Tuesday, May 15, 2018

The One Way Wall

     Throughout the ages the Roman Catholic Church in the West and the Orthodox Church in the East had great influence over the governments of Europe, Russia, and them that are now controlled by Islam. The Popes (the West) and the Patriarchs (the East) actually controlled the kings, emperors, and czars. The most noted example was the Holy Roman Empire which Voltaire said was neither holy, Roman, nor an empire, is the best example of a theistic government system. Kings bowed to the Popes who had their own emperors to do their bidding.
     King Henry XVIII wished to divorce and remarry. Since the Pope would not appease him, Henry withdrew from Roman Catholicism and took the English Church with him. Thus was born Anglicism. Therein was a marriage between the Archbishop of Canterbury and the king. Unlike the church which had controlled the king, with Anglicism, the king controlled the Church. Whenever the royal head was changed, the church changed with him or her. Those who disagreed with church tenets either were persecuted, expelled, or fled. America was founded by those who desired to escape the tyranny of the church and state.
     Initially America was Anglican. Maryland was more tolerant and soon Catholics were allowed to worship in the manner of their faith. Rhode Island became Baptist, some eastern colonies Congregational, and Pennsylvania of the Society of Friends (Quakers). By the time of the American Revolution many of the colonies feared that a federation of the colonies would result in a federal religion. At that time, Islam and even Judaism was inconsequential. Thus, America was essentially a "Christian" nation but the religion was early on more tradition than heartfelt. The Great Awakening did indeed make America more Christian, and the dread of government control became prominent.
     At the time of Independence, there were "state religions". Most people were required to be of their colony's faith. Attendance at church was mandatory and those who failed to attend regularly were jailed! Tithing was required and in the Anglican (later Episcopalian) Church the tithe was often tobacco. The vicars would actually assist in farming so the tithe would be greater. In other words, the tithes were taxes, and the government divisions were church parishes.
     The Episcopalian  Church was as authoritarian as the Roman Catholic and English Churches had been. As such, Baptist preachers in Virginia were jailed for erring in the faith. The Craigs of the "traveling church" preached from jail, and finally fled to Kentucky with their flock. Danberry, Connecticut Baptists feared governmental control and Congregational persecution, and appealed to Thomas Jefferson who came to their aid. Thus was born the "wall of separation of church and state" which was included somewhat in the First Amendment to the Constitution:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
     In brief,  the government will not intervene in religious matters. Christians were to be allowed to worship freely or others not worship as may be the case. The wall was impermeable from the government side but permeable from the religious side in that Christians would be free to worship and exercise their beliefs. On the other hand, one theological group could not force themselves on another with the support of the state.
     Christians believe in turning to God in all matters. At that time, most religions in America were Christians, although many were non-practicing. Some indeed were atheists, Deists, and Unitarians. However, they desired to become more tolerant because the dangers of intolerance had been noted. Most assuredly the First Amendment was intended to keep denominationalism out of government and government out of favored denominationalism. There is nothing which implies that our Constitution intended to protect the pagan religions!
     There are three faiths: no faith (atheism), Christianity, and paganism. By rejecting the Doctrine of Christ in government affairs, effectually atheism became the national "religion". Indeed, it takes more faith to disbelieve in God than it does to believe. The religion of the government, then, is atheism; the kindest form or which is secular humanism. That doctrine over time has evolved into the state religion of the United States of America, and it's doctrine is tolerance. Because Christianity was the foundation of America, tolerance is for the pagan religions and atheism only. The government time and time again has shown intolerance for the Doctrines of Christ because Christianity by definition is exclusive since Christ is the only way to salvation. Since Christianity had been the majority, the government with the pretense of tolerance has persecuted Christianity in favor of secular humanism.
     Unfortunately, with the pretense of toleration, intolerable behaviors have become accepted. Pornography, divisive institutions, and same-sex marriage are tolerated but Christians are labeled as "haters". The government doesn't care that our God hates sin of any type, thus, Christians citizenship is mostly tokenism. Christians are considered Christians but our beliefs are in the process of being discounted as insignificant and dangerous! Democracy is now disfavored by most Americans and the government has eroded the rights of Christians. We are the only group which currently has no right to not be offended! Judicial rulings demonstrate that offense to Christians is inconsequential! Christians must bake cakes for homosexual marriages! If I was a baker they would be tasteless cakes!
     The government has replaced God in society. This nation has reverted back to a theocratic institution as the government dictates what can be believed and what cannot. Our profits are used for social justice as our tithes become taxes again. Christians are required to support abortion through taxation. Where is that wall, once impermeable, but now entered in one direction only. The wall once permeable for Christianity is now impermeable but where impermeable for the government is now permeable! It always encroaches on Christians!
     I know what comes next! Government will become the God of America. Those who refuse to take its number will be beheaded. Of course, I know who wins out. God does! The autocracy of government will only last until God's grace is withheld. We shall be judged and those evil will be cast into the lake of fire. The government will lose, and God will win! That's what Almighty God does.

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