Monday, February 11, 2019


     Psychologists do much good in treating people who are mentally and emotionally "sick." They also do many good things working with special needs children. On the other hand, much of their philosophy is contrary to Holy Scripture. Psychology is another religion. Please don't stop reading; I shall explain.
     My graduate studies were in psychology. I completed the requirements except for the internship. When I was told that I would be required to counsel homosexuals to feel good about their behavior, I transferred to the department of education. I could not teach that abnormal behavior was normal and genetic; that conflicted with both behaviorism and scripture. Homosexuality had even been moved from the list of abnormal "diseases" to acceptable behavior, and normal thinking to the category of abnormal behavior, or homophobia. When the American Psychiatric Association (APA) changed their diagnosis under pressure from the mob, it was the very "newspeak" of which the Orwellian book 1984 referred! Since that time, newspeak twists truth to suit the mob, as do the silent influences behind the mob as prophesied: "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! (Isa 5:20).
     The "political correctness" movement is largely from psychobabble; that is the language of psychology, and what their "preachers" preach.
     Before the reader will accept psychology as a religion, their eyes must be opened. I saw that in my graduate studies and remarked to my psychology professor, "Psychology seems to be just another religion." She confirmed my enlightenment when she replied, "Are you just now figuring that out?" "Psychology" is the study of the soul, which they call the psyche. The contents of the psyche is turmoil controlled by the conscience. The governing moral regulation is one's own standards. People must feel good with who they are! Ironically, their first step is to make the client a victim.
     I've been discussing psychology with a friend who seems to be enthralled with the idea that she hates herself. She has made herself a victim of life. Indeed, everything she writes is about herself. Those who are self-absorbed are narcissistic; life is all about them, and they make themselves out to be the gods while feeling sorry for their incapacity to be gods. I believe those who wrestle with things in their own mind have "cognitive dissonance." That is similar to the Orwellian notion of "doublethink" - holding conflicting ideas as true at the same time. "A double minded man is unstable in all his ways." (Jas 1:8). Such thinking will make people "sick" emotionally and spiritually.
     That nice, well-intentioned lady is in turmoil; she is a Christian, I believe, who is deceived. She is Eve!  As Eve failed to understand her conscience and death, this lady fails to understand truth and who is controlling her thoughts. The professor also said, "Our job is not only to teach but to remold." Remolding the psyche (soul) is instilling new standards.; it is replacing, in the case of Christians, God's will with their own wills. Psychology is in reality Theosophy whose tenet is "Do what thou wilt," and be guilt-free from doing what the individual believes to be right. Doing one's will is humanism. Humanism, and thus Psychology, is the religion of the world camouflaged as science. The very word "psychology" is truthful but its meaning concealed. That is the technique of psychobabble.
    Why psychobabble? It is the use of jargon to purvey psychological theories. There's that word "theory" again. Those are hunches people accept without sufficient evidence. My own honest textbook said that, there is no evidence that anyone was ever improved by psychological counseling. Improvement, like beauty, in their mythology is when people feel comfortable with their abnormal behavior and thinking. Abnormal people develop their own standards, live by them although they are dynamic, and feel comfortable being the way they are.
     The reason that I abandoned psychology is that it conflicted with the moral code God set down for mankind - the Law of God which is a set of moral precepts that God wills for mankind to do. In psychology the person develops their own moral precepts, doing what they wilt. That code is the "law of sin" and the precepts of Satan. In fact, Satanists label their morality as doing what thou wilt.
     Keep in mind that the law of sin is not black and white. They have fifty times fifty shades of gray. That is the M.O. of Satan; he presents falsehoods through the cunning use of truth (Gen 3:1). Foolishness is believing the psychobabble of the Serpent. He makes things sound good when they are not! The Serpent seemed to be right when he said, "You shall not surely die" (Gen 3:4). Have you examined that confusing statement? He said it as fact. What did he mean by "surely die?" He confused Eve with ambiguous language; she had no idea what death even was, and the Serpent told her not to worry about it!  That's the method of psychology. Ambiguity is their process to deceive.
     They disguise the fact that their philosophy deals with the soul by concealing "soul" with a substitution from the dead language Latin. What patient truly understands that their psychoanalyst is looking at their soul and planting bad seeds within? That's how Satan deceives. Sure, people feel better when they have no regrets for their lifestyles, but are they truly better off?
     Much of psychology comes from two sources: (1) philosophy which Paul condemned, and (2) eastern religions. Yoga is recommended by many psychologists. They encourage stressed people to perform traditional Hindu worship to make their life easier. "Yoga" means "union" and Christians fail to ask a pertinent question: "Union with whom?" It is union between the self and Brahma. They don't care about having other gods besides God; they do what they wilt despite wat God wills. The same is true of self-love. They teach self-esteem, and God's will is Christ-esteem.
     Even Christians get angry when psychology is tested by scripture. They know that it fails the test, and that finding will invalidate their false belief that psychology helps.
     I had a chemistry teacher who convinced me that "good" things are not always healthy things. He brought me a ten-pond box of my favorite chocolates; and provoked me into eating until I was sick. He made a point; some things are good but their goodness disguises badness. Psychology operates in the same fashion. It's not Christianity which is the Marxist "opiate of the people" but the religion of psychology.
     Why babble? That's so people don't understand. When they say "transference" for instance, many of the ill-trained people merely think, That sounds impressive! It does because it is psychobabble. Righteous people at one time had one understandable language, and at Babel it was confounded. The philosophers of psychology still speak their own spiritual language which is meant to confound.
     This commentary condenses to, Who do you believe, the philosophers or God?

Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. (Col 2:8).
     Never in my life have I seen so many confused people; those who listen to the vain philosophy of men. It seems that psychologists swell with pride as they diagnose spiritually sick people as merely out of balance with their own thinking. They teach that they can balance internal "forces" which they fail to mention is accepting the law of sin as supreme to the Law of God.  Being in union is psychological and spiritual; stretching for Brahma is taking a mocking knee to Jesus (Mat 27:29).
     I changed my field of learning because I tested psychological theory with biblical truth, and found it lacking. They know not their god but believe it to be themselves. Paul proclaimed to the early "psychologists" the known God. (Acts 17:23), and that He is Jesus. The question still remained? Were they persuaded? We don't know. Will you be persuaded by this commentary? Probably not because the truth is frightening; to find out that you trust wrong ideas is certainly out of your comfort zone. That "zone" is the wide path most taken.


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