Monday, May 13, 2024


Again, reverting to the beginning of the beginning, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” (Gen 1:1). Many think of that as Paradise and this planet, and that may be. However, it also may be the unseen and the seen.

In the Hebrew, the heaven and earth are samayim and the 'ereṣ — the “lofty” and the “firm” (Strong, 2006). Lofty implies clouds and in an ancient context, the lofty are surely things not firm, but in any case, mysterious things and solid things.

“God created,” it says. God is the commonality between the not firm and the firm.

So what is God? In the Hebrew God
 is “Elohîm.” God is One Being; God should be El if it was for His identity. However, Elohim includes the angels, hence God is angel-like. Scripture calls the Presence of God, “The Angel of God,” in many places (eg; Gen 31:11). Thusly, Elohim was the divine Substance of God — angel-like or in phantom.

The “Angel of God” could be seen on many occasions in scripture as a phantom-like person. For example, “The Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape” on the person Jesus (Luke 3:22). That bodily shape was “The Angel of God.” It is supposed (by me) that Elohim indicated “The Angel of God” — His phantom Image.

The two adamah were made in the Image of God (Selem in the Hebrew.) They were a literally a “shadow” of God and figuratively, each were a phantom of God.

Therefore, both Adam and the woman were somehow coupled with God. Quantum theory calls that relationship “quantum entanglement.” In fact, “woman” implies an entanglement with the gender of man. Gender describes quantum entanglement.

Jumping ahead to the new beginning, Jesus said, “Marvel not; you must be born again” (John 3:7) to Nicodemus. From the Greek, Jesus intimated that a sinner must be engendered from above. He or she must not be changed from one gender to another but engendered with the genderless invisible God. They must be created again in the same manner as the two adamah. They would shadow God and walk in the manner of Jesus. In a sense, Christians would be the phantom of Jesus and a “ghost” of Him.

Note that “Adam” was not the name of the person but what the kind was called; the woman was an “Adam” of the female gender. Perhaps in the same fashion, Eve is not the woman’s name but here kind. Genetics will be investigated later.

As such, Jesus surely meant that sinners would cease their entanglement with their “father the Devil” and become entangled with God as Adam was in the beginning.

There was also a first quantum entanglement of a greater sort. “God created (bara’) the heaven and the earth.”  The Phantom, or cloud, of God “cut down” (bara’) from light the not firm and the firm. He divided Himself into two parts that were similar but opposite.

Now back to the concept of quantum “spin.”

Electrons do not travel in orbital paths as was taught, but seemingly clouds in random, or chaotic, motion. Their spin is neither up nor down but either in all directions or no directions. Their orbital quantum “clouds” are just mysterious fields of motion. Only when they are stopped to be measured is their spin direction identified. Only when static are their spins identified as up or down. The spin — the dynamics — of electrons have no direction until their dynamics stop. (Is it any wonder that the Virtue of God is Dynamis in the Greek?)

God created. He cut Himself (Theoretically, the Existence into two). He sacrificed His own Identity to make two very different but similar things — the invisible and the visible.

Science was only concerned with natural things. That is Newtonian gravitational effected things — solid bodies like objects on Earth and planets that revolve around Suns. That is Newtonian Physics named after Sir Robert Newton who identified the effects of gravity on things.

The firm things are subject to gravity. As it turns out, the not firm things are not so effected by gravity… they are effected by a mysterious quanta of Energy that Christians should realize is God. That One “Cloud” could be a “Quantum God” who divided Himself in a very quantum manner!

Now for the quantum process that Young identified: He saw a wave of electrons split into two waves; which when stopped, revealed themselves to be two individual electrons, as shown in the figure below. 

Figure 4: Young's Double-slit Experiment (Wikipedia)

The wave of electrons would perform as a cloud of light if the same experiment was repeated with light waves. Think of the electron field as an electron cloud.

What is not shown in the graphic is that after the split, there are two electron waves when first emerging, but before they hit the screen and stopped, they appear as one wave again. If the electron field had only been one wave, then there would have been two individual electrons revealed on the screen.

In this experiment, a field of electrons are the “parent” but emerging from that one parent are infinite electrons that when populated, they form an “interference pattern.” The randomness of the original cloud when cut into two parts reveal one of two things: (1) probability (fate) or (2) intelligence (order). Avaroth can be translated as “order.”

Do you not see, Enoch did not stumble across astrophysics; he was shown how God did things in a quantum manner.

God (Jesus) was not a mere “carpenter” but a “Tekton” in the Greek. He cut quanta of all types in two as “created” means in Genesis 1:1. The “Quantum Tekton” cut Himself into two parts as the “Existence” and two like “children” came from one “Parent” — Father God as the interference pattern reveals, His commands were obeyed.

Young’s experiment was done in finite time. It was merely particles from particles. God’s Great Experiment took a little longer, perhaps an Archean eon, beyond or even before time began.

In Young’s experiment, the electrons were identified as waves from an electron gun. They were divided by slits in a barrier, creating two identical waves. Soon the two waves became one, but upon impact with a screen, the one wave was identified as two individual electrons. As the electron gun was fired, more electron fields were converted into individual electrons which formed a pattern on the screen.

In theology, the pairs of electrons would be two like creatures who both have the intrinsic nature of the Thing (capitalized… God). God is the “Holy Thing.”

Theoretically, since the two electrons have the same “parent,” so to speak, they would be much alike but always opposite. That not only explains the creation but also the creatures — man and woman — male and female. The two creatures were alike but different in gender. Their spin, or way, was much different, albeit both were still like their monotheistic quantum Parent.

The electrons in Young’s experiment explains how God created the heaven and the earth very well. He cut from Himself — “The Existence” — and created two equal but opposite existences, one as real as the other.

It is written, “God is Light, and in Him is no darkness at all.” (1 John 1:15). Christians repeat that often but have no idea what that even means!

Of course, light is phos in the Greek, but in the Hebrew, it means “illumination” — an illuminated flux field. It is a “quantum fluid” of light rays with two degrees of freedom from its source. It is on or off, either illumined or dark, directional, and such. God is Light and in Him there is no darkness at all. He is directional but when the “Cloud” is stopped, He is seen as Light. Like the electron, when stopped, the God-cloud reveals itself as Light. (No wonder the mercy seat — the “footstool” of God reveals God as Light.

God told Moses that “I will appear in the Cloud upon the mercy seat” (Lev 16:2). That was not a dark cloud but a cloud of Light because in Him was no darkness at all.

That cloud was the “Parent” of the “Object,” Jesus. When the Cloud stopped, it appeared either as a Phantom or an Object from the same “Source” of the Light — Yahweh.

Yahweh was neither a Cloud nor an Object. He was a Quantum — A Spirit — a dynamic fluid… “Living Waters” (Rev 7:17). God was not a quantum fluid but that seems to be His modus operandi; He behaved as such; that was His Way.

“God divided the light from the darkness” (Gen 1:4). He insured that only Divine Light was shined into the “slits.” Like the non-firm is distinct from the firm, darkness is the absence of light. It was God and God alone that shined; Lucifer had no part in it. He was the fake “Bringer of Light” which his name means. Lucifer desired to be God, but he was not (Isa 14:13-14).

God, although plural, was the One Creator. None of the angels created anything; Lucifer included. It was pure unadulterated (Divine) Light that shined.

God said, “Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters” (Gen 1:6). God performed Young’s Experiment of the Slits way back in the beginning. His “firmament” was a quantum barrier of some sort that divided the two realities.

It was like Young did to divide the electron fields when he made a firm wall; God did the same! Young stole the valor of God! The firmament was real, according to the argument between the non-firm and firm. God divided it just as Young would so many millennia later. Scripture says, “Let it divide the waters from the waters.” God put two slits in the firm thing. Those slits divided the “waters from the waters.”

It was not liquid water as many think. It was mayim from the mayim. Ironically the English word “mayhem” sounds very much like the Hebrew, and basically, that was what God was doing — dividing the mayhem from the mayhem. However, but euphemistically, “semen.”

Semen contains two things: (1) seminal fluid (waters) and (2) spermatozoa (particles). The “Semen” of the Devine would have been the Spirit from the Objects. God made two types of realms. He cut Himself in half (all Existence), not physically, but spiritually.

In scripture, semen is called “seed.” one seed splits into two parts and from that one seed emerges a field of seed. When the field grows, it is like a binary vine, that yields new plants when the generations progress. Jesus is that “Vine” as is written, “I Am the true Vine, and My Father is the Husbandman” (John 15:1).

First off, Jesus admits to being the “I AM” — the Presence of God. He is The Existence.

As the “Vine” all things came from Him. He seeded the cosmos as well as the population.

As the Parent, Yahweh was the “Husbandman” that performed the circumcision of Jesus — cutting Him apart to make two realities — the heavens and the Cosmos.

In like manner, the ritual of Jewish circumcision divides the natural from the spiritual — the flesh from the soul.

Just as God divided His sacrifice of Self-Virtue in half, the animal sacrifices were to be cut into two parts before they were sacrificed (Gen 15:9-21). God loved the concept of entanglement! That Virtue was the Goodness of God that was divided; hence “Dynamis.” As the “Husbandman” who circumcised Jesus, the Spirit of Yahweh is the “Dynamis,” and His Quantum Power emanates from the Father.

Note that “Father” in scripture refers not to parentage as we think of it, but the one from whom something is split.

For instance, in genetics and theology, the oldest known ancestor is called the “Adam.” He is the one from whom all successive generations came in genetic haplo-group order.

Now back to the biblical passage:

Next “God called the firmament Heaven” (Gen 1:8) but then he went on to describe the objects of heaven, commencing with water and dry land (Gen 1:9).

Perhaps the dry land was the beginning of the creation of the planet Earth. However, God created the heaven and the earth. “Heaven” is plural in the Hebrew. God created more than one heaven, and land was in the first heaven, according to Enoch’s journey through the Ten Heavens and beyond. (See The Secrets of Enoch beginning with chapter three.)

God divided the non-firm from the firm. What would anyone expect to follow? The creation of the non-firm, followed by the creation of the firm. There were not two creations but two parts, resulting in two realms — the invisible and the visible. (Think of the visible as the Newtonian objective universe, and the invisible as the quantum universe that is so mystical.)

The creation in Genesis is divided into two parts for some unknown reason. The heavenly creation ends with: “Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them” (Gen 2:1). Strangely, the creation continues in Genesis 2:5. It may be that it was the objective creation that was firm.

The Jewish mystical religion of Kabala believes that there were two creations: one for Adam and Lilith, and the other for Adam and Eve. That is wrong, so do not concern yourselves with the demon woman Lilith who I believe was the demon spirit in Eve.

God divided His Existence into two objects (the unseen and the seen) that when He rested (Gen 2:3), two existences were revealed, “These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created” (Gen 2:4).

Volia, there was the heavens finished, and now comes the earth. One was not after the other because time did not exist as discussed earlier (Kaku, 2024).

The seventh “day” of rest was one Aeon in the eons, as explained earlier.

“Resting” in that context is not a time metric if there was no time in that quantum process. God did not physically rest as one might think, but made a quick quantum stop to reveal universal “Particles” that were described as much alike, but of a different “spin.”

The clue comes from the creation of Adamah. They were created in the Image of God (Gen 1:27). There were two Images, alike but opposite in polarity, much like the electron spins. However, those Images had no substance as we think of it; albeit the phantom, or soul, of a person is as real as the physical image.

Chapter one is perhaps the creation of the heavens or non-firm things. Included within that division of the creation is the creation of the angelic kingdom that preachers ignore when they demand that it was “days”!

That leaves chapter two as the creation of firm things. “The Lord God formed man of the dust (firm things) of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul” (Gen 2:7). That came after man was made in the Phantom Image of God; then God took that Image and surrounded it in a vessel that was firm.

Two Images were cut from God, one the “Shadow” (Selem), or Phantom, of Him, and the other from cosmic dust.

The “dust” was from Him from the humongous exploding Suns before time before the foundation of the cosmos. (One theory is that carbon is not from organic material but is abiotic material from collapsing suns during the formation of the universe.) That was God’s Way of dividing the “sperm” from the “semantic fluid.” We were seeded by both God and carbon when His Glory was divided into two parts to make mankind fully glorious, or “made whole.”

There was no time involved. Part one did not end, then part two begin. Things were just quantumly stopped and there existed both the non-firm heavens and the firm earth at the same time in six stages. As Kaku relates, Existence proceeded without time not even existing.

There were not two separate creations but a Cloud of Light — a Quantum of Energy — that split existence into two “particles,” both with plants, animals, land, and water; both the one and the other of the same material, but the two of very different “spins.” Enoch alluded to that when he wrote about Paradise in the Third Heaven (Secrets 8:6):

And two springs come out which send forth honey and milk, and their springs send forth oil and wine, and they separate into four parts, and go round with quiet course, and go down into the PARADISE OF EDEN between corruptibility and incorruptibility.

Without quantum entanglement theory, that would be meaningless. However, it is God, dividing the waters from the waters, as in Genesis. Corruptibility is the firmness of things in the Paradise on planet Earth, and incorruptibility, perhaps, the Paradise in the heavens — the Third Heaven specifically.

The separation is again the Dynamis of God who divided even Paradise into two parts — one on Earth and the other in heaven. Each part got each half of the four springs. Paradise on Earth was the land of milk and honey (Exod 3:8) and Paradise in heaven is left with oil and wine which all have some esoteric meaning.

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