Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Sharia Law

     I wrote recently that Islam is the religion of the Antichrist who Muslims call Isa - their "Jesus." Someday Isa will come with a vengeance. Obviously, us Christian "infidels" will be the object of his vengeance. In phase two of the Great Tribulation period, Christians who will not take the mark of the  beast will be beheaded (Rev 20:4). Some Muslims have written that the Quran represents "666." I believe them! The government in those days will be autocratic with the Antichrist at its head. He will declare himself God, and the global world religion will become law. That fits Isa, the world-wide caliphate which Islam will form, the Islamic world religion, and Sharia Law.
     Our nation is governed by the Constitution, or at least by charter. Sharia Law will someday be allowed, commencing with religious disputes. Muslims will be allowed to judge and discipline their own people. That sounds fair, but Sharia Law allows capital punishment for even the slightest religious transgressions. For instance, if a Muslim denies Allah or Mohammad, their death can be justified. Likewise for adultery on the part of the woman.
     Many countries have allowed Sharia Law to be partially introduced - even England. Muslims are not special; why should they have special laws? Well, the answer is that their long-range goal is to have world-wide Sharia Law, not only for them, but especially for "people of the book" - Jews and Christians.
     Sharia law is frightening. It is unjust and barbaric. The Mullahs have no mercy when Allah or Mohammad are offended. Because of that, Christians and Jews are the most vulnerable to their sense of justice. In this age, Muslims are one of the few groups who practice beheading, and several Americans have died for their faith and country in recent years. If anyone does not have Islamaphobia, they better get it as quickly as possible for their own well-being.
     I have heard politicians and even preachers say, "Islam is a peaceful religion." That statement shows stupidity and naivete. Their history is intimidation, coercion, war, pirating, and murder. For a few years they were somewhat peaceful, but since WWII they have returned to their old time religion. Mohammad was merciless as was his nephew Ali. Studies have shown that most Muslims in the world want Sharia Law. It's as high as 80% in some Asian countries. That should be frightening since they have announced their intention to have a world wide caliphate (global Islamic government).
     The terrorists are not as frightening as those who infiltrate our nation to introduce Sharia and Islam into our culture. Like the communists who vow to overthrow us from within, that's why immigration from the Middle East is so high. We can see the early stages of their process with the recent election of several Muslims. If that does not frighten you, Halloween's Jason is just a prankster!
     Ironically, Muslims use socialists to advance their cause, and socialists use Muslims for theirs. If patriots don't end socialism, Islam will. When liberals are no longer useful, those fools will be shot or beheaded. Muslims have an even stronger motivation to win the world than socialists; the former wants the world for Allah, and the latter for themselves. Allah is much more brutal than even communists. Scripture shows that they will win the world for awhile.
     In the first three and one-half years of the tribulation, Islam will seem docile and peaceful -  just like the socialism. In the second semester of the tribulation, Isa will wield his vengeance. Marx will shudder in his grave when he realizes Mohammad stole his thunder and brutality! Muslims will keep their guns and swords. Liberals will give theirs up for the sake of peace. America will be easy pickings as weak-kneed liberals fight zealot Muslims who have guns and swords. The only chance this nation will have is the gun-loving Bible-thumping Christians who will have to have their guns pried from their cold dead hands!
     On the other hand, although that is destiny, it can be delayed. Christians must begin to care about their Christian faith. We must care about the faith of our children. We must keep the socialists out of our schools and Muslims out of our government. I'm no Jeremiah, but I know the methods of evil men. I have read scripture and believe it can and will happen.

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