Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Killing God - Part 9 Pride


                Satan wants God dead because of pride. Isaiah spoke of Satan’s pride:

For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. 157

Pride is thinking of oneself as more than one really is. Satan sees himself as King of the Heavens as God! Who knows sin better than the sinner? Satan is the authority on sin. He knew pride because he is prideful. Knowing his own heart, he knew mankind’s. He accused disobedient Adam and Eve being “as Gods” 158 because he knew the pleasure of that! Pride isn’t reality; it is merely faulty thinking. Pride is the mutation of once meek creatures. Ironically, mankind did evolve, not over time, but at one cross-section in time, with the first sin – original sin. Satan fell from his heaven because of pride, and mankind followed suit. Being of the fifth heaven, Satan was cast down to the second heaven – to the natural world.  159 160 Satan was demoted from on high to nothing more than a pitiful prince of the air. 161

Thinking that they had become “as gods” Adam and Eve were also demoted. As they were driven from the Garden they fell is stature from the third heaven to the first – from the presence of God into the wilderness in Eden. It seems that as heaven will come down someday, as mentioned before, with the universal flood, heaven must have ascended. Mankind’s demotion may have been from a  higher heaven to the lowest one can go!

What is heaven? A portion is natural and a portion supra-natural – transcending the natural! 162  (See Fig. #1).

Fig. #1 Existence

Heaven transcends the natural; thus, it does not follow the laws of nature. Therein rules the Law of God.  The Law as applied to the natural is well-known and written on stone; natural law. For those who are in the image of God, His Law is written on their hearts. 163 Unknown are the Divinely “Physical” Laws of Heaven. They are not truly physical but transcendental. Now is the time to imagine what the heavens are like! With transcendental in mind, it’s not so difficult to believe that the Garden was transformed from an earthly abode to a heavenly existence. After all, since God can ascend, He can ascend Gardens! To know what “Heaven” is like, imagine only what the Garden must have been. Specifically, it would appear that the Garden is the third heaven (Heaven) which those with a “bright nature” can see. That bright nature belongs to those who are righteous – not with a few sins but pure in thought and deed. Since they are not really God, God washes them white as snow to see the heavens. With bright eyes, Adam and Eve, before they sinned saw into the heavens. 164 Enoch was taken into the heavens and shown its secrets (See Fig. #1). Perhaps there may have been others. For mankind, we can see the Third Heaven from our vision of the Garden of Eden! The nature of the believer is not all the way “bright” but the transformation at the second birth is seeing the Light of God! 165 Of course, God also said that no man has ascended up to Heaven but Himself. 166 What about Enoch? He didn’t ascend. “God took him!” 167 Since Enoch didn’t die, he was glorified right there on the spot. Enoch was transformed from man – the flesh – into a glorified existence, no longer existing as a mere man!

All known and perceived “existence” is shown in Fig. #1. The unseen is shown in light green text and the seen in black text. It seems that the second heaven is partially seen and partially unseen; shown in brown text. That heaven seems to be the transition between the seen and unseen. Satan and his demons are able to navigate in those two realms.

The supra-natural is not the same as the natural. The directions given for heaven in the Secrets of Enoch are for human understanding. Likewise, up and down are meaningless in God’s realm. We do know that God ascended into the heavens and from where He ascended – from Bethany. This is from the southeast slope of the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. It’s believed to be where Lazarus was raised from his own tomb! 169 Jesus ascended up from just outside Jerusalem. That location provides a specific direction from earth. Of course, up from earth means little. From each and every location, up is a different direction because earth is spherical. God ascended up from the same location that the Garden must have. Where is heaven? It’s up from Jerusalem!

What is the “nature” of Heaven? It is not natural. There are no ups, downs, over, and about. The Ten Heavens may be all within one Heaven. The Fourth Heaven contains the paths of the cosmos. Then Heaven is at least a large as the universe. The heavens are the void which contains the earth, the sun, moon, and stars. However, Heaven is bigger than that. It contains something beyond the matter which exists. Black holes cannot be seen, but by evidence their existence is inferred. Likewise, the supra-natural heavens can’t be seen but the Creation is evidence that they too are there!

Fig. #1 shows Existence. Satan wants that! He is prince of the First Heaven, living in the Second but his desire is to have all the Heavens and God’s throne therein. Reigning over the Kingdom of God is Satan’s motive for killing God. All that is known to be existence, Satan desires as his. Where is mankind in the scheme of things? Looking at the graphic again, if men are not God’s temples, Satan has him. Satan is the master of those already, desiring to have all mankind. As man lives upon the earth ship, those few not on the water with God will sink with the ship. Noah’s Ark has never been found, and someday this earth and its heaven (The First Heaven it seems) will have the same fate!

157 Holy Bible; Isa 14:113-14
158 ibid; Gen 3:8
159 Book of the Secrets of Enoch 18:1
160 Holy Bible; Rev 12:7-12
161 ibid; Ephes 2:2
162 Merriam-Webster Dictionary; “supranatural”
163 Holy Bible, Deut 13:10
164 Book 1 of Adam and Eve 8:1
165 Holy Bible; John 3:19
166 ibid; John 3:13
167 ibid; Gen 5:24
168 ibid; Luke 24:50-51
169 Wikipedia; “Bethany”
170 Holy Bible; Mark 13:31

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