Theologians are limited by the capacity of languages. Mankind was created “glorious.” The closest definition of that is splendorous. Scripture does not address the degree of that splendor well, calling everything generated by God, “very good.” Better said is, “entirely good” or “perfection.” Since only God is “Good” (Mat 19:17), then “very good” is very much like God, not God, but in the “image of God” (Gen :1-27). But also “in our image” (Gen 1:26). “Our,” of course, is God in Mind, Body, and Spirit.
Scripture describes the substances of humans, to wit: “heart,
and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength” (Mark
12:30). Greek for “Heart” is kardia, meaning, “thoughts, passions,
desires, appetites, affections, purposes, endeavors, and so forth (Strong’s
Dictionary.) The physical mechanism of sensing all those things is the heart.
It enunciates all those characteristics. Together, they are human nature.
Although God is not natural, but supra-natural, those words shortchange
God who just IS. Hence, the one word for God’s supra-nature is “Glorious”
and describes His Quality — entirely Good, or Perfection.
Adam was created in that same image. He was perfect, even
having a “will” as God has His Will. God is entirely free to select from among
many desires. His one desire is that none should perish. People have the same
will as God with one exception: God will never choose sin because sin offends
Him. But people can because they are deceived into believing that sin is a beautiful
thing. (Gen 3:6), Whereas God sees sin as the ugliest thing that He allows, man
does not. Ultimately, sin is the perception that people have the same “Will” as
God. Lucifer spoke the truth — sin is TO BE as God (Gen 3:5). Perhaps “very good”
was chosen because only God is Good to perfection. Perhaps the will of mankind
was the difference, as God will never choose sin, but people can and do. The
Satan motto is, “Do what thou wilt; that is the whole law.” The will of man is
the problem, and the Will of God, the solution.
God cannot go wrong on these things: thoughts, passions,
desires, appetites, affections, purposes, endeavors… but people can. Thus, the one-word
description for “heart” is “will.” People freely will that those things
be done.
Jesus spoke of that on how to pray: “Thy kingdom come, Thy
will be done in earth, as it is in heaven” (Mat 6:10). In heaven God’s Will,
will be done; His desire that on Earth that same nature exists; that our will
which was in the image of God’s Will, be done again. Original sin changed the “heart”
or “will” of Adam and Eve. “Born again” (John 3:7) is repairing the defective
will, or heart, of sinners. It is to rid the heart of callousness; hence “circumcision
of the heart” (Rom 2:29).
Adam was created without that hardness of the heart. Upon
sinning, the atrophy of the heart commenced. After continually sinning, the
heart (will) becomes calloused. Rebirth is removing the callous or hardness of
the heart to be in the image of God again. It is emancipation from Satan who
hardens hearts. Since the heart is the tell-tale sign of the will, then the “flesh”
represents the human will, and the atrophying flesh which needs circumcision.
Therefore, God’s children would love God with their will.
They should be willing to serve Him without coercion. Christians do not
obey for the reward but obey because of grace. The Flesh of God died for our
flesh; hence gratitude should exist. The heart is the seat of gratitude, so new
“hearts” freely will to do God’s Will. His Will is still to be done, but
not because of obedience, but gratitude.
That sums up loving God with all the “heart.” The one word
that sums up the human will is the word, “flesh,” because the flesh on the body
is essentially the idols of humans that must be appeased. That is why the flesh
is the enemy of mankind.
Since sinners will not give up their appetite for sins, then
God did that in our place. He died to change our appetites. Adam began to die, not
in an instant, but his will withered. He was slowly dying. When reborn,
Christians are as newborn babes in Christ, but a genuine rebirth gradually changes
the appetites of Christians. It is the reverse process of dying and is living
Hence, flesh is the enemy of mankind. It is the epicenter of
all those things enumerated previously. However, the soul is without flesh.
Think of the soul as a body without flesh, not merely without an epidermis, but
without physical substance. That soul, if it could be seen, would be an image
of the person. It would look like you and be the real you. The flesh is more in
the image of the Devil because he is the father of sinners (John 8:44).
However, sin goes all the way through the meat and bones to the heart. Sin
changes the human will. For sinners, it is Satan’s will that is done.
“Election” is not an undeserved reward but a pairing of the soul
with the body of people. It completes the person and personality of the pre-existing
soul. The Soul of God is His “Tabernacle,” and within that Tabernacle dwells
the Holy Spirit. In the beginning, God was all Soul, and that invisible Substance,
or invisible Body, is His “Alpha.” God, to know our flesh (will) took on Flesh
Himself. He covered His invisible Body with Flesh to show Himself to mankind. Before,
God had manifested Himself as fire, smoke, a cloud, water, and even sometimes in
the flesh. He chose Flesh for His inaugural appearance because it was the Image
in which He had made Adam. That is His “Omega.”
What does God’s Temple, or Soul, look like? What is the
appearance of its invisible Image? The Soul of God looks like Jesus only
without physical substance. The substance of God’s soul is immaterial but His
Will is like Jesus’s because Jesus is God in the Flesh. Indeed, the Will of
Jesus was demonstrated as the Will of God in earth and is the same as in heaven.
Jesus demonstrated that with His temptations.
There is one place in the Bible that describes the shape of
God’s Soul, to wit: “The Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a
dove upon him, and a voice came from heaven, which said, ‘Thou art my beloved
Son; in thee I am well pleased’” (Luke 3:22).
First off, God’s Soul had the same shape as human body, but
this Soul was peculiar to Jesus. “Ghosts” are disembodied souls, so when Jesus
was baptized, God’s Soul became embodied. Jesus was borne
(translated) with the Mind of God but the body-shape of God was not borne
with Him. That substance was translated to the Flesh of God at the
baptism by John. At that point, the substances of Jesus were two: Mind and corruptible
Somehow, the mind is eternal but the brain only temporary.
Thus, the soul has spiritual cognition, to wit: The rich man in Hell and Lazarus
in Abraham’s bosom were cognitive, reasoning, and logical (Luke 16). Thus,
Jesus and Adam were both borne with the faculty of thought. Again, I use
the word “borne” rather than “born” because Adam and Jesus were transported,
not carried, from heaven to earth — from the spiritual realm to the physical realm.
When Jesus was baptized by John, the Spirit of God remained
only on Him (John 1:3). Jesus was baptized, not only with water, but Living
Water since the Holy Ghost imbued Him.
John’s baptism was one of repentance for the forgiveness of
sin (Mark 1:4). Since Jesus was without sin, then no repentance was necessary. Water
was of no efficacy. But the Person, Jesus, wasn’t finished yet. There was a “step
two” in the process! Step one was transportation of His Soul to Mary’s body
where God would begin to mold it. Now examine step 2:
The Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and a voice came from heaven, which said, “Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased". (Luke 3:22)
Compare step 2 to Adam’s step 2:
The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. (Gen 2:7)
God formed Adam from the dust of the ground in a “womb” of some
dimensions. Either Adam’s womb was the celestial dome, or it could have been the
“Temple” in the Garden of Eden. By that it is meant, under the canopy of the
trees of the Garden that formed a Tabernacle in the center and lesser tabernacles
surrounding the central one. (i.e., like tabernacle worship of the Hebrews before
the Temple was built. Or lastly, Adam was possibly born in the Cave of
Treasures which may be Jeremiah’s Grotto under the newly discovered, perhaps
real, Calvary. Jews believe that Adam was formed on the Foundation Stone. Just
a small piece of the Foundation Stone
remains to this day, but it may have extended all over what is now Jerusalem.
That makes sense because that name means “foundation of peace.”
Regardless as to where, both Jesus and Adam were borne in a womb;
Jesus in Mary’s and Adam in an unknown womb, but both were space provided by
God for His upcoming miracles!
You may have noticed, but the Father used the same process for creating
the “first Adam” (man) and the “Second Adam” (God in the form of a man). Scripture
points to the same creation process! Why would go do something other than what He
did before?
Consider step one again. God molded Man (Adam) from clay which he made up
with His own Spittle – the mist from the ground. God’s DNA went into Adam’s
clay. Then God made a clay ball, added clay as needed, and molded a shape resembling
a man. Then He added clay and made Adam, not a child, but an adult male. The clay
ball is essentially the embryo of Adam, and each additional clay made Adam
larger. God carried Adam, perhaps out of the Cave, and onto the Foundation
Stone where the Father formed a statue of Man, as designers still do to this
That is presupposed because that is the same process used for Jesus. His “clay
ball” was His own embryo in its protective “canopy” which God formed in Mary until
His shape was formed. Then outside the womb of Mary, God grew his image unto
manhood. The second Adam was the maturity of the first Adam when God breathed
life unto the corruptible flesh of Jesus. Yes, the flesh of Jesus was corruptible
but not by Him. The nails and pierced side corrupted His flesh when He gave
life to all mankind.
Since Eve is the mother of all, then when the first Adam cloned himself,
his side was corrupted as well. How so? In an earlier commentary, I mentioned
that “woman” has a second meaning — “adulteress,” and that is what Eve
apparently pursued with the spirit of the Serpent.
Jesus began the regeneration process of Christians with water and blood
from His own side in like manner as Adam. They were both of marriageable age,
and Eve was the bride of Adam. She became his bride because they were of one
Likewise, mankind, if they are righteous, become brides of Jesus when “Life”
came out of His side. That is why both blood and water are effective, not blood
alone, nor water alone. You see, the marriage process matches as well. That is
why Holy Matrimony must be holy!
So as not to bore the reader further, consider the introduction
of God’s two “images” Into the world. Adam was a mature man made entirely good
(Gen 1:31) and with his own will. Jesus revealed Himself at the baptism of
John. His Holy Ghost, the one with Adam’s appearance, not the shape of a dove,
but with a breeze from God’s Breath. Adam’s bodily shape came on Jesus
and filled His theretofore empty soul, and Jesus, as Adam, became a “Living
Soul.” “Life” in God’s lexicon, is having “Living water” in the theretofore
empty soul. Rebirth (John 3:7) is the emptying of the Serpent’s DNA from the person’s
soul, to cleanse it before filling. (No new wine in an old flask for Adam nor
The Holy Ghost of Jesus was breathed unto His corruptible
flesh. It was from the elements (or dust) that Adam was formed. So far,
the Second Adam is much like the first! Step two was in process.
Jesus received the Holy Ghost “like a dove.” His Ghost was
not the Image of a dove but was translated to Him from another realm
with the motion of a dove.
The dove describes the movement of God’s “breath” just as in
the case of the Holy Ghost, “Suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a
rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting” (Acts
2:2). The Holy Ghost in Jerusalem was not a “mighty wind” but filled the many
Christians like a wind, or with the turbulence that thousands of doves
would make as they flocked the multitude. Again, it would not be a bevy of
doves, but as a bevy of doves.
The Holy Ghost descended on Jesus at His baptism. Jesus was
baptized as no other theretofore. He was baptized by moving water in the Jordan
and Living Water at the same time. Of course, the Holy Ghost is not water, but the
Power of the Holy Ghost is as rushing waters to bring life.
It is the gain of virtue just as healing is the loss of virtue,
“They that were vexed with unclean spirits: and they were healed. And the whole
multitude sought to touch him: for there went virtue out of Him, and healed them
all” (Luke 6:18:19). The Holy Spirit would have made the sound of a rushing
wind as virtue healed them all.
Think of the mighty rushing wind that the Holy Ghost sounded
when virtue flowed from Jesus to heal the nations: “Jesus cried with a loud
voice and gave up the ghost. And the veil of the temple was rent in twain from
the top to the bottom” (15:37-38). Giving up the Ghost was the loss of virtue so
intense that the “wind” from it tore the curtain in the Temple quite a distance
away. The Holy Ghost also quaked the earth to transmit virtue to heal the dead.
Adam himself got back his ghost — the Ghost of God that perfectly fit Adam’s soul,
and was the again in Image of Christ.
A “ghost” is defined as the “disembodied spirit of a dead
person” (Merriam-Webster). That does not fit the biblical context. “Ghost” is
in the Greek “pneuma” and in the Hebrew “gava’..” The former means “breeze”
and the latter means “expire” (ibid).
Death is expiring (exhaling) the Holy Ghost, like a breeze. Hence,
the Holy Ghost is a living (animated) Spirit of God that fills the soul of a
Christian. Thusly, the Holy Ghost is an embodied Spirit that is “exhaled”
from the body at death to move on to another realm. The Holy Ghost in
Christians would look like the first and second Adam, and not themselves, because
the Power of the Holy Ghost changes the form and nature of sinful man.
When Jesus was baptized, the Holy Ghost swooned quietly on
to Him (John 1:33). Soon after, it is learned that Jesus was filled (imbued)
with the Holy Ghost before he was tempted by Satan. Jesus breathed in His Holy
Ghost because He is God and without sin. His “cup” (vessel) was created clean
in the “clean room” of Mary.
The Holy Ghost came on Jesus in “bodily form” not the body
of a dove, but as a body like Adam’s. Remembering that ‘adam is the
Hebrew word for “man,” then a Spirit like a man entered Jesus. The first ‘adam
was created perfectly, so a perfectly shape man, in spirit, would enter Jesus, making
Him the second ‘adam. But the regeneration of ‘adam would not be
finished yet! Not until the Holy Ghost would be breathed out of Jesus.
Adam was generated by God to dress and keep the Garden of
Trees. “Trees are as men walking” (Mark 8:24). Even a blind man envisioned
that! Adam’s purpose was to serve and preserve mankind. That was his “Great
Commission.” The Second Adam had the same purpose. He was generated in the flesh
like ‘adam to serve and preserve ‘adam-kind. His crucifixion was
in Jerusalem, what before was certainly the center of the Garden. The second
Adam came back to the same place to fulfill the first Adam’s Great Commission,
to wit: “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of
the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost” (Mat 28:19).
The holy water of the Jordan is in Israel. The “Living Water”
of Jesus is omnipresent. Baptist with water is not specified in the Great
Commission. But instead, teach them the Word, and Jesus, the “Hand” of God will
do the baptizing for out of His belly will flow Living Waters.
When Jesus was crucified, Living Waters flowed from His
belly and may have flowed right into the dust of Adam who is said the be buried
beneath Calvary (The place of Adam’s skull). The mist from the dust
would remold Adam to his former shape.
When the Holy Ghost departed from Jesus, the one of the first
acts of His Ghost was breathing Adam back to life! As Jesus’s Ghost was given
up, like a mighty quake it opened the graves of some of the dead in Christ, “And
the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose” (Mat 27:52).
Adam surely confronted those who killed Jesus. [1]
Some of the dead arose, so as Paul wrote, “To live is
Christ; to die is gain” (Phil 1:21). The Living Water from the belly of the Second
Adam gave life to the dead and provided safe Water for the living with a “thirst”
to “drink.” The Great Commission of all ‘adam’s is for Living Water to
flow from their sides to provide life to the nations.
Just as Adam had Living Water from his curved side (not rib)
to give life to Eve, the mother of all, all ‘adams are to have Living
Water from their bellies to heal the nations, just as Jesus remarked to the woman
at the well. Jesus must have imparted Living Water to her because she “drank”
of His Word, then went on to share it with others.
The Soul of Jesus is the shape of His Body. It had to be
because His Holy Ghost came to Him in “bodily shape.” His Ghost perfectly fit
His Soul, and it is assumed that the Soul of Jesus fit His Body. With that
hypothesis, perhaps it could be validated. Did anyone else ever have that
explanation? It turns out that God revealed it to Sedrach, to wit:
And Sedrach said to God, “From where will you take my soul, from which member?” And God said to him, “Do you not know that it is placed in the middle of your lungs and heart and that it is spread out to all its members?” It is removed through the pharynx and larynx and the mouth; and whenever it is due to go out (from the body) it is drawn with difficulty at the beginning and as it comes together from the fingernails and from all the members there is, of necessity, a great strain in being separated from the body and detached from the heart.” (Apocalypse of Sedrach:1-4; original 150-500 AD)
Whoever Sedrach was, perhaps Shadrach, God revealed to him the shape of
the soul. (Note that Shadrach saw the bodily shape of the Ghost of Jesus in the
fiery furnace). The soul, as described by God, whether in reality or in
thought, I do not know, but it is described.
The soul fits the entire body of man (‘adam). The soul of all ‘adam-kind
is the image of Adam, and Adam’s is the Image of Jesus. When Christians are
baptized with the Holy Ghost, the Ghost of Jesus is imbued unto them to fill
their souls and flesh entirely. In the case of John Doe who is baptized with
the Holy Ghost, the new bodily shape is not like John Doe, but like both Adams!
Why would anyone be reborn to resemble their old selves? They are new creatures
(2 Cor 5:17), no longer resembling their old selves but the new person created
by God. Their souls would all look like Jesus inside however they look on the
The death of Jesus on the Cross finished something. Remembering that to “die
is gain,” then although the corruptible body of Jesus perished quickly in His
Tomb, yet His soul was the same — the same bodily shape of Jesus. Thereafter, the
Ghost of Jesus translated from one place to another (e.g., to Hell, to
Paradise, to the locked room to encounter the elven, and so forth). Nobody, not
even Thomas, ever touched Jesus because the Flesh of Jesus was no longer the
flesh of ‘adam. It was new Flesh, a new “coat of skin” to cover the Lamb
of God. That new Flesh was incorruptible and will never perish!
At the General Resurrection of the Saints, they too will discard their “aprons
of fig leaves” and have on coats from the incorruptible Flesh of the Lamb of
God. His Flesh was the sacrfice for all who have sinned and is enough to provide
coats of the Lamb of God for all who will wear it!
Thus, the third process in generating Jesus, was putting on glorious (splendid)
Flesh. The old red clay bled its red out, and clear and pure Living Water from
the “Belly” of God imbued the veins of Christ. God’s Body Shape in the Flesh
did give up the Body Shape of the Father, but the Ghost of God received new Flesh
that looked like mankind but was not hindered by things in Earth. The new Flesh
of Jesus still moves quickly between the heaven and the earth (meaning the
invisible and visible realms).
The bodily shape of Jesus has something that the body-shaped Spirit in
Christians have yet to obtain; that is the ability to exist in all places all
the time! Christians will never be God, and those capabilities will never
happen. On the other hand, when the heavens and the earth will be regenerated,
the bodily shape of the Holy Ghost in John Doe will move freely between heaven
and earth, as they again become one.
The Resurrection of Jesus is a repeat of the erection of Adam. The same
goes for Christians. God does not have different processes for different people
but uses the same tried and true processes. Both Adam and Jesus — the first and
second Adam — were formed in the womb. How is that? Of course, the original Flesh
of Jesus was formed in the womb of Mary, and there it grew. Outside the womb, God
was with Him but not in Him. When he was a full-grown ‘adam, just
as Adam, then God breathed life unto Jesus by filling Him with His Holy Ghost; One
that looked like Adam to re-create a second Adam of about the same age as the
Then the old Flesh of Jesus perished, and in the “womb” of the tomb, God regenerated
Jesus in the same perfect shape and holy state of Adam before he sinned. What
was finished at the death of Jesus? Perfection for those who would be Holy as
God is Holy. Also, just as Adam was certainly resurrected when Jesus was, all those
who are holy will be as well!
The last step in generating Jesus was His Regeneration in the second “Womb.”
After carrying off sin, the Holy Ghost of Jesus returned to the tomb and wa1ked
right through the walls and rolled back the stone as “The Angel of God” …as the
bodily-shape of the Holy Ghost of Jesus with His Ghost covered with new flesh
that the world could not contain.
What remained for Him to be a second Adam? To be in the Presence of God.
He could not be touched by the unclean hand of sinful men or God’s Temple
(Himself) would be defiled. The last stage in His development was standing tall
as the Tree of Life before the Spirit of God.
Adam had failed with that. He stood tall, but tall in the presence
of Satan under the Tree of Knowledge of the world. The reason Jesus stood tall
in the Presence of God is because Adam did not. He did what Adam would not.
Because of that, Adam now stands tall in the Face of God, in contrast to his
shame long before when he sinned.
The process for Adam and Jesus was the same. Both were baptized with the
Holy Ghost — Jesus at the baptism of John, and Adam with the baptism with the
Holy Ghost from the Belly of Jesus. Thereafter, the salvation of all “Adams” is
not by rushing water but by the Living Water from the “Belly” of the Jesus-shaped
Holy Ghost. That is rebirth, and just as Adam’s “birth” was aborted by the Wicked
One, the rebirth of any ‘adam can be aborted by the same Wicked One, but
only if the reborn do not stand in the face of Satan rather standing tall for
Remembering that ‘adam-kind consists of heart, mind, soul, and strength;
then the mind is safe at rebirth, the soul is safe at death, and the flesh is
safe at General Resurrection. When all three are delivered as one “body” to the
Presence of God, then salvation is complete. Living souls then are preserved and
“glorified” until Satan dies his final death.
This moment, with the Great Reset, Satan may have already taken on new
flesh considering that his old flesh (Judas) was hanged on a tree the same day
that Jesus was.
Perhaps Jesus’s “trip” to Hell was short. Perhaps He dumped all the sins
of mankind on Satan that day, and as nothing more than God’s stooge, Satan took
them to the pits of Hell! Remembering that Lucifer lusts for both kingship of
earth and heaven, then he will create chaos in both until his newly acquired
flesh is destroyed by fire.
In summary, the shape of the Holy Ghost is the same as the shape of the
Body of Jesus. His Soul is not wafer-shaped, and His Blood is not wine. It is
Living Water that all may drink freely.
[1] My
book, The Skull of Adam, is all about the bones of Adam saved for that
great day.
(picture credit: Unsplash; "Great Pictures")
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