Thursday, October 15, 2020


 KEY VERSES: 1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. 2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. (Rom 13:1-2)

  Christians are called to be patriotic. Paul was patriotic to Rome, but the Roman government killed him in the end. Paul wrote the letter to the Romans in the winter of 57-58 AD. It is believed that shortly after that, Nero burned the city of Rome, blaming Christians, and Paul was killed for sedition in 64 AD. Thus, only four years after writing the words above, Paul was murdered because a crazy emperor burned his own capital city.  Paul did not necessarily love Rome but loved the saints in Rome (Rom 1:1). Paul taught that the Law was fulfilled by love (Rom 13:10), but the Roman government was hard to love.

  Imagine this: Nero was willing to destroy his own city to undermine Jesus Christ. The emperor-god could not handle the authority of God. Just as always, a dictator tried to get to God through those subject to God. Evil governments readily accept false gods but defy the One True God.

  Rome was the capitol city of the Roman Empire. If they had burned the city, that would be like Christians today burning Washington, DC; our own beloved capitol city! However, Christians did not burn Rome, the ruler burned his own city. Why would Nero destroy his nation’s capital? To undermine the senate so that he would have sole power. Royalty would not satisfy Nero; he wanted to be dictator and to do away with the Roman Republic that had eroded by his time.

  Republics are avenues to achieve autocracies. The former is based on democracy, but when the audible majority want power, their republics easily turn into dictatorships. The senate in Rome remained in power and kept the emperor in check. Nero plotted what I call, “the Roman Hoax.” He did the damage to his own city but blamed it on Christians. In modern times, left-wing Democrats appear to have undermined the US election by colluding with the Russians and blamed the Republicans for what they did themselves. Perhaps Hillary Clinton was willing to burn Washington to rid the city of opposition. Of course, in modern times, setting fires are beneath would-be queens and they would have common people set the fires.

  The left is burning down America city after American city, but who do they blame? Donald Trump. They set the fires but blame Trump for provoking them. It is childish blaming, but naïve children believe fairy-tales and hoaxes rather easily. Some otherwise rational people deny that Democrats are setting the fires, and think Trump is to blame!

  When fires are set, just like Rome, the US government is in danger of falling. Ironically, Nero was after the senate so he could be autocratic, just like in the US, the senate is in danger of falling to so many, many hoaxes “lit” by Democrats everywhere.

  The obvious truth is that Republicans are not burning down America; Democrats are. They are called BLM and Antifa, but they are Democrat voters. Stupid Democrat voters believe that communist anarchists will stop with the President and the Senate, but they will not cease until America is on fire. The goal is to change the United States from a Republic to a union of soviets ruled by anarchists. Just as in France and Russia, the revolutionaries will be murdered by their own “Deep State” for others to gain power. There is no such thing as “civil war.” It is always “uncivil war” because tyrants who use force are seldom a civil in their tactics.

  Who are republicans? In the Roman Empire, they were people content with their government. Rome ruled Judah and its provinces with civility before Nero. Even the deviate, Caligua, ruled Rome somewhat fairly. Claudius did just slightly better, but overall, the Jews had their religion, their theocracy, and their theocratic king. Rome was an imperfect but somewhat civil empire.

  They were tolerant of all religions. Even crazy Caligua was persuaded by Herod Agrippa I to change his mind about putting his own stature in the Temple for that would defile the Jewish Holy Place. To do that would be like Obama defiling Washington, DC with his statue, or has he already planned that?

  Benjamin Franklin, when asked what type of government the new nation has, replied, “A republic… if we can keep it.” Since then, all types of insane ideologists have tried to put an end to our republic. One of the worst ventures was the confederacy; not that the Confederate Constitution was bad, but that the plantation economy was exactly socialism in practice. The idea behind slavery was that for hard work, people would serve the plantation in exchange for goods for the common people; that they would even accept their leaders living in luxury for bare sustenance. The theory of socialism becomes communism when practiced because people prefer not to be slaves so that others need not work!

  President Trump is faced with the same rebellion as President Lincoln. The new battleground remains Pennsylvania. Trump’s own “Pennsylvania Address” would read, “Twelvescore and four years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation, so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war.” (Rewording of Lincoln’s “Gettysburg Address” for the modern battlefield).

  The enemy is us! Not patriots, but underhanded traitors who would hoax the nation, costing its citizens $32,000,000! Also, with the cost of losing the legitimate government of the country. That is the way modern “Nero’s” burn down their capitol.

  Satan’s methods are always the same; they destroy legitimate governments and replace them with autocracies. France did it four times, and socialism always failed because it takes communists to implement socialism. People seldom give up their freedom for empty promises! The first case of that was the empty and deceptive promise that the Serpent used for the government in the Garden of Eden to fall. Satan always attacks legitimate governments but his M.O. is to do it from within. God used foreign nations to punish His people, but Satan always used the Jews to undermine the government of God.

  Taken from the key verses, “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers.” Anarchists are those who reject authority and become authoritarian by doing so. Each anarchist becomes a government within themselves because each do what is right in their own eyes to wit: “In those days there was no king in Israel, but every man did that which was right in his own eyes” (Jud 17:6). Now the US has our own form of authority — the President — but in these days anarchists do what is right in their own eyes. They all become “Nerotic” doing what Nero did. They burn down what is under authority.

  Nero burned buildings but it was not the buildings that truly “burned” but the legitimate government and the invisible Church. Nero was after both the republicans and the Christians, and in America, Nerotics get both groups with one huge fire. We now see our republic ablaze and Christians under attack. All that is wrong with our government is laid on the republic, the Republican President, and the True Church. The modern liberal church even helps the Nerotics light the emotional fires! Scripture calls the Nerotic Church, the “harlot Babylon,” meaning like Rome or even like Babylon itself. [1]

  Adam and Eve would not subject themselves to God. With that they were cast out of their Paradisical Nation and the Garden was destroyed. It remains there in spirit, but in reality, it cannot be found. Because two anarchists believed the “Biggest Lie” ever, they destroyed their republic, and yes, Adam had dominion there. He destroyed what was his just as Nero, and anarchists to this day will do the same thing. They destroy their own country for their own insane ideology.

  Coming after that key verses, “For there is no power but of God.” Adam and Eve thought falsely that they had the power. Satan even acknowledged that with, “Your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods” (Gen 3:5).

  Anarchists are as gods.  Those who burn down our cities and kill our citizens, perceive themselves as gods. They are zealots for their cause. Their desire is to end authority and the first to go is the authority of God; each of them doing what seems right in their own eyes. You need not imagine what kind of government we would have with these madmen and women running things because a visit to Cuba and Venezuela are great examples of that! Would you prefer Russian Bolshevism or the German Nazism type of socialism? It would not matter for they are all the same.

  Paul then wrote to the Romans, “The powers that be are ordained of God.” Paul wrote that when Nero seemed civil early in his reign. Nero is a type of Antichrist. At first, he was a fairly good ruler over Rome, then he went insane with power just like the Antichrist will someday. Nero committed suicide after he burned Rome because his ploy for power failed. Galina Veshnevskaya called Russian socialism, “our insane ideology.” Nero’s ideology was obviously as insane as Stalin’s.

  Paul surely did not love Nero, but he tolerated him and his rule because His authority was God. Jesus said that about the emperor whose centurions would kill him: “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's” (Mark 12:17). Jesus was looking at a penny with a likeness of Caesar coined on it. He approved taxes and civil government. He had no problem republics led by emperors. He did have a problem with chief priests who committed the greater sin than Caesar’s centurions (John 19:11). He had a problem with tearing down the Church, and that is what Nero tried to do, and what socialism does as well.

  Christians overly tolerated President Obama. We never liked it, but we remained civil. Christians never burned Washington, Detroit, Minneapolis, Portland, nor Seattle when Obama was president. We waited patiently and prayed that God would ordain another “governor” who would govern to the Constitution ordained by God and written by those ordained by God… “the powers that be are ordained of God.” Obama was ordained by God and so was Trump. George Washington was ordained by God and so were all the patriots. Even Andrew Johnson was ordained by God because God allowed that a crazed man assassinate Lincoln. Even Jefferson Davis was ordained by God to change our union of states in dissension to a federation of united states as the name intended.

  Anarchists do not like it, but the President was ordained by God as well. “Make America Great Again” has deeper meaning. It is a turn from division and hatred back to unity. The Spirit of Jesus is with us when everyone is of one accord (Act 2:1). Anarchists always divide to conquer. They foment hatred between people to advance their theories. Jeff Davis said that that the Confederacy “died of a theory.” That “theory” was that people are satisfied in bondage. That is the theory of socialism as well.

  Then Paul wrote, “Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God.” Paul was perhaps speaking to the dissatisfied citizens of Rome who were worried about the power in Nero’s hands, or he may have been castigating the Jewish zealots who were the early version of the Jewish Deep State.

  Zealots destroyed Jerusalem. There zealotry caused Titus to tear down Jerusalem and disperse the Jews. Then Titus turned on God; he destroyed God’s temple. Was that Caesar’s fault or the political zealots? I believe that Paul was renouncing the idiocy of a few Jews who thought they could defeat Caesar and tear down the Roman Empire.

  Nero, although ordained by God, whether he set the fire or not, let Rome burn. Obama and his legions may not be lighting the fire but have stoked the anger of the zealots who bring out the flame-throwers! The zealots on the streets of our nation would rather our nation burn than to submit to legitimate authority. Hillary may be America’s version of Brutus who knifed the original Caesar!

  Who are the mob against when they burn down American cities? They, “resisteth the ordinance of God.” Our Constitution and our republic are ordained by God and so are its rulers, regardless of what you think. By resisting authority and assuming it themselves, the war is not against men but God Himself. That is why the Church is always under attack, and many of them with anarchists within. “Social justice” is the theory but “liberation theology” is the communist government within the socialist church. The ordinance of God is charity, but the ordinance of Caesar was taxation.

  The penalty for civil resistance in republics is straightforward, “They that resist shall receive to themselves damnation” (From the key verses). Resisting authority is damning. When Adam resisted God’s authority, he would be damned except for God’s grace. What happened after that? After Adam resisted God’s authority, things got tougher than before!

  This is not a political revolution in 2020; it is a spiritual revolution. Sometimes God allows evil to win battles, but in the end (of time) God wins the War!

[1] Unlike theologians believe, scripture describes Jerusalem better as the “harlot Babylon” in that it has become the “harlot” sitting on the Seven Pillars of Islam that God will renew with New Jerusalem.

(picture credit: Pinterest; "64 AD Rome Burns")

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