Saturday, May 25, 2024


By now the reader is looking for the end. If you are reading this in book form, you compare the thickness of the remaining pages to the read pages and estimate the time. It is much like desiring the windy preacher to finally end the sermon.

Remember that in quantum mechanics in the cosmos “time does not exist,” according the Michio Kaku, but it is a human construct. God made things but mankind created time. Man’s time is in lifespans quantified in years, but God’s time is eternal.

As an example of a human construct, if I am aware of the world, time is significant and real, but when I am deep in thought, usually with God communicating with me, time evaporates like a vapor in the same manner as when Jacob was entangled with God in their so-called “wrestling.”

Time is therefore a measure of awareness of worldly things. Time is cognitive imaging — a human construct. It is not there, like sound, unless there is a receiver.

While deep in thoughts, the Word of God comes remarkably fast; I can think thousands of words per minute and sometimes great quanta of thoughts in no time. When I become aware of my presence in the objective world, only then does time resume.

Sometimes while walking or biking, I travel great distances with no knowledge of time. I get there somehow by some silent direction of which I am not aware. Thus, thought replaces time as a measure of the duration of life.

If time was a circle, and it is, for scripture takes us full-circle from eternity back to eternal again; then time is just a quantum leap from prehistory to the future — “the alpha and omega, the beginning and the ending” (Rev 22:13).

Time for God is the full circle were the ending meets the beginning at any point on the circle. That is because the time is always NOW in quantum theory; yesterday no longer exists and tomorrow never comes. Why wait, “Now is the day of salvation” (2 Cor 6:2).

Now is the tick on the Cosmic Clock, so finitely small that it is inconsequential.

 So, does the Bible indicate when the concept of time first began?

 I propose that time began with mortality after our kind first sinned. We are to test all things by scripture, as I have done in this book, so here I go again, “In process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the Lord” (Gen 4:3).

Therein, it implies that Cain is associated with time. His birth, as the gens of the Wicked One, started the “clock.” It was a radioactive clock in that he was “carbon-man,” as an organism. He was possibly the first so-called “human” flesh in that Adam and the woman had glorious flesh  that was incorruptible.

We anthropoids are proud that we are human, but our humanity is a deception. We are depraved beasts, and humility is understanding that we are not “sons of God” but of the Wicked One. The genetics of Cain is in our identities — It is encoded in our DNA.

“In process of time” is one translation, however, it is not time that is the process. “Yom” was used for the eons it took to make life, and the eons “ended” the process (qes). Therefore, the eons ended, and the human clock ticked for the first time. For the eons to begin again, the spirit in Cain must die!

The end of time is when the genome that was in Cain ceases to exist. That is the genome that we call “Satan;” it is the evil angel.

Time ends at the apocalypse, when “the devil that deceived them (the depraved) was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever” (Rev 20:10).

“For ever and ever” is eternity. Man’s time ends when the “first cause for time” loses his cause and is swallowed up by some “imaginary lake,” or is it imaginary, or just mysterious? Could it be that the “Lake of Fire” is when the demented realm of satanic angels, along with the depraved, are devoured by a hungry black hole? Admittedly, that is speculation, but it still may be true.

“Black Holes Kills Galaxies” so says the title of a YouTube® video. Another one says, “Black Hole Destroys a Massive Star, Here's What NASA Saw.” No wonder in the Book of Revelation that angels are called “stars” — black holes swallow stars!

“The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches” (Rev 1:20). That is the “mystery” it says. Angels are mystical creatures with powers that are nearly as quantum-like as God’s Almightiness. It would take great amounts of energy to destroy both stars and demonic angels.

Black holes with their nearly infinite “crematory” at their “doorway” would certainly incinerate and destroy the “indestructible.” Perhaps angels are not “stars,” but objects to be cast into the lake of fire surrounding the bottomless pit — that may be a black hole. Angels are “stars” in the sense that their destiny is the same as the process of black holes swallowing stars! Whatever the case, that is the end of time when our construction ends, and God’s non-time begins.

The Revelation ends the story of mankind and continues the story of God’s kind. Revelation is what Enoch called the “eighth day” or the eighth eon or age that is eternal.

Our story began with life: “The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul” (Gen 2:7).

First off, note that the other kinds have no “soul,” whatever it is. A soul is a breathing creature (nephesh), but the “breathing” is mental. (Strong, 2006). God imbued mankind with the ability to breath, but the animal kingdom can also breathe. God would have imbued Adam with thought, perhaps, because it was not literally unto his “nostrils” but aph — “the face” The root word of aph is ʼanaph, indicating anger (ibid).

God breathed unto man a complex emotional, even cognitive, entanglement with Himself. Adam was like God but different in “spin,” or dynamics. Adam had the ability to think for himself, which we know is true.

The Thoughts of God became the thoughts of mankind as well. We were made as glorious as God, given the ability to follow ourselves wherever we could imagine. Our soul is perhaps our imagination within our cognition; it too is a phantom “creature” moving of its own will.

The soul contains, if my thinking is correct, our thoughts. How else could the dead think as in the case of Lazarus and the rich man (Luke 16)?

Our brain may just be the storage place for our thoughts and sort of like random access memory (RAM) that stores events but are erasable.

Whenever God Wills it be done, He can forget our sins. In the same manner, we can forget God, “Take heed unto yourselves, lest you forget the covenant of the Lord your God” (Deut 4:23). That “covenant” comes from the Hebrew verb, bara, just as “in the beginning. God created” by cutting. (No wonder the Abrahamic Covenant required circumcision, but as it turned out the cutting was not of the flesh but the “heart” — the human will (thoughts) along with its desires.

Humans were “cut” from the Image of God. He “breathed” life unto our faces. Now think of that as a scientific event for it was!

God’s “Breath” is a wave of something. God is “Light” is He not? The psalmist sang, “Send out Your light and your truth” (Psalm 43:3). Truth is good and perfect thoughts. The song challenges God to continue breathing into our minds’ real thoughts, not imaginations.

Be truthful, you (and I) spend little time on truth. Our mind is occupied with “vain imaginations” (Rom 1:21). If we are busy with vanity, then truth is distant. That is the modus operandi of Satan as the “Prince of the Power of the Air” (Ephes 2:2). He occupies our minds so that we cannot receive the silent communication from God.

Where am I heading with this thought?

Think of the Breath of God as divine Light or even a truthful spirit like the wind. Think of the face as a barrier with “slits” our eyes and “slits” our nostrils. Think of the two ear canals as “slits” in a quantum barrier. The flesh did not exist, so do not think of the tactile perception of Adam, or even the taste, because food as we think of it may not have existed. [1]

Life was created in a very quantum mechanical wave if that is the case. The Divine Wave blew onto a barrier — the face — and then the sensory mechanisms split (or “cut” as bara means) the wave into two kinds: God’s mind to our mind in two versions (male and female), God’s Vision to our vision, and God’s Word to our understanding.

The animals did not get that… none of those things! When God breathed His Quanta (Energy… Almightiness) we received it; Adam’s kind was entangled with God. That was the ”election” which occurred before the foundation of the world. It was not the souls of “men” that God divided before time, but the “kinds” of life that was destined to live forever (John 17:24).

Mankind was “called” in a sense. God breathed unto everything, but only man inhaled God unto them. Both male and female received the breath, and the quantum process was divided again.

The portal of God to Adam was access to his mind through his cranium. [2] He Thought, thought waves, and they entered mankind through two slits in the barrier, separating the various Images of God into two waves of thoughts, and when they landed on the brain of Adam, the Thought Waves from God were revealed as the thought of that one man. Hence, Adam was glorified as God is Glorious in a very quantum-like manner.

Of course, the quantum-likeness goes much deeper than that — the Thoughts of God split again to the two halves of the brain, the left brain which judges what is right for the right brain to think and do.

That is to say that the “Word” of God was imbued within Adam in the beginning when the Thoughts of God became the thoughts of Adam. The “Cloud” of Ideas once they stopped with the flesh of man was revealed as the “Word” of God.

Words are not just what the tongue speaks to make thoughts audible; the mind is the master of the tongue which only does the action relayed from the mind. The tongue is just the “speaker” for the mind that changes thought waves into sound waves.

Can God do that? He did at Pentecost when Christians spoke the Mind of God as if their own thoughts (Acts 2).

The mind can be a beautiful thing and the tongue most often an ugly thing! The tongue reveals the ugly thoughts of the human mind, or it can reveal the Word of God.

“The Tree of Life” seems to have been a genetic family tree as Genesis chapter five relates. Genetics is binary, and the one God is binary in reality — the Parent and the children, so to speak, the “children” being the Divine Flesh and the Divine Spirit.

The Tree of Life is about one “Quanta” — Almighty God — thinking divine Thoughts and them being cast to all mankind in a process very much like the “uncertainty principle” of quantum theory.

Just how can God as “King of the Air” know all the hairs of your heads and communicates with them? Because men are as trees walking, as the blind man sensed.

Using the trees for the example of the uncertainty principle was very fitting because God just breathes His Thoughts and us “trees” receive them.

Again, we are like God, but not God (Gen 2:5). The trees of the uncertainty principle could not “talk” back, but humans can. God sends Christians, those with whom He is entangled, and they can talk back. Those Thoughts that God breathed were the unspoken Word for God had no tongue, but much Dynamics because He was moving, creating, and cutting things.

His “Breath” was the massless Wave, some say the “Higgs Boson,” but it was God’s that emanated from beyond the heavens to create the Ten Heavens which Enoch visited.

The “Big Bang” did not do it; God was the “Cutter” that divided the waters from the waters — the Newtonian Cosmos from the Quantum Cosmos.

Just like the quantum two-slit experiment, God is a Binary God even down to our two brains! He is a triune God because he is not just a still Image (Static) but Dynamic. His Dynamics is cutting things into two to reveal two substances. He did that with event after event.

Some say that God is non-binary; in every respect the One God is Binary in His Ways. Is it merely coincidence that in so many cases that I have presented that God acts in a quantum manner? Quantum Theory was reality long before anybody even thought of it. Many, many coincidences do make one truth!

Science agrees with that, Jim Al Khalali said that reality is quantum mechanics!

Because God breathed His Thoughts unto man, but not His Dynamics, it is not our works that satisfies Him, but our thoughts in accord, or quantumly entangled with Him.

As a “Son of God,” Abel was entangled with God and showed it with his sacrifices. The only way that our entanglement can be manifested is for a brutish creature (a sinner) to sacrifice our flesh as an atonement for our souls. We need not die to be the sacrifice, because God atoned His own Divine Flesh instead, leaving only His Genome to begin the wave again.

Just how to become entangled with God (“born again”)?  To think like God. He knows that He is God because He IS. We must know that He is God and trust Him to be capable of regenerating all things again, as Revelation reveals. We must firmly believe that God is as real as Jesus, for they, according to John, were the same Dynamics that created all things.

God did not speak audibly for there was no one to hear. He Thought and things existed. He Thought, thought waves, and things came about. The “Word” was not necessarily an audible Voice (Gen 3:8) but they sensed His Dynamis approaching and understood His Word as Divine Thoughts. [3]

Sapient Labs; "Measuring a Thought"

[1] What is translated as “herbs” in scripture is merely “glossy.” It could be that Adam existed on the Light of God, and since he was planted as a “tree;” imagine it as like photosynthesis like the plant kinds. The only glossy things that I could find in scripture are light and manna “as hoar frost on the ground (adam in the Hebrew). The Book of Adam and Eve indicates that when glorious, neither of them had digestive tracts, and in a glorious place, rotting fecal material would be abhorrent to a Pure God.

[2] “Calvary” in the Latin comes from the Greek word, “Cranium” — the shield of the brain (and mind).

[3] In my book, The Skull of Adam, chapter one, I write about the Voice not in audible words but silent thoughts. Like time, audible sounds are for man. The two heard sound waves from a distance and understood that the Words they were thinking were from God.

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