Sunday, August 17, 2014

Politics: Dr. Tim Hulsey on Obamacare

Despite Michael Moore’s misgivings, you haven’t seen him leave any of his multiple luxurious residences to seek health care in his beloved Cuba. This "one per-center" stays right here to obtain the best health care in the world.

He and I both agree that it isn’t perfect. No human endeavor is, but it is certainly better and more efficient than any government system, for example, the Veterans Administration Health System. We do have to include any citizens who need and want health care.

The inefficiencies denied forever by progressives have been revealed in the last few years on a grand scale, indicating government-wide fraud, abuse and criminal, fiduciary, and political malfeasance.

The private US health care system has the best treatment outcomes in the world for major diseases. These were never considered when the World Health Organization put the US system at 37th in the world, as I recall. It considered how socialized your system was.

Your health care system is fast conforming to that model. Obamacare is failing on all accounts, including cost, efficiency, inclusion, and, I predict, health care outcomes will suffer from rationing (even covert rationing by decreasing numbers of hospital beds, providers, equipment, etc.), decreased choices for treatment, decreased research and development, and discouragement of individualized treatment.

As in business, doctors and hospitals are being further strangled with regulations, computerization (deprivatizing your health information), checking boxes, dotting “i”s and crossing “t”s. All this consumes time needed for patient care.

Nurses tell me they spend more time on computers and less with patients. Each hospital has a different system that has to be learned- time spent not “learning” about patients’ medical problems.

I hope you’re ready for Washington, DC, to be your doctor, because it’s all going to be the VA, now!

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