Friday, March 16, 2018

Voting Together

Hillary Clinton just made another excuse: she lost because men told the women in their lives how to vote. Did that really happen? If so, is that wrong?

I have written much on feminism. The women - excuse me, the victims - in society are feminists because they merely understand a small part of feminism. It is not a freedom movement but a trap for chaos!

Most agree that there should be equity in wages. Likewise, there should be equal opportunity for success. However, what does homosexual rights have to do with equal opportunity for women? Feminism includes all the activities of the "social justice" crowd. Because of that, men are generally against feminism because they see through the façade. True feminists should rid those ideas from their agenda, and perhaps more men will help tear down the so-called glass ceiling.

Women actively propagate female causes. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be equal. If a group is not equal, it is realistic that there must be some give and take. Ideally, if men would voluntarily relinquish their power to women, problem solved! On the other hand every individual seeks to hang on to what power they have. Thus, justice is not a social thing, being for the good of society, but an individual strategy. Women as individuals want to get ahead and that is right-thinking. Like men, they care little about the other women but desire to advance themselves.

Every person without regard to social stratum desires to have special opportunity. Although everyone wants special treatment, regardless of what they claim, if everyone has special treatment, it is no longer special but ordinary. Women desire special treatment and favoritism, and that's okay. Likewise, men desire the same, and that too should be okay. However, that cannot be! Thus, there indeed are power struggles. Power struggles divide.

Ideally, and many fail to see it, Holy Scripture supports a high degree of equity between the sexes. On the other hand, it denigrates those who seek self-empowerment. The Word desires us to unite, and not divide. God designed the biology of each for different functions. Men have never, and never will, have natural-born babies. Even science has tried that and failed. Thus, women were created special! Normal men are appreciative of their specialness! Women are much stronger than men in regard to pain. Few would deny that. Hence, women are strong. They need not seek strength because they are already strong. They only need to recognize tenacity and endurance as strengths!

On the other hand, men are by design work horses. Unless hormones are not imbalanced, men are physically stronger than women. As far as intelligence, the latest research shows that overall men and women are of equal intelligence, although there are differences in the distribution and specialties. Men have overall the lower and the higher IQ's but on the average are the same as women. Likewise, each gender has their particular areas in which they excel.

It seems that the Creator with a purpose did not make men and women the same - they were designed to complement each other! Society would fail if both men and women were great at math but neither were good at invention. We would still be in the stone age! Men and women were not designed to compete with each other, but assist. Eve was Adam's help-mate, not his slave. They were to have dominion over the animals, not just Adam! It can easily be seen how animals react to men and women because they do things differently, often with the same outcome - a trained animal which either loves or respects them.

God did not intend for men and women to be separate but equal. They were designed to be together and different. I thank God for that, and normal women should as well. Imagine the agony of men having to endure childbirth! Imagine ordinary women having to build pyramids! Of course, there are some men who could bear that pain, and some women who could endure that degree of physical endurance but that is outside the norm. We were designed normal, and that we will continue to be, unless abnormalities are infused. The objectives of feminism is to infuse abnormality. Women believe they own that as a strategy but ironically, it was a man which made the strategy doctrinal. I'm referring to Marxism.

Why is socialism so appealing to women? Why are women more liberal than men? Because they have been indoctrinated that they own feminism, failing to realize that it is a tool to divide!

“... the more modern industry becomes developed, the more is the labour of men superseded by that of women. Differences of age and sex have no longer any distinctive social validity for the working class...." "All are instruments of labour, more or less expensive to use, according to their age and sex. Finally, in times when the class struggle nears the decisive hour, the progress of dissolution going on within the ruling class, in fact within the whole range of old society, assumes such a violent, glaring character, that a small section of the ruling class cuts itself adrift, and joins the revolutionary class, the class that holds the future in its hands.” (Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx)

Socialism makes women the workers. It will become, not a choice, but a duty! Women as the workers are part of the class struggle. A "struggle" indicates that  force is required, and some women as well as man will reject the socialist mandate. An outcome of "equal servitude" in contrast to "equal opportunity" is the break-up of the family, which by no coincidence is not an outcome but an initiative of socialism. Everything, in socialism, is for the greater good of the populace - or really the party - because those who reject it will have little that is good.

In the socialistic or progressive scenario, there is a class struggle which erodes society's norms in favor of the party's standards. Many institutions are to fall, including the institutions of marriage and the family, of course, right after the Church which socialism considers "the opiate of the people". You see, for socialism to live, God must die. For feminism to exist, of course until the socialist objectives are met, God must be wounded. When full-fledged autocracy is achieved, feminism will die as they are smothered by the desires of the Pharaoh - whoever the Stalin in charge may be.

This commentary is to reveal that feminism is only a tool for Marxism just as "social justice" in all its forms are! When all the tools have been used, those in charge will discard them - the "night of the long knives" repeated: Trotsky murdered all over again! Feminism and all the divisive ideologies will no longer be required.

Is it okay for men to dictate how women should vote? Not at all! The entire theme of the Bible is free will. Sin is bondage, and salvation is freedom. Jesus came to free, not to enslave. Autocratic marital relationships are not God's purpose for mankind nor His will. What is?
Gen 2:20 ... for Adam there was not found an help meet for him. 21 And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; 22 And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. 23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. 24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
The first thing therein is that womankind is to be a "helper", not a hinderer for Adam. That's not a master/slave relationship but a complementary one. Think of Eve as the apple picker, and Adam as the packer. Both are required for the apple to ever be food for others.

Eve came from the side of Adam, not necessarily his rib but the flesh from that area. Eve is Adam's flesh, and women are the flesh of men. Men and women are mankind, and were created of like flesh. In their youth, after that first "birth", the genders have been separated. Before too much time had past, the normative became for man and woman to be of one flesh again. Thus, this togetherness is Holy Matrimony and is never to be put asunder. That asunder-ness is the goal of progressive thinkers.

In being one, men and women are to do things together. Those things are the will of God to whom we are to come to in all things!
Mat 6:33 ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things (necessities) shall be added unto you.
Men must not dictate matters of importance but seek God's will in all things. God doesn't have two wills for everything; one way is right and the other wrong. Husband and wife, father and daughter, and even employer and employee, to succeed, should seek God's will for His will is best for the "greater good" - Him, the man, and the woman!

Part of feminism is voting one's own conscience. The conscience evaluates moral choices. Individuals most often have different values. In voting in America, for women it is reproductive rights it seems, and for men, true individual freedom such as the right to bear arms. Ironically, the freedom to control one's own body depends on the means to enforce that freedom. However, men reject the notion that the body within the body is less than the woman's - it is the flesh of both! Hence, the sanctity of life is divisive. To whom should men and women turn? Certainly not to the Supreme Court but to the Supreme Judge. "Thou shalt not kill" is very straightforward, and hard to misunderstand!

The conclusion is that women should turn to men for direction but not to follow orders. The two genders together should seek God's will, not their own. With that, the two are one flesh, and unity is achieved. Satan thrives on disharmony, discord, and division. Mates or families, voting for different objectives, is disharmonious, divisive, and discordant. Marx smiles at that as Satan laughs-out-loud! 

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