Sunday, March 17, 2019

The Age of Treason

    A zealot is, "a person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or other ideals" (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). Most think of compromise as beneficial and positive. The most uncompromising person in the Bible was Jesus Christ. Not one time did he ever compromise his doctrine for the world's. Second to Jesus was Saul - later renamed Paul,. Saul was legalistic and pursued Christians fanatically because Jesus claimed that he is God. Jesus wanted such a fanatical and uncompromising person to spread the gospel - the uncompromised gospel. Thus, zealot Saul against Christ was transformed into zealot Paul for Christ!
     Since the time of Paul, with few exceptions, the Holy Scriptures have been compromised. Catholicism, at the same time, was the offender and defender of the faith. They did quite well with Gnosticism and other heresies, and the Nicene Creed is certainly the Apostles Creed, then something went wrong; the Word of God was compromised until this day it is hardly recognizable. Likewise, the reformers straightened the crooked stick with Luther's Ninety-five Theses, then added the heresy of Calvinism. (I mean no offense to either Catholics or the Reformers, but that's just how it is!) It would be a tough thing to do to write about zealotry for truth, then compromise with doctrines not supported by scripture.   
     Twisting the Word is commonplace in modern times. Our antecedents actually did a fair job of keeping the faith. Since the advent of the Age of Reason, the deceived people of the enlightenment have believed that biblical truth was impossible. God's Law was replaced by the laws of science; as always, mostly truthful, but tempered with deception. Christians bought into the deception because it made sense. Miracles are irrational to be truthful, but that's why they are miracles!
    Thomas Paine wrote the pamphlets, The Age of Reason, between 1790 and 1800 which helped drive both the American and French Revolutions. Not only did he motivate political revolutions but a religious one as well. America mostly escaped the latter, but the French people had both a political and religious revolution. With compromise on religion, heads fell to the guillotine. Christians had been the main proponents respecting life. With Jesus seemingly killed again, France could behead its citizens with impunity. Not only did the church compromise its principles but abandoned them entirely. France traded their souls, in a Faustian manner, for their socialistic "republic", and ever since their church institution has declined with the rise of socialism.
     Everyday people trade-off their Christian beliefs for secular promises. Socialism is again in vogue in the United States. A young fanatic, Alexandra Ortega-Cortez, is the modern-era Hitler - just as zealous and uncompromising as Herr Hitler. The latter was such zealot for socialism that he nearly destroyed the world for Socialism and Theosophy. 
     Hitler meant to throw off the ideological and Christian yokes for the good of the German people. Fräulein Ortega-Cortez, a virtual unknown, just as her instigator, has shed first blood in the modern-era American Revolution. America will never be the same. I predict that it can end only in bloodshed!
     Alexandra is a zealot. All the socialists are zealots. Bernie Sanders has been a zealot all of his life. Socialists with their uncompromising attitudes are determined to overthrow the legitimate election of Donald Trump. Trump won't abdicate by resigning, they can't have him assassinated because that is more "uncivilized" than abortion, so they seek to impeach him, and if that doesn't work to minimize the president. They were even willing to deny him the presidency by declaring him mentally unfit by invoking the Twenty-fifth Amendment. The government of the United States is on the verge of collapse aided by corrupt bureaucracies and zealot socialist judges. The three branches of government, finally, after all these years are out-of-balance. 
      In Nazi Gemany, it was reported that Christians heard the crying of Jews in the train cars as they passed by churches. What did they do? They sang a little louder (Penny Lea; "Sing A Little Louder"):

I lived in Germany during the Nazi holocaust. I  considered my-self a Christian.  I attended Church since I was a small boy.  We had heard the stories of what was happening to the Jews, but like most people today in this country, we tried to distance ourselves from the reality of what was really taking place.  What could anyone do to stop it?
"A railroad track ran behind our small church, and each Sunday morning we would hear the whistle from the distance and then the clacking of the wheels moving over the track.  We became disturbed when one Sunday we noticed cries coming from the train as it passed by. We grimly realized that the train was carry-ing Jews.  They were like cattle in those cars!
"Week after week that train whistle would blow. We would dread to hear the sound of those old wheels because we knew that the Jews would begin to cry to us as they passed our church. It was so terribly disturbing!  We could do nothing to help these poor miserable people, yet their screams tormented us. We knew exactly at what time that whistle would blow, and we decided the only way to keep from being so disturbed by the cries was to start singing our hymns.  By the time the train came rumbling past the church yard, we were singing at the top of our voices.  If some of the screams reached our ears, we'd just sing a little louder until we could hear them no more. Years passed and no one talks about it much anymore, but I still hear that train whistle in my sleep.  I can still hear them crying out for help.  G-d forgive all of us who called ourselves Christians, yet did nothing to intervene."
     The German Christians compromised their religion, had a Nazi in the leadership of the church, and allowed Jews to die because they were not zealots for Christ. The Nazis were! Political ideologues are always zealots. Hitler was determined to complete the "Final Solution" of the Jews, and Christianity as collateral damage. Just as the French before him, the socialist Hitler through Heinrich Himmler, endeavored to kill God as well. Christianity is always diminished by socialism! That's just a fact because their Mein Kampf is the Communist/Socialist Manifesto. In the Marxist creed, God must die!
     Europe is already standing back from the Cross as Jesus's tears drip to the soiled ground. The Middle East fell to the Islamic brand of socialism over 1500 years ago. They even dirtied the ground on which Jews and Christians worshiped forever. In socialism, the enemy of your enemy is your friend. The West and Judeo-Christianity are the enemies of socialism and Islam. The alliance between Islam and Socialism seeks to destroy America. That was the same situation as when the Muslims supported the Nazi brand of socialism!
     Socialism always has a "final solution." Everyone but nth generation Aryans were exempt in Germany but even they became an endangered species if they disagreed with the Reich. German socialists picked on Jews and Christians, but their enemy was anyone who stood in the way of a thousand-year reign. They wanted to be as gods, and were zealots for godhood. Other than Winston Churchill, there were few zealots in the world to stand in their way! Neville Chamberlain - Naïve Neville - nearly compromised the British into extinction.
     Churchill took an uncompromising position; there was to be no mercy and no settlement with the evil socialist regime. At all costs, Germany had to be mercilessly defeated. If not for Churchill, we would all be Nazis today! World War II was won because it took zealotry to defeat zealots. Churchill converted the world to zealotry. That has all but died-out now.
      We can hear the silent scream of dying babies and the political train takes them to their graves. We cannot hear the voice of reason as socialist zealots scream their propaganda through the megaphones of the media. "Truth" is no longer truth; it is what the socialists say. Disagree with their dogma and the haters will knock at your door. But I am not a conservative but a moderate, you scream with pride. They are coming to take you away regardless. Russian socialism had their Bolsheviks (zealot majority) and Mensheviks (moderate minority). Bolsheviks did not compromise. Most now have never even heard of the moderate branch. Moderation is the enemy of zealots and although they think alike, the weaker must be eliminated.
    The French also had their Jacobians on the left and Girondins on the right with moderates sitting in the middle of the National Assembly. The Girondins were the first to suffer the guillotine, followed shortly by the moderates. It wasn't long before even the radical Jacobians were guillotined in the power struggle. Take my word for it from history, the progressive left of the Democrat Party will vicariously behead the moderate's wing of the party as the world just sings a little louder. The Democrat right was long ago beheaded from the party and Pelosi and Schumer are scheduled for the political guillotine!
    What won't work? Singing a little louder! They won't go away as the German Christians found out unless zealot Christians have a D-Day of their own. We must quit compromising with the world or we will be destroyed. Christians will again be beheaded for Jesus's name (Rev 20:4). Socialists everywhere have the guillotines ready; they only await the crisis to enable that. Perhaps America will have their own Reichstag fire. Perhaps the capitol will burn and the socialists will blame it on the Christians. Perhaps their Nero will burn Washington and blame it on the Christians. Are you understanding the tactics of totalitarianism? You better learn them. Visit your local history library and the Bible; then you may understand how the unseen war is waged.
We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. (Ephes 6;12).

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