heaven, Lady Liberty shall tumble into New York Harbor. Vengeance belongs to God, and God will tumble antichrists who are nothing more than false images of Christ.

  Who will triumph? Jesus or the New Judas? Both were hung from a tree but only one remained dead. In the end, Jesus will triumph, and Lucifer will perish.

  Who will be president in the hearts of the people? Biden will soon be exposed just as Caiaphas was deposed. Then the truth will come out, and as Jesus said, “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32). Free from what? Lies, socialism, and an illegitimate president.

  The truth is finally out. Michael Lyndel organized the facts and composed a movie about the truth of the presidential election. It is called, “The Absolute Truth.” Indeed, there are not shades of truth; for that is deception. As Joe Friday always said, “Just the facts, ma’am… just the facts.” The problem is that Americans are spoiled; they prefer comfort to facts, and certainly truth is often uncomfortable. Perhaps the truth is a rigged election. Just present the evidence and the truth should reveal itself.

(picture credit: Paul Ekman Group; "Catching Liars...")

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