Monday, May 20, 2024


In college, engineers take a class in kinematics. It has to do with motion and degrees of freedom. It focuses on linkages and their relationships, and their relative positions, velocities, and accelerations. Relationships can be calculated by how they affect each other. The coupling, or entanglement, is mathematical.

Quantum mechanics takes a similar approach. As it turns out their gods are equations, and their way is mathematics. That is not the Judeo-Christian God!

In kinematics, everything is associated with movement in time. That is not the quantum way nor the theological Way. The JWST revealed that the cosmos just happened independent of time. Paul wrote to Timothy that for God one day is as a thousand years, and vice-versa.

That one day is equivalent to a thousand years is mathematical and the reverse is also calculable. It is one or the other; it cannot be both, so that equation seems irrational. Perhaps it is just mysterious!

Time blows up because it cannot be both calculations, although one-thousand years equals a day can be calculated mathematically, and vice-versa.

What was implied is that time is independent of the Way of God, and so it is with the movement of quantum mechanics. In theory, quanta exceed the speed of light; it was thought to be the limit of any motion.

God does things without respect to time. Paul wrote very scientifically: 

Behold, I show you a mystery; we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. (1 Cor 15:51-53)

 Paul was speaking of regeneration — genetic change — a re-genesis — when things begin again. Paul was writing about the spookiness of quantum physics. Not only is the genetics of God spooky with the Holy Ghost and such, but so is time, or at least the absence of time. Just as darkness by one definition is the absence of light, immortality is the absence of time.

In theology, almost everyone accepts the idea that God made mankind immortal, and that sin made them corruptible and mortal.

Immortality is simply never to die; and the time therein is infinite, or eternal.

God said to His entangled children that if they disobeyed Him, He would disentangle them; they would die — both the body and the soul (Mat 10:28). For the Adamah, that was the outcome because they began to wither to death as their bodies detangled in the real world outside that realm (Gen 3:29).

Time is for the world, and it is measured by the decay of carbon-14 that the world imbued within the carbon-12 of the body. Perhaps it was the radioactivity in the carbon isotope that disentangled mankind from the world.

Although the world — “the cosmos” — is a place of mortality, the realm of God is a place of immortality. The difference between the two realms are time and the influence of gravity. The world has gravity that seems to age the flesh as the carbon depletes itself.

In the realm of heaven, there is no gravity but the quantum energy of God that apparently holds things together since things therein are paired with God.

That is esoteric thinking, but it does make quantum sense as well as theological sense!

The point herein is that the heaven and the earth, though entangled in the beginning, are paired oppositely.

Genesis chapter three provides the bi-polarity creation. What is heaven like? Just look at the Earth; it is the opposite. The dynamics of heaven are very much different than the earthly realm. Gravity on Earth holds things apart and quantum energy in heaven apparently holds them together just as with atomic particles.

However, God’s Power is not just kinematics but Dynamics. 

In theoretical physics, quantum chromodynamics (QCD) is the study of the strong interaction between quarks mediated by gluons. (Wikipedia, 2024)

Don’t worry; you won’t be tested on that, and neither are you likely to understand it! Among other things, dynamics even changes colors due to the sub-atomic particles out there: “Due to the force between two color charges remaining constant as they are separated, the energy grows…” (ibid). Even colors are entangled and with change, it even takes energy for changes in colors.

When God divided the light from the darkness, it was a case of “chromodynamics.” Dynamics introduces energy into the mathematics.

Just as God, Jesus, lost virtue in changing people with His Dynamis, God lost tremendous virtue in creating all things good. The Creation was the Dynamics of God. Hence, the processes of creation were both time independent and chromodynamic!

God, when on Earth, performed in the same quantum Way: “Jesus, immediately knowing in Himself that virtue (Dynamis) had gone out of Him, turned Him about in the press, and said, ‘Who touched my clothes?’” (Mark 5:30).

The woman’s “color” changed; she had an issue in the blood. Apparently, her genetics were different than what they should have been.

When Jesus gave up virtue, He would have altered the contents of her chromosomes. He made her “whole again,” thusly correcting her corrupted genome. That was Jesus’s chromodynamics. He removed the “bacterial stain” by removing bacterium chromosomes that would have corrupted hers. Even sin is genetics as the term “original sin” implies — it is genesis sin from the beginning of time.

Returning now to the “mystery of God” of which Paul spoke, he said, “We shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump.”

Change will occur — not only will the soul live again but it will be re-paired with the body — entangled again, or as Jesus called it; “born again.”

Wow! The next point is hidden by our dull language barrier! The time element was introduced and translated “moment.” Paul’s word was “atomos,” meaning that it could not be cut into. Not even a split second but an undefinable, perhaps non-existent increment.

Michio Kaku referred to the quantum world where “time does not exist” and Paul thought that too.

Paul implied that those in Christ would be changed within at an atomic, or quantum level, independent of time. Paul understood God’s Time was quantum time! Quantum mechanics is dynamics at a sub-atomic level and perhaps Paul was rightfully indicating atomic time in contrast to heliocentric time!

Change, inferred therein, is independent of time. Indeed, the change is at a quantum level beyond the Sun and the effects of gravity.

The change, as Paul explained, is the reunion of the body with the soul. That is “regeneration,” not the moment of first belief.

Regeneration, according to Paul, would be independent of time. If regeneration (re-genesis) is not time dependent, neither would generation (genesis) be time dependent. The “days” of Genesis are therefore independent of time too are mere “moments” and each are timeless quantum events. No wonder the fact that “days” are not even in scripture!

“Twinkling” in that passage means “beat” and refers to frequency. Paul was comparing the atomic level of change within Christians to the quantum dynamics of the stars who twinkle, or beat, with regularity and predictability.

Of course, the Greek word, “ophthalmos” infers the “eye” as it is translated, but also metaphorically the speed of thought.

That brings back the theory of quantum entanglement wherein distant objects can communicate beyond time and even space as God does with His “children.”

Of course, Christians are not biological children of God, but they are genetic children if they have been born again — engendered with God.

If indeed if God is a universal-type of  super “chromosome” that carries the genetics of God, then that “chromosome” is as a “cloud” by day, and a “fire” by night, given the color change chromodynamically.

“Children of God” would be paired with their “Parent” and the chromatic “Cloud” that Moses followed would carry the Genome of God to seed the world. (Compare that to the Young Experiment in figure #1.)

How can Jesus Christ be the “Son of God” if He always existed? He was not the biological “Son of God” but the genetic Son. Within His “cup” (or vessel), Jesus would have carried the Genome of God. (Perhaps the Holy Ghost of Jesus, not of silver or gold, was the True Holy Grail.)

Now back to the “Quantum Coin” of Al-Khalali: That coin consisted of there substances in homeostasis: heads, tales, and spin (dynamics).

A coin has mass, and masses have intrinsic properties that can be measured. Hence, gravity controls the spin of coins whereas quantum coins are affected by mysterious quantum forces.

Quanta are the “causes” and spin the “effects.” In the case of Al-Khalali, it is not so mysterious; we see him spin the coin. With quantum mechanics the spin seems to be there without a hand to spin it. There is a mysterious Dynamis surrounding the coin.

Solomon is believed to have been the wisest man ever. Some take his speeches as heretical, but perhaps they have more esoteric meaning than is credited to him!

Solomon said this: 

There is nothing better for a man, than that he should eat and drink, and that he should make his soul enjoy good in his labour. This also I saw, that it was from the hand of God. (Ecc 2:24)

Solomon was describing the nature of the people of the world. He was not promoting sin at all, but that God controls the world. My point is that God is the invisible hand that provides the spin whether it be to the right (clockwise) or to the left (counterclockwise).

Assyria, Babylon, Greece, and Rome were created by God, although they were evil, to punish the rebellious Israelites. God spun the world, and it has always been out of balance by His Intelligent design. God was wise enough to reverse the Zodiacal Ages by the reverse spin of the world with the precession of the Earth. Time would have been ideal with only the rotation about its gravitational axis. He touched the Earth with His Quantum-ness and voila, time was reversed!

God indeed is a “Quantum God,” but quanta are not gods!


Figure 16: When God Draws Near Us; The Preacher's Word

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