Wednesday, October 14, 2020



  This pamphlet, as it will be printed in book form, is an attempt by the author to persuade people of the sanctity of life. By that, it is meant that all life has value, none less than another, and that loving people would love others as they do themselves, according to the Golden Rule. It is written that “For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it” (Ephes 5:29). Everyone feels that they have the “right to life” but fail to accept that others do.

  Why America? Because its Declaration of Independence is based on the “right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Life is a right given by both God and Country, yet clever people have gradually undermined that. Deception has accelerated. As society become more “enlightened” by the philosophy of the world, the world has become more like the Third Reich. Life in a totalitarian society has little if any value. Life is for the good of the dictator and him only. Life is expendable for their good, and with socialism for the “common good.”

  Why are Democrats socialists at heart? Because it is inborn. The “common good” is the Marxist view of “good.” Whereas good for them is for the welfare of the masses, to God, the “common good” is that none should perish. The philosophy of socialism is that to preserve the good of the most, the rights of the few must be diminished, and since they are pro-active, their method is abortion. Believe it or not, abortion of the least for the common good of the most is Darwinian evolution which was very effectively used by the Third Reich to sort out the weaker from the fittest.

  Nazis eugenicists defined the “fittest” as the Aryan race and the least fit, or unfit, as the Jewish race of people. They picked those perceived as weaker as the sacrifices for the most. That notion is thematic in the Old Testament. Even the Jews were persuaded to sacrifice their sons and daughters in the fire of images of the false god, Molech. Today, fathers and mothers continue that age-old pagan ritual for their good (sic) and the “common good” of a too populated Earth.

  There are two ways to depopulate the world: (1) By warring against nations, and when there are no reasons for warfare, (2) aborting its innocent citizens. The latter method is the most convenient and the less costly. It is always easier to destroy those less capable of defending themselves.

  Herod could have gone to war with the powerful zealot revolutionaries to get at Jesus. Like Pharaoh long before, rather than terminating all the Jews, for Herod was half Idumean, he got at Jesus by killing the Jewish children under two years old. He destroyed the “seed” of the Jews to get to their new King.

  He tried, just as Pharaoh, to get at the weaker race by the destruction of their offspring. Not by accident, the powerful Democrats rid themselves from their lesser (sic) people through abortion. It is so much easier for them to destroy a weaker (sic) race through abortion rather than lynching them later.

  When Herod failed to kill the baby Jesus, the mob stood in for him, and hanged Jesus on a Tree; the One who was the Most Innocent of the innocents. It would have been more convenient if they had killed Jesus before He was born, but Herod did not believe his own religion.

  Why did Herod want Jesus killed? Because the Jews were inconvenient to his regime. Why did Pharaoh kill the innocents? He was afraid of their strength, numbers, and their God. Why do socialists want blacks aborted? They are afraid of their power and numbers. A colleague supported his pro-abortion position by, “Somehow the birth of undesirable people must be controlled.” Hence, abortion is the tool and the “right to abortion” the cunning way the Democrats got their way of controlling. Ironically, the lack of regulation on the part of liberals is the way to regulating the birth of those they fear.

  “Freedom” is based on the right to life and to live it to its fullest extent. Life is intended to be forever, not for only a few months. That life begins at conception is scientific as well as spiritual. When God breathed life unto Adam, that was spiritual sanctification and the right to life; and when Adam partook of his first breath, he gained the right to breath on his own.

  There was a government in the Garden with one Law; that God did not want His creatures to perish, and the same Law exists today (John 3:16). The respect for life has not changed over the thousands of years but the citizens of the world have become more hardened.

  In the beginning, there were two citizens of the Garden Paradise who favored life but were robbed of it by cunning. Now everyone is cosmopolitan and are “citizens of the world” wherein life is no longer sacred. If they do not kill them by violence between adults, they will eliminate them in the womb much the same as a husbandman would eliminate hornets by spraying their eggs in the nest!

  People ae more than hornets. People, although often inhumane, should still be humans. Beasts kill their young, and some even eat them. Humans are proposing and some even doing that in this century.

  Since the leaving the Garden, humans have become more like the beasts, and at the present, find it easy and convenient for crimes against humanity. Abortion is crime against little humans, but the liars have made it the prevention of eggs, embryos, and fetuses; and have recently created a new type of being — a botched fetus that became human by God’s intervention, but remains unworthy of life.

  Satan’s way was to use the Serpent to abort Adam and Eve before they could be troublesome to him. He wanted the glory, and those new creatures were stealing it. He portended both to godhood and kingship, and to be God and King, God had to be put away. Satan knew that could not be, so he endeavored to kill God’s heirs in the “womb” so to speak. More on that shortly.

  The method would be political and with eugenics? Adam and Eve were “lesser” people than either Lucifer or the angels. “We see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death” (Heb 2:9). Humans were made in the same image as Jesus and vice-versa. Hence, human beings are a lesser class than Satan and his angels. Because humans are lesser, dark angels want them destroyed.

  In the case of people, “white angels” in the Democrat Party want darker angels destroyed because Democrats have always considered Negroes lesser people. Because they are supremely white, their attitude is that those they have dominion over should be under their dominance.


  Regarding the unborn, women who favor abortion often say, “My body; my choice.” Scripture says, “Your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own” (1 Cor 6:19). The purpose of your body is to “glorify God in your body” (1 Cor 6:20).

  God’s will for mankind is to reproduce copies of themselves, ”Be fruitful, and multiply,” (Gen 1:22) and not only that, but to  “replenish the earth, and subdue it” and “have dominion over… every living thing that moveth upon the earth” (Gen 1:28).

  First off, the world is not for the animals or even the trees. People are meant to be superior to and oversee the world. The world is for human beings, and animals and vegetation are to support people, not people die for the world. Yes, even carbon-based energy is for mankind. Animals died that men can live in the harsh climate of the Earth.

  However, people are to be good stewards of what God created for them; to “dress” and “keep” the Garden (Gen 2:15) — to serve and preserve what God created. With that said, the world was created for man and the intent was to populate the entire world. Reproduction is natural, God’s Will, and a blessing. The world is not to subdue people, but people are to subdue the world. They are to use the resources that God created for the benefit of themselves. Animals are meant to keep people safe from the elements of the world using their coats with fur (Gen 3:21), and vegetation is to be used for food and clothing. Because herbs alone were not satisfying, soon God allowed animal flesh to be eaten for food (Gen 9:3).

  With that background, people are to have dominion over the Earth and the animals and vegetation are for the comfort, nourishment, and even friendship to mankind. That was necessary to support reproduction and reproduction in the animal and vegetable kingdom was to support reproduction in people.

  As such, not only are animal and plant life part of the eco-system, but so are human beings. They are for us, and we are for them. If people overkill either animal or plant life, as part of the eco-system, people will die of cold, excessive heat, or starvation. If people burn too much carbon-based energy, they will die and that will keep the eco-system in balance.

  People are not the enemy of the world, but the world is the enemy of people. Because of sin, the first two people were cast outside the Garden Paradise unto the harsh world (Gen 3:24). Out there, the world was against them, and people began to use the resources that God provided to survive. The concept of “survival of the fittest” means that since mankind has dominion over the animals, they are the most fitting to survive. They can adapt the animals and plants for their own use. Because people have superior intelligence, although they are weaker than most animals, as even the smallest can kill us off, because of intelligence, mankind will continue to survive so long as they are humane.

  “Humane” is consideration of animals and people, not trees and bushes. “Environmental” is a better word for consideration of plant life. The humane thing to do for us animals is to care for our nourishment and comfort, and that is why God said to “dress and keep” the Garden. If we do not, then they will no longer dress and keep us.

  Everything in the universe must balance. The world was for people and the people for the world. Sin is using the world for pleasure (Gen 3:6), not just for sustenance but for abundance. Gluttony is a sin because it misapplies God’s intent for the resources that He provides and exposes gluttons as lovers of self. Obese people, unless genetically predisposed, are sinful because they misuse God’s Temple. Rather than for God’s use, it is for their own overuse. Obese people are not good stewards of God’s preserves.

  Thin people should not smile with arrogance. You use alcohol for pleasure and overconsume; you use fuel for pleasure and overconsume. The pursuit of pleasure is poor stewardship of God’s provisions. The most obvious is not fat people but over-consumers. Huge and luxurious RV’s, for instance, reveal what is important to the people who own them.

  Many abortion supporters are the radical environmentalists. They are convinced that the world is for its own existence, and people are poachers. The world has become their “god” because they care more for the world than the people on it. Scripture says to overcome the world, and faith overcomes the world (1 John 5:4). With that, the pursuit of pleasure and the misuse of the things of the world are overcome. True Christians will support the environment by the frugal use of the things of the world. Why? Because for them, importance is not on pleasure but on consideration. Obviously, many Christians fail to understand that, and misuse what God has provided, but no more so than epicureans who live for pleasure.

  Children are perceived as the enemy of the world, albeit the world is their enemy and the one they must overcome. The first thing that children must overcome is life in the inner world of the womb. Drug-use and overzealous pleasure of the mother must be overcome by the infant in the first stages of life. The unborn human being must then overcome pre-natal disease. The most serious crises in the life of anyone is that pre-born children must overcome the primal instincts of the mother. The world is for her, and her alone, and her pursuit of pleasure must not be disrupted.

  The unborn are inconveniences to the world and for the mother. The world sees babies as eating up the resources that they perceive as theirs, and the mother sees babies as inconveniences to careers, standards of living, and even the pursuit of sexual pleasure. The saddest thing ever is that the unborn must overcome their own parents because fathers aid and abet the mothers in ridding themselves of parasites (sic) in their womb, They are made out to be another species — fetuses. But they are human life with their own bodies!

  The “womb” is the space in the abdomen of the woman. Originally the womb was the abdominal cavity that contains all sorts of despicable things. Our insides are indeed ugly. Awful things happen inside men and women, but in this age, the most disgusting thing to many women is that someone else is inside them. They deny that it is another existence,deserving of life, and make the unborn to be parasites in their precious bodies. That disgusts them, or is so inconvenient for them, that they become as beasts and rip apart their own. Sure the “doctor” does the dirty deed, but the female “Zipporah’s” will that, and if the doctor will not do it, they will!

  In the beginning, the first order of things was that the heaven and the earth were generated, and the last rank was that Adam and Eve were. All things between the beginning and the end of generating were ultimately for the two “twins,” Adam and Eve — male and female He created them. The world is the “womb” for all people. It provides shelter, nourishment, and safety. There are two components making up that “womb” and those two things are space (heaven or the invisible) and earth (visible matter for life inside the space). God describes the big “womb” that He made for people as such, “The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool” (Isa 66:1). In between life support and life itself is a spiritual “umbilical cord” that Solomon called the “Silver Cord”  and that that ever it be “loosed” (Ecc 12:6).

  The world is God’s “Womb” for life, and with sin, the world endeavors to abort all life on it. A woman’s womb is her travail (Gen 3:16) and the world is the tribulation of people (Gen 3:18). Note that God had grace enough not to destroy life but made life inconvenient for people. Overcoming the world is returning to Paradise lost. Paul said, “To die is gain” (Phil 1:21), that is if Christ is in your “womb” (the soul).

  Just as the world is the “womb” for God’s creatures, the souls are “wombs” for God’s created creatures. God made the souls of people before the creation of the world. That had to be when the invisible existence was created — the souls of men and the angelic realm.

  Hence, there is also an “umbilical cord” between the souls of men and the flesh men. That is specifically what Solomon wrote about. God provided that “cord” when, “The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul” (Gen 2:7).

  Theretofore the soul was invisible life in the heaven and the body visible life in the earth. God’s Spirit was the “silver cord” (umbilical cord), and the newborn man and woman were protected in the “womb” that God provided. There was a dome (firmament) enclosing the Garden and cherubim guards before the Garden’s “vagina” (Gen 3:24). Inside the “walls” of the Garden, life was safe because in the midst of the womb was Jesus.  Yes, “Jesus!” He is the Tree of Life inside the Garden womb.

  Satan endeavors to loosen that silver cord to God because Jesus is the Way to God. In effect, as “embryo” Adam and Eve were attached to the walls (dome) of the Garden of Eden, and the Tree of Life preserved them by providing Spirit, nourishment, and safety in the Garden “womb.” (At a later time, a commentary will be written about the Tree of Life in the Garden Tomb of Jesus.)

  Compare the safety in the Garden “womb” to the safety in a human womb: “The fertilized ovum becomes an embryo, attaches to a wall of the uterus, creates a placenta, and develops into a fetus (gestates) until childbirth” (Wikipedia; “Uterus”).

  The uterus is a pear-shaped dome within the womb of a woman and is so important that it is often considered the womb. Just like the Garden of Eden that protected Adam and Eve in the embryonic stages of their short lives, the uterus is the luscious “garden” to which human embryos are attached by God. The womb of Eve was the place of safety for her children.

  The Garden ”Womb” was violated by Adam at the instigation of the Serpent. Many believe, based on scripture, that one of the pleasures learned from the Tree of Knowledge was “carnal knowledge,” or sexual intercourse; not to multiply but by pleasuring. Cain was not conceived in the womb of God but in the room of Satan; that is the world outside the safety of the womb. Since that time, millions of women have played God by casting their children out of the safety of the womb into the dumpster of the world!

  Satan aborted Adam and Eve by causing them to be cast out of the Garden. Eve was deceived. She failed to understand death because all she knew theretofore was life. As the mother of us all, women still fail to understand just what death is!

  The virus that Satan used to abort the two creatures was sin. He confused the two. They thought it was for life and pleasure in life, but inside, the “silver cord” was loosened and the pair were cast out of their “womb.” The Garden womb was on loan from God and once the Covenant of Innocence was loosened, the two fornicators against God were aborted, not by God but Satan in the guise of God. The same goes for abortion to this day.

  Figure #1 shows the configuration of the Tree of Life along with the configuration of any tree alive. Like Bartimaeus, the author sees “Men, as trees walking” (Mark 8:24) and trees are metaphors for men throughout scripture. The “Tree of Life” is a metaphor for Jesus. Now examine figure #1.

                                          Figure 1: Life Inscriptions from Facebook


  As such, Jesus, true to the Book of John chapter one, was in the Garden of Eden and the Paradise in heaven. The “Tree of Life” is therefore the “umbilical cord” between heaven and earth. It is the “silver cord” of which Solomon wrote, as are the Holy Cross, Jacob’s Ladder, and the Ark of the Covenant. As can be seen in figure #1,  life has a “fingerprint” as does all the creation. The “Tree of Life” is imprinted on all other life in a similar manner. Of special note is the similarity between the Tree of Life in the medallion above and the human placenta.

The placenta is in the womb of an impregnated woman. “The placenta is a temporary organ that connects the developing fetus via the umbilical cord to the uterine wall to allow nutrient uptake, thermo-regulation, waste elimination, and gas exchange via the mother's blood supply; to fight against internal infection; and to produce hormones which support pregnancy. (Wikipedia; “placenta”).

  Women say, “My body; my choice!” The placenta is not a woman’s “body.” It is an organ on loan from God to serve and preserve the unborn child. For nine months, the organ of the baby’s body, belongs to the baby! Once it is used to preserve life it has no further use and dies. The woman does not require that organ at any time in her life.

  Note the similarities again between the Tree of Life and the human placenta — the tree of life that never belongs to the woman but only to God.

  Human beings are made, according to scripture, as such, “God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them” (Gen 3:7). The Hebrew words for “in His own image” and “in the image of God” are “tselem tselem.” That is so important that it is written twice.

  Furthermore it is written, “God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.”  “Our image” comes from one word, adam, in reference to all creatures, not just Adam himself. Just who is “our image?” The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost — all the “images” of God. Like God, “adams” have only one image that is visible, and that “image” is flesh. The other two “images” are the mind and soul.

  Just as the world was created in the Womb of God, so is all life. The image of God in figure #1 can be seen in the river network and God used the same image for the human veins. Why would God altar a wonderful design? That imprint is God’s Thumbprint all over the creation!

  Adam was surely under the Tree of Life when God conceived Him from the dust. God breathed life unto Adam, and the Tree of Life provided the “breathe.” There seemed to have been a “silver cord” between the Tree of Life and Adam. Indeed, throughout the Bible, Jesus is the second Adam; for example, “The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit” (1 Cor 15:45). Adam, perhaps, was a twin to the Tree of Life, and that the Tree of Knowledge emanated from the Tree of Life but lived as the “tree of death.” Adam was quickened (made alive) when Jesus died, as death is gain.

  The Book of Adam and Eve recounts when Adam was made alive, according to the Edenic Covenant (Gen 3:15). Adam, according to the canon of the Eastern Church, in the Book of Adam and Eve, was taken by Seth and buried under Golgotha. The book, The Cave of Treasures, repeats that:

  When Shem and Melchizedek had deposited the body of Adam in the centre of the Earth… And when the Cross of Christ , the Redeemer of Adam and his sons, was set upon it, the door of that place was opened in the face of Adam. And when the Wood was fixed upon it, and Christ was smitten with the spear, and blood and water flowed down from His side, they ran down into the mouth of Adam, and they became a baptism to him, and he was baptized. (Cave of Treasures)

  Hence, Adam had the Tree of Life breathe life unto him, and the Tree of Death exhumed that breath, and Adam died spiritually. The Tree of Life on Calvary provided living waters to quicken Adam, to renew his life. Just as the Tree of Life generated Adam, the Holy Cross regenerated him.

  The Ark of the Covenant had sacred poles made of acacia wood covered with gold on which the Hebrews would serve and preserve the physical Tree of Life — God Himself whose Spirit sat on the throne between the cherubim. The poles were the Way to the Tree of Life, and the cherubim guarded that Way. We find that the Ark could be carried by that one Way, and if carried any other way, it meant death, to wit:

  When they came to Nachon's threshing floor, Uzzah put forth his hand to the ark of God, and took hold of it; for the oxen shook it. And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Uzzah; and God smote him there for his error; and there he died by the ark of God. (2 Sam 6:6-7)

  The meaning of “Nachon” is unknown. It may have been another name for Ornan’s threshing floor, or it could have been nearby. Cave of Treasures identifies Calvary as the same place that Abraham was ready to sacrifice Isaac, not Mount Moriah which is thought to be Ornan’s threshing floor and is the present site of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

  “Nacon” is translated as “a set place” ( Perhaps that “set place” was Golgotha where Adam was buried, called “Calvary” to this day.

  The Cross represents a threshing floor as well. The horizontal bar points toward salvation on the right and damnation on the left, according to the fate of the two malefactors on either side of Jesus.

  There was one Way to carry the Ark and one Way to the Cross. That Way is by the Tree of Life who is Jesus. Cave of Treasures reveals that the Holy Cross, the Pole or Tree, on which Jesus was crucified was constructed of the wood from those same poles used to carry the Ark. It relates how they were kept and preserved through the ages, (Man’s assignment back in the Garden) and used to redeem all adams.

  The poles were described as of equal lengths of the vertical and horizontal. Since the Cross is symbolic of the Tree of Life, perhaps the Tree of Life was not an olive tree but the acacia. [1] The specific acacia known to the Middle East is the vachellia tortilis — the umbrella thorn tree pictured in figure #2 below:

                                               Figure 2: Umbrella Thorn Tree (Wikipedia)


  Look closely at the umbrella thorn tree. It is of equal height and breadth just as the Cross of Jesus would be if constructed of acacia poles of equal length. The Holy Cross can almost be seen in its trunk and branches. Of course, the trunk represents the Vine and Christians in the Church the Branches with God as the Husbandman (John 15:5).

  Now look at your own fingerprint. It is specific to you, and trees have “fingerprints” as well as shown in figure #1. All the Creation has similar “fingerprints” and are seen in the acacia tree as well. The Holy Cross is an image of that Tree and the Wood itself has the same “fingerprint.” Indeed, Christians should see “men, as trees walking” because trees are metaphors for mankind, God, and even Satan. An antichrist, Abimelech, was even portrayed as a tree — the bramble tree (Jud 9:14).  Bramble are trees with thorns. The umbrella tree has thorns and that represents the crown of thorns that was placed on Jesus head to mock him. They made him out to be a king in the order of Abimelech who murdered his seventy brothers to be king. The bramble bush means death. The umbrella tree means life!

  What does this background have to do with the unborn? The unborn have fingerprints. They commence forming immediately and are defined before six months gestation. Human life is defined at the beginning of its life in the womb, just as Adam’s life was in the Garden “Womb.” Fingerprints define identity. Each person is special and peculiar before they are ever born. Of course, some other primates have fingerprints, but they have neither superior intelligence nor a living soul in the image of God. Their cognitive capabilities are limited at the level of the other beasts.

  When fingerprints are destroyed the identity of a person is lost. God identified his “upright” primates with His Mark. I am referring to the Mark of the Tree. To destroy the symbol of God-given life is irreverent to God. It destroys the image that He made with the intention to live. The problem with abortion is that it terminates God-given life and makes the murderer of the child, the murderer of God. “Love” is essentially fidelity to God which means that “hatred” is infidelity to Him. Infidels are those who either never knew God or refuse to obey God they know. Abortion is non-fidelity to God.

  “Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him” (1 John 3:15). If hatred is infidelity to the Will of God, then murder is apathy to the things of God. Disregard for life that God created is murder, and thus, those who murder hate the ones murdered and God. Those who claim the most tolerance inevitably are the most intense haters. Politics today are divisive and is hate-mongering over the issue of right to life.

  America was founded on the right to life and the pursuit of the rewards for the living. Abortion is infidelity to the founders’ intentions which were in turn from God’s Intentions. Satan has divided America, and even the world into two factions: (1) Those who value life, and (2) those who do not.

  “Choice” in civics is a political device. It is used to gain power to control people. “Spiritual choice” is a faculty on loan from God. He wants that “none should perish” (John 3:16) but Satan wants that any should perish. Abortion makes it easy for Satan. It is easier to control a few than many. It is easier to supply the needs of a few for the common good, than to supply the masses. Yes, socialism is an instrument of Satan and values neither God nor His “upright” creatures!

  Adam became a “living soul” when he was created. When babies are in the process of creation, their flesh covers their souls. Souls appear as the individuals. When Jesus was baptized His Holy Ghost came on Him “in bodily shape” (Luke 3:22). The souls of humans look like specific humans. We learn that from Nebuchadnezzar who identified Jesus before He was ever born by the looks of His living soul as he identified four persons in the fiery furnace when there should have been three: “The form of the fourth is like the Son of God” (Dan 3:25). The king identified Jesus because His Soul looked like the Man that He became. Likewise, the souls of aborted babies suffer when they are murdered in the womb. They have fingerprints in the image of Jesus and murdering God’s first sons is as if murdering His Second Son!

  The placenta is like the Garden of Eden. It has a tough shield to prevent anything from encroaching on the safety of the infant inside. Not even the blood that flows through the life-giving veins of the unborn belongs to the mother. Often the blood types are even different and if they comingled, the baby would die. That is the same as the Garden “Womb.” When the blood (fruit) from the Tree of Death comingled with the Blood from the Tree of Life — evil with good blood — Adam and Eve died… spiritually, and their lives would be limited outside the protection of the Garden “Womb.”

  Satan encroached in that Womb. He used deceptive means to kill what God created. Today, the “Serpents” are the “doctors” who say they “heal” but murder for the convenience of the parents. Mothers-would-be are deceived. Like Eve, they do not comprehend the finality of death or even that living souls die when the flesh dies. The dome (firmament) over the Garden is symbolic of the placenta in women. God is paternal but His Garden maternal. God created the Garden from the elements of the Earth that He created beforehand.

  God breathed life unto Adam. He is the first son of God. Eve is the daughter of man as Adam breathed His life unto Eve from his side (rib is an assumption in translating). There was a “silver cord” between Adam to Eve. Likewise, life flowed from the Cross when it flowed from the belly of Jesus to Adam and all “adams” beneath the Cross. Jesus’s water and blood provided life to all adamkind; the unborn, as well as those alive at that time, and the dead in Christ. People can kill living souls, but God regenerates those that He made innocent. Abortion is an act of defiance against God and His Purpose for putting on Flesh like ours.

  The placenta, called the womb, is a temporary organ. The Garden of Eden was temporary until Adam was mature enough to leave. The unborn baby is innocent in the womb and is without sin just as Adam and Eve were in an economy of innocence in the Garden Womb. The placenta is the unborn child’s “dome of safety” just as the Garden “dome” was. God used the same structure for birth as He did for creation. Only one Plan was needed, although the material was much different.

  The placenta, as said before, does not belong to mother; it belongs to the baby. It is not the mother’s body but the child’s. “Baby” and “child” are used because the embryo and fetus are stages of a human being. Infant humans are baby beings who have personality, and hence are “persons.”

  Gesell Growth Gradients are measures of an infant’s maturity over time. All the systems of children from conception to puberty must complement each other. For instance, the respiratory system supports the circulatory system, and they develop simultaneously. The same applies to the digestive system and all the others. Almost forgotten is one of the most important faculties of the nervous system — the personality. It is the unique cognitive, behavioral, and instinctual faculties that makes the young person interact with the world. The personality also develops in congruence to the other systems of the body.

  Babies are born with personalities. They exhibit personality in the womb with their emotions and even behaviors. When they jerk from perceived threat, that is more than a reaction; it is fear. A mother’s pat to the stomach and reassuring voice can comfort the unborn child. Fetuses are not something else; they are human beings. To deny the truth is to disrespect God and self. You were never only a fetus; you were a developing human being! Growth means life. Dead things or foreign objects do not grow. Only living things grow, and humans with that ability are not things. Personalities, as well as immortal souls, make them much different than plants or animals.

  To deal with your fear of the unborn, you must recognize the truth. They are neither inanimate objects nor alien beings. They are your “seed.” You planted them but they grow on their own! Your DNA is their DNA. As such, mothers who abort, kill part of themselves. Those who have chosen wrongly with abortion often admit that something is missing inside. Perhaps it is early onset empty-nest syndrome.

  The placenta belongs to the baby:

The fetal placenta (Chorion frondosum), which develops from the same blastocyst that forms the fetus, and the maternal placenta (Decidua basalis), which develops from the maternal uterine tissue. It metabolizes a number of substances and can release metabolic products into maternal or fetal circulations. The placenta is expelled from the body upon birth of the fetus. (Wikipedia; “placenta”)

  What touches the baby belongs to the child and grows proportionately with the child. What touches the mother is a mother’s reaction to the baby inside and belongs to the mother. Mother and child serve one another. It is a type of biological, even spiritual, love. They are two yet they are one. Each is not their own but belong to each other. An abortive mother not only rejects her child but part of herself. Emotionally and spiritually she cannot be complete when pregnancy was for naught.  Three things are missing with abortion: (1) a living being, (2) part of the mother, and (3) the baby’s immortal soul. It too is gone, not forever, but into an unseen existence. “Baby Doe” is always there, and he or she is “gone but not forgotten,” as is often written on tombstones.

  Perhaps “Baby You” can look  through that transparent wall that scripture calls the “sea of glass” (Rev 4:6) “like unto crystal,” and see mother without child, and the man’s seed gone by the wayside as if it is nothing!

  The placenta, just as the Garden of Eden with its dome, separates the unborn baby’s world from the outside world. Of course, there was no defilement in the Garden because herbs were the only food. God nourished Adam and Eve with a spiritual “baby food.” He took care of what little waste there was in some manner.

  Just as there was no further use for the Garden of Eden without people, the dome and its contents disappeared. Just like that, once the dome of the placenta has no further use, it too is expelled to the world outside the mother. It cannot be denied; the sanctuary of the womb is much like the sanctuary of the Garden Dome. Adam was a full-grown innocent babe in that “Womb” and depended entirely on his “mother” for nourishment and protection.

  Of course, God is neither make nor female. He just IS. However, God is paternal and is called “Father” but since God “birthed” and “gestated” Adam, He was maternal as well. Out of respect for God and Adam, God is called “Father.”

  The placenta provides nourishment and protection in the same fashion as the Garden. The “silver cord” is the umbilical cord. Through it, life flows and death removed. The blood of the mother does not flow to the child; it flows to the placenta. The exchange is explained better by the scientists, to wit:

  The maternal blood fills intervillous space through these spiral arteries which bathe the fetal villi in blood, allowing an exchange of gases to take place. In humans and other hemochorial placentals, the maternal blood comes into direct contact with the fetal chorion, though no fluid is exchanged. (ibid)

  To put it another way, the mother’s blood belongs to the mother and the baby’s blood belongs to the baby. They are not one person but two individuals sharing life support. The mother and baby are much like sea divers with one person depending on the oxygen of another! They must cooperate for life to be sustained. When as one, the “mother” diver fails the “dependent” diver, the dependent one dies. If the dependent one demands too much, the mother diver dies. If one or the other dies, a living being is gone from the Earth forever, and the world will miss them in some manner. That dependent diver may be the one who develops a cure for cancer, and that unborn child might have as well.

  When asked by a person why God does not provide someone to cure cancer, Mother Theresa responded, “God did but he was aborted” (paraphrased). Not only does a person die but so does an ideology, a strategy, cognition, invention, motivation, and even love!

  The nourishment through the complicated exchange process grows and so does the developing child. Things do not require nourishment; people do. Things do not eliminate waste, people do. The umbilical cord is the pipeline for nourishing life and a drainage system for discarding waste. Thanks goes to the good mother who takes care of both!

  Since the blood of the unborn child belongs to the child and the mother’s to the mother, they can have different blood types. The child is not solely of the mother’s blood type but a combination of the mother and father. There are A, B, and O genes and combinations of A, B, and O for blood types A, B, O, AA, BB, OO, and AB. Likewise each parent provides a protein (Rh Factor) from both the father and mother. With that, the blood type belongs to the father and the mother, but if it mixes with the mother’s the baby can die. So, if the baby is the mother’s body it too would be the father’s body!

  If the mother’s blood becomes contaminated with the baby’s blood with an opposite Rh factor, mother can experience blood transfusions with Rh-positive blood, miscarriage, or ectopic pregnancy ( You should begin to see that an unborn baby is not the mother’s body, and the mother’s body is not the baby’s!

  Women rationalize their destruction of another person with that lame claim! Some know that it is lame, but others buy into that “Big Lie.”

  Adam and Eve thought the Garden Womb was theirs to do with as they wished. They “killed” themselves by irreverence to God. Before, they had been immortal, and unnoticed by them was that defying God made them mortal. They indeed would die.

  Sin “aborted” Adam and Eve. They went from “living souls” to “dying souls.” Because God was no longer their Spiritual Father nor biological “mother” they were expelled from the safety of the Garden Womb. They were put out in the heat and cold to fend for themselves. In that situation, God was not cruel because human beings made the choice.

  With abortion, the mother plays God. She chooses death for the baby, and there is no choice for the baby! “Pro-choice” sounds so democratic, but Nazis were elected democratically. What the majority thinks is right does not define righteousness. If the majority says that abortion is not killing, it remains murder. The purpose of this essay is to persuade mothers by the use truth. They can deny the truth, but the consequences shall be with them. They may “perish” the unborn child but unless they repent, they too will perish. Why write this? Like God, I want that none should perish” (John 3:16).

  “Perishing” as three components: (1) sin can kill and often does, (2) the flesh can die, and (2) the soul can die. The parents can kill their souls; they can kill their own flesh with abortion, but (3) the unborn child’s soul can never die. Parents who abort should know that their aborted baby still lives in heaven but unless they repent, their own souls shall perish, and they shall never see that child… nor see God face-to-face except on judgment day. God saves from sin, He saves the soul when the body dies, and He saves the flesh when the soul is regenerated by assuming new flesh.

 That aborted baby, when it dies, translates to the heavenly realm in its “bodily shape.” That child in heaven will look like your child and have your features. When the time comes, it will no longer need your flesh to live, for God will provide new, glorious flesh. He will correct your abortion decision. That child-shaped person will grow to be like Jesus. Perhaps, when and if you get to heaven, you shall see that young son of daughter, full-grown like Jesus, welcoming you into eternal live… if you have repented, despite that he or she was unwelcome in your home.

  If all goes to God’s Plan, even sinners as yourself, will join that child in the protective Bosom of Abraham. That is the same Paradise as the Garden but in a different realm. When and if you look Jesus eye-to-eye, you shall also be able to look at that unborn person face-to-face.

  Or perhaps, you condemn yourself. Perhaps the truth does not set you free from that sin, although it can. What will happen then? Your soul will die forever in Hell. You too will go to another realm but there is a great gulf between you and your son of daughter. You can see them in Paradise, but they will never see you in Hell. Think on that! Think on the guilt that you will bear for eternity.

  Abandon the Big Lie. That baby who is aborted is not your body. It, however, is your “choice.” That choice determines, not only if the baby will survive, but whether you survive death yourself.

  So, you do not believe in God? That is chancy. Even the demons believe in God, and hopefully you are better than the demons. Your unbelief does not change reality. What if you are wrong? That wrong decision will be your death — you, forever dying!

  Now is the time of your salvation — “now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Cor 6:2). Now is the time to repent for what you have done. Now is the time to change your unbelief. How is the time to change your attitude, and now is the time to value human life in hopes that God will value yours in the same way!

[1] The author has speculated in many of his commentaries that the Tree of Knowledge was possibly a fig tree and the Tree of Life an olive. Sacred writings agree about the fig tree, but Cave of Treasures indicated an acacia tree.

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