Monday, March 12, 2018

Killing God - Part 2

The Motive and the Assassins

It is not God’s desire that any shall perish. 7 Mankind was created to live forever! God created mankind for companionship. It’s strange for us but God was lonely. God’s “nature” is lovingkindness. He so loves mankind. Man is the greatest star on the tree. Other decorations are the angels at the top and the various animals in their places. The cosmos is the tree. Where is God on the Tree? He is the Root, the Branch, and the Living Water which feeds the Tree of Life. His fruits are: charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, and chastity. 8 There are twelve of them. They are available to all for eating, and are from God.

                God is greater than His fruit! He is the Creator. Because God is eminent and supreme, there are those who are pretenders to His throne. God’s Kingdom is great. The Heavens are his throne, and the earth His footstool. 9 There are those who want God’s throne so badly that they seek to kill God! God’s greatest adversary is the devil. 10 The devil wants God dead!

                The typical movie plot is when the creature turns on his Creator. That is Frankenstonian but that is how it is. In the case of one particular creature, he not only turned evil but became the nemesis of his Creator. God created the angels, and Lucifer was an archangel. He had status in the hierarchy of the creation, and was a noble in the Kingdom of God. He wanted more. He transformed himself into an angel of light. Not to be outdone, when man’s time came, he followed suit – teaching false-hoods they too transformed themselves into angels of light! 12

                This establishes a motive for the killing of God.  The nature of the beast – the creatures – is a desire to be as the Creator. 12 Everyone is born with the motive. That is our nature. Even King David was born with that desire. He was a king but like us, his desire was to be “the King”. 13 Unaware to mankind, as agents free to do our own will, that is what we do!  Being deceived. People don’t even recognize the evil intent imbedded somewhere in their sub-consciousness.  Since each person has a sub-conscience, mankind has become an army against God with Lucifer as the leader.

                George Rogers Clark marched his men through the icy waters of the Wabash River to capture Vincennes from the British. It was in the dead of winter and the river was at flood stage. Clark led his troops through the shallow water. As the waters got deeper and the men got colder, Rogers lied to them, saying that the waters were still shallow. The outcome of the lies of this great leader is that the revolutionaries captured Vincennes and gained the key to all the West.

                Lucifer uses the same tactics as Clark! He denies destruction ahead and marches on. His battle cry, just as Clark’s is you shall surely not die, although God said he will! 14

                The territory Lucifer wants is God’s Kingdom. Therein is the Law of God, and Lucifer, contending for the throne desires to supplant the law of sin. The Law of God is what God wills, and is metricized with the Ten Commandments. Those metrics are summarized as loving God and others. 16 The law of sin is the antithesis of the Law of God.  The former is God’s will that mankind shall love, and Lucifer’s will is that mankind hate.

                Hence, hate is the reciprocal of love. Love leads to life, and as such, hatred leads to death. In fact, hatred is the murder of another’s soul! 17 Lucifer’s army is hateful. The spoils of war in his army is pleasures of all sorts. As soldiers turn their eyes to their leader, it is the forbidden tree which they follow. The fruits thereon are seeming beauty, wisdom, and pleasure! 18 Of course, since that tree was made by God, Lucifer usurped it for his purposes.  Before it was the knowledge of “good” only but thereafter “evil” was known. Mankind did Satan’s will by choice rather than God’s. Noting that Lucifer, speaking through the serpent, didn’t force-feed Adam and Eve, they are of their own volition. They chose to follow the law of sin, and became children of Satan. Genetically, all mankind has that sin at birth. It is a genetic predisposition and is as real as even our genders.

                Lucifer, as an angel is thoroughly aware of the Law of God. Think of him as having a great body of knowledge, having an insatiable desire for power, and the wiles to use it to his advantage. Lucifer has the toolbox of death, and its contents are deception 19 and temptation. 20 When men are deceived by temptation, they become followers of Satan, and are thus accomplices to killing God.

                As a pretender to God’s throne, Lucifer acquired a royal name – Satan or the Devil. 21. When people choose the law of sin instead of the Law of God, they become children of Satan. Sinners march in the army of their leader. Everyone is born into that army because of original sin. God calls everyone to mutiny against Satan and come to Him, and each person who changes sides become a soldier in the army of God. It is a lifetime assignment, and the soldier is under God’s protection. 23 God doesn’t expect much of his soldiers but a willingness to sacrfice himself in the battle to retain His Kingdom. He believes that’s a reasonable expectation! 24

                Hence, a motive and a method are presented for killing God. Satan wants what belongs to God, and sinners are his tools for obtaining what belongs to God. The real treasures are not of this earth but the things which are in heaven. There is the Kingdom of God, and the realm of power and glory. Satan doesn’t want silver and gold but the authority of God. God’s presence is glorious, and Satan seeks the glorification belonging only to God!

                It is awful to admit but the unforgiven are among the dark forces of Satan’s army. Most are happy and content. Even failing to realize that they are “useful idiots” – those within the populace who are naively used for the purposes of the leaders of the cause. Hence, sinners are “useful idiots” to suit the purposes of Satan. His goal is to minimize God, who he knows can never be overthrown nor even killed!

                Nearly all of us have watched Mr. Phelps take on a “Mission Impossible”. 25 Well, Satan’s mission is impossible, he knows that it is, but takes on this self-assignment anyhow! Perhaps, Satan has extreme intelligence but lacks the divine wisdom of God. Perhaps he believes that he can outsmart God, and sabotage God’s Plan. 26 We are all part of the Plan. God knows our hearts and whether we are for Him or against Him. 27 Thus, the plot thickens for the assassination attempt!  The motive is to overthrow, if not kill God, the leader of the movement is Satan, and mankind – at least most of them – are the army of Satan with allegiance to him. What “gun” does the army bear to kill God? Sin! The same “gun” used for modern-day destruction.

                God created us all with intelligence, as we were created in the image of God 28 The constructive use of intelligence is wisdom.  The misuse of intelligence is folly! Fools may have knowledge but lack in wisdom. Those are the “useful idiots’. Satan leads and army of dutiful soldiers who don’t even realize they are being led – or duped! Satan desires to kill God. Sinners blindly do his will like automatons programmed that way. In fact, the propensity to do the law of sin and be led by Satan is programmed into our genes, or DNA. Mankind robotically sins because like Satan, the spiritual leader of fallen man, it is our will that we desire to do!

                The Hell’s Angels motorcycle club often wear the slogan “Born to Die”. I submit that it should be “Born to Kill” because God Himself was born in the flesh to die for mankind! 29 All mankind, since all have sinned, have been enlisted to kill God by sinning. 30 Most of mankind are fools and are too foolish to even know it! We all killed God and fail to even realize it, blaming it on the Jews!

7 Holy Bible; James 3:16.
8 ibid; Gal 5:22-23
9 ibid; Isa 66:1
10 ibid; 1 Pet 5:8
11 ibid; 2 Cor 11:13-15.
12 ibid; Gen 3:5
13 ibid; Psalm 51:5
14 ibid; Gen 3:3, Gen 2:17
15 ibid; Rom 7:25
16 ibid; Mat 22:36-40
17 ibid; 1 John 3:15
18 ibid; Gen 3:6
19 ibid; John 8:44
20 ibid; Mat 4:3
21 ibid; Rev 12:9
22 ibid; John 8:44
23 ibid; John 6:44
24 ibid; Rom 12:1
25 Wikipedia: “Mission Impossible”; Bruce Geller
26 Holy Bible; Ephes 2:10
27 ibid; Mat 12:30
28 ibid; Gen 1:27
29 ibid; John 3:16
30 ibid; Rom 3:23

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