Saturday, May 18, 2024



The classical definition of light is “an electromagnetic radiation of any wavelength that travels in a vacuum with a speed of 299,792,458 meters (about 186,000 miles) per second” (Merriam-Webster, 2024).

The definition is worse than the word! To make things “easier,” electromagnetic radiation is “energy in the form of electromagnetic waves” (ibid). Electromagnetism is “a fundamental physical force that is responsible for interactions between charged particles” (ibid).

In other words, you must be a scientist to understand the substance of light. Essentially, light is a fundamental particle that can be sensed by visual receptors — the eyes of people and things like the film of a camera, and now things like the pixels of a semiconductor in digital cameras and light meters.

Is “light” particles (electrons) or are they waves (disturbances in the air)? That is the quantum question that has been answered. Whether light is particles or waves depends on when the receptor encounters them.

Light waves cannot be seen directly; only the light either refracted by objects or reflected from them. As it turns out, light can only be seen directly when it stops at an object. Again I say, that is the basics of quantum mechanics and it applies not only to light but any sub-atomic particles.

However, not all light can be seen. Whitish light is the most visible. To see invisible light from objects requires special lenses. The James Watt Space Telescope (JWST) has infrared vision. It can see light that the eyes of humans cannot see, even with high magnification. It sees even the “unseen” and there is so much more out there than meets the eye.

As it turns out, the frequency of the waves determines the visibility of light.

For that example, I’ll use a coil spring that you can see. A coil spring only represents the action of light. The wire itself is analogous to the light wave, albeit the light does not travel orderly nor uniformly. Light is more of a cloud until it is directed toward an object.

A coil spring that is free (not compressed) has much space between the coils which represent the motion of the photon particles in light waves.

When light is observed, it appears as rays. The concept of “general relativity” is that light can curve around massive objects, given the effects of gravity. Of course, the origin and destination of light (points A and B) is the greatest distance when in a straight line. A ray of light that bends around things brings points A and B closer, hence time is compressed — the duration of the travel from A to B.

When the spring is compressed, in the example, points A and B, representing the compressed length of the spring, brings A and B closer (the ends of the spring) and the time it would take to travel from A to B is compressed as well since the speed of light is constant.

When the spring has its free length, the coils are further apart, and more space is revealed. It is just a spring, but you see it differently than when compressed. The more it is compressed, the more objective (or visible) it becomes.

When the spring is compressed, the coils are closer together. The spring appears to be more solid than before.

If light works in a similar fashion, and it does, the higher frequency of light should change the density of the light, and it does because the spring coils in this analogy represent the frequencies of light, or where the photons are at any given time.

Because the speed of light is so great, individual photons cannot be observed. Like the spokes in the bicycle wheel example from a previous chapter, because of their velocity, they appear to be solids.

Because of the objects in the sky, the color of light when photons move uniformly closer together (when they are more frequent), they not only appear to be denser but darker in color until they appear to be black. Light illuminates but it can also darken.

There are many points to be made but what appears to be a cloud, as it turns out, has order. The activity of light has order all the way from a cloud of chaos to dark light that obscures reality by hiding light. The light remains there but is hidden by dark frequencies (microwaves).

Darkness is not the absence of light alone but also higher frequencies of light. In fact, even a vacuum that appears dark has photons within whose frequencies are so great and time so short that they remain unseen without highly technical instrumentation.

Because light reveals objects, God saw light as good. Then, “God divided the light from the darkness” (Gen 1:4).

He may have meant other things too, but He adjusted the frequency of light to be seen. That’s in the Bible? He took the chaotic cloud and divided the particles from the particles — “the waters from the waters” (Gen 1:6). He organized the photons according to speed before time even began.

God made the light frequencies, and thus light, was the first order of things. It not only reveals reality (objectivity) but can hide it as well in the dark frequencies of light.

As JWST revealed, light is everywhere in the cosmos, and JWST revealed another spectrum of objectivity. High frequency light hid light waves in space. The infrared light filters gave JWST brighter eyes — revealing microwave light (with high frequencies) that were stretched out to reveal the less dense photons. However, only when the photons are stopped by some object, is light revealed. The receptor of light was Adam.

With infrared light, “The wave is longer than light which humans can see and shorter than microwaves” (ibid). Darkness is just things that are there but that remain hidden to our eyes. As related before, Adam and his woman were made with “bright eyes” and could see things before sin that afterwards they could not see. God hid things from their sight by just changing the frequency of His Light.

God is Light! (John 1:5). How can that be? Light is in every spectrum of the cosmos; it is just that its existence is hidden by what the eye can see.

JWST, and now us, can see things that Adam and Eve saw and the Light from those objects is truly glorious. To see what they saw, review some of the photography from the James Watt Space Telescope on YouTube.

Quantum mechanics “is reality,” so said Jim Al-Khalali. JWST revealed both the reality of space and the glory of God. It was always there even before time, now time has revealed it. Whoever wrote Genesis may have seen before time. Could it be that Enoch, rather than Moses, recorded a quantum view of the beginning?

Hopefully, now you know what light is. You can see very little light, but light includes X-rays that can go right through you but remain unseen to the unaided eye.

X-rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation (often referred as X-radiation) like infrared radiation, gamma rays, ultraviolet radiation, radio waves, microwaves and visible light. Wavelength, frequency and energy is what makes them different. X-rays have wavelengths that ranges from 0.01 to 10 nanometers and correspond to frequencies in the range of 3x1016 Hz to 3x1019 Hz and energies in the range of 100 eV to 100 keV. (Wainscott Media, 1961)

So, light is not only illumination, but darkness and reality can be seen only by special light or special filtering.

Light is everywhere, explaining God’s omnipresence. Like quantum light, God is hidden by dark light. He is always there but because we cannot see Him, many disbelieve, all the while they believe in X-rays and other frequencies of light.

X-rays reveal the structure of bones because they ignore living tissue because of their short wavelengths that travel through organic beings. They reveal the support structure of beings. For X-rays, human tissue is just a “ghost” to reveal the anthropoid within the being.

Jesus was always God. God appeared to the eyes of the patriarchs as a “ghost” — a phantom Being (Selem in the Hebrew).

How was Jesus there in the beginning, according to John chapter one? Jesus was there all the time; it is just that God dimmed their visions. He controlled the frequency of His Divine Light after sin. He further divided the light from the light. That God is glorious implies how much He is illuminated.

Glorious Adam saw Jesus because he had bright eyes. With sin, his eyes were dimmed. The “Bringer of Light” — Lucifer — in a manner burnt himself into the retinas of the two beings, and like the environment effects genetics with other creatures, our vision remains dim to this day.

Jesus indicated that when anyone saw Jesus, they were seeing God. To have that bright nature, then only those who have been born again (John 3:7) has had spiritual filters, like those of JWST.

In other words, Jesus was always there whenever God was Present, and His detection was just obscured by the energy within the light. In theory, Lucifer put blinders on us creatures whereas God removes the blinders, making us free! To wit: “The Son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed” (John 8:36)… “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32). As it turns out the “Shadow” or Phantom in God was the real Thing, that those with bright eyes could now see. The Ghost was always there but God revealed it with a change in the lighting.

What is truth? That what is there is there whether we can see it or not! Jesus showed the Phantom Image of God in Him, not by the departing of the Holy Ghost but allowing some observers to see beyond their worldly viewpoints.

Jesus was the “Son of God,” not because Yahweh birthed Him, but because He was entangled with the Image of God that was in Him.




The astrophysicist Jim Al-Khalali used a coin to explain the difference between quantities (quanta) of light and one quantum of light (a photon). “Quantum mechanics” is just the motion of quanta and individual quantum.

He used a coin. Coins historically have always had two sides: heads or tails, up directions or down directions, the face or the rear, positive or negative, and even a body on the front and a shadow (Selem) on the rear. Coins always represent two opposing thoughts or images and in nature charges, either positive or negative.

Even light has two identities — illuminated or darkness.

However, light has two other characteristics — waves and particles (photons — invisible massless particles that can only be seen when stopped to measure.)

Light waves are not objects, but the motion of objects expressed in mediums of some sort, “waters” for instance.

When God divided the waters from the waters, that indicated that His invisible motion was revealed in some disturbance that could be seen as waves.

There was one cosmos created, but God seemed to have divided it into the seen and unseen.

The first creation in the “Herrin Theory” means that the heavens were created simultaneously, in a very quantum manner, but it was divided into the unseen of the first rank, then the unseen. No wonder the phantom image of Adam was a “Shadow” of God. The soul of man remains unseen to this day.

At the same time, God made Adam a material object.

Gnosticism presents two “gods,” one who made the invisible things — to them, the true good God — and a demigod that made material things.

The “One True God” made one man both invisible and visible. It was just with what filter man is looked through.

His was a separation of the light waves through which man was seen. Even to this day, whereas many see the object of mankind, others see his character.

Martin Luther King said much the same thing: “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

That nation will not be America but the realm of God. The flesh of mankind is invisible to God, but their character is not! Character is the countenance of mankind, whether their image coincides with the image of God. Next, the motion of the quantum coin.

Picture credit: "Spinning United States Nickel coin Spinning U.S. coin;" MORGAN HOWARTH 

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