Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Illumination and the Illuminati

     "Divine illumination" is when a thought strikes seemingly from nowhere and invokes truth in  a person's mind.  The illuminated person credits the thought to a god. In the case of Christianity, that though is called "regeneration", and is a spiritual rebirth which Jesus called "born again".
     When anyone is divinely illuminated, there should arise a reason to change. Those who are truly illuminated know the truth, and knowing the truth receive a new nature which is to become a new person. Jesus told Nicodemus: "Marvel (wonder) not that I said unto thee, Ye must (it is necessary to) be born (created) again (from above in the beginning" (John 3:7).  (Note: Words in parentheses are from Strong's Dictionary definitions.) I'll rewrite that for clarity: Wonder not that I said to you, it is necessary for you to be recreated as in the beginning.
     I always believed that "regeneration" - the outcome of being born again - was to be as a person was at natural birth. After studying scripture, I concluded that "regeneration" is God recreating our spirits back to the way Adam was designed - in the image of God. "Regeneration" is then a re-genesis; "genesis" actual means generated or originated. Rebirth is then returning to mankind's original condition.
     From scripture, man was created innocent, and naïve it seems. Those who are divinely illuminated should manifest a change. That change is called righteousness, and is doing God's will rather than their own will.  The Lord's Prayer exhorts that: "Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth" (Luke 11:2).
     Those who have been divinely illuminated seek to do God's will while on earth as it will be done in Heaven. Because the Paradise of the Garden of Eden is the same or same as Paradise in Heaven, those who are illuminated should desire to a return to Paradise so to speak, and do things the way Adam and Eve should have done them. They should not have listened to the Serpent, and while on earth, God's will is that his people not! By heeding the cunning Serpent, innocent people jeopardize their safety. They put themselves in harms way.
     Why will the Devil harm Christians? We all are collateral damage in spiritual warfare. God protects Christians from Satan by putting a spiritual hedge around them (Job 1:10). I know of that hedge because I am illuminated - God keeps me safe from Satan! I am so certain of that, that I speak of safety as if I am already saved! That assurance of salvation is because I have been illuminated!
     At the start of this commentary, I referred to "divine illumination" because there are more than one kind. God refers to divine illumination as walking in his Light:
Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, "I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life." (John 8:12).
     Those who are illuminated are shined upon by Jesus. He is the Light of the world. Anyone who is divinely illuminated comes to realize that I can't save myself but Jesus can and will!  "Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life" (John 14:6) and explains that the only way to go to God is through him. It seems that since cherubim guard the gate to Paradise (Gen 3:29), that the Name - Jesus - is the only way to enter into Paradise. It's not saying his Name but regarding Jesus's Purpose as efficacious (as in the Fifth Commandment.)
     On the other hand, there are the Illuminati - "the enlightened". The pretense is that the Illuminati are enlightened by God. Now for the apologetics portion of my point: I watched a documentary, A Conspiracy to Rule: The Illuminati,  last evening. Many think of tales of the Illuminati as a myth created by right-wing Christians. If that was true, then last evening's episode refuted it.  What is the Illuminati?

The name usually refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on 1 May 1776. The society's goals were to oppose superstition, obscurantism, religious influence over public life, and abuses of state power. "The order of the day," they wrote in their general statutes, "is to put an end to the machinations of the purveyors of injustice, to control them without dominating them." (Richard van Dülmen, The Society of Enlightenment; Polity Press; 1992; p. 110).
     "The Enlighenment" was a period in history preceding the revolutionary world which rejected organized religion and Holy Scripture in favor of reason. In France, the New Republic destroyed the Church and created a new religion - the Cult of Reason - with Liberty as their sex goddess. (Yes, the same goddess which adorns New York Harbor.) Not by coincidence, the Enlightenment paralleled the Illuminati movement of that era.
    The aforementioned movie provided a detailed history of the Illuminati. What purpose have those who have been "illuminated" and by whom are they "illuminated"? The documentary movie commenced with Jewish Kabala.  The purpose of the Illuminati, according to the documentary, is to create a New World Order - a global government with those illuminated in charge. That notion is not Judaic nor Christian in doctrine; it is from reasoning originating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, but its partakers credit it to Jesus Christ. Their contention is not that God really created man, but man created God. Why would the so-called enlightened ones  do that? To obtain the world, and to do that, they too must gain the heavens, or the souls of the people of the Church.

     Not by coincidence, Paul used the same words about Satan's deception that Jesus used about the necessity to be born again: "And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light" (2 Cor 11:14). Marvel not that you must see the Light, is what Jesus implied. On the other hand, Paul reminded early Christians who the pretender to God's throne is: Satan transforming himself into an angel of light. Thus, there is divine true illumination, and false pretend illumination which Scripture calls "darkness" (Luke 11:34).
     The Illuminati are of the Devil, not from God. It is not divine illumination but the cunning of the Serpent. True light is corrupted by deception. Although the Illuminati claim to be the source of truth, they propagate a lie. The Illuminati is of the Devil because he seeks a New World Order with his emissary - the Antichrist - on the throne, claiming to be God. The Illuminati are falsely enlightened elite who have another god in God's face. They even claim Jesus as an Illuminated One. Their Jesus is a false Christ which we call THE Antichrist! (The writers of the documentary presented the Illuminati as in league with Judeo-Christians and Jesus. They are Satan's fools themselves!)
     The New World Order is the initiative of the Illuminated. They want what's in earth as it is in heaven. They desire to have a Utopia here, not in the plan of Paradise with God reigning, but with them in charge. Unbeknownst to them, they are Satan's pawns. It is him who would be in charge. Satan's desire is to be king in God's place, ruling over heaven and the earth:
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. (Isa 14:12-14).
     God reigns Supreme in the Kingdom of God. Satan (Lucifer) wants that for himself. He wants to create a New World Order with him King, sitting on the throne. It may be that Lucifer has his unholy trinity just as God Is Triune in substance. What I mean by that is it appears that Satan, the Antichrist, and the Beast are the three "substances" of Lucifer, and that he is one with three identities.
      Why would Lucifer have such a lofty unattainable goal? Because, God wants to create a New Heavenly Order - "in earth as it is in Heaven." God is in charge in the City of God. To impose his own will in opposition to God's will, Lucifer must endeavor to create a New World Order. The Book of Revelation speaks of the New World Order with the Antichrist proclaiming himself as king and god. That is the goal of the Illuminati, and why Christians fear the Great Tribulation so immensely! Our boogieman should be and is the Illuminati. (Our darkest enemy may be those of the ilk of the writers of that movie.)
     They are not a conspiracy of elite people. They are dupes doing the will of Satan, knowing not what they do. The folks who wrote the documentary mentioned above actually believe that Jesus was part of the dark Illuminati! Satan depends on fools to implement his rule! The Illuminati are Lucifer's useful idiots! 

Tomorrow I will continue with the dark version of illumination - the Illuminati.

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