Thursday, February 7, 2019

Contract Killing

     A hired killer usually has one motive - money. The desire for money is for his own satisfaction. The contractor has the more important motive - hatred. We think of hatred as despising another human being, but hatred has a  much wider meaning than that. The entire Ten Commandments are motives: The first type of hatred is denigration of God by: (1) Making Him insignificant, (2) mocking Him with images of false gods, (3) taking God's Purpose for granted, and (4) desecrating His Holy Day. The second type of hatred is for others, and are (5) dishonoring parents, (6) killing, (7) selfishly satisfying yourself rather than your mate, (8) stealing, (9) lying about others, and (1) lusting after what they have, or jealousy.
     Scripture identifies all ten of those precepts as how to hate. They can be summarized by the two types: (1) Ways of hating God, and (2) ways of hating others. The Greatest Hatred is of God, and the hatred like unto it, is hating others.
     Note that the contract killer has but one motive - coveting what others have to satisfy himself. His "hatred" is because someone else has money that he wants enough to kill for it. Of course, inside, going unnoticed is that the contract killer hates God by ignoring His authority. "Avarice is the root of all evil." (1 Tim 6:10 paraphrased). I used "avarice" because it isn't money people love, but what can be purchased with it, the influence it brings, or even prestige. As my friend said, "I just like luxurious things."
     On the other hand, the contractors have a deeper hatred. They want another person(s) killed because he or they stand in their way in the retention or pursuit of things. That could be anything, but history has shown that the world kills other people to keep their myth - beliefs, traditions, and false notions. I have come to the conclusion, for instance, with all the discussion and name-calling, no on ever seems to change their myth.  Logic, reason, and truth have no utility in validating their myth.
    For instance, one man told me that he hated Jews. When I asked him why, he replied, "Because my father did." He lived a myth. I tried to persuade him that Jews are worthy of love. He never responded, only desiring to retain his myth that Jews deserve to be hated.
    At one time, I believed that pro-choice people were accomplices to murder because they didn't do the procedure but only encouraged it. Pro-choice is not a political ideology but a moral precept or one of the standards of behavior according to their own belief system. Many "Christians" accept the idea of abortion. As Christians, they should be able to support their moral stance with Holy Scripture. That cannot be done; they must ignore God's will, which was written on stone: "Thou shalt not kill" (Exod 20:13).
     Why would anyone desire to kill their own offspring? As I wrote above, it's  because they stand in their way in the retention or pursuit of things. The unborn child presently is a little inconvenient, but with delivery, is perceived to be a great inconvenience. God's decree does not have exceptions, such as, it's okay to kill if it would cause inconvenience. 
     The proponents of abortion usually want to abort because they perceive that a baby would somehow stand in the way of their own life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. The mothers who abort their offspring are covetous of what they could have, but will not have if the babies are brought to term. Somehow the Serpent has deceived them, and their enablers; the baby is nor really a person, and thus cannot die, or even God will forgive that transgression.
     The former is from the forked tongue of the Serpent, and the latter is a partial truth. God will forgive that sin, but sinning with that idea already in mind is disrespecting God's will. Jesus didn't die to allow us to sin, but to defeat sin. Death is the penalty for sin, and sin cannot be rewarded. The mother, like Eve before her, will somehow suffer the consequences of sin, even if God redeems her.
     Much of the time, mothers-to-be are merely deceived. Just as Jesus said on the cross, "They know not what they do," and can be forgiven. (Luke 23:34). This commentary is more than about abortion, however; it's about who is responsible for the death of Jesus! 
Then saith Pilate unto him, Speakest thou not unto me? knowest thou not that I have power to crucify thee, and have power to release thee? Jesus answered, Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above: therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin. And from thenceforth Pilate sought to release him: but the Jews cried out, saying, If thou let this man go, thou art not Caesar's friend: whosoever maketh himself a king speaketh against Caesar. (John 19:10-12)
     Pilate is the "contract killer" of whom I wrote before. He killed Jesus because of avarice. He desired to maintain his consulate, but feared if there was a Jewish uprising, he would lose his lofty position. We find that Pilate didn't hate Jesus. He tried to protect Jesus to no avail because the mob demanded it. He perceived that he had nothing to gain: "So when Pilate saw that he was gaining nothing, but rather that a riot was beginning, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying, "I am innocent of this man’s blood; see to it yourselves."
     Pilate was a contract killer without an obvious motive! He sinned by murder, but hatred was not in his heart. Secular writings relate that he may have even admired Jesus, and thought him a good man. Pilate's motive was avarice - the love of good things. At that moment, Jesus was just a little inconvenient to his aspirations.(Note: Another view is that Pilate became a disciple of Jesus.)
      (Ironically, Pilate lost his consulate. There are consequences of sin.)  Within six years of Jesus's death, either Caligula had Pilate put to death or he committed suicide. My guess is that he sold Jesus out just as Judas had before him, and he ended his own life rather than face the guilt. Jesus was just a little inconvenient to Pilate.
     On the other hand, Jesus was a great inconvenience to the mob! He had been an inconvenience to Herod when he was born. Jesus was a threat to Herod's tradition - the Hasmonean Dynasty of which he was king. A new King would stand in Herod's way, so he sought to kill him with the slaughter of the innocents. Herod was a radical post-birth abortionist even before New Yorkers were even a gleam in their grandparents' eyes!
     Likewise, Jesus was an inconvenience to the Jewish myth. They believed erroneously that eternal life was obtainable by works. Jesus came to expose their error (salvation was always by grace.) They were threatened; the chief priest was even threatened with the loss of his stature because Jesus was the High Priest on the order of Melchizedek. (The priest and king of Salem is thought to be God who manifested Himself, or as He would someday be called - Jesus.)
     Jesus told Pilate that his deliverers had a greater sin than he. (That dispels the myth that there are not degrees of sin.) It turns out that since Jesus died for all mankind, everyone - Jew and Gentile - had greater sins than Pilate. The Jews did kill Jesus; they were the mob, but they killed him for the Gentiles as well. We all our Jesus's murderers, and deserve death!
     Likewise, any and all who propagate abortion have greater sins than the mother or even the doctor who performs the abortion. The former is doing it for convenience and the latter for avarice. On the other hand, those who propagate abortion have a higher motive - sexual freedom (Commandment No. 7.) Their sin is as David's - murder for the pursuit of sexual freedom. That is a grievous sin, and David lamented about it in Psalm 51.
     I believe that the legislators and judges who propagate and justify abortion are those having the greater sin than either the woman or the doctor. They are symbolic Jews.  I believe the voters are the "Gentiles" who don't believe they are the ones killing Jesus. It turns out that the Gentiles were as guilty as the Jews, and I believe the voters as guilty as the legislators and judges who propagate abortion. They may not know that they are, but that does not suppress their guiltiness.
     The myth that Jews killed Jesus must be dispelled. I wasn't even there, but I killed Jesus! Likewise, the voters who put abortionist in office to plan the offense, are as guilty as the contract killers of the innocents. They do it, not out of convenience, but for power. Their myth is that the unborn are sub-human parasites. Where have we heard that before? Just ask a Jew!
    This was lengthy, but it was to make a point: voters are as guilty as the abortion doctor or the mother, and share the guilt with judges and legislators who they promote.


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