Saturday, March 23, 2019

A Religion Without A God

     Historically, before the 12th century, the word "god" referred only to the divine presence; "The Being perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshipped as creator and ruler of the universe" (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). The word is capitalized out of respect, but "God" is not His name. God is the eternal and everlasting Existence, without name, because there is only one God. He need not be identified from others because there are no others.
     All religions must have a god to be a religion as "religion" is the worship of god(s). Judeo-Christianity is the worship of one particular God who made certain claims for Himself; that He created the heaven and Earth (Gen 1:1), and all life on Earth. (Gen 1-2). That is God's claim to fame and why people believe that He is God. In other words, the evidence that there is a god is the Creation. It is so self-evident because of the complexity, order, and harmony of the universe; that it must have been intelligently designed. Thus, a "god" of some type is the Supreme Mind that planned the universe and the life within it. 
     Mind is not enough to create. There must be power to generate anything. Mind is one attribute of any god, and Power is another. Processes occur for reasons. In thermodynamics, there is a law of conservation of energy. Thermodynamic processes occur to balance thermal energy. Those processes have at least one purpose. What purpose did the origin of physical existence have? One need only to look at what is the most important aspect of existence. It is to support life. For instance, space exploration is the quest for other living creatures. A god's purpose for creating things was for the benefit of living things. An origin without a purpose is irrational.
     This is written as if there are other gods. All religions have different gods. Ultimately, all religions believe the universe and life was created; they merely differ on who did the creating. Jews and Christians believe one particular God (now using the capital G) created. From the definition, there is only one God and one Ruler of the universe. That makes Judeo-Christianity a monotheistic religion (one God). If truly a "god," then only one God is necessary. Polytheism is oxymoronic, and defies the definition. According to the definition for God, there is only one Being who is God.
     There is only one God without a name. He refers to Himself as "Being." (I AM THAT I AM; Exod 3:14). For the convenience of His worshippers, the Hebrew letters transliteration into English are either (your choice) YHWH or YHVH, from which Yahweh and Jehovah are derived. Those are not God's name, but who God IS. God is called by several names, but only by one of them can anyone be saved. God in the Flesh is called Jesus (Mat 1:25) and his anointed title was called Christ (Mat 1:16). 
     How can the one true God be recognized? By His Flesh. No others who claim godhood put on flesh; either they were always flesh or they were always invisible. Because God dealt with humankind in person, He is a personal God as well as Creator. He was so personal that he had empathy for people who wrong Him. So much "love" that His Flesh - Jesus - died to redeem them, Yahweh is the only God who sacrificed Himself for mankind's wrongs. 
     It is important that worshippers understand that Jesus is God. He said "I AM" forty-eight times and claimed to be God. The apostle John said that everything was created by Jesus's hand (John 1:1-2) and gave the time - in the beginning. Without a Creator there is no God and no Jesus! Without a Creator there certainly is no Hell to be saved from, and no Heaven as a haven of safety. In other words, Christianity falls without a Creator. With that said, your loved ones are at best annihilated and you have no hope. Neither will other religions suffice because their gods claim to be creators as well.
     Did the universe merely originate on its own without a plan, no provider of power, and without a reason; or was it created by Someone with the Plan, the Power, and the Reason? Atheism is the first course, and theism the second. There is no middle position; either there is a God or there is not.
     Christians always believed in the Creation until The Enlightenment. That was the era was when the philosophy of men became paramount to the Doctrine of God. Satan's M.O. is to use much truth to present falsehoods. That is the process of deception. Because the world is round, the earth is heliocentric, and there is gravity; does not dismiss the reality of God. He already knew all that before the enlightenment because He created them. The only method by which God could be killed was to gather evidence, legitimate or not, to kill the idea of God. Evolution is the smoking gun, although Darwin never proved anything, but made observations about life. Evolution of the universe evolved from evolutionary adaptation of the different species. Not natural hybridization but adaptation
     Evolution from one species to another is fantasy with no actual evidence for it. If "evidence" is found, oftentimes, it is men who created the evidence. It's much like the dossier which was created to make the president traitorous. People do things like that for various reasons. Scripture hits that dead on; to make a name for themselves (Gen 11:4). Some had legitimate prestige, and others want it as well. If they can't discover new laws of natures, they manufacture them. Who are the ignorant masses who can dispute their cunningness? Few people even attempt to and those who do are ridiculed and ostracized. To them, it is ridiculous to believe in divine intelligence, particularly one, but not so ridiculous that chance originated the universe - something from nothing with not even a mind behind it all. Even Satanists believe in God and the Creation, so some Christians are further gone than they are!
     Many Christians accept evolution by faith. There is no defining evidence - no proof - but even Christians accept evolution by having faith in science. They have the "unknown god" of which Paul spoke. He is the magical, alchemist god who makes something from nothing. He is an aggregate god - polytheism - and "its" name is "Science.: He is a handsome bastard child of the Serpent, but as cunning as his father the Devil. Christians who believe in evolution have abandoned God who emancipated them, and returned to their father the Devil. They are Christians without a real God but have given Satan what he wants - he is their god.

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