Thursday, May 13, 2021


 I thought that I was through commenting on the Ark and its whereabouts, but then I began to read another clue. It was in the first verse of Genesis chapter eleven... to my surprise. So, "Part 2" becomes necessary.

  The Taurus Mountain range is shown on the map in figure #3:


Figure 3: Taurus Mountains (Wikiwand)

  There is another clue as to the location of the Ark: “It came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there” (Gen 11:2). That is important criteria because theretofore, everyone has assumed that they were west of the land of Shinar. Refer back in scripture; Noah remained to this time where the Ark had gone aground. Others, perhaps had moved on, [i] but Noah had not, and neither had the Ark.

  Noah and his company moved from the east, the location of the Ark, to the Land of Shinar to their west. “Shinar” is essentially the land between the Tigress and Euphrates River and represents Mesopotamia. In figure #3 it is shown bounded by the area in green. If the land has not rotated, as some suspect at the time of the flood, then eastward would be from the direction of the orient as known today. [1] It would fall within the vicinity of the area marked with a red circle.

  But that may not be the case (that the area had revolved). The area marked in red would indicate the proximity of the Ark.

  If the 300 miles radius from around Mt. Ararat is used, then the Ark would be within the 300 mile radius and to the south of Lake Van — in the water in blue near the red circle. That area would still be in the “nation” of Ararat, the area of Corduene, in Ararat, and perhaps near Mount Judi but way to the east of the mount on or near the Tigress River (on the edge of the circle in red).

  The bow in pink (Figure #3) would represent the rain bow along whose “bow” is the Ark.

  God was thoughtful enough to provide indicators to the location of the Ark. It would not be on any mountain top per se, but in the watershed of the top of a nearby mountain. Boundaries were not set by stone in those days, so the proximity to look for the Ark is just east of the Tigress River inside Corduene and any place around the 300-mile radius from Great Mount Ararat.

  Mount Judi means “the highest” so therefore it would be the peak that Noah would see first, not that he landed on the peak, but that he could see it, or at least it could be a marker as perhaps it was the only peak seen at that time because of the water.

  It is not Mount Ararat that is “Cardu” but Mount Judi! In the Book, Cave of Treasures, the place to which they were driven was “to the mountains of Cordu.” They were in the region of Judi (Mount Cardu) in the Taurus Mountain range. Indeed, the Taurus Mountains are the watershed that nourishes Mesopotamia (Shinar). Mount Judi is also called “Thamanin.” (In a footnote to George Sale translation of the Qu’ran in 1734). That is a corruption, if you remember, of the “City of Eight,” or Noah’s City.

  The City of Noah could very well have been nearer Mount Judi because the building of that city is unknown chronologically. Where did the Ark land? Look for an area where grapes would prosper. Look for an area where one can find tar in great concentrations — an area about the size of the ark. Look for tar in the tributaries of the Tigress River, and upstream look for a marsh with tar.

  Noah’s Ark did exist! Why else would God give so many clues as to its location? The Ark’s existence must be factual because that is God’s Word and is a shadow of salvation to come.

  Look for the midpoint of a rain bow over Mt. Judi from somewhere on the headwaters of the Tigress after a rain. It is said in sacred literature, that an arrow was once through the center of the rainbow. That “Arrow” would be the Ark! It would point to the west right to the center of Mount Judi.

  But the location of the Ark is not imperative. What is imperative is that the rainbow is the “bow” over God’s throne, and the real Mt. Judi is a small mount in Judea where Christ died. It was not the Ark that would save the world, but the “arrow” that pierced the side of Jesus.

  Perhaps the gold, frankincense, and myrrh had remained on the Ark. Perhaps the wise men from the East found the treasures of the Cave and brought them to God’s heir! God would deliver to the rightful owner, the treasures that He gave to Adam for his marriage to Eve, for Jesus to “marry” His “bride” the Church. “And when they (wise men from the East [i]were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense and myrrh” (Mat 2:11).

  Perhaps the Ark (the arrow in the middle of the rainbow) did point to Judi, but the one in Judea, specifically to where Adam’s skull lies. And that is beneath Golgotha, or “Calvari” in the Latin. Noah was headed to where Adam’s bones would lay, and Mount Judi was on the way there. Perhaps the bow in the sky marked the Way to Paradise that angels still guarded!

[i] Mat 2:1

[1] I have written before that the and masses may have rotated in the flood for the continental drifting to occur. (Herrin Daily Thoughts: Eden: Pangea (

[i] Gen 11:1

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