Sunday, March 18, 2018

Killing God - Part 6 Nature of God

The Nature of God:

Murdering does not require knowing the victim but understanding why does. When God in the flesh died, by grace they were acknowledged to be guilty but ignorant.  Of course, in most cases knowing the victim well makes it easier to murder. Satan knows God well! He was there when mankind was created. He saw God’s Almightiness, and truthfully, Satan knows God well! Hos tactic is to deceive mankind, thus making man ignorant of what he does. God was crucified because the killers were blind to truth. Satan is the author of spiritual blindness, and the law of sin clouds people’s vision.

                In order to identify why and how the Victim is killed, His nature must be known. For instance, some substances are toxic to man but not animals, and visa versa. Other substances are toxic to vegetation and not animals. Mankind is poisoned by time, the sun’s rays, and many substances. Hatred kills men and women with despair, murder, and warfare. The souls of men are destroyed by hatred because mankind was created in the image of God. 89

                Mankind attempts to murder God with hatred. Anathema is the poison which kills, and its mixture is the law of sin in opposition to the Law of God. Murder takes five forms: (1) physically killing, (2) vicariously killing, (3) killing the soul, (4) isolation, and (5) deleting memories. Killing has always been routine. Its motives are many; among them are jealousy, hatred, pride, and power. Abel died because Cain realized that Abel was more favored by God. 90

                The first sin was for pleasure with Eve, the second sin was shirking authority by Adam, and the third was murder. The first two sins killed Adam and Eve, for indeed, they did die! The third sin was for jealousy but ultimately for selfishness – denying God love! This was the first time one human being was murdered by another.  Since, murder is on the hearts of men. Cain hated Abel. Hatred kills!

                The second type of killing is wishing another person was dead. People “kill” – disappoint - their parents in their youth because they seek emancipation.  People despise authority because their own will cannot be exercised. Most youth seek pleasure, and authority stands in the way. Hence, at some time in their youth, many people vicariously murder their parents by wishing them dead. Their vision is life without control. Adults also wish God dead. People are immature at heart, and with age, never seem to grow up. What stands in the way of change? The enjoyment of pleasure. Authority inhibits pleasure and people don’t like that!

                Killing the soul is desiring that others eternally perish. The worst thing to say to another person is go to Hell because that condemns them to eternal death, which is likened unto eternally dying. People want Hitler in Hell. God desired that Mr. Whomsoever himself – Adolph Hitler - should not perish. Mankind mostly desires that Hitler perish… and forever.

Isolation is another form of murder. Eternal death is isolation from God and others. People must learn to love. The Greatest Commandment, mentioned before, is to love God, and the one like unto it is to love others – both friends and enemies. In the world, people are tested for their love. Failing that in the world, what would one expect in Hell? Hatred! The penalty is isolation form God and even fellow cell-bodies. Essentially, Hell is eternal solitary confinement. Screams of agony, cursing everyone, and regret are the emotions. Agony is both from loneliness and the intolerable, but somehow tolerated, heat! Nazareth isolated God. 91 Nazareth – his own people – were some of the first to attempt to kill God in the flesh! They did that by ejection, thus isolating themselves from Jesus.

Like the Nazarites, atheists kill God by isolation. They want nothing to do with God, and many fool themselves, thinking of God all the time, and killing Him time and time again vicariously. Even most Christians claim to trust God, then isolate God from their lives. Isolation is not on the narrow path but the one most traveled.

                Another way to kill is the deletion of memories. Society not only wants to kill God but delete all memories of Him. The eternal memory of God was written on stone. People kill God by erasing monuments to His authority. Why else would seemingly same people desire to eliminate the Ten Commandments from the world? Of course, the American Taliban cannot stand a God in opposition to their own! The Ten Commandments are a memory that humans are not really gods, and as such, have no authority. They perceive that God can be killed merely by thought-killing!

                One atheist told me, “I don’t believe in God”. That’s what atheists claim and say! Because one has mentally killed God does not make God dead! In fact, God’s “nature” is Existence – He always was, is, and will be! “Am” is “`first person singular present indicative of be.” 92  God is not “has been”; He “Is”!

                What does “be” mean? To exist. God Is always “I AM”, then, now, and forever. 93 Thus, God proclaims that “I AM immortal”. That doesn’t stop Satan nor his legions. He can kill God in memories! Near the end, God will be alive for a few but for most He will not even be a memory. Already, contemporary society has killed God by destroying his legacy and memories of Him.

                The great Roman Empire tried to kill God by persecution and destruction of His people. By killing Christians, the “tolerant” Romans attempted to kill the One God who they could not tolerate! Because the elect – Christians – are God’s people, society attempts to destroy them because God lives in their hearts. 94 Why do all hateful regimes attempt to kill Jews? Because they are a reminder of God as His chosen people!

                Out of thought; out of mind is a common expression. Who knows who said that first but it is spoken often. People, if they don’t think about God, don’t worry about Him. Why would people even worry about whether there is a God or not? Because they are either convicted or have no hope. For them the day of the Lord, will be terrible. For some who worship a living God, it will be a great day! 95

Nature results from the Power which created. New Agers - those who believe in all but the Judeo-Christian God as described in scripture, refer to “Mother Nature”. Most other religions have both gods and goddesses, and dualistic in having good and evil gods. The Creator “god” in Gnosticism is a demiurge because, in their view, matter is evil and spirit good. They reason that since God is good, He could not have created matter which is evil. That is the “nature” of most other gods. That is not Yahweh!

Atheists deny that God created man for His will in favor of man creating God for his purposes. With that idea, mankind are the gods because men are credited with the power to create. Although God created both the natural and the spiritual, man created only the spiritual. The fallacy of that is that Heaven is real but what the mind creates is fantasy. Atheists believe that mankind lives a myth because they need a god. Theists believe that God is real because He wants mankind’s love.

The thought of “Mother Nature” is offensive to theists. Gender is based on both anatomy and mind. People can only relate to gender because all people are engendered either male or female. Thus, most beings have natures correlated with their genders. Those with both identities are androgynous; those who identify as neither are agenderous. God the Father is neither male nor female throughout His Existence except for a short period of time: when He became flesh. Gender is for the flesh to procreate. God, being Almighty, has the power to create with procreating!  God did not take on flesh for the purpose of creating but saving. He was born to die, and had flesh so that He could be killed, at least as the world views death!

God’s “natures” are three: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 96 Only the King James Version of the Holy Bible has Him “Father, Son, and Holy Ghost”.  In the Greek, pneuma is translated in context, differentiating between “ghost” and “spirit” because Jesus had yet to die. 97 God takes on different “natures” for different times. In the beginning as Creator God “fathered” the creation. When God needed to be Savior, he came in the flesh, and when he came back to Comfort, God’s nature is the Holy Ghost. He created with His Holy Spirit, and became flesh with the Power of His Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit, God Himself, died on the cross and was “called Jesus”.  For God’s worldly identity to be clear, He was also “called Emmanuel” For further clarification He was also “called Christ” – the Messiah. 98

Nature is in parentheses because God is beyond natural. Natural infers “created”. When Moses asked God His Name, God merely replied “I AM THAT I AM”. 99 In Hebrew that is written יהוה  and transliterated into English as JHWH or JHVH. The Hebrew letters are yod he waw he which can be easily identified as Yahweh, a close pronunciation, especially after vowel points were added: יְהֹוָה was pronounced Yehovah. In English, God’s identity is pronounced Jehovah. Similar to JHVH was Adonai, hence “the Lord” is both Adonai and God’s identity. 100

God is referred to as “Father” because he created the heaven and the earth, mankind, and Mary’s Son. God is referred to as Jesus because Jesus is theophoric for God’s Existence since Jesus, from the Hebrew Yeshua (ישוע), means “God Delivers”. 101

Befitting God’s begetting mankind, rather than begotten, God’s nature is masculine. He validated that paternalism, creating Himself as a male. Hence, God is not androgynous but as Jesus, thoroughly male. There is no female God!

God’s triune substance is completely misunderstood. Ignorant people joke about the “Godhead” as three-headed, thus creating a monster God. God’s nature is three “substances” (homostasis in the Greek). Substances are generally defined as “matter”. In theology, substance is “ultimate reality”. Rather than God’s supra-nature being misunderstood as organic or even mineral, it is more definitive to refer to God’s three aspects – Creator, Savior, and Comforter. Of the three, only the Savior could ever be seen, although the Comforter is likened unto a wind and a fire. 102

Envision the Tree of Life. It stood in the midst of the Garden of Eden because not only was this “tree’ real but a simile of God which theologians refer to as the “Godhead”.  This “tree” represents Jesus because most of “it” can be seen, and it’s “fruit” could heal! 104 Jesus was known for not only the miracle of healing the body but the spirit as well. 105

The trunk and the branches of the Tree could be seen. That part of the Tree is a simile of Jesus the Christ – God in the flesh. The root of the Tree is a simile of God the Father because it is the foundation of the Tree, nourishing from the beginning. Since, there was no rain needed in the Garden, there was only a mist coming up from the ground, implying underground water. 106 The underground “spring”, it seems was the Gihon Spring, and is a simile for “living waters”, representative of the Holy Spirit. 107  Hence, the Tree of Life was symbolic of God, and His three “aspects”: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost! That “Tree” was not killed with the disappearance of the Garden. The Tree is still standing on the River of God in the City of God fed by the same “living water”! 108

As designed, the Tree was fed by living water – God’s Holy Spirit. The living water was infused by the root into the Visible Tree – symbolic of the Virgin Birth – when the “living water” grew the Son from the “root” – God. 109

The fruits of the Spirit coming from the living waters watered the Tree. The “nature” of God was the twelve fruits of the Tree! 110 They were love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,  meekness, temperance, 111 and the Latin Vulgate lists charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, and chastity. Those twelve attributes are the “nature of God”! Mankind endeavors to kill God for being “Good”! 112 Ironically, God’s killers are the opposite. Man claims to be good but they are not.  The murderer has a nature as well: Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such. 113

The “nature” of God is identified and contrasted to the nature of the killers! Evil is the assassin of God, and it comes from the fruits of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil which unfortunately was placed in the midst of the Garden by God to be misused by Satan to test mankind’s will! Satan always uses “good” in part to deceive overall. The easiest way to deceive is making the deception sound good! The most proficient deception is creating doubt when truth is known.

89 :Holy Bible; Gen 1:27

90 ibid: Gen 4:8

91 ibid; Luke 14:14-30

92; “am”

93 Holy Bible; Rev 22:13

94 ibid; Gal 2:20

95 ibid; Joel 2:31

96 ibid: Mat 28:19

97 ibid: John 7:39

98 ibid; Mat 1:16, 23, 25

99 ibid; Exod 3:14

100 Wikipedia; “Tetragrammaton”

101 Wikipedia; “Jesus”

102 Holy Bible; Acts 2:2-3

103 ibid; Gen 3:9

104 ibid; Rev 22:2

105 ibid; Acts 10:38

106 ibid, Gen 2:7

107 ibid, John 7:38

108 ibid; Rev 22:1

109 ibid; Mat 1:18

110 ibid; Rev 22:2

111 ibid; Gal 5:22-23

112 ibid; Mat 12:17

113 ibid; Gal 5:19-21

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