Friday, May 10, 2024


The beginning was what, according to Paul? The beginning of the world (aion). The “world” of which Paul wrote was “the cosmos” — “an orderly harmonious systematic universe” (Merriam-Webster 2023). How many cosmoses are there? Universal is one body of things. There are not multiple universes but one made up of various galaxies. The Milky Way Galaxy is the domain of planet Earth.

Each galaxy has a configuration; Enoch wrote “the Sun is a great creation, whose circuit lasts twenty-eight years, and begins again from the beginning” (Secrets of Enoch 15:3). Jews bless that event; called “Birkat Hachama.”

The blessing is recited when the Sun completes its cycle every 28 years on a Tuesday at sundown. Jewish tradition says that when the Sun completes this cycle, it has returned to its position when the world was created. (Wikipedia, 2024)

The point herein is that Enoch recognized the solar cycle, and that same cycle is still celebrated to this day. The cycle is calculated scientifically, using the antiquated Julian calendar, to wit:

In the Julian calendar there is the solar cycle duration of 28 years through which the distribution of the days of the week on numbers of all months of the year is completely repeated. (Mikhalchuk, 2017)

My point is that the writings of Enoch, written thousands of years ago, remain reliable to this day, even down to the length of the year, 365-1/4 days in a year. He even wrote of the orbits of the planets, the Moon, and Sun long before science was established.

Enoch knew the clock and calendars very well. What has that to do with anything? Enoch did not refer to the periods of creation as “days” but an “age” — an aeons, the singular of eon. Enoch relates how God began the creation: 

I commanded in the very lowest parts that visible things should come down from the invisible, and Adoil came down very great, and I beheld him, and lo! He had a belly of great light.

And I said to him, “Become undone, Adoil, and let the visible come out of thee.”

And he came undone, and a great light came out. And I was in the midst of the great light, and as there is born light from light, there came forth a great age, and showed all the creation which I had thought to create. (Secrets of Enoch 25:1-3)

 That is God’s version of the beginning of creation, written by Enoch to whom God spoke.

“God commanded…” He said. Commands are the Word of God. Spoken Word before time refers to Jesus (John 1:1-14). God manifested Himself audibly as the “Logos.” The Logos is the ultimate ‘Reason” or “Cause,” and in this case, the “First Cause.”

God commanded and things began to happen. It was the very beginning. Those cosmic things happened before time began.

There was a “belly of great light” which God beheld. In quantum theory that belly of light would be the fuzziness of light before it has motion.

In its simplest forms, unlike how people were taught, atoms are not hard substances with nuclei whose are atmospheres of orbiting electrons, but in very basic terms a chaotic cloud around a central point. Only when it is stopped to be measured is the chaotic “cloud” revealed as either a wave or a particle.

Examine a bicycle wheel; it rotates about one axis, out of six possibilities. Thus, a spinning wheel has one degree of freedom.

A bike wheel is made up of many spokes about 1mm in diameter. The wheel is two-dimension, for all practical purposes in dynamics (forgetting rigidity). It has an area —  where r is its radius. In other words, a bicycle wheel is essentially space with a few intermittent solid bars.

Now begin to spin that wheel (in your mind for safety.) Now stick your virtual finger toward the spokes. When the wheel turns slowly, your finger will quickly detect the space between two spokes and possible injure the finger.

Now spin the wheel again and again. It will accelerate with each spin until it is spinning at high speeds. Now reach out your pointing finger, and the space is gone. The wheel appears to be solid. That is in quantum theory, one degree of “spookiness.”

Electrons have four degrees of freedom in quantum field theory. The motion of the wheel will seem to be just a hard surface when in motion. The electron, if it could be touched by your finger, would feel like a hard-surfaced sphere. The electron field is a spooky cloud that seems hard. (Knock on a table. You are knocking on seemingly hard electrons!)

The same applies to about any sized body. That is the basis of quantum mechanics. Reality in the tiniest particles apply to reality in the largest bodies.

Enoch wrote that God essentially touched the soft belly of light and it felt hard. God saw that the puffy belly of Light was the creation. How could that be? It was moving, as we now know, with the speed of light — E=mc2, or for this calculation, m=E/c2. The soft energy of the cloud, when very fast in motion, felt hard — massive. Therefore, sub-atomic particles in motion are not hard but do feel hard just like the bicycle wheels and the electrons.

Apply that now to all things. That soft “belly” was reality (things) that the Light of God created. God is not “quantum mechanics,” but perhaps Adoil is! You have just now learned the thesis of quantum mechanics; that reality is not what it seems to be.

God commanded that the visible things come down from the invisible.

Light is invisible! Now, you are thinking that I am crazy. Light is a fuzzy ball of energy — a huge packet in quantum theory. You cannot see energy and light is no different. God saw the light of Adoil, and it was invisible. As Eve would say, God had “bright eyes” for He could see things that remained hidden. Until recently Adoil was hidden, if Adoil is, then indeed are Quantum Fluids.

This will be explained more thoroughly shortly, but the dynamics of God is what theologians call, “The Holy Spirit.” Strangely, “holy” does not mean goodness at all but ‘separateness” in the Hebrew. In this case, God separated the visible from the invisible before time began.

In scripture, “God divided the light from the darkness” (Gen 1:4). Since light is invisible and darkness visible, then that describes the Adoil process.

It may be that you still do not believe that light is invisible! Well, it is! Light is manifested by things. What you see is either refracted light of things or reflected light from things. Generally, speaking, nobody looks at the source of light because that destroys the tissue of the retinas.

God revealed hard things (objects) by His Light. “God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all” (1 John 1:5). Jesus is the Light of God emanating from Yahweh, the LORD GOD. God took Adoil and made Light hard. Jesus is the Light of the World (John 8:12).

Jesus was not speaking only of planet Earth, but the “world” as in the cosmos (Greek; kosmos).

Adoil was as much Jesus as God Himself. As John wrote about the Logos, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God… And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father” (John 1:1,14).

Father God, whose belly was Light, commanded that Jesus show Himself. That was the beginning of the beginning before time began, and long before the foundation of things, just as is written about Jesus. God was beholding the glory of Jesus when He beheld visible things coming from the invisible.

Of course, Enoch was not being theological, but his tour of the heavens did reveal how hard things (objects) came about. Jesus was the first hard “Thing” just as it is written.

Of course, science misses that, but you must not!

Where is this headed? Toward time.

Next God said to Enoch that “in the midst of the great light, and as there is born light from light.” In that belly of light, there came light from light.

Somehow God divided the light from the light.

Now back to the light as a “fuzzy cloud” of some sort. It is fuzzy like the bicycle example until is stopped by an object, but what if the great light is divided before it stops. That is the basis of quantum theory.

Take an electron from the previous example. It is just a fuzzy microscopic ball of something. If that “cloud,” comparable to the belly of light of Enoch’s encounter, is separated by two apertures, something weird happens (Quantum Weirdness). From one belly of light comes two, then given a split second or less, the two electrons become one again but are now waves rather than fuzzy balls. However, before long they hit some target and are stopped suddenly, the waves reveals that they are two particles from one. God did that, and Enoch knew that God did that!

In like manner as the electrons, quantum mechanics takes a “belly” of light and divides it into waves of light and in a grand finale, voila; they are particles that can be seen. So long as they are in motion, they are clouds and waves, but when stopped, they can readily be seen as hard particles.

Quantum mechanics are internally intelligent; some say “spooky.”

Now back to the electron experiment: Shoot enough electrons from the cloud of them through two apertures, and there forms a striped pattern on the target they hit. Although the two electrons become one wave, when they are stopped by the target or wall, they are shown to be two particles. Shoot enough of them and probability distributes the shadows left by the electrons into organized columns of waves forming an interference pattern.

That same dynamic electron cloud that passes through two apertures as they hit are the “shadows” of objects, and when many pass through, they show a pattern of waves. Looking at them one at a time shows individual particles (quantum) but when they come in quantities (quanta), they appear as waves.

Probability is not intelligence. Something in quantum mechanics has intelligence to take a cloud of electrons, separate them, and make a design. That points toward intelligent design, or God! God revealed that “Intelligence” to Enoch. He showed Enoch, Young’s “Double Slit Experiment” (Wikipedia, 2024), not in the laboratory, but in reality! [1]

I used the word “shadows” for the individual electrons in the photo above. They are stopped; they are no longer electrons, but reveal that they were as real as the original dynamic electrons.

Ironically, for what it is worth, the “Image of God” in which the first individual was made, “Selem” in the Hebrew, is literally a “Shadow.” The woman was made in the same Image, and hence they were paired; they both were a figment of God, not God, but with the same characteristics as God. They were glorious like God because they came from the “Cloud” that is God (Exod 13:21).

More on pairing later, but just as Adam and the woman were paired from God, the two electrons in the Double Slit Experiment were paired from the electron cloud. What I called the “cloud” is not a cloud of electrons but the fuzzy-like spin of each electron.

                                                         Figure 1: Source; YouTube

Adam and his mate were made in a very quantum way. God generated (created), indicating dynamics, and when things stopped and the creation was finished, voila, there were the “shadows” of God on the surface of the Earth. [2]

So far from the journey to the unknown with Enoch, things have been before time — the beginning of the beginning. The Hebrew word for beginning is “re sit;” it is the first in the order of rank, or from its root, a “shaking” (Strong 2006). The shaking was taking chaos and stirring up order.

The “beginning” was not a timed event. It all occurred before time began. That corresponds with the YouTube® presentation by Michio Kaku, “Time Does Not Exist,” referring to the origin of the cosmos (Kaku, 2024). Because some galaxies appear to be older than the Big Bang galaxies, the conclusion was that in the beginning there was no time.

Then there was a second event after the beginning… “there came forth a great age,” said God to Enoch. That age was an indefinite time, or an infinite period. “Ages” are divisions of time from the beginning (Merriam-Webster, 2023). They are “eons” which in the geological sciences can be perhaps a billion or more years.

What came after the beginning was not six calendar days, but six ages, perhaps each of different durations.

God’s time seems to be divided into ages or eons. Our time, however, is divided into periods from seconds to minutes, to hours, to days, to years. One source divides life into 39 year “jubilees.” It should be clear that God’s time is not our time, as implied in 2 Peter 3:8.

Our time will be discussed later. For now, the creation is in God’s time, or as Kaku has it; “Time Does Not Exist”, to which I add, except for us.

As stated earlier, the Greek word “aions” described the beginning of the cosmos. When God split the Light, according to Enoch’s secrets, time did not exist, in agreement with Kaku from his observations from the James Webb Space Telescope.

Kaku never said when time began to exist, but God said the time was “a great age.” Perhaps it was a billion years or so, an “eon.”

The Greek word, for beginning of the world, or the cosmos, I repeat is aion. In the Greek, aion is an “eternity,” being singular. Perhaps the “eternity” was indeed divided into seven ages, representing cosmic time.

On the other hand, at the end of the “clock,” so to speak, is the “eighth day,” according to The Secrets of Enoch: “I appointed that the eighth day should be the first created day after my work” (Secrets 33:1). Enoch, however defined the previous seven days as 1000 years. Perhaps for him, 1000 years were ages, or in the original written language, it was some other value.

His point, however, was that after the seventh day, eternity set in. Eternity is the time made for mankind.

God rested on the seventh day then went to work again after Adam and his woman sinned, “They heard the Voice of the Lord God walking in the garden” (Gen 3:8). He got dynamic again!

Eternity — our time — began right then, when God became dynamic again; with Him doing things.

In the next chapter, I will reveal God’s time for mankind. However, His time was incremented, not in days nor even millennia from the English version of the Bible, but ages.

Very quickly, an explanation: A preacher said, “When the Bible says a “day” it means a day!” That is true, but the Bible is not the English version, but the original God-breathed words. (2 Tim 3:16). The Secrets of Enoch were indeed God-breathed, but it is not canon in the western church. God said, ‘age” in English, albeit I am not privy to the original language of that book.

If God said “age” then He would have meant age.

However, scripture was not written in English, but probably some early form of ancient Hebrew.

God spoke. It was from the lips of Jesus, the “Word” or “Voice,” according to John. “God called the light ‘Day,’ and the darkness he called ‘Night.’ And the evening and the morning were the first ‘day.’

God did not say “day,” he said “yom,” figuratively a space of time, literally identified by hotness (Strong, 2006).

The “day” could have been one of the ages when the suns were forming and such, but also perhaps ages were, in general, the beginning of ancient cosmic processes. Perhaps quantum energy work.

In that same passage, layil is translated “night.” It means “twisting away;” obviously from the hotness in the beginning. The twisting commenced in the evening. Without a Sun to set, the dusk was a cloud of some Thing!

So, in general a heating, cooling and coming to rest is any process in any amount of time. Those processes could have been, and perhaps were, the quantum processes.

I am not trying to make scripture fit the theory, but show that the theories do fit the scripture. There is a huge difference!

What we seek is truth; is it not? What is truth? Jesus revealed it to Pilate in a very Platonian manner. Next, all about truth.

I still have not forgotten about man’s time. Be patient; it is surely coming.

[1] Young used light as his cloud for the experiment, but many use electrons. In my example I used electrons but photons in light would work the same.

[2][2] Think about quantum entanglement (coupling). Christians are in spiritual sense, are coupled with Christ because the Image within them are a shadow of the objective Christ.

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