Tuesday, March 5, 2019

The Lie of Progressivism

     The world has blurred the distinction between Nazism and Communism. Colleges teach that they are at opposite ends of the political spectrum; to wit: Nazism right wing and Communism left wing. Ignore "wings" for the moment; they were developed in the French Revolution but both right and left wings were left wing; one side was merely more left than the other. The distinction should be regressive/progressive. Ironically, "right wing" Nazism was the "progressive" party. Are you surprised? Read Marx's words yourself:
The lower middle class, the small manufacturer, the shopkeeper, the artisan, the peasant, all these fight against the bourgeoisie, to save from extinction their existence as fractions of the middle class. They are therefore not revolutionary, but conservative. Nay more, they are reactionary, for they try to roll back the wheel of history. (Marx, Karl and Engles, Frederick; Manifesto of the Communist Party; 1848; Chapter I).
     The list of people are proletarians - the working class of people. They are those from whom the communists evolved. Modern-day "progressives" claim to support the middle class; not so, they are the representatives of what was at one time, the lower classes. Why the difference? Capitalism in the West made the lower class virtually disappear, so progressives merely took on a new class. In Marx's time, people who live comfortably would be "petty bourgeoisie." Essentially, the latter are those not involved with hands-on work, but live off those who do.
     The proletariat class still exists but capitalism has made them prosperous. In fact, capitalism has elevated all the classes, and with the exception of a few, they are indistinguishable . On the other hand, pure socialism has diminished all the classes except the leadership who have grown rich at the expense of the lower and middle classes. The very notion of socialism is based on coveting what others have, or to be crass - jealousy.
     That is not progressive, as is written in the manifesto of Marx. Marxists are not progressive but reactionary conservatives. They are regressive! Leftists accuse the Nazis of being just that! Reactionary conservatives are far right wing, well beyond the right wing of the French Revolution whose trademarks were hierarchical, traditional, and clerical interests. They were not reactionary conservatives but traditional leftists.
     First off, Marx implied that the Communist Manifesto could as well have been the Socialist Manifesto: "Yet, when it was written, we could not have called it a socialist manifesto. By Socialists, in 1847, were understood, on the one hand the adherents of the various Utopian systems" (ibid; "Preface to The 1888 English Edition"). Of course, according to Marx, before 1847 socialists were proponents of the middle class but thereafter of the lower class. What is the distinction between socialism and communism? The tactics they use for revolution. Socialists use political change and communists use force. In this century, oftentimes "progressives" turn to mob violence. That, my friends, is communism!
     Which is more of a present danger? Socialism by far! If the left-wing turns violent, the masses will reject their ideology. Socialists know that. They are conducting mostly a non-violent revolution to the extent that they know they can give up their weapons and win the war without firing a shot. On the other hand, if they must, as Janet Reno demonstrated, they indeed will turn their guns on American citizens! That is a totalitarian tactic used by socialism in all communistic revolutions.
     What makes socialism regressive though? They are against progress. Progress is ambiguous but can be recognized; it is booming cities, humongous factories, automation, machinery of all types, growing business and basically capitalism in action. According to the Manifesto, socialism opposes all those things.
     Progress, for them, contaminates the environment; that's why so-called "progressives" are environmentalists. That is not to protect "mother earth" but father Marx. Socialism depends on pollution to advance their cause. Why do you think that Alexandria Orcasio-Cortez (AOC) proposed the Green New Deal? "Green" is the uniting issue in socialism. The original New Deal in Roosevelt's time was the introduction of socialism into our capitalistic country. AOC proposed an environmental form of the New Deal to make socialism less reprehensible.
    At one time, communism operated in secret. The very word "communist" instilled fear into civil people. Communism has failed so often that both Nazi and Soviet Communism passed themselves off as non-violent socialists; to wit: National Socialism and Soviet Socialism. Both eventually showed their true colors; both were racist communism. Both used division to advance their brands of socialism. The Russian Bolsheviks were led by Jews until Jews were no longer needed. They were murdered en masse. Likewise, the German socialists used homosexuals until their services were no longer required. On Kristallnacht they were murdered in their beds.
     History shows that the Democrat Party in the United States are users. The black race is being used right now to advance the cause of socialism. They are the proletariats whose numbers they use to gain power. Power is what socialists seek; nothing more. Why do they desire unfettered immigration? It is not for the Latin-American proletariat, but for their own power. Naïve people really think that monstrous Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Shumer care about the lower classes! They are the upper crust of the bourgeoise; why would they care? They both have become capitalistic millionaires off the "stupidity of the American voter," as Obamacare author Jonathan Gruber indicated. The same thing applies to homosexuals; they are being used for political purposes.
     Socialism is not truly opposed to capitalism. What they are most opposed to is the clerical. By that I mean the Judeo-Christian faith. Marx referred to religion in dismissive terms: "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people" (Marx, Karl; A Contribution to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right; 1843). Socialism is an escape from divine authority; "In those days there was no king in Israel, but every man did that which was right in his own eyes.." (Jud 17:6). That is the allure of socialism.
     Why is feminism and abortion so sacrosanct to socialists? Because they can do what is right in their own eyes, and don't want God interfering with their authority. Christians are the enemy of socialists, but many duped Christians are deceived by the cunning of the Marxist "serpents."
     They don't want kings or presidents, but freedom to do what they want without regard to God's will. Unfortunately, Christians stand in their way, thus Christians are collateral damage in their civil revolution. By "civil" I mean that rather than guns and Molotov cocktails, they use intimidation. "Political correctness" is a weapon of intimidation. In the book 1984, socialist George Orwell made that clear, and in 2019, American society is Orwellian. Think not? Try saying truthful things in public and see how quickly you are censored.
     The other day, journalists on nearly all the networks referred to a false accusation against the president as a "bomb-shell." Today, the rehearsed response to an accusation is called a narrative. In socialist Germany, it was propaganda. Both are means of deceiving the masses; thus, the dependence on the "stupidity of the American voter."
     The name "progressive" was adopted because it was forward-looking and had positive connotations. Nazism was more progressive than American progressivism. They would have America turned to feudalism as long as they are the lords of the manor. Vladimir Putin, a product of socialism, is the modern-day tyrant Peter the Great who kept power by enslaving the people. Socialism is a reversion to feudalism, and proletariats are the losers - the modern day serfs.
     Socialists would have America destroyed to gain power. We see that demonstrated everyday! They hope the president fails, even with the economy, because the destruction of the American Dream is a pre-requisite for their own dream.
     The notion of the wall of separation between church and state is a socialist tactic. Why so? It is a one-way wall! Christians can't step on the other side,  but the government can and does. The Democrat Jefferson used the stupidity of the American people so that they thought their religious freedom was protected. Not so! Socialist use that imaginary wall to keep Christians confined to their own commune.
     Everyone accuses the other of being Nazis. They are no  longer ashamed of being communists, and are actually proud of their Marxism. How can the true Nazi Marxists be identified? By who is taking innocent lives! The stupid American voter (their term) have been deceived by Orwellian newspeak; abortion has become "freedom to choose." That's sounds so libertarian, but it is cunning. The learned lesson of Nazism was supposed to be, it must never happen again! Now, rather than the Jews being the "sub-human parasites," unborn human beings are. Nazis are noted for killing innocents. The Democrat Party Platform as well be Mein Kampf.
     Don't blame the people of the Democrat Party; just as the Germans did, they will learn of their error after the socialists are exposed. Just as Jesus said, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34). Democrat progressives (sic) know not what they do. They don't test things to scripture. Adam and Eve closed their eyes to God's Word, and died. Christians who fall for the "progressive" lie assist in the death of America.
     People have been conditioned not to talk politics and religion; that may offend someone. That is another socialist initiative. Christians, just as Jeremiah, should be raving about the foolishness of the American voter. They will bury us, and the dirt will be thrown on Christians just as it is now thrown on Christ. How so? The very word "Jesus" is anathema to the world!
     I normally don't ask people to pass along my commentary. However, there is a revolution in progress, but people fail to realize it. The minimum that can be done is to pass along this message. In this case, our very lives and livelihood depend on it. Guns won't stop progressives, but the sword of the Word will (Ephes 6:17)!

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