Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Deception of Hatred

  This is not political but the nature of men. People hate others without even realizing that they are hating. Deception is the tool of instilling hatred. Most people think they are loving. However, love does not come easily; it is the hardest work that anyone can ever do!

How people perceive love is that it is an emotion. Of course, emotion is a response to a stimulus, but without the stimulus it is difficult to emote a feeling.

  It’s easy to feel emotion for a loved one, but how can emotion be felt for an enemy? Of course, it is in practice that hating enemies is acceptable behavior. Who could not hate a child abuser? They are easy to hate, and consequently are most difficult to love! However, loving people must love those who are easy to hate or they by default join the haters.

  Is it acceptable to hate anyone? Most find it easy to hate Adolph Hitler. What if Hitler has repented of his atrocities as evil Peter the Great of Russia did on his deathbed? Does that make hated people easier to love? If Hitler had publicly repented in his bunker, would the world still hate him? Surely, they would!

  That’s because people think of hatred from an emotional standpoint. It seems okay to hate Hitler-types because of what they have done. That’s because people are rightfully emotional. They feel hatred for the individuals because of their atrocious behavior. Because of bad behaviors, love becomes even harder work.

  From a psychological standpoint “love” is an attraction to something. “Lust,” on the other hand, is a strong desire to have something. Love is the fulfillment of lust. For instance, a man may want to be with a woman so intensely (lust) that he desires perpetual habitation (love). Lust is the stimulus and love is the response. Of course, without emotion, then sex is the only response.

  Who could possibly lust after evil people? Only those attracted to their evil behavior. Secularists accept some amount of evil as normal behavior. It depends on whose metrics for acceptable behavior is used. In the humanistic world of Nazi-era Germany, evil behavior became acceptable because a new norm was established. People there were either so self-absorbed that they were apathetic to the plight of others, or their basic instinct for evil allowed them to accept new standards of morality. Even Henrich Himmler was considered “humane” by some of his peers at that time because he sought ways to “humanely” kill the Jews.

  Himmler’s idea of “humane” was to take the lives of Jews without them knowing they were dying. That was the original sin, if you remember.

  Satan knew that the rebellion in the hearts of Adam and Eve would kill them in the long haul, but he deceived them into thinking that they would not! Eve ate and Adam saw that she still lived, so he ate as well. Mortal death would come later, but spiritual death was spontaneous. They would have spiritually died if it were not for God’s grace, but the consequence of sin was still there. They died at an old age, although before they would never have died. The Serpent killed them “humanely” without them even knowing it!
  It seems that killing humanely is an acceptable norm even today. Millions of babies are “safely aborted.” Himmler would have liked that phrase as he “humanely euthanized” Jews and dissidents. Nazis established new norms; it became acceptable to humanely kill pregnant women, the handicapped, the mentally incapacitated, the Jews, then finally anyone who disagreed with their type of “humane” immorality. The Serpent was there in the Third Reich, and he remains alive to this day. The New World order envisioned by socialists of all creeds, remains extant to this day. Indeed, Hitler’s thousand-year Reich is more than an old dream; it is more alive than ever.
  In Hitlerian Germany, the socialist idea about the people was implemented. Rather than uses the Marxists terms “masses” and “comrades,” National Socialists (Nazis) used the term “Völker” for the German people as a group. Their ploy was concern for the masses. The Third Reich began as a democratic-republic. Americans have been taught that democracies are idealistic. As with anything, it has its good points and it’s bad!
  Cruel autocracies are generated from democracies; that is when power is vested in the majority of the common people to the chagrin of the minority viewpoint. Jews, in the Third Reich, were the minority. The German government, supported by the majority, were cruel to the minority. That’s the way socialism works!
  In Germany, the volks (majority of ordinary people) of the Third Reich set a new standard for morality. Since everyone already hated the Jews it was easy to nationalize and democratize hatred. Western society as well as the Mid-east and Russia hated the Jews, as did many in England.
Ultimately, hatred is the opposite of love. Ultimate love is the desire that none should perish, either here or in eternity (John 3:16). Ultimate hatred is wishing that all humans perish as some environmentalist imply, and nominal hatred is desiring that some should perish from the face of the Earth and even from Heaven. Anger arouses that hatred.
  Anger is derived from the desire to be emancipated from any type of authority or interference. The “ego” is the world belonging to every person. In that small world, each person is king or queen, god or goddess, or even prince and princess. When another “god” infringes on their little personal kingdoms, the wrath of their narcissistic god seeks revenge on the infringing “god.” Other “gods” who have the audacity to challenge your “god’s” ego, makes your ego angry, and the super-ego comes to its protection. The battle of the “gods” ensues and the weapon of mutual destruction is hatred.
  Each person, in their own little worlds, create governments for their little “kingdoms.” The rules protect the “gods” of those individual little kingdoms, and removes the rights of anyone alien to their self-governed worlds.
  That’s why people hate God and others. He and they intrude on many of those personal realms. The kings of those little kingdoms are you all. The rule therein is that it is okay to hate anyone who trespasses against you. That’s why it is so important for the grace to, “Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us” (Mat 6:12).
  People hate God because He trespasses into their self-imposed realm. People hate others because others trespass into their little kingdoms, wherein they anoint themselves kings, queens, gods, goddesses, and masters. Some individuals hate God and all the people of the world.
  There is a saying that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Those who think alike and have common enemies develop superficial “friendships.”
  The masses, volks, citizens of democracies, etc. group together so as to hate together because unity is their strength! They all hate the notion of God then elect other peoples to hate. Because of God, Jews and Christians are hated: “And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake” (Mat 10:22a). Progressive Democrats (democrat-socialists) group together because the enemy of their enemy is their friend. Progressives elected God as Public Enemy #1 and zealots for God are enemy number two.
  Socialists all agree on who the enemies are, although they may hate each other as well. There is no love among haters; they merely tolerate the hatred of each other because the hated is directed to the same recipients! The Church is traditional Judeo-Christians. “Progressive” is movement away from traditional institutions. Socialists want to tear down Israel and Christianity. As such, they conglomerate like a flurry of flies on the feces of hatred on bullying butt-holes. They may hate each other, but they hate tradition even more!
  The rules on that corporate narcissistic empire is one: It’s okay to hate haters because our idea of hatred differs from that on their world. Karl Popper defined that paradox of hatred as follows, but gave it a more reputable name:

The Paradox of Tolerance: “We should… claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant.” (Popper, Karl, The Open Society and Its Enemies, volume 1, The Spell of Plato, 1945 (Routledge, United Kingdom (1 volume 2013 Princeton ed.)

  That is the governing idea of more progressive thought championed by George Soros, the emperor of that Dark Deep State of the millions of haters. They require a way to police their most important decree, and that is:

Policing the Paradox of Tolerance: “We should claim the right to suppress them, if necessary, even by force;” ibid).

  The first method of suppression, is to castigate them. “I hate conservatives, Christians, Jews, and so forth,” is too obvious. A more refined and refrained way is to call them “haters,” “bigots,” “racists,” and so forth. Another is to create a new language that others must speak to separate themselves from traditionists. Even words such as “women” and “alien” are struck from progressive lexicons so as to identify those who are labeled as intolerant! The new language is based on a new morality (sic).
  The “intolerant” are those who fail to speak the new language and buy into the new rules. Those who fail to progress away from institutions are labeled in an Orwellian fashion as “intolerant” and deserving of hatred! As such, the doctrine of sin and vain philosophy has replaced the Law of God and the Doctrine of Christ. Just as the “positive Christianity” of the Nazi religious state, the progressive western church has become the neo-Nazi positive Christianity in that hell and punishment is the ultimate intolerance. It’s not okay to say wrong is wrong because that is hatred in the eyes of the Neo-Nazis.
  Remember, it’s okay for them to hate to create a super empire where only “tolerant and humane” citizens exist.
  The Paradox of Tolerance is the least tolerant of all doctrines and progressive hatred for those who disagree is the new norm. The government of the apocalypse has arrived. Buying and selling to those not progressive has recently been severely limited just as John the Revelator wrote!
  This New Age of hidden hatred has a solution. It is the Paradox of Love:

The Paradox of Love: Love those who hate you. (I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;” (Mat 5:44).

  God wins the war. We can let him fight it on our behalf. We must not hate back, but let God dump the hot coals on their heads! How can Christians assist God in the battle against Him and His Doctrine? Don’t hate back! Our weapon is one:

Policing the Paradox of Love: “Show kindness and mercy to one another;” (Zech 12:9)

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